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1、Module 6Animals in Danger2021/8/211.reserve n.保护区,保护圈;储备(量),储保护区,保护圈;储备(量),储藏(量)藏(量)vt.预订;保留;储备预订;保留;储备归纳拓展(1)reserve sth. for sb.为某人保留某物reserve a room/table/seat预订房间/桌子/座位reserve the right to do sth.保留做某事的权利(2)keep sth. in reserve保留备用without reserve毫无保留地2021/8/22这些座位是留给老人和病人坐的。 你预订了我们的飞机票没有?她毫不保留地告

2、诉我有关这件事的一切。These seats are reserved for the old and the sick.Have you reserved our tickets for the plane?She told me all about it without reserve.2021/8/23Id prefer to _ my judgment until I know all the facts.A. survive B. preserve C. severe D. reserve【解析解析】reserve作及物动词,意为“保留,储备”。句意为:在了解全部事实之前,我不想发表

3、意见。【答案答案】D2021/8/24So Helen, are we going for that Chinese meal you promised me?Well, I kind of forgot to _, so well have to do French.A. consult B. order C. reserve D. confirm【解析解析】答句句意为“我忘了预订了,我们去吃法国风味的饭吧”。reserve“预定(房间、座位等)”。consult“商量,商议”;order“命令,定购”;confirm“确定,批准”。【答案答案】C2021/8/252.struggle n.

4、&v.挣扎,斗争,奋斗挣扎,斗争,奋斗归纳拓展(1)struggle to do sth.挣扎着干某事struggle/fight against 与斗争struggle /fight for 为争取而斗争struggle/fight with 和一起战斗struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来(2)carry on a struggle进行斗争in the struggle against在与的斗争中2021/8/26他与疾病抗争了许多年。他们挣扎着从燃烧着的车里往外爬。He has been struggling against illness for many years

5、.They were struggling to get out of the burning car.2021/8/27After he was knocked down by a bike, he was badly hurt and had to _ to his feet.A. stand B. struggle C. run D. sit【解析解析】考查固定短语struggle to ones feet “挣扎着站起来”。【答案答案】B2021/8/283.worth / worthy/ worthwhile这本书很值得一读。The book is well worth readin

6、g.=The book is very worthy of being read.=The book is very worthy to be read.=It is worthwhile reading the book.=It is worthwhile to read the book.2021/8/29Everything _ doing is worthy of _ well.A. worthy; being done B. worthy; doingC. worth; being done D. worth; doing【解析解析】空一考查be worth doing sth.“值

7、得做某事”;空二考查be worthy of being done“做是值得的”。句意为:每件值得做的事情都值得做好。【答案答案】C2021/8/210The Scientific Dictionary is _ $ 500.It is really _ for you youths.A. worthy; worth to readB. worth; worth readingC. worth; worthy to readD. worthy; worthy of reading【解析解析】考查be worth+表示价值的名词,意为“值多少钱”和be worth doing “某事值得做”。【

8、答案答案】B2021/8/ n.(某事发生的)准确地点;现场(某事发生的)准确地点;现场 v.发现,认出;点缀;弄脏发现,认出;点缀;弄脏归纳拓展(1)on the spot 当场,立即;在现场a scenic /historic spot 风景胜地/古迹weak spot 缺点(2)spot sb. doing sth.发现某人做某事spot a mistake 发现错误be spotted with sth.满是斑点2021/8/212几分钟之内,一辆救护车便赶到现场。夜晚的天空繁星点点。你能不能看出这两幅画有什么不同? An ambulance was on the s

9、pot within minutes.The night sky is spotted with stars.Can you spot the differences between these two pictures?2021/8/213His collar was _ with ink, so he wanted to have the coat _.A. spotting; washing B. spotted; washedC. spotting; washed D. spotted; washing【解析解析】考查“be spotted with sth.满是斑点”和“have s

10、th. done让/请某人做某事”两个短语。【答案答案】B2021/8/2145.wonder n.奇迹,奇观;惊讶,惊奇奇迹,奇观;惊讶,惊奇 v.想知道,纳闷,对想知道,纳闷,对感到疑惑;对感到疑惑;对感到惊感到惊奇奇(Its) no wonder (that).不足为奇,并不奇怪Its a wonder (that).令人惊奇的是wonder+wh-/how/if/whether (从句) wonder about sth. 对感到疑惑,考虑2021/8/215昨晚你喝了这么多酒,难怪你头痛。让人惊奇的是这么多年之后你还认得我。他们正考虑着下个月举行婚礼。 不知你可不可以帮我把这封信寄出

