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《POPULATION PROBLEMS》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《POPULATION PROBLEMS(73页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、8BU4L1 Population Problems (tuning in )娄绑坡胃庞尝帝械棚氰确汇若裔孺翰树结脱捡播亏八晓越黑催敬霞亨猫申POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS1. growth n. 增长增长;成长成长;生长生长 grow v. 生长;种植生长;种植2. on average = usually -按平均值;通常按平均值;通常3. solve-vt. 解决;解答解决;解答 solution-n.解决方法解决方法4. Africa n. 非洲非洲 African a. 非洲的非洲的5. rapid-a. 快的快的,迅速的迅速的 rapi

2、dly-ad. 快地,迅速地快地,迅速地6. terrible-a. 可怕的可怕的 terribly ad. 可怕地可怕地7. throw away = get rid of 扔掉;抛弃,丢弃扔掉;抛弃,丢弃 8. pollute v. 污染,弄脏污染,弄脏 polluted a. 被污染被污染的的 pollution n. u 污染污染1.be available=be able to get a. 可获得的可获得的锯岛腾惨俘玫裴辨瓮冶崇双糊圭匝琼梅盎帅厅挨辆血疮槛梨敦羡注板究揉POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSPlease read the fol

3、lowing numbers23, 3566,678456,78368,965,421躺釜吃刀挨棕傈软拥橡吁辑犬氏鸿掘酣缠试碘具阐掩紫抗军景天穿铭榆指POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS基数词的用法:基数词的用法:基数词基数词 362 , 336 , 375 , 394 的读的读法法billion million thousand3,66 three hundred and sixty-six5,080 five thousand and eighty5,508 five thousand five hundred and eight三位数三位数以上的基

4、数词以上的基数词,在百位数与十位数之间用在百位数与十位数之间用and 连连接接.十位是零也用十位是零也用“ and ”.“百百” “千千”等词用等词用单数单数形式形式栏萝篇社媚丰市过洲风敝前解痉突明答匪放买琐泅嚏权汐掂嘿茵始捡颓按POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS1.Please watch a video, tell us what does it talk about?populationWhats the population problem?overcrowding谁究脏道唱梅蚜积董础磕末竟胸脖绣天烩灌蠕矗庸宋珠闲翔披医苫洲艺击POPULATI

5、ON PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSPlease read the chart and answer the questions below. Use the phrases cues. World Population GrowthYearPopulation19502.5 billion19603.0billion19703.7 billion19804.5 billion19905.3 billion19996.0 billion20006.1 billion20056.4 billion20117.0 billion1.What does the chart s

6、how?2.The population doubled from 1960 to 1999, didnt it?3.What was the population in 2005?4.What population problems are we faced with?5. What should government do to control the population growth?the problem of overcrowding, ageing problem, population growth, control the birthrate艰钮操臀呐用母莉激显郡锋正颤帖艺晰

7、嘱嘱滩慰巩蚕吓要巾五殴齐川砰显POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS询问面积询问面积 A: How many square kilometers hasgot ? How big is? Whats the area of ? B: It has an area of about. 询问人口询问人口: A: Whats the population of? B: Its about. A: How many people are there in ? B: There are about询问国家询问国家: Whats the name of this co

8、untry?询问首都询问首都: Whats the capital of ?踊庆茧现肪铂总磷郴萝额市拙硝弛祷优鄙俄锡荚铭喷隐彦嗡帜宝权妖蚌秘POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS 1.Whats the name of ?2.How big is?3.Whats the population of?4.Whats the capital of ?Britain Area : 244,000km2 Population : 58,000,000Capital : London啮攀詹坛炼崩务脉滚酌烘气祷柬编伞赴织踊柱涌熊橙唾豪良锦年沮晦阴惰POPULATION

9、 PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS1.Whats the of ?2.How big is?3.Whats the of?4.Whats the of ?FranceArea : 551,000km2 Population : 58,000,000Capital : Paris逢肛散篮磐假姐侄玛猜厌窖禁歇族智蝉伍幕绢夹酝彩亡簇亩噎蜗裸贯肪昏POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSChinaArea : 9,600,000km2Population : 1,300,000,000Capital :Beijing趴仍恍云节夕夕适丰蹿去校棱景

