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1、Study skillsUnit 8 FashionStudy skillsUnit 8 Fashion如何划分音节:如何划分音节:英语单词是由字母组成的,而字母又构成音节,音节的核心是元音,有几个元音就有几个音节。根据单词所含的音节,把单词分为单音节词、双音节词和多音节词。下面给大家介绍几种如何划分音节的方法:一个元音字母一个音节例外:1) 元音字母组合是一个音节feet; beat; boat 2) 词尾的e如果不发音不算音节wake; take; date2. 两个元音字母之间的辅音字母划分音节时遵循:一靠后,二分手,多个中间偏左右,常见组合要遵守。词尾看e加音节,发音不发分两种,双字相

2、连不连手。 如何划分音节:英语单词是由字母组成的,而字母又构成音节,音节 一靠后: 当两个元音字母之间有一个辅音字母时,一般把它划分给后面的音节当头。solidso/lidbasicba/sicnativena/tive 二分手: 当两个元音字母之间有两个辅音字母时,一般把它们分开,一边一个.sentencesen/tenceunderun/der 多个中间偏左右:当两个元音字母之间有三个以上辅音字母时,中间的辅音字母要么划分给前面的音节当尾,要么划分给后面的音节当头。umbrellaum/brel/la 一靠后: 当两个元音字母之间有一个辅音字母时 常见组合要遵守:英语里有一些字母常常组合在

3、一起,但它们不像固定组合字母那样发一个音,而是各发各的音,如pr, pl, fr, cl, sp, st, sk, scr, gr等等,这类组合字母在划分音节时一般不拆开,把它们划分在一起,尊重它们的常见组合习惯。replyre/plyrespectre/spectregretre/gret 常见组合要遵守:英语里有一些字母常常组合在一起,但它们不像词尾看e加音节,发音不发分两种:单词尾加er、est、ing等第一个元音字母肯定发音的词尾时,通常增加一个音节,并且把单词尾的辅音字母“抢”过来当音节头。单词尾加s, es, d, ed这四个词尾时,要看e增加音节。若e需要发音间隔则增加一个音节;

4、若e不需要发音间隔则不增加音节。s, x, z, ch, sh连es时,因为e两边的字母发音相同或太相近,需要e发i来间隔,并增加音节;t,d连ed时,也因为e两边的字母发音相同或太相近,需要e发i来间隔,并增加音节。其他情况下e不发音,不增加音节。 增加音节:watches; boxes; ashes; languages; faded; founded; seated不增加音节:books; rooms; rabbits; watched; considered; talked 词尾看e加音节,发音不发分两种:单词尾加er、est、ing 双字相连不连手:英语里有很多单词是由两个单词连起来

5、构成的,如rest-room, it-self,how-ever这种情况下两个单词一般分开发音,不合并。若两个单词的头尾相接字母是字母表里的固定组合字母,一般也要拆开发音,不合并。 双字相连不连手:英语里有很多单词是由两个单词连起来构成的,Find out the vowels/ e / e / c / u /How many syllables are the words in the boxes?/ i /Find out the vowels/ e / e /The phonetic symbols and syllables in each word silk heavy anyone

6、/ silk /hevi /eniw n /silkheavyanyoneThe phonetic symbols and syllaA. Listen carefully to the words and pay attention to the number of syllables in each word.A. Listen carefully to the woronetwotwoonetwothreethreethreeonetwotwoonetwothreethreethreePractice: Read the words and clap your hands to show

7、 the syllables.fashion lazy tie show pink hope colourful cool cotton young wool leather silk also style smart modern trainer comfortable suit match jumper shorts heavyPractice: Read the words and special footballmodern weekendchildren presentC. Work in pairs.Match the syllables to make six two-sylla

8、ble words. Then practise saying the words.speweekchilcialernpresdrenfootmodendballent special footballmodern weekenD. Listen to the singular and plural forms of the words below.tick (P P) the box if you hear an extra syllable in the plural form.P PP PP PP PP PD. Listen to the singular and Group work

9、: How many syllables are there in these words? Each student speak out one syllable.idea pretty invite congratulation free biscuit grandpa luck health power hamburger water round overall potato carry soup information change juice person neighbor excited firework sheep sugar bread midnightGroup work: How many syllablesHomework1.Read the words in the worldlist and find how 1.Read the words in the worldlist and find how many syllables each of them has. many syllables each of them has.2.Preview the next period.2.Preview the next period.Homework1.Read the words in th



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