11、去。Its no wonder youve got a headache when you drank so much last night.Its a wonder you recognized me after all these years.They are wondering about getting married next month.I wondered/was wondering if you could post this letter for me.2021/8/216He was born and grew up in a remote mountain village

12、 in Shandong Province. _ he speaks English with a Shandong accent. A. No doubt B. No wonderC. No problem D. No way 【解析解析】句意为:他出生并生长在山东省的一个偏远的山村。难怪他说的英语带有一股山东口音。no doubt“毫无疑问”;no wonder“难怪”;no problem“没问题”;no way“没门”。根据句意,选B。 【答案答案】B2021/8/2176.focus n.集中点,焦点,调焦;兴趣或注意力集中点,焦点,调焦;兴趣或注意力的中心的中心vt.&vi.(使)

13、聚焦,(使)集中精力于(使)聚焦,(使)集中精力于归纳拓展(1)focus ones eyes/energy/mind/attention on sth. 把某人的眼神/精力/思想/注意力集中于某物(2)focus on/upon sth.(某人)把注意力集中于某物bring sth. into focus使成为关注的焦点the focus of attention/concern注意力/关注的焦点2021/8/218我们应集中精力工作。 我迅速把照相机对准人群中央的那个人。交通安全问题本周成为人们关注的焦点。We should focus our mind on work.I quickly

14、 focused the camera on the person in the middle of the group.The issue of traffic safety has been brought into focus this week.2021/8/219The action of the play is _ the struggle between the two women.A. centered on B. situated onC. located in D. focused on【解析解析】句意为:这出戏的情节主要集中在这两个女人的斗争上。focus on“集中于”

15、,符合题意。【答案答案】D2021/8/220短语短语1.stand for(指缩写或符号)是(指缩写或符号)是意思;代表意思;代表归纳拓展stand by 站到一边;让开;袖手旁观stand in line排队字母USA代表美国。 The letters USA stand for the United States of America.2021/8/2212.set up建立,建起;设立,设置;创建,开办建立,建起;设立,设置;创建,开办归纳拓展set out 启程,动身set out to do sth.=set about doing sth.开始/着手干某事set off 出发,动

16、身;使爆炸;引发set aside 留出,省出2021/8/222他们摆脱了全国联盟并成立了自己的地方组织。 爱迪生10岁就建立了他自己的化学实验室。他们动身踏上最后一段旅程。他们存出一些钱来以备急用。They broke away from the national union and set up their own local organization.Edison set up his own chemistry lab at ten.They set out on the last stage of their journey.They set aside some money fo

17、r emergency.2021/8/223For all these years I have been working for others. Im hoping Ill _ my own business some day.A. turn up B. fix upC. set up D. make up【解析解析】考查动词短语辨析。表示“创办”企业,用set up。turn up“出现,找到”;fix up“修理,解决”;make up“弥补,虚构”。句意为:这些年以来我一直为别人打工。我希望有朝一日可以创办自己的企业。【答案答案】C2021/8/224模块知识练习:1. Unsatis

18、fied _ with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.A. though was he B. though he wasC. he was though D. was he though 【解析解析】考查倒装句。在as, though引导的让步状语从句中,可以将从句中的表语提前,构成“表语+though/as+主语+”。句意为:虽然他对那份工作的报酬不满意,但是他为了学到一些工作经验还是接受了它。【答案答案】B2021/8/2252. _ he knew nothing about her.A. It

19、 seems that B. It seems as ifC. He seems that D. He seems as if【解析解析】考查“It seems as if.看上去好像”,从句用虚拟语气的用法。【答案答案】B2021/8/2263. The science of computer,_ rapid progress has been made in recent years, is the most important of all science.A. to which B. in whichC. with which D. from which【解析解析】根据句意,若将先行词

20、 the science of computer 置于定语从句中,即.rapid progress has been made in the science of computer.,可知先行词在从句中作地点状语,故应选 in which 来代替 in the science of computer。 【答案答案】B2021/8/2274. The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point _ he can walk correctly and safely.A. when B. where C. which D. whose【解析解析】先行词为 point,在此意为“阶段,地步,程度”。引导词在从句中作地点状语,所以用 where 引导定语从句。【答案答案】B2021/8/2282021/8/2292021/8/230部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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