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1、 Writing about a place1【写作任务写作任务】巴黎是法国的首都,也是一个梦幻般的城市,每年吸引世界各地大批游客来观光游巴黎是法国的首都,也是一个梦幻般的城市,每年吸引世界各地大批游客来观光游玩。请根据以下要点以玩。请根据以下要点以Paris为题用英语写一篇介绍巴黎的短文。为题用英语写一篇介绍巴黎的短文。内容要点如下:内容要点如下:1. 地理位置:法国北部;地理位置:法国北部;2. 人口:大约一千一百万;人口:大约一千一百万;3. 气候:不太热也不太冷,春秋天最好;气候:不太热也不太冷,春秋天最好;4. 基本情况:欧洲第二大城布。法国文化、教育、商业中心。时尚与浪漫之都,很基

2、本情况:欧洲第二大城布。法国文化、教育、商业中心。时尚与浪漫之都,很多重大活动在此举行。有悠久的历史和丰富的旅游资源。最著名的有艾菲尔铁塔多重大活动在此举行。有悠久的历史和丰富的旅游资源。最著名的有艾菲尔铁塔(the Eiffel Tower)、凯旋门、凯旋门the Triumphal Arch)和圣母院和圣母院 (Old Notre Dame)等。等。注意:注意:1) 不要逐条翻译,但是可增加细节,以使文章连贯、通顺;不要逐条翻译,但是可增加细节,以使文章连贯、通顺; 2) 词数:词数:120左右左右2根据写作提示,进行根据写作提示,进行适当总结和评论适当总结和评论。准确掌握表示方位的词或短

3、语准确掌握表示方位的词或短语注意说明顺序,详略得当,重点突出注意说明顺序,详略得当,重点突出主要采用主要采用一般现在时一般现在时注意行文的连贯性,要求用适量的注意行文的连贯性,要求用适量的过渡词过渡词。3【范文展示范文展示】Paris, a very beautiful city in the world , the capital of France, is located in the north of France. It has a population of about eleven million. It is the second largest city in Europe.

4、As for the weather, it never gets too hot or too cold. And it is at its best during the spring and autumn months.Paris is the culture, education, business center of France. It is a city of fashion and romance. So many important events have been held here. It is well known that Paris is a modern city

5、 with a long history and rich tour resources.There are so many places for people to visit. The most famous are the Eiffel Tower, the Triumphal Arch and Old Notre Dame.In a word, Paris is really a great and attractive city.4【思路指导思路指导】地方介绍类说明文地方介绍类说明文-旅游景点的描写旅游景点的描写客观介绍景点客观介绍景点locationareaclimatehisto

6、ryresident/ peoplenatural resourcesbreath-takingscenery51.介绍地理位置(介绍地理位置(Location)be located inbe situated inlie in坐落于坐落于脚下脚下/ /顶部顶部stands at the foot of/ on the top of 常用词语常用词语62.介绍人口(介绍人口(Population):has a population of, (a city) with a population of北京是中国的首都,是一个有北京是中国的首都,是一个有12001200多万人口的大城市。(用一句话)

7、多万人口的大城市。(用一句话)Beijing, the capital of China, is a large city with a population of over 12,000,000.73.介绍面积(介绍面积(Area)has/covers an area ofsquare kilometers(a city) with an area ofsquare kilometers城镇城镇 面积面积 100100多平方公里多平方公里Its a town with an area of over 100 square kilometers84.介绍历史(介绍历史(History):has

8、 a long history (of years)with a long history (of years)历史悠久历史悠久它是一个具有悠久历史的现代化城市。它是一个具有悠久历史的现代化城市。It is a modern city with a long history.95.介绍交通(介绍交通(Transportation)take a bus, a train or a plane togo to by bus/train/plane坐汽车、火车、飞机到坐汽车、火车、飞机到交通便利交通便利has convenient transportation(a city) with conven

9、ient transportation both on land and water106. 6. 名胜古迹名胜古迹有很多名胜古迹:有很多名胜古迹:places of interest/ historical spots承德是全国承德是全国24个历史文化名城之一,也是个历史文化名城之一,也是44个风景名胜之一。个风景名胜之一。Chengde City is not only one of the well-known 24 historical and cultural cities but also one of the 44 major scenic spots in China. 111

10、. , which is well-known/famous for breath-taking scenery, attracts millions of visitors from all over the world.2You can go on the tours to enjoy the sights, taste the local food, explore the lively nightlife and learn about its history and culture.3. is home to .Thus, a walk around is a feast for t

11、he mind as well as the eye.4You are sure to have a wonderful time in.5Few visitors leave the city feeling disappointed.12因尝试高级词汇和复杂句型出现的少量错误不扣分。因尝试高级词汇和复杂句型出现的少量错误不扣分。As far as I know , It is well-known to us all that It iswas that It iswas adj.n. for of sb. to do sth. so that too to with n. prep.v-

12、ing.v-ed., How adj.adv.subjectbe! Whatadj.n.subjectbe!教师点拨教师点拨13【模板展示】,averybeautifulcity/countryintheworld,islocatedin.Ithasapopulationofabout.Itisthesecondlargestin.Asfortheweather,it.Itiswellknownthatiswithalonghistoryandrichresources.Therearesomanyplacesforpeopletovisit.Themostfamousare,and.Inaw

13、ord,isreallyagreatandattractive.14Writing:WriteashortpassagetointroducetheWestLakeinHangzhouaccordingtosomekeywordsbelow.Hangzhoucapital of Zhejiang Province;old capital of six dynasties(六朝古都);The West Lake60 square kilometers area;well known both for its picturesque landscape(风景如画) and for cultural

14、 heritage wonderful ten-views of the West Lake(西湖十景)White Snake LegendXuxian and Bai Suzhen;a rainy day met on Duanqiao BridgeBai Suzhen borrowed an umbrella from Xuxian, the man she loved15HangzhouisthecapitalofZhejiangprovinceanditspolitical,economicandculturalcenter.ThecityofHangzhouliesinthesout


16、icnic.Whatagoodtimetheyhave!sincethepoliticsofthereformingandopeningwerecarriedoutbythegovernmentofHangzhou,plentyoftallbuildingshavebeensetupandgreatchangeshavetakenplaceinthiscity.杭州16EnlargementWest Lake (in Hangzhou)西湖是我国著名的旅游胜地,被誉为西湖是我国著名的旅游胜地,被誉为“人间天堂人间天堂”。西湖景区由一山(孤山。西湖景区由一山(孤山)、两堤(苏堤、白堤)、三岛(阮






22、snoexception.Althoughtheflowershavetothank,butthelakebottomisclear,theplumblossominfullbloomisverybeautiful;snow,snow-wrapped,theedgeoftheembankmentinthecheerfulchildrensplay,laughter,thesoundXuefei,theco-Together,turnedintoabeautifulsymphony.Ah!WestLake!Youreabright,brightpearlyou!U.S.West19You can refer to my e-class.20



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