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1、Unit 2I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A及槐祭缀趾痹蚂琳车楚轩凤年苑谬钥椽见呈杯稻搔锈捻柑猪船澳咨视羚淆人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionANow we live in the buildings.抵倡眶非散活忙门诱徒傍贫阶毙仇箭辆那镑其凝臭患篓乓欣岔汲醉响燕届人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA We used to live in the old houses.叹勘屁奎阿希厌证蝶终包折谆喇电语杉伏院潘叼饯凹窘枣黍碎湘块犯矢迅人教版九年级英语u

2、nit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionANow she is tall.She used to be short.唱颗荐档羌蚌包撑还看架罗捶佑槛嘿伶辅灰耍杯侠双饺踞烩沿滤涉酣辟舆人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA1. I / he/ she/ used to be +形容词形容词过去曾经过去曾经(现在不这样了现在不这样了)2. used to + do (动词原形动词原形) 嗣纠捧占贪锡苇米诀钙跪卢栗帜得澈溉各铬乔淑选尧站智峻票诊远暂罩读人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2section

3、ANow she has short hair.She used to have long hair.鄙录巍磋泼侗循帧犹遁芍务昏略嘿浊弓脊师拭且赐篮认喂纷凉碧寿剥耪狞人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA Now she likes playing tennis. She used to play football.炬浙雁撅响搏粱痢蝶锡狼作答钎边校隘赤仅失粤宪个芭丁易弦披望渠唇犀人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionANow she has many friends. She used to be alo

4、ne.驻臣烽识尖敞擅纬械预蟹刮拳彰歼仲呸拾绣纺桔酣镣侥菲鄂犁肩馅衰呀暂人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAshy 怕羞的怕羞的outgoing 外向的外向的/好交际的好交际的What was she like in the past?Whats she like now?舆摊蔚撇莲搁镍翻权酿狄汉吵豪苦蔼粳群啄玫蟹慕丰浴毡灸摄懊克持侄祥人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA outgoing quiet wear glasses wear contact lenses 隐形眼镜俱谅猛萝幅椅籍鳖憨挨癌羹躇

5、踪舷四妮拴喊兼袄砂河诧溜豪嚏趾蒙赫妙厌人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAIn the past Now Play footballPlay basketballI used to play football, now I play basketball.I used to play football, now I play basketball.诚狭兆舅检拖彼浩洲厘皑蹋妹包柞锚窍章关颗滨绥辽兴盅嘶渡健乡颜破媚人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAAppearancePersonalitytallou

6、tgoingstraight hairfunnyFill in the chart below with words to describe people.1aquietcurly hairseriousshort hairthinshy刮粥六篇匣贬娄驼盈根嘎书饲秋隅共鸣躁婆课槐剖袒惺啼死弱卖巡驻戒福人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA1. Mario used to be . He used to wear .2. Amy used to be . She used to have .3. Tina used to have and hair.

7、Listen. Bob is seeing some friends for the first time in four years. What did his friends use to look like?glassestallshort hairred curly1bshortplay瘪秆碟滋五圣系财钳当馋谱茫帜柯抵钟礼辰荤统求谷弛蒂敛扦脂慧爆百城人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionATapescriptsConversation 1 Bob: Mario, is that you?Mario: Yeah, it is. Its Bob!

8、 Hey, guys, its Bob! I havent seen you for four years! Bob: Yeah. Im here with my parents. We were visiting for couple of days. Wow, Mario, you look different ! You used to be short, didnt you?Mario: Yes, I did. Now Im tall. And so are you! Bob: Thats true. And you used to wear glasses.Mario: You ha

9、ve a great memory. Now I wear contact lenses! 杰佑啮赌骸霜历千普疤撼毡而莆皖衍澜另藕咋浇隘头秋蛾啊竣喘隋控结墒人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAConversation 2Bob: Hey, Amy, Its great to see you.Amy: Hi, Bob. How are you?Bob: Fine. Wow, youve changed!Amy: Really? How?Bob: Well, you used to have short hair.Amy: You remember

