高考英语完形填空训练与解题方法 y1

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1、高考英语高考英语完型填空训练与解题完型填空训练与解题方法方法一一. .高中英语课标要求高中英语课标要求用英语进行恰当交流的能力;用英语进行恰当交流的能力;用英语获取信息和处理信息的能力;用英语获取信息和处理信息的能力;用英语进行思维的能力。用英语进行思维的能力。综合语言运用能力综合语言运用能力情感态度情感态度学习策略学习策略语言技能语言技能语言知识语言知识文化意识文化意识完型填空考查的重点完型填空考查的重点1.1.主旨把握能力主旨把握能力2.2.逻辑思维能力逻辑思维能力3.3.语言运用能力语言运用能力二二. .完型填空训练解题策略完型填空训练解题策略( (一一) )把握文章的题材把握文章的题材

2、江苏近四年高考完型填空题材江苏近四年高考完型填空题材试卷名称试卷名称题材题材要领要领20042004年年材料与主材料与主题型题型以提供的材料为事实依据来以提供的材料为事实依据来阐述某个看法和观点。阐述某个看法和观点。20052005年年话题型话题型通过叙事来说明作者的情感、通过叙事来说明作者的情感、意志和态度。意志和态度。20062006年年话题型话题型通过叙事来说明作者的情感、通过叙事来说明作者的情感、意志和态度。意志和态度。20072007年年夹叙夹议夹叙夹议通过叙事来说明主题。通过叙事来说明主题。( (二二).).夯实语言基础夯实语言基础序序号号试卷名试卷名称称动动词词名名词词形容形容词

3、词副词副词 介词介词连连词词代代词词12004年年736202022005年年645302032006年年762111242007年年555235汇汇 总总2518188182近四年江苏省高考完形填空词性分布近四年江苏省高考完形填空词性分布江苏省江苏省20072007年英语高考完型填空年英语高考完型填空所考查的要点:所考查的要点:上下上下文理文理解解逻辑逻辑推理推理词义词义基本基本常识常识语法语法知识知识固定固定词组词组3 33 38 82 23 31 1做完型填空的不良习惯做完型填空的不良习惯存在浮躁心理存在浮躁心理做题方法不当做题方法不当语言基本功不扎实语言基本功不扎实20072007年完

4、型填空错题分析年完型填空错题分析(江苏高考卷)(江苏高考卷)题号题号类型类型选错人数选错人数3636上下文上下文37374747上下文上下文27274646词义词义16164949词义词义12125353词义词义1515 Carolyn Stradley is the founder of C&B Paving Inc. (铺路公司铺路公司) in Atlanta, USA. In the following account, she recalls the job that challenged her_and skill but left her flying high.(2007江苏高考

5、卷江苏高考卷)36.A.kindness B. patience C. imagination D. experience Working at night needed lights, so I rented a machine to produce electricity for the site. Our_challenge was to keep the rock mixture _enough.47. A. next B. first C. past D. previous 48. A. cold B. wet C. loose D. cleanThose ten days were

6、 filled with challenges that _ one creative idea after another.53. A. required B. mixed C. followed D. formed(47)(48)(53)完型填空做题训练方法完型填空做题训练方法“三抓三抓”: : 1. 1.抓主旨大意抓主旨大意 2.2.抓首尾段意抓首尾段意 3.3.抓关键词义抓关键词义“四训练四训练”: : 1. 1.训练上下文推知能力训练上下文推知能力 2.2.训练捕捉背景知识能力训练捕捉背景知识能力 3.3.训练词义辨析的能力训练词义辨析的能力 4.4.训练逻辑思维的能力训练逻辑思维的

7、能力1.1.抓抓 主主 旨旨 大大 意意 Never once has Kyle thought of_, because the smiles of the kids are too important. “Basically, the entire feeling that you get is very _,” he explains. (市期市期统测) 51.A. quitting B. regretting C. continuing D .designing 52.A. curious B. astonishing C. rewarding D. precious方法指导方法指导:

8、 :通读全文通读全文, ,领会大意领会大意2.2.抓抓 首首 尾尾 段段 意意 On May 27.1995,our life was suddenly changed.(2005江江苏高考卷高考卷) I know I should have told the headmaster at the time. Whatever it was, it has become a good example of how a little mistake can trap you a more serious moral corner. (2006江江苏高考卷高考卷)That was my real_.

