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1、VictoriaSchool life in the UKReading materialEducation system in the UKThe UK is made up of 4 different countriesEngland, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Education in the UK is compulsory for everyone between the ages of five and sixteen, and is provided by two kinds of schools: independent an

2、d state-funded schools.Education system in ScotlandThe education system in Scotland differs at school and under-graduate level to the other countries that follow a similar system. The main differences are as follows: Students can enter university at the age of 17 rather than 18, as university course

3、s in Scotland are normally one year longer than in England.Between the ages of 16-18 years, students in Scotland often study a broader curriculum than in other parts of the UK and often do not specialize in the sciences, arts, and humanities.Education system in England, Wales and Northern IrelandChi

4、ldren normally start school at the age of 5 and move to secondary school at the age of 11. Pre-school programs are also available to students at the age of 3 or 4. . . .Q&AQ:1. Whats the main idea of this passage? 2. And how do you know that? 3. Is there any other way to help us to get the main idea

5、 quickly?A:1. It mainly tells us the education system in the UK, especially that in Scotland. 2. From the title and the subtitle. 3. Usually the pictures will help us a lot. Sometimes, the first and the last paragraph are very important for us to read, as well as the first sentence of each paragraph

6、.Reading strategyReading strategyBrainstormingQuestion: When we come to the title School life in the UK, what do you expect to read in this passage? School life in the UKSchool life in the UKStructureDifferences and similarities about school life between the UK and ChinaDifferences and similarities

7、about school life between the UK and ChinaFurther understanding of this text1. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Not all the students are familiar with each other.B. Students can choose any of the subjects or drop any one.C. Students in that school have to move to different classrooms

8、 for different classes.D. Students should work hard to get high grades.2. Which of the following sentences about Wei Hua is TRUE according to the text?A. Wei Hua couldnt get used to the school hours there.B. Wei Hua couldnt get on well with her classmates, for they didnt know each other.C. Wei Hua s

9、oon adjusted herself to the homework in English there though it was a bit challenging.D. Wei Hua didnt like British food and couldnt get used to eating desserts.Suggested answers: 1. B 2. CGuessing the meanings of the new words1. Cathy is making herself up, for she will_ a wedding party.2. With the

10、exam drawing near, all the students are busy_ for it.3. To be a journalist is more_ than to be a worker, but I like it.4. The couple_ a lot of money by running that restaurant.5. Do you eat_ after your main meal?6. Once Zhang Hua wanted to_ English, but now he is good at it.7. We have some_ homework

11、 before our examination.Suggested answers: 1. attend 2. preparing 3. challenging 4. earn 5. desserts 6. drop 7. extraPracticeA1. Say something about Wei Huas studying experience in Manchester in the UK.2. Describe part of school life in the UK according to the text.Sample answer: Wei Hua was an exch

12、ange student who once studied in a British high school in Manchester in the UK. She thought that was an unforgettable experience for her. In her opinion, the teachers there are very helpful and friendly. She also made some friends there. And she missed them very much. Wei Hua was happy with the scho

13、ol hours there, because she could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin earlier. What impressed her most was that they had to move to different classrooms for different classes. And they had different students in some classes, which made it difficult to remember all the faces and

14、 names. Wei Hua chose to study Woodwork, And she made a small table. She liked it very much though it didnt look like a table. Wei Hua experienced a different way of life, I think. Thats all. Thank you! PracticeB Make an interview So far we havent had the opportunity to go abroad to experience a for

15、eign way of life, but we are happy here to iew Wei Hua. Apart from the things you have learned in the passage, what other information would you like to know about her life and study in the UK? Do an interview with your partner, different aspects can be mentioned in your interview dialogue, such as t

16、imetable, teachers, classmates, subjread a passage about school life in the UK written by Wei Hua. (Suppose you have a chance to intervects, homework, grades, size of the classroom, campus, school facilities, host family, food, teaching methods, atmosphere, students hobbies, traditions, school rules

17、 and principles and so on.)More explanations1. for free for free 免费免费Please read these sentences and pay attention to the different meanings of free in these sentences.1)The bird should be set free.2)You are free to go or stay as you please.3)Those children are free from anxiety.4)He is usually free