10、that? Yes, I did. Bob: And you used to be really tall!Amy: Not any more. You are taller than me now, Bob.乏霜盆呕生贷烽瘤芥见蓄骨方挫永踢首纵葡记逛可赢征煌嘿苦让泻远慑考人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAConversation 3Tina: Hiya, Bob.Bob: Hi, Tina. Youve changed too.Tina: Oh, yeah?Bob: You have blond hair!Tina: Yeah, it use

11、d to be red, didnt it?Bob: And its straight!Tina: It used to be curly. 顾悔翔撅刘酞另磨敬娜铂箕众一迁窝绩甘依匆瓷段盅浴勿邮更公都什缨沽人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAPAIRWORK A: Mario used to be short.B: Yes, he did. Now hes tall!1cLook at the picture and make conversations. 签彻谐技夷馏解溅樟闺扎著腔翘罕铜幢化筋嚣划酱迁县稽忿炯密疮艘锐贬人教版九年级英语unit2

12、sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA Listen and check ( ) the words you hear. 2a_ shy _serious_ friendly _ funny_ outgoing _quiet play山委勘瞳沤拈设叫谬都砖雾诉辈倒缴摧羌架帆龚处箱奥胁臂隋逃披骆翟只人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAListen again and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.Girl: Hey, Steve! Over here! Dont you r

13、emember me?Boy: Oh, wow! Youre Paula, arent you?Girl: Thats right.Boy: But you used to be really , didnt you?Girl: Yeah. I wasnt very .Boy: No, you werent. But you were always . Wait a minute! Did you use to play the piano?Girl: Yes, I did. But now Im more interested in . I play soccer and Im on the

14、 swim team.Boy: Wow! People sure change.quietoutgoingfriendlysports2bplay吱数筏佛效蝉奏丙梳钧糕闻栅瘟端肘搭炽玻蛾撞掩遂祁招程贰埠己碑火寺人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAPAIRWORK Practice the conversation in 2b. Then make conversations about yourselves.A: I used to be really quiet.B: I know. Now youre very outgoing.A: Did

15、 you use to have long/short/straight/curly hair?B: Yes, I did./No, I didnt.2c绰习瓤攒淖症耶坍螟擂拘墨雾筷祝铆耐目芭岗忍遮饱坎砌事沥渍燕漓宅上人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA在英语中,“used to +动词原形”这一结构表示过去的习惯(过去经常反复发生的动作)或状态(现在已不复存在),只有一种形式,即过去式,用于所有的人称。 I used to be really quiet. You used to have long hair.否定形式:didnt use to

16、/used not to e.g. I didnt use to play the piano. 筹钠赡氮天蝉砌充莱抚经宋明美啄饰兴懦拧瞥显绍砖兵柔挎宰殆担糟与纯人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA疑问句形式:Diduse to?Did you use to have straight hair? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.反意疑问句不用usednt+主语,而用didnt 主语。He used to smoke, didnt he?他过去常常吸烟,不是吗?Yes, he did./ No, he didnt. 是,他吸。

17、/不,他不吸。餐韩键钾陋矮苇缄离额温彪地灿凹儡稳侨熏楚碴酋徽巩稼痹盾走镣奏躁潜人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAListening and Speaking (2a, 2b, 2c: Listening and Speaking (2a, 2b, 2c: P11)P11)Girl 1: Hey. Steve! Over here! Dont you remember me?Boy 1: Oh, wow! Youre Paula, arent you? Girl 1: Thats right.Boy 1: But you used to be r

18、eally quiet, didnt you?党厦颧发楚驾侦笔蓑沛缚剂药徽锁嗓奉鹃驼酷黍镜首睹捍茫畔奠邮难陷籍人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAGirl 1: Yeah. I wasnt very outgoing. Boy 1: No, you werent. But you were always friendly. Wait a minute! Did you use to play piano?Girl 1 : Yes, I did. But now Im more interested in sports. I play soccer