9、36.A. plan B. fault C. grade D. luck方法指导方法指导: :紧扣主题紧扣主题, , 上下贯通上下贯通。3.3.抓抓 关关 键键 词词 义义两两类词义(1)围绕主旨所主旨所选用的用的词:如如:In the following account, she recalls the job that challenge herOur next challenge was to keep the rock mixture wetThose ten days were filled with challenges that (2007江江苏高考卷高考卷)(2) (2) 在语

10、境中选用的词在语境中选用的词In his absence, I looked to see_ was on his desk. In the_ was a small piece of paper (2006江江苏高考卷高考卷)38. A.this B. which C. that D.what39.A. drawer B.corner C. middle D. box方法指导方法指导: : 瞻前顾后瞻前顾后, , 分析对比。分析对比。“四训练四训练” 1.1.训练上下文推知能力训练上下文推知能力1.Travelling west, you set your clock ; traveling

11、 east ,you set it ahead. A behind B. forward C. back D. ahead2. Many old people dont have good .They cant watch TV, but they can listen to the music.A. hearing B. health C. eyesight D. time3. Many Africans are very and so they cant afford to eat much meat with their cereal. A healthy B. poor C. rich

12、 D .weak2.2.训练捕捉背景知识能力训练捕捉背景知识能力1.In the summer vacation of 1997 , I was fixed with a job . I worked as a(n) _at Mr. Breens fruit shop. A .operator B . assistant C .waiter D. secretary2 There,1345 feet above the street ,a _ figure was walking on air. A. great B. strange C. public D. tiny3 It was an

13、early morning in summer . In the street , sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their _. A .homes B. houses C. restaurants D. offices3.3.训练词义辨析的能力训练词义辨析的能力1. Soon I heard a_ like that of a door burst in , and then a climb of feet. A. sound B. cry C. voice D. noise2. It was a pleasa

14、nt way of passing time for an old man who lived _. A. lonely B . alone C. away D. busily 3. The back door and the windows were all closed and there was no_ of forced entry.A .scene B . show C. sign D .sight4.4.训练逻辑思维的能力训练逻辑思维的能力 (1).The obvious explanation is that I couldnt admit I had seen the titl

15、e (54) admitting that I had been looking at the things on his desk. (55) there must have been more behind it. (2006江江苏高高考考试卷)卷) 54. A. by B. beside C. through D. without 55. A. But B. Though C. Otherwise D. Therefore (2). It was taking up a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave

16、 me a choice ; stay in school 47 leave to work on my magazine.47. A. besides B. but C. and D. or(3). and the officers then began to eat their meal , saying that the mushrooms had a very strange 38 quite pleasant taste.38. A. besides B. but C. and D. or(4). A transistor radio is sometimes very small.

17、 It is very easy to carry 48 , radio broadcasts are better for blind people.48. A. Besides B. However C. Yet D. Sometimes(5).They are some of the poorest people in They are some of the poorest people in a poverty stricken country.a poverty stricken country. 53 , now they , now they have an extra sou

18、rce of incomehave an extra source of income . . 53. A. But B. And C. However D. ThereforePractice 1.(天津试卷天津试卷) Having left the town, the girl stopped the car at the landing near the entrance of the bay (海湾)(海湾).She stepped into the 16 and rowed out silently .The lights of the town became 31 .16. A.

19、car B. boat C. ship D. sail31. A. brighter B. bigger C. closer D. smallerExercise 2(北京试卷) Now he can no longer walk and he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even talking is (1). One night , I went to visit him with my sister. We started (2) about life, and I told them about one of my (3 ).I said

20、that we must very often give things up (4) we grow-our youth, our beauty, our friends-but it always (5) that after we give something up, we gain something in its place. 1. A. impossible B. difficult C. stressful D. hopeless2. A. worrying B .caring C. talking D. asking3. A. decisions B. experiences C. ambitions D. beliefs4. A. as B. since C. before D. till5. A. suggests B. promises C. seems D. requires 做做 题题 步步 骤骤 1. 1.“见林不见树见林不见树” (1)(1)通读全文通读全文 领会大意领会大意 2.2.“见林又见树见林又见树” (2)(2)紧扣主题紧扣主题 分析对比分析对比 初选答案初选答案 (3)(3)通读全文通读全文 核对答案核对答案Thank you for your attention!



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