10、宪漱裴如痈趁氟卯瘴滦催羽拾瘴呢地电氢POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS8BU4L1 Population Problems ( The past perfect tense ) 过去完成时过去完成时蓑坊掂隋羽岳纶口估峙奄篆仆焉儡坛湿贡扯讨砖灿皂叹婿披雹蜘婴踢押脊POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS The PresentPerfect Tense钝衡答阳死哮础桓沫输只寅仿菲粪宅讳乃毖哪系妄盼引拓使炕因慰溺适挞POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS1.现在完成时态表示过去发生的

11、动作对现在造成的影响或结果现在完成时态表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果 Our teacher has left. We have studied English. I have already finished the homework. He has had his lunch. He has become a doctor.have/has+过去分词过去分词窟膳灭浮群甄企棱么守搬廷疫算拌土匿求彝捏具色粳俭皂核潍般在彭缎醉POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSThe Past Perfect TensesNew咆桂挥选穗噶槽叔卷胁煤破条址蔗万书

12、崎油敲赘锡愚式猪吕添亢梆蹬琴病POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS1.What was the girl doing at 10:10?2. What was she doing when her sister came back?3.What had the girl done before her sister came back? she had finished her workCompare the two actions, which action took place first?腺民洲鬃右抨书灌冒究术讹岭案姓由厂氏值矛蔚若冕映际阵丧吏吝怜

13、涉欣POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS现在完成时:助动词助动词have / has + 过去分词过去分词过去完成时:助动词助动词had + 过去分词过去分词 构成构成?猜嘶掺洋干付呢摩罐滑概娥考违酱夏风杂置恭肿春券稳涧调贱相凤娱奠拧POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS我认识他三年了。? I have known him for three years. ? I had known him when I was a student.我当学生时,就已经认识他了。had known have known was深遍它丑

14、赖遁呼狗爬毯豺卜址江猛瞻鲍申待兔坠莫袭烤寝轨澈贞戊仙生岿POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS? 我已经做完作业了。表示在说话时已经做完。I have finished my home-work.箕前禾丛抢浑钧骂眩蓬弓查恶翱肪停幼央欧铂裴歌篆漓近勤乐水灶着蚂竟POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS? 在六点以时,我就已经完成作业了。By six oclock, I had finished my homework. 表示在过去的某一段时间(six oclock 以前)已经做完作业,与现在无关。枪躁缔悔秩徽跃希链值同山俞

15、忆罐舒贱朵篙酸它牲画冠丙追旬磐哨铀现揪POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS? 他们已经吃过早饭了。? 在他们到旅馆之前他们已经吃过早饭了。They have already had breakfast.They had already had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel.卧国胆嘘呕喷幂扮鹿嘶嗜圆菱弛味袁瓤稿雍满冻淘汝坐钱仔莹衫搔潘撞奔POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS? 我从未看过如此令人兴奋的比赛? 他说他从未看过如此令人兴奋的比赛。I have nev

16、er seen such an exciting match!He said that he had never seen such an exciting match!咳蛋兰也襄赐嗣寝泰摆鼓乖唆筹汀贮度恫深平豁彤职珊皿亡度病坟糜筏岭POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS过去完成时与现在完成时二者用法基本相同,但现在完成时以现在时间为基点,过去完成时则以过去的时间为基点,与现在无关,即过去的过去。过去完成时常用于宾语从句中; Difference袭己放棒配饺嫂茄侯抉亥乡景哎剑锤均眷颐博因克耻京胞幻俗沛秸裕窥畔POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPUL

17、ATION PROBLEMS也可用于由by, before 等构成的短语引导的从句或者通过上下文表示。醛测完属喂啄柿叔绪材玩齐儡陆楼眺紧瑶青镜寂热黔病硬固辕误殴邯悸零POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSBy the time we got there,the bus had already left.We got there at 7:00The bus left at 6:59脓碴尼淡祁猜诞芳铺篮懈鞍蝶戮抗扎瞩右布贸豹缨称团昌篷瞻蛹滨烧割徒POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSBy the time we got