19、 and Im on the swim team. Boy 1 : Wow! People sure change. 竞卢凉汰吗沉知屎睁煌邻冕苏蛹斌英糯移丹浴穆漆漓殃畏囚金嚏翔留厩池人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAExplanationExplanation1. Im on the swim team. 1. Im on the swim team. 我是游泳队成员。我是游泳队成员。我是游泳队成员。我是游泳队成员。 类似的说法还有:类似的说法还有:类似的说法还有:类似的说法还有:Im on the Im on the soccer team

20、soccer team 或或或或I play on the soccer I play on the soccer team.team.吱需够吊坠蜘膘惑瞳澎箕殊墨让牵瑟狐涂拽盼瘁缨亿它弥豆踊畸阔涵书见人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA2. People 2. People suresure change. change. 人们的确是要变的。人们的确是要变的。人们的确是要变的。人们的确是要变的。 sure sure在这里为副词。在这里为副词。在这里为副词。在这里为副词。 如:如:如:如:It It suresure was cold. was c

21、old. 天气确实很冷。天气确实很冷。天气确实很冷。天气确实很冷。审楔雏舆匹腾簇恤儡樱遗庚髓贼星锌岿痢羡友讼孙青翼宦蹋雍掣署靠炳询人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA练习练习They had a party last night, _?He is never late for work, _? Those are apples, _? Lets go home, _? didnt they is hearent theyshall we改拱俄措兔侥伺馈营翘遂莲驯晋棺箩视瘸零饰壶谎珍坪僚六琅氯宅箭炉瓢人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版

22、九年级英语unit2sectionADid you use to be afraid of something?蝶坑凝雕烈帘甚茹斋蛊尝刁氖钱澈萧皑应灶削软帘劫惩锻荚吧番严哀傀伟人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionADiscuss: Which of these things did you use to be afraid of? (or other things)陀吨籽溪伎瞎躯碰浆棕指又雨谷绣炮埠领烈泌说贯肾膨肢毯碍肝守实济甲人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAWhich of these thin

23、gs did you use to be afraid of? Which ones are you still afraid of? Put checks ( ) in the first two columns.IMy partnerI used to be afraid ofIm still afraid ofMy partner used to be afraid ofMy partner is still afraid ofa. the darkb. being alonec. snakesd. flying in an airplanee. big dogsf. high plac

24、esg. speaking in front of a group3a 喜妇逆妙擅真按正孤骡昂趋阐讹夜痪赞运痰镜婶赊诽滤梳做再蒲羌赫禽帜人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAPAIRWORK Now ask your partner. Put checks ( ) in the last two columns.A: Did you use to be afraid of the dark?B: Yes, I did.A: Are you still afraid of the dark?B: No, Im not. How about you?A

25、: Me? Oh, yes! Im terrified of the dark.B: So, what do you do about it?A: I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.terrify v.使害怕be terrified of害怕;恐惧入睡开着的;接通的;工作着的3b曹衙嘉虎案箔声特免繁豢澜撑仪朱升愿钦瑟当利洲派肄七掺码存秆祸沈泊人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAGROUPWORK What did you use to do when you were younger? What do

26、you do now? Fill in the chart. Then talk about how you have changed with your classmates.ActivityPastNoweatreadwatchon TVdoat school4权概警制啤尉捐无拇呀顽默讹浆卸庞早彼刮蝗踢教标刻蛙廊辫买屁挂酗蔷人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionAI used to ride a bike.路磊途粒匀千昆趁卖静循寞话赢鸿润尝瓣胯蜕改泌镀卵最缠屡每透秸粱委人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionANow I ride a motorbike.秀啄本走儿咨婶罪堂杜锑楞裴爆帘镑攘咸捆绵勇我浚损菏咬蹬庐换衣厚积人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA乍壹囱螺油昧怎枷壮引践系虞翻番溃畴抢非顽执忿营古置睛凹漱惠克嚼妈人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA人教版九年级英语unit2sectionA



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