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1、Lesson 24 It could be worseA story about honest18世纪英国的一位有钱的绅士,一天深夜他走在回家的路上,被一个衣衫褴褛的小男孩儿拦住了。“先生,请您买一包火柴吧”,小男孩儿说道。“我不买”。绅士回答说。说着绅士躲开男孩儿继续走,“先生,请您买一包吧,我今天还什么东西也没有吃呢”小男孩儿追上来说。绅士看到躲不开男孩儿,便说:“可是我没有零钱呀”,“先生,你先拿上火柴,我去给你换零钱”。说完男孩儿拿着绅士给的一个英镑快步跑走了,绅士等了很久,男孩儿仍然没有回来,绅士无奈地回家了。 第二天,绅士正在自己的办公室工作,仆人说来了一个男孩儿要求面见绅士。于是

2、男孩儿被叫了进来,这个男孩儿比卖火柴的男孩儿矮了一些,穿的更破烂。“先生,对不起了,我的哥哥让我给您把零钱送来了”“你的哥哥呢?”绅士道。“我的哥哥在换完零钱回来找你的路上被马车撞成重伤了,在家躺着呢”,绅士深深地被小男孩儿的诚信所感动。“走!我们去看你的哥哥!”去了男孩儿的家一看,家里只有两个男孩的继母在招呼受到重伤的男孩儿。一见绅士,男孩连忙说:“对不起,我没有给您按时把零钱送回去,失信了!”绅士却被男孩的诚信深深打动了。当他了解到两个男孩儿的亲父母都双亡时,毅然决定把他们生活所需要的一切都承担起来。 2Look at the pictures and say something abou

3、t each of themtell the story in EnglishDo you think honesty is an important factor for people to be successful?PracticingPracticingThinkingThinkingWarming-up3 New Words4manager mnd(r) n . 经理经理 manage v . 经营,管理manage to do 设法做成功 Hemanagedtofinishhisworkontime.Tommanagedtosavethegirlintime.5upset pset

4、adj . 不安的, 心烦意乱的 be upset over/ about He was upset about her illness . v . 使心烦意乱例 upset upset upset sb The news upset me a lot . 6sympathetic smpetkadj . 表示同情的 Doctors should be sympathetic with the patients. sympathy n . 同情show sympathy to sb向某人表示同情7Complain kmplen v.v.抱怨抱怨complain about (to sb.) 向

5、某人抱怨 Dont complain about the weather.I complained to my boss about my salary. people complained to the police about the noise from that factory.8Contain knten v.v.包含包含 Sea water contains salt . 海水含有盐。container n . 容器; 集装箱 The bag contains books. 9honesty nsti n.n.诚实诚实Honestyisavirtue.诚实是一种美德honest a

6、dj . 诚实的, 正直的honestly adv . 诚实地10Listen and answer1.HowmuchmoneyhadIlost?2.Whocameinwiththemoney?3.Hadthewritersmoneybeenstolen?11I entered the hotel managers office and sat down. I had just lost $50 and I felt very upset. I left the money in my room, I said, and its not there now. The manager was s

7、ympathetic, but he could do nothing. Everyones losing money these days, he said. He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door. A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk. It contained $50. I found this outside this gentlemans room, she said. Well, I s

8、aid to the manager, there is still some honesty in this world!122. Did the writers money been stolen? 1.Why did the writer feel upset? 1.Why did the writer feel upset?Questions about the text132、I had just lost $50 and I felt very upset.losevt.遗失,丢失(宾语一般为钱物)Dontloseyourkey.feel+形容词一般指心情“觉得,感觉到”feelu

9、pset心烦意乱,很苦恼3、The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing.coulddonothing=coulddonothingaboutit对此事无能为力Icoulddonothingtohelpyou.我没有办法帮你,我无能为力Canyouhelpme?Sorry,Icoulddonothingforyou./Certainly.Ofcouse.Itsmypleasure.4、Everyones losing money these days, he said.days可以指“时期,时代”,如inhisboyhooddays(

10、在他的童年时代)。thesedays指“现今”用进行时态取代一般现在时,在英文是一种修辞方法,表示不满,一种感情。5、He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.starttodosth.=startdoingsth.开始做某事,两者无区别aknockatthedoor(敲门声)knockatthedoor(敲门,指动作)6、A girl came in and put an envelope on the desk.=Agirlcameinwithanenvelopeandputitonthedesk.Multiplechoicequestions1-b2-a3-a4-c5-a6-a7-c8-c9-c10-b11-a12-b 20The End21



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