18、there, the bus had already gone.我们赶到那儿时,公共汽车已经开走了。斋蓝亨购值逛均虫辅呵亭半白茂渗壮矩迭紫雌魏愉园摘仰疆凭囚弛膏阀趣POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMScheck-out 结账台;收银台梗鹃溪外竹仕督茵赡芥秋丧肮幽际羔绅悯邪煎遁蜂尸碗兔表汪疗拷斡该啃POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSWhen I got to the check-out, I realized I had left my purse at home.庶薪悬蔽糙弃慎旷末渗琅砧扩眯黎碾横册际族皆铜枷臀择

19、艾退彻饱渝乱步POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSWhen I got to the check-out, I realized I had left my purse at home.当我到结账台时,我才意识到我把钱包忘在家里了。撮他意签大球身瘤舰钦湍察庆使鸥活檬庇须傻圾榜叶鹊三克昭棋挑茎本膨POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS Before I met her, I had heard a lot about her.Before / When / By the time+过去时态+从句过去完成时态主句情看硝凑

20、棵豁镜彰肥试绎欲咏仰雷符慨憨哑零宇仓规疚帧屹漱足尤轿膊奠POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS by the time (= when) ?我们赶到学校时,已经上课了。到时_ we got to school, the class _ already _By the time had begun.房恋震碾苞圣尉铜章秩妥计兑溉铲赦斯况籍弄莽倾靳子顺陪逛操挨踩瑟抬POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS? 当我到达火车站时,火车已经开走了。By the time I _ to the station, the train _

21、 already _ .gothad left键拘枕鸯旭者百驳栖腕砾蔓逢雍倡履叫缆仆审惧幽锨侨逐摇筐拭钠籍栽豌POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS? 到上学期末,我们共学 1500 个单词。By the _ of _ term we _ _1,500 wordsendlast had learnt 空枷枫扫嘴泥博逢吠挤顾跋绚冶缎诸安状唱负冯耙浸既赣炙瓜馒祈石淹晕POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS? 当他到学校时,他意识到 他把作业忘在家里了。When he _ to school, he _ that he _

22、his homework at home.had left gotrealized葬黍雏拴氦彼镣讹褪舟葡茄挺驶力冷佑冗缴几因反窿猫暑燎募掌疮丹计什POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSShe said they _ _ the homework,_ I _.hadfinishedbefore? 她说在我来之前她们已经她说在我来之前她们已经完成了作业。完成了作业。came瓤酋椅募淬吾济插谱融伞纷鹊票换账浮乾蕾贡辑混姆村城落膝期叠卉绽帮POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS? 当我到达学校时,学生当我到达学校时,学生们们

23、都已经放学了。都已经放学了。School _ been _ by the time I _ there.hadovergot慰眉嚣见旧恍膛裁搭丑卸拾曼灼钾裹堤背雾债承韭违隅征莫含霸示秧拄书POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS? 当我迟到当我迟到20分钟到机场分钟到机场 时,时,他已经乘出租车去宾他已经乘出租车去宾 馆了。馆了。He _ _ a taxi to the hotel when I _ _ the airport 20 minutes later.had takengot to肪抗掘蔷峪辖壹狼撤门钞獭料潘篆反邑飞受喀汲箍戒嗣由弯抗摔敲旭疆芥PO

24、PULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS 在我进城以前,我们的汽在我进城以前,我们的汽车已经坏了,再也走不动车已经坏了,再也走不动了。了。Before we _down-town, our car _ _ down and couldnt move any more.had broken went椭梁待退焉搀云输邪圃劳匈援呀杏捅椅情呵棍嘶饮缝闯酞卑顷胶勿君瞪删POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS? 当警察开始要抓他时,他当警察开始要抓他时,他已经携带家属去了加拿大已经携带家属去了加拿大.He _ _ to Canada w

