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1、课文回顾课文回顾1.A: Excuse me, is there a bank near here? B: Yes. Go up this street _(到尽头), and you will find it _(在你的左边).2.A: Excuse me, _(怎么)can I get to the bookstore? B: _(顺着) Xinhua Street and _(向左拐)at the first crossing. _(穿过) the bridge. Its about _(100米)along on the right. one hundred meters Go acr

2、ossturn leftGo alongHowon your left to the end课文回顾A: Excuse me, is there a b3. A: Excuse me, _(哪一个)is the best way to the post office? B: Sorry, I dont know. Im _(新来的)here. A: Thank you _(仍然). 课文回顾课文回顾 which new all the same3. A: Excuse me, _(哪一个1.走到这条街的尽头。 Go up this street to the end.2.在第一个十字路口处向左

3、拐。 Turn left at the first crossing.3. 穿过桥并向右拐。 Go across the bridge and turn right. 课文回顾课文回顾走到这条街的尽头。课文回顾1.A: Excuse me, _(在哪里) is Anli Road? B: Its about_(15千米远) from here. First, you need to _(乘坐) Bus No. 718. Then you should _(换乘) to the No. 108 bus at Anzhen Bridge. It will _(带你去那儿). A: Thank yo

4、u very much. 课文回顾课文回顾where15 kilometers awaytakechangetake you thereA: Excuse me, _(在哪里) is A1.A: Excuse me, could you tell me the _(路) to Dinghao Building? B: Go along this road _(直到)you get to Beisihuan Road. Turn left and _(继续走). Youll see it _(在你的左边). You cant _(错过)it. 课文回顾课文回顾wayuntil walk on o

5、n your leftmissA: Excuse me, could you tell m Keep Safe on the Streets Every year many people _(受伤) or _(失去生命) in _(交通事故). How can we _(保持安全) when we are walking near the roads? First, we must _(遵守交通规则). We must _(过马路) only when we see the green walk sign. 课文回顾课文回顾 get hurt lose their lives traffic

6、accidents keep safe obey the traffic rules cross the road Keep Sa Second, _(在之前)we cross the street, we must _(停止) and _(向两边看)-look left, look right and look left again. Third, we must never_(在街上玩耍). Last, its good to help children and old people cross the road. All of us should be very _(小心的) when

7、we are walking near traffic. careful play on the street look both ways stop before Second, _(在之前)we cros No parking. Dont play on the street. Be careful! keep quiet be late for traffic accident get hurt 1. 祈使句祈使句:2. 固定短语固定短语保持安静保持安静迟到迟到交通事故交通事故受伤受伤 No parking. keep quie lose ones life obey the traff

8、ic rules cross the road Its good to lose ones life obey the traffic rules cross the road Its good to wait for 遵守交通规则遵守交通规则过马路过马路失去生命失去生命是好的。是好的。2. 固定短语固定短语等待等待 lose ones life lose sidewalkcrosswalkpublic phonetraffic lightsAnything else?Things on the streetsidewalkcrosswalkpublic phonet1. Turn left4

9、. Turn right5. Go straight2. No right turn3. No left turn6. No parking9. Parking7. No U-turn8. Crosswalk10. DangerSigns on the road1. Turn left4. Turn right5. GoMore signsSlow downDont drive after drinking !More signsSlow downDont drive1. Could you tell me _the bus station? A. way to B. the ways C.

10、the way to D. the ways to2. She _take the No.1 bus to the library. A. need to B. needs C. needs to D. need3. Go straight and turn _. Youll find the hotel. A. to right B. right C. the right D. on the right4. _, is there a library near here? _, I dont know. A. Excuse me; Im sorry B. Im sorry; Excuse m

11、e C. Excuse me; Excuse me D. Sorry; sorry5. The park is 200 kilometers _here. A. far B. (away )from C. far away D. away 单项选择1. Could you tell me _the b6. When we see_, we cant park our cars here.7. -Excuse me, how can I get to the post office? -Sorry, I dont know. -Thank you _. A. very much B. the s

12、ame C. a lot D. all the sameA. B. C. p p 单项选择D.6. When we see_, we cant p(A)根根据据句句意意及及首首字字母母提提示示,在在空空白白处处填填入入适适当当的的单单词词。51.Jims bedroom is on the first f _ .52.At school we must obey the school r _ .53.There are twelve m _ in a year.54.When the traffic l _ are red, you must stop.55.Go along this roa

13、d u _ you get to the end of the road.51.floor 52.rules 53.months 54.lights 55.until (A)根据句意及首字母提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。51.f(B)从从方方框框中中选选择择适适当当的的单单词词或或短短语语,并并用用其其适适当当形形式填空。式填空。56.They have two _ for the film(电电影影).57.My leg _ , so I cant go now.58.Ill get someone _ your bike right now.59.Turn left at the _ st

14、reet. Youll find it at the end of the street.60._ the books, please.check, three, ticket, hurt, put away56.tickets 57.hurts 58.to check 59.third 60.put away(B)从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,并用其适当形式填空。ch根据句意及根据句意及汉语汉语提示,完成下列句子。提示,完成下列句子。61.Excuse me, wheres the restaurant? _ _ (一一直直往往前前走走), youll find it on your lef

15、t.62.There are many _ _ (公公共共电电话话) in the street.63.Mr. Jones lives _ _ (靠靠近近,挨挨着着) Mr. Ring.64.There is _ _ _ (有有毛毛病病) my bike. Can you check it?65.We must _ _ (保持安静保持安静) in the library.Go straightpublic phonesnext to something wrong withkeep quiet根据句意及汉语提示,完成下列句子。Go straightpu期中考试期中考试小试牛角小试牛角期中考试.

