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1、Module 1 Hobbies. Listening comprehension.A. Listen to the questions and choose the right answers.1. What do you think of the match?C. Very wonderful非常精彩非常精彩2. What subject do you like better, maths or English?C. I prefer English to maths. 喜欢喜欢而不喜欢而不喜欢3. I like to play ping-pong very much.What about

2、 you?A. So do I.我也我也一样一样4. You are interested in science, arent you? A. Of course I am.5. How often does Nick go to the gym?B. Three times a day. 每天三次每天三次(体育馆)(体育馆)B. Listen and choose the sentences having the same meaning as what you here.6. You can look up the word in the dictionary.C. You can fin

3、d out the meaning of the word in the dictionary.7. Please take good care of your books.C. Please look after your books well.8. I spend two hours on my homework yesterday.B. It took me two hours to finish the homework yesterday.9. Ive known Li Lei for three years.C. Li Lei has known me since three ye

4、ars ago.10. He made his father very angry.A. His father was angry with him. C. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answers.11.W: I like American country music.Whats your opinion? M: I enjoy pop music and I like country music as well. What kind of music do both of the speakers like?B. Country

5、 music. 乡村音乐乡村音乐观点观点12. M: Which subject does Bill like best? W: Maths, even though he also likes Chinese.C. Maths.13. M: Whats your favourite subject? W; My favourite subject is English. What about you? M: Oh, my favourite subject is maths.Whats Bills favourite subject?What are they talking about?A

6、. Their favourite subjests.14. W: Hi, Jack, what are you going to do tonight? M: Nothing much, why? W: Will you go to play ping-pong with me? M: Sure, Lucy! I like playing ping-pong.What does Lucy want Jack to do tonight?A. She wants Jack to play ping-pong with her.15. M: How long have you lived the

7、re? W: Ive been living there for nine years. We moved there from Qingdao when I just went to high school.How long has the girl lived there?A. Nine years.II. Multiple choice.( ) 1. I am going to this weekend with my parents. A. spending B. take C. do D. spend+ 动词原形动词原形D度过度过做做( ) 2. English is also us

8、ed a foreign language in many countries. A. of B. as C. for D. by被用做被用做B( ) 3. Why do you become so in such a film? I dont think it is . A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interesting C. interesting; interested D. interested; interested固定词组固定词组B( ) 4. There is going a football match this Fri

9、day. A. to have B. have C. to be D. be有有将要将要C( ) 5. Its my first time to spend the weekend like this. A. a B. the C. / D. an序数词前用序数词前用the前面有定语时不用前面有定语时不用the C( ) 6. Tom likes cars. He enjoys model cars of all kinds. A. collects B. collecting C. to collect D. collecteddoing sth.B( ) 7. Please give me

10、 to eat. A. anything delicious B. delicious nothing C. delicious anything D. something delicious不定代词的修饰语要后置不定代词的修饰语要后置否定否定肯定肯定D( ) 8. - What a nice MP3! Is it yours? - Of course. I 300 yuan on it. A. cost B. spent C. paid D. takeit 做主语做主语人做人做主语主语人做主语人做主语it 做主语做主语forB( ) 9. Our teacher makes us in cl

11、ass. A. discuss B. discussing C. discusses D. to discusssb. do sth.A( ) 10. Jack likes playing football while Tom likes playing violin. A. a;a B. the; the C. a; the D. / the球类词不前加球类词不前加the乐器类词前加乐器类词前加theD( ) 11. When did the plane ? - At 2 oclock. A. take off B. take up C. take away D. take place起飞起

12、飞开始从事开始从事拿走拿走发生发生A. Reading ( ) 1. It was very difficult for Victor to find special French stamp of . A. 1954 B. 1974 C. 1994 D. 2004B( ) 2. What does the underlined word “patience” mean? A. 勇气勇气 B. 知识知识 C. 耐心耐心 D. 目标目标C( ) 3. Who owned the special edition stamp at the very beginning? A. Phillip B.

13、Phillips mother C. Victor D. Victors fatherB( ) 4. The passage mainly tells us that is/are important to people. A. a happy family B. a good hobby C. relatives and friendship D. friends and patienceD. Complete the sentences.1.1.很抱歉很抱歉, ,有点不整洁有点不整洁, ,我将收拾一下桌子和椅子我将收拾一下桌子和椅子. .Sorry, its a bit untidy, I

14、ll the table and chairs.tidy up2.2.本学期末本学期末, ,在人民大会堂将有一个音乐会。在人民大会堂将有一个音乐会。 this term, theres a concert at Peoples Hall.At the end of3. 在高中,大卫写了一个有关青少年的故事,于在高中,大卫写了一个有关青少年的故事,于2003年年 作为一本书出版。作为一本书出版。In senior high school, David wrote a story about teenage life, and it as a book in e out4. 作为这样的一个结果,大

15、卫已经成为一名成功的年轻作家。作为这样的一个结果,大卫已经成为一名成功的年轻作家。 , David has become a successful young writer.As a result5. 5. 许多学生有爱好许多学生有爱好, ,例如阅读例如阅读, ,画画画画, ,在花园里种蔬菜。在花园里种蔬菜。Many students have hobbies, reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens.such as6. 6. 吉姆擅长唱歌,跳舞,还有表演。吉姆擅长唱歌,跳舞,还有表演。Jim is good at sing

16、ing and dancing acting. as well as7. 他们不仅享受周末,而且了解到了很多过去的生活。他们不仅享受周末,而且了解到了很多过去的生活。They enjoy the weekend, learn a lot about life in the past.not onlybut also. Close test1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D2.6. A 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B. Fill in the blanks.1. fun 2. too 2.3. Next 4. anywhere 3.5. Another 6. means

17、4.7. easier 8. hardly 5.9. at 10. What. WritingMy name is Wang Ying.Im 15 years old.I like playing volleyball very much.Everyday I play volleyball with my friends.My favourite subjects are English and music.I always listen to the music on my way to school.I have a happy family.My father is a policeman. He works in a police station.My mother is a doctor.She works in a hospital near my school.They work hard. I love them.



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