18、 in the afternoon.5)At last, she freed herself from debt.Suggested answers: 1)这只鸟应该被放掉。 2)去或留随你的便。 3)这些孩子们无忧无虑的。 4)他通常下午有空。 5)最后, 她还清了债务。More explanations:2. at lunchtime at lunchtime 吃饭时吃饭时at通常可以用来表示时间, 如:at sunset, at sunrise, at dawn, at night, at midnight, at noon, at any time, at that moment, a

19、t this point3. word by word word by word 逐字逐句地逐字逐句地类似的词组还有:sentence by sentence, one by one, day by day, year by year4. on average on average 平均平均The word average is an adjective, meaning usual, typical or normal; it can also be used as a noun, meaning a usual level; it can also be used as a verb, m

20、eaning to be of a certain amount as an average.The average age of the boys in this football team is fifteen.这个足球队的平均年龄是15岁。On average, there are 30 girls present every time.平均起来,每次有30个女生到场。The average of 4, 5, and 9 is 6.4, 5,9的平均数是6。The average working hours for most people are 40 hours a week.More

21、 explanations:5. sound like sound like 听起来像听起来像In the text sound is a linking verb, meaning seem. . . when heard.It sounds like a good idea.听起来是个好主意。It sounds like there is something wrong with the computer.听起来这台电脑有问题。Pay attention to the different usages of the word sound in the following sentences

22、, in which sound is used as a noun or an adjective.I could hear the sound of laughter of those children.我能听到那些孩子们的笑声。The foundations of the house are not very sound.房子的地基不是很牢固。Make a short dialogue using these phrases. At lunchtime, my little son Tom told me word by word that his greatest dream was

23、to set up a magic school of his own. He said that there would be only ten students on average in each class. The students can choose their favorite subjects for free. They can even drop some subjects if they dont like them. I told him that sounded like a good idea and he should work hard for it.As w

24、e know, mean has different meanings, such as be a sign of; be likely to result in; intend; refer to; have as a purpose; be of importance or value to, etc.1)What do you mean by saying that?你说那些是什么意思?2)This new frontier incident probably means that there will be a war.边境新发生的事件意味着将会有战争。3)He means to su

25、cceed.他想成功。4)Your friendship means a great deal to me.你的友谊对我很重要。The students should be reminded to pay special attention to the differences between mean to do(打算做某事)and mean doing(意味着做某事).5)Im sorry if I hurt your feelingsI didnt mean to.如果我伤害了你,对不起! 我不是有意的。6)Missing a bus in parts of England someti

26、mes means waiting for another hour.在英国某些地方错过一班车,有时就意味着再等一小时。The noun form of mean is meaning(意义, 含义, 企图) and means(方法, 手段), its adjective form is meaningful(富有意义的, 意味深长的), and itsadverb from is meaningfully(意味深长地). Here are some examples.7)This is a passage without much meaning.这篇文章意义不大。8)He looked

27、at me meaningfully.他意味深长地看着我。9)These goods are by no means satisfactory.这些货绝不令人满意。1. This means I could. . .2. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at first because all the homework was in English.我发现家庭作业并不如我以前学校的重,但因为所有作业都

28、是英语的,一开始还有点挑战性我发现家庭作业并不如我以前学校的重,但因为所有作业都是英语的,一开始还有点挑战性1) the sentence structure not. . . but. . . .(1)It is not what he said but how he talked about it that made me angry.(2)They had a discussion not in the living room but in the garden.(3)Not his parents but Tom is going to attend the meeting.2) th

29、e phrase as. . . as. . . , which is used to compare two things or two persons.I can play football as well as, if not better than, Tom.我踢足球即使不比汤姆好,也和他一样。& The word as can be used as either a preposition or a conjunction.Working as a teacher, I love my career very much.作为老师,我很喜欢我的职业。As Susan was sitti

30、ng on the sofa reading English, Mary entered.当Susan坐在沙发上读英语时,Mary进来了。Then guide the students to pay attention to the phrase a bit, which means to some degree or rather.Could you turn the radio down a bit, please? The baby is sleeping.你能把收音机关小一点吗?孩子在睡觉。& a bit means a little.Please pay attention to t