25、ith his family when the police _ to catch him.had gone began挑吧恤疗暂噎锐廓拜卿弥迁毒吧惫虾烧杭厢宽奢郭詹术凉中痒循基合尧巨POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS当我昨天到达电影院时,电当我昨天到达电影院时,电影已经开始了。影已经开始了。 When I got to the cinema yesterday, the film had already begun. 邑氓乾剂宏诧嫁迭诗瓣己龄同纂吏哲回擦僳冀遮攻隐休辖谚爸举堕继低彰POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBL

26、EMS他说他从来没读过如此有趣的他说他从来没读过如此有趣的故事。故事。 He said that he had never read such an interesting story 焉佩庆氦秀厌澳益悸鲍辈蠕雇辐火短唆溉哩猖绊纸瓦崎幼堕另嫁酗毛攘望POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS这个法国人想起来他学过这个法国人想起来他学过 “cough” 这个词。这个词。 The Frenchman remembered that he had learned the word “cough”. 拍碍端欢讥扯咕自匀变似彬普融蛆苦除下适仁击屡桐老痒赋饥涵经期燕陕PO

27、PULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS他记得他把钥匙放在房间他记得他把钥匙放在房间里了里了 He thought he had put his key in the room.是斗跑蕴凶灵哲低但芜统睛梯仔隐熔猾途詹执版垮切镐转洛札忍勃捧膳软POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSWhen he got home, his mother had already got to sleep. 当他到家时,他妈妈已经当他到家时,他妈妈已经睡觉了。睡觉了。 阻庙燥批墩漱雄麓粱盆朋探煤猴圣芹抵侮捌携蒲屏杰嗜删侣扬猾巢架沏猾POPULAT

28、ION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS过去完成时的用法归纳:过去完成时的用法归纳:1 可以用by, before 等构成的短语来表示。 2 也可以用when, before, after 等引导的从句来表示。By the end of the match, they had kicked two goals .祝曳余筏缕贰济烛蕊妨堑辖惠孙潮邱杆炯锨披慈铀珊襄杆卞您盆涸址桌只POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSSummary过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经完成的动作后存在的状态,即表示“过去的过去”。 常与by 构成的短语连

29、用,也常常与when, before 和after引导的谓语为过去时的时间状语从句连用。时态结构为: had +past participle (动词的过去分词)辛像纵吵环赴祭省邀邵娥焦再倍戮珠纶山鸣鸵绢梁吐流愈浚塘迭仔掌神妄POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSA : What were you doing at 6:50?B: I was doing morning exercises .A : What had you done before 7:00?B: I had done morning exercises .A : What had you

30、 before ?B: I had Drills : P106Retell:I have had a busy day today . By 7:00 in the morning , I had done morning exercises . I had 牵促咏苞栅镍征彦其柒估丝什匣捉颤顶抱画铁较炯恐焉现串咎殴届浙逆舟POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS1.The world population reached 5 billion in 1987.(by 1987) 2.We learned 1000 new words last term .(b

31、y last year)3.Dick read 2 stories last month .(by the end of last term)4.She wrote 3 articles last week. (by the end of last week)5.He broke 2 records yesterday. (by yesterday)6.They saw movies last month. (by the end of last month).Rewrite the sentences according to the given words :The world popul

32、ation had reached 5 billion by 1987. We had learned 1000 new words by last year . Dick had read 2 stories by the end of last term .She had written 3 articles by the end of last week .He had broken 2 records by yesterday .They had seen movies by the end of last month.钟昔隅辽柏惧酌诈铰蒙各肉拈拖贰霖沛捡喧扭掂佃踌畸茵警挂昆鸳揩冰耿P

33、OPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSCorrect the sentences :1.I had read three French books last week .2.He has teached in this school since he came here .3.We had not seen each other since they moved away .4.He cleaned his house by the end of yesterday .5.I wrote three letters by the end of last se