16、单项选择。(单项选择。(15分)分)( )1. _ does your mother usually go to the office?By bus.A.WhereB.WhatC.HowD.When( )2.Hi, Lily. Happy New Year! _ A.Thank you. B.Yes. C.Certainly. D.The same to you.( )3.Whats your favorite subject? _ Because its easy and interesting.A.Toys.B.Math.C.T-shirt.D.E-mail.单项选择。(15分)( )4.

17、Look! The students _ the classroom.A.cleanB.are cleaningC.are clean D.cleaning( )5.The sign means “ _.”A.No parkingB.No U-turnC.No left turnD.No right turn( )6.How many _ are there in your class?About 63.A.childsB.childrens C.children D.child( )4.Look! The students _( )7. _ do you _ English?I like i

18、t very much.A.How; think of B.What; likeC.How; like aboutD.What; think of( )8.Physics _ my favorite subject because its interesting.A.are B.is C.beD.do( )9. _ do you have an art lesson?Twice a month.A.How long B.How manyC.How oftenD.What( )7. _ do you _ En( )10.Lily, here are your pens. Please _ .OK

19、, Mom.A.put away it B.put it awayC.put away them D.put them away( )11.There is a policeman _ the bus. He is watching the traffic.A.in front ofB.in the front ofC.in the frontD.the front( )12.How long may I _ the English workbook?For two weeks.A.borrowB.to borrowC.keepD.to keep( )10.Lily, here are you

20、r p( )13.Mr.Wang usually goes to work _ a car.A.in B.by C.at D.of( )14.The teacher often says, “ _ late for school.”A.DontB.Dont beC.Not beD.Doesnt( )15. _ Go along this road to the end.A.Where are we now?B.What are we doing at the supermarket?C.How can I get to the supermarket?D.Who can get to the

21、supermarket?( )13.Mr.Wang usually goes t(A)根据句意及首字母提示,在空白根据句意及首字母提示,在空白处处填入适当的填入适当的单词单词。51.Go a _ the bridge, and you can find the hospital on your right.52.W _ comes after Tuesday.53.Jane often walks to the museum but she n _ goes to school on foot. Because its too far away from her home.54.The ear

22、ly bird c _ the worm.55.How often do you do outdoor a _ ?Every day.51.across 52.Wednesday 53.never 54.catches 55.activities (A)根据句意及首字母提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。51.a(B)根据句意,用括号内所根据句意,用括号内所给单词给单词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。56.I like P.E. best. Because my P.E. teacher is very _ (friend) to us.57.Where is your bedroom?Its on

23、 the _ (two) floor.58.Thank you for your help.Its my _ (please).59.All the books are on these _ (shelf). You may go to find the book you want to borrow.60.Kangkang likes _(dance) at the party, because its interesting.56.friendly 57.second 58.pleasure 59.shelves 60.dancing (B)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。56.

24、fri.句型转换。(句型转换。(5分)分)61.Sometimes Dick and Jack go to work by car. (改改为同义句为同义句)Sometimes Dick and Jack _ _ work.62.Excuse me, how can I get to the bank? (改改为为同同义义句句)Excuse me, could you tell me _ _ to the bank?63.How many workers are there in your factory? (改改为同义句为同义句)How many workers _ your factory

25、 _ ?61.drive to 62.the way 63.does; have .句型转换。(5分)61.drive to 62.the64.Paul usually goes to the library once a week. (对对画画线线部分提部分提问问)_ _ does Paul usually go to the library?65.Please open the door. (改改为为否定句否定句)_ _ the door, please. 64.How often 65.Dont open64.Paul usually goes to the li(一)根据提示写一篇短文,词数60个单词左右。1.林涛和王军是邻居,他们住在同一座居民楼的二楼,他俩是好朋友;2.今天是星期天,他们不去上学,他们去动物园;3.从他们住的居民楼到动物园有10公里,所以他们坐公共汽车去;4.动物园里动物真多,他们玩得很高兴。(二)重写上周和本周默写错误的单词,5+2(5英2汉),写在作文下面,下次一起交。HomeworkHomework下次讲新概念第下次讲新概念第14课课文;课课文;讲评课课练讲评课课练13-14课习题。课习题。下次讲新概念第14课课文;30可编辑感谢下感谢下载载30可编辑感谢下载



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