31、he negative form of a bit. The phrase not a bit means not at all, while not a little means very much.I had a big meal this noon, so now Im not a bit hungry.中午我饱饱地吃了一顿,因此现在我一点也不饿。After a whole days hard work, she was not a little tired, and she couldnt move her legs.工作一天,她很累,腿都迈不动了。3. I was very happ

32、y with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a. m. and ends about 3: 30 p. m.我很满意英国学校的时间安排,因为早晨我很满意英国学校的时间安排,因为早晨9点左右才上课,下午点左右才上课,下午3点点半左右就放学。半左右就放学。Here with is a preposition, which refers to the attitude towards a person or a thing.The nurse is always patient with the patients

33、.这个护士对病人们很有耐心。But pay attention to the different usages of the word “with” in the following sentences.Have you noticed the woman with an angry look in her eyes? (carrying; characterized by)你看到那位妇女满眼怒色了吗?The boy picked up a stick and started to write on the ground with it. (to indicate the means or i

34、nstrument)小男孩捡起小木棍开始用它在地上写起字来。I want to congratulate you with all my heart. (to indicate manner)我真心祝贺你。Skills in Reading1. A calendar is a list of the days, weeks, months of a particular year.Here calendar means_.2. After Sandy put the letter in the envelope, she sealed it and put a stamp on it.Here

35、 sealed means_.A. 封口B. 签字C. 拆封D. 投送3. Since I have finished my paper now, I am going to give myself a treat tonight. I am going to watch a movie on campus, an action movie called Face Off.The underlined words a treat here means_.A. an action movieB. something pleasant to enjoyC. a restD. something n

36、ice to eat4. Some ships carried cargo such as rice, wood, machines, but others carried only passengers.Here cargo means_.A. 军队B. 工业品C. 农产品D. 货物5. The old woman was strange, for she kept over 100 cats in her house. The villagers all called her an eccentric lady.Here eccentric means_.A. hardworkingB.

37、kindC. lonelyD. unusual6. Her voice was usually soft and sweet, but now it is hoarse.Here hoarse means_.A. 动听的B. 嘶哑的C. 细的D. 高声的7. A serious threat (威胁) to farmers in many parts of the world is erosion. Erosion takes place if too many trees are cut down on a land. The rain and the wind may wash away

38、and blow away the topsoil. The plants become weaker and weaker until nothing grows well. If erosion goes on, a good land will turn into a desert.Here erosion means_.A. 过量伐木B. 庄稼丰收C. 过量使用土地D. 水土流失8. He was one of 80 middle school students from China in a month-long Youth Summit. The summit was to mar

39、k the 25th anniversary (周年) of President Nixons journey to China, which was the turning point in China-U. S. relation. The Youth Summit was aimed at increasing understanding and friendship between young students of the two countries through visits and discussions.Here Youth Summit means_.A. a visit

40、to the Nixon LibraryB. the Chinese students visit the U. S.C. a meeting discussing relations between the China and the U. S.D. activities to strengthen the ties between the Chinese and American students9. Then of course there are times for the children to make a name and make a little money in some

41、big show. Some stage schools give their children too much professional work at such a young age. But the law is very tight on the amount they can do. Those under 13 are limited to 40 days in the year; those over 13 do 80 days.Professional work as used in the text means_.A. school workB. money-making

42、 performancesC. stage training at schoolD. acting, singing or dancing after classes10. What makes it rain? Rain falls from clouds for the same reason as anything falls to earth. The earths gravity pulls it. But every cloud is made of tiny water drops or ice crystals (晶体). Why doesnt rain or snow fal

43、l constantly from all clouds? The tiny drops or ice crystals in clouds are very small. The effect of gravity on them is minute (微小). Air currents move and lift tiny drops so that the net downward displacement (位移)is zero, even though the tiny drops are in constant motion.The word motion is closest i

44、n meaning to_.A. windB. movementC. falling downD. actionAnswer1.日历 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. B Homework 1. Read the passage again, and write a summary of this passage School life in the UK in about 100 words.2. Choose at least ten new words or phrases from the text to make sentences or write a short passage with all of them in it.3. Preview Word power.4. Do some exercises about guessing the meanings of the words from the context.THXVICTORIA



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