34、mester.by last weektaughthaventhad cleanedhad written店贩波慌兴挥向茹描闪苫健交真巧安连染去躁讫疥跪亥锣群减框敛躁涤心POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS1.He didnt see a film because he _ (see) the movie twice.2.By the end of last year , the workers _ (build) a high rise .3.She _ (work) on the farm for 4 years before she became

35、a teacher in 1990.4.She had to make a living herself because her parents _ (die) .5.They _ (catch) the thief before the police _ (come) .6.I _ (cut) the meat into pieces before mother _ (start) cooking yesterday.Fill in the blanks :had seenhad builthad workedhad diedhad caughtcamehad cutstarted芦脆航乘茵

36、无照贤滨货墟矣顽尤惮桑伏将巫席潜劳翠镇郎畏乎其怪孕类煎POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS1.By last Friday ,I _ (finish) my project .2.When he _ (drink) it , he threw the bottle away.3.If you _ (want) it , you can go to the library.4.I _ (not know) the importance of it yesterday until he _ (read) those report.5. I wonder ho

37、w fast the world population _ (grow) these years .6.By the end of last year , some wild animals _ (disappear) for ever .7.John _ (plant) trees while mother was watering the flowers .8.Pollution _ (become) a big problem unless we take action now.had finishedhad drunkwantdidnt knowhad readis growingha

38、d disappearedwas plantingwill become风名罐淌船杰狡溃小颁酒魏扣也始亡亦耗果社叹淡蛆筐鄂巳守眷撞瀑弦享POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS8BU4L1 Population Problems ( Text )点誓慷毗扰挎潘哥窝上虫掇诞护磨体戊看独兆驹捷榷粕邀涌深非拧狗障米POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSListen to the text and decide the following statements are true or false.1.There are abou

39、t 2 billion people in 1950.2.The world is faced with few problems because of the population growth.3. In many European countries the population is getting older.4.European countries need to work hard to solve the aging problems.5.The population in Africa is doubling every 20 years.2.5FFTTFmany24侦墨流气

40、擎拎七橱桂碑皖寄苇讣葱溉诫翻桌渤雏瑚凸择么炯烫汁铆骄毯楔POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS6.In Kenya the population will increase 10 times in the next 80 years.7. In Asia, the problem is not only the population growth but also overcrowding in many cities.8. In the next 25 years, more than 70 percent will live in the city.T

41、TF65拧艰满蒸橡遍破尚该硝恩挑学署扮妙当垮寨坑禾尿辣屁灭忱明在簧掌华鹰POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSContinents (洲洲)is faced with The population problems of Europeaging populationfast population growthovercrowdingfast population growthAsia AfricaListen again and fill in the table练乱跳嚎亲玛犀充逸垣简腑偿射械康携窗栈瑞逼摆万箕吱诀他兆笨拎辉拿POPULATION PROB

42、LEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSRead the text and answer the following questions1.How large was the population in 1950?2.What was the world population in 2005?3. Whats the population in Europe?4.Why the population is getting older?It was_.It was _.The population is_ _. Many old people are _and some are very

43、_.The birthrate is_ and people_ _.2.5 billion6.4billiongetting olderlonelypoorlowlive longer镜膳蚌匹指赦鲤罗闹警莎降宏料埂拱翘牟疟池互径欢肥趾渝弯砍忧档搂宣POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS5. What percentage of the population in some Europe countries will be over 60 by 2005?6. How fast is the population in Africa growing?7. H

44、ow many times will Kenyas population increase in the next 80 years?8. What population problems is Asia faced with?About _ percent.Ii is _ every _ years.It will increase _ _.It is faced with _ _ and _ in many cities.25doubling2410 timespopulation growthovercrowding巴代交蠢瞄淤犀栅恰披囱莉簿辑瘪创钙胳捶赤墩裹央黎漏商膨蚁卜樱铸卉POPU

45、LATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS1.Why is the birthrate very low in Europe ?Because many young people have only one child or none at all. 2.How long do men and women in Europe live on average ?On average, men live to be 76,and ,women ,78.3.In some European countries , how old will 25% of the popula

46、tion be by 2050?More than 60 years old.Read the para. about Europe and answer the questions咳屋丹向竟唉很颂工辫瓤够纪骏郡植目童舵太淀睬墙帕墨剧茫抚肺睫慑镁POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS4. Hows the old peoples life? Many old people are very lonely and some, every poor.5. What need governments in European countries do? Gover

47、nments need to work hard to solve the aging problems. 蛇颗原粤择显皇肮栽墅高寺配腕建瘫回奖愧依都凄步港杠慈伎例注巡骏钻POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS1. How often is the population in Africa doubling ? Every 24 years.2.Many families continue to have large numbers of children , dont they ? Yes , they do.3.How fast will Kenyas

48、 population increase in the next 80 years?It will increase 10 times in the next 80 years. Read para. about Africa and answer questions范棕傍沃宝谗邑康无武淹硼赣弟养葡榆佬愚祝检盂樱淌缘暂想匿谁捞挟酮POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS1.How many population problems is Asia faced with? What are they ? 2.Where did most people use t

49、o live ?3.Where will they live within the next 25 years?4.How many people will live in cities within the next 25 years?5.What problems do governments have to solve?Read para. about Asia and answer the questionsTwo. The problems of fast population growth and overcrowdingIn the countryMore than 65%In

50、the citiesThe problem of overcrowding in cities淖狈肤姜叔昆泅植厌疼镑泰淬需挂副搽淳姿氦宇爪客惦范涩联池淫低匙噎POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS1.the problem of overcrowding2.control the birthrate3.Whats the population of China4.control the population growth5.grow fast/rapidly6.reach 6 billion7.rise to 6.4 billion8. be faced

51、with 9. a European country10.live longer11. none at all12. live to be 761.1.过度拥挤的问题过度拥挤的问题2.2.控制出生率控制出生率3.3.中国的人口是多少?中国的人口是多少?4.4.控制人口增长控制人口增长5.5.快速增长快速增长6.6.达到达到6060亿亿7.7.上升到上升到6.46.4亿亿8.8.面临面临9.9.一个欧洲国家一个欧洲国家10.10.寿命长点寿命长点11.11. 一个也没有一个也没有12.12.活到活到76 76 晃仍锚笑闰蹬亚骡尺缘悼响房缎执惩捕柱佃递彪剩帽拓刊讽氯赛遂警战城POPULATION

52、PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS13. need to work hard to solve14. double every 24 years15. every four days16. increase 10 times17. within the next 25 years18.It is necessary to do sth19. a large number of children20. feel lonely13.13.需努力工作来解决需努力工作来解决14. 14. 每隔每隔2424年翻一番年翻一番15.15.每隔每隔4 4天天16.16.增加增加1010倍倍

53、17.17.在以下在以下2525年内年内18.18.有必要做某事有必要做某事19.19.许多孩子许多孩子20.20.感到孤独感到孤独限价乱瓶藕妨疏饥亲错昂稗三估傈体坦癸要雕求淮负鉴美屏泛啃蛇巴欢哉POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS8BU4L1 Population Problems ( listening )姆蛛宪嘎肋筒蛰誊脾洽营忘逃沥诫志逐暖牧霸昂涕觉啥瓜应帮蛊谩掣矾佰POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSproblemSolutionLack of food and housesControl populati

54、on growthLack of schools and hospitalsDevelop technology More pollutionBuild more houses and roadsLack of natural resourcesSave energy and resourcesHeavy trafficImprove traffic facilities豁砒釉幌槛呻猴蹋榨呕实讼颠邹昆屡芥磋乌蔓畜林狼欣辖唾烦失触卸瀑埠POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS8BU4L1 Population Problems ( Reading)Future

55、 Problems枢皱猖鞘钎从恳宾邱刚灯躇牲石翅沈宠柱猴绢咎拓梯阿掷狮祸梁洽畅绞觉POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSFind these words in the passage and choose word or expression closest to its meanings.1.grow a. increase b. become older2. double a. become three times b. become twice as many or as great3. average a. ordinary b. rich4. p

56、ollute a. make empty b. make dirty5. use up a. spend b. finish completely6. available a. able to be got b. able to grow告郭卜允皂采度搬撑哲疵钻棱谣貌埋泅缆欺诣玛肉奋二窃者珊巷腿琶掘珍POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSRead the passage and choose the main idea of each paragraph A.Plastics and chemicals cannot be reused. Instead,

57、 they cause pollution, so we must stop using them.B.Because the world population is growing fast, we will face serious problems. So, we must find out solutions.C.People throw away millions of tons of rubbish every year, but we can recycle and reuse them. D. Many of the natural resources cannot be re

58、newed or may not available any more, so we must save them and find new ways to make energy. Paragraph 3Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 4核蹄嗣啮躬嚎括胖冬较扎鲍眠贱袄友程盎慑敢廖羡踌器懊寡母簿蕾工仓贼POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSDecide the following statements are true or false according to the passage1.The world populati

59、on will reach 10 billion in 40 years time.2. The way we use energy and natural resources may cause serious problems in the future.3. Europe and America throw away over one ton of rubbish each year.4. Plastics and chemicals will disappear hundreds of years later.5. Although many natural resources wil

60、l be used up some day, we dont have to worry because we can find new ways to make energy.FFFFTby the year 2200An average family wontshould also境逊稗低疟房渭砷朋满轨咕抵拳澄孔氧烬削佐捞邓乘呈翔严馈略忠瓷炳喀POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMSRead the passage again, and complete the table.paragraphsituationproblemsolution1fast p

61、opulation _need more _and other natural _we use energy and natural resources.2people throw away _ of_waste things_ much of the _3A lot of _ cannot be recycled.pollute the air, the _ and the _stop _ like plastics and chemicals4Many natural resources cannot be _.Others take a long time to _.They will

62、be _ or may not always be _use less _ and fewer _ or find other ways to _growthmillionstons of rubbishrubbishrenewedgrowwaterresourceslandwaterused up some dayavailablechange the wayrecyclerubbishusing materialsenergy resourcesmake energy嫂速存毯史粕缓炬皂章娶肖赎布侠盲抗耗坠持踢概命前坚诡咸疼贿湛松美POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION

63、PROBLEMS1. cities much bigger2. cities become overcrowded3. cause shortages of water and other natural resources 4. cause serious pollution, water, air, land pollution5. throw away tons of rubbish6. many resources will be used up some day.problemsolution1.change the ways we use energy and natural re

64、sources2.recycle much of the rubbish3.stop using the things like plastics and chemicals4.use less energy and fewer resources; find ways to make energy肋图疏测熙钉寄喊药窿达属疗贿猖轻凌员卷谜毅追犁稼宛一盂谱嘴鸦门设POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS窝堡包屋湍生星裴肤砖尺葫泡晨借蛹敷牲照独召称虚畜锤店僚供憨妹邮键POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS As the po

65、pulation gets larger and larger, cities have become overcrowded. There are shortages of houses, schools and hospitals. A large population also causes serious pollution. People throw away millions of tons of rubbish. In addition, there is lack of water and other natural resources. Therefore, we must

66、recycle rubbish and find other ways to make energy. For example, we can find ways to use the sun, the river and the wind. 击敬滑拢腻嗽衣瘫大暇萝病片运恨峻镭嫂持穗逊茨猪缴迁欺季嫁蚜时涪悟POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS Our city is faced with some new problems. Pollution is one of them. There is air pollution, water pollution

67、, noise pollution, white pollution and light pollution in our city. The city government has taken action to fight pollution. It has tried to stop factories from throwing dirty water into the river. It has spent a lot of money making our city clean. However , there is still pollution . In my opinion

68、, everyone must take action. We can be green consumers. We can use less amount of energy and fewer resources. We can recycle rubbish and stop using materials that cannot be recycled. In addition, we can find other ways to make energy.铺膳奈段鹿巩阻晾示穴烂攀益凡侈泼咒疏渗馈定喻备鸟贯悬匡恫粘年稽漓POPULATION PROBLEMSPOPULATION PROBLEMS



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