定语从句 (3)

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《定语从句 (3)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《定语从句 (3)(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Listen and answer:1.What does the man think of Jodie ?A. A nice girl who likes drawing.B. A nice girl who likes singing.C. A nice girl who likes dancing.D.2. What kind of singer does the girl like best ?A. The ones who are creative.B. The ones who are pretty.C. The ones who are sunny and pretty.3. W

2、hy doesnt the boy like Cool Kids?A. They have music that he cant dance to.B. Their music doesnt have great lyrics.C. They are not good enough.4. What kind of instrument does the boy like best ? A. Erhu. B. Violin. C. Guitar.5. What kind of movies does the girl prefer? A. Action movies. B. comedies.

3、C. Thrillers.Learning aims:1.Master The Attributive Clause.2. Master how to use “ that, which, who, whom”3.Know the use of “where, whose”A matching game!Match the two sentences1.Im reading a book. The book is about Bill Gates. _2.He is a teacher. The teacher teaches us Chinese._ 3.I dont like the ma

4、n. He is smoking._4.Where is the picture? You bought it last week._ Im reading a book that/which is about Bill Gates.He is a teacher who/that teaches us Chinese.I dont like the man who/that is smoking.Where is the picture (that/which) you bought last week? The man who lives next to us is a policeman

5、.先行词先行词_ 关系词关系词_ 定语从句定语从句什么是定语从句呢?什么是定语从句呢?答案:修饰前面某一名词或代词答案:修饰前面某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。的从句叫定语从句。结构:结构: 先行词先行词 + 关系词关系词 + 句子句子关系词关系词关系代词关系代词: that,which,who,whom,whose关系副词关系副词: when, where, why 关关系代词:系代词: 指物:指物:that which 指人:指人:who (主主/宾格宾格) that whom(宾格)(宾格) This is a piece of music _ is about friendship.

6、_ I often listen to. This is a piece of music _ singer is Zhou Huajian. that / which(that / which)whoseThis is a place _ is the symbol of China. _ I visited last year._ name iswhich/thatthe Great Wall.whose(which/that)This is a dream.The dream will never come true.This is a dream which/that will nev

7、er come true.which / that 作主语作主语. (不能省不能省)(作主语)(作主语) 关关系代词系代词that, which引导的定语从引导的定语从句句: 如如果果先行词先行词是表示物的是表示物的名词或代名词或代词词, 关系关系代词应用代词应用that、which. (作作主主语语或或 宾宾语语)which / that 作宾语作宾语 : (可省略)可省略)This is the card.Ive just received the card.This is the card which / that Ive just received.( ) (作宾语)(作宾语)whos

8、e 作定语作定语,表示所属关系。表示所属关系。 The boy is my classmate. The boys father is a policeman.The boy whose father is a policeman is my classmate.(作定语作定语) She is a star _ won the first in “super girl ”. _ I like very much. who/that(who/that/whom) He is a star _ plays basketball. He is the tallest star _I have kno

9、wn. He is the first Chinese player _ is in NBA.who/thatthatthatwho / that 作主语作主语. (不能省不能省)This is the film star.The film star is very popular in China.This is the film star who is very popular in China. (作主语作主语)/ that关系代词关系代词who, that, whom引导的定语从引导的定语从句句: 如如果果先行词先行词是表示人的名词或代词,是表示人的名词或代词,关系代词应用关系代词应用

10、who, that (作作主语主语或或宾语宾语)whom (作作宾语宾语)who / whom / that 作宾语:作宾语:( 可省略可省略)The man is a famous writer.He described the man just now.The man ( who/ whom/ that ) hedescribed just now is a famous writer. (作宾语作宾语)有时只能用有时只能用 that , 不用不用 which, 常见的情况有六种:常见的情况有六种:1.当先行词是当先行词是 all, any, few, little, none, 2.an

11、ything, everything, nothing , everybody,3.nobody, everyone, no one 或被它们修饰时。或被它们修饰时。4. Thats all that I know.5. Is there anything that I can do for you?6. He answered few questions that the teacher asked.7.2. 当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时8. That is the most interesting book that I have ever re

12、ad.3. 当先行词有当先行词有the very, the only, the same等修等修饰时。饰时。Thats the only thing that I can do now.These are the very words that he used.4. 当主句以当主句以 who 或或 which开头时,定语从句的开头时,定语从句的关系词用关系词用 that, 而不用而不用 which 或或 who.Who is the girl that spoke to you just now?5. 先行词同时包括人或物时,关系词用先行词同时包括人或物时,关系词用that.The man a

13、nd his dog that I always meet are standing by the gate.1.Ill remember the people _ helped me.2.The boy _ John spoke to is my brother.3.The pen _ is on my desk isnt mine.4.The village _I visited last year has changed a lot.Exercises.who/that(who/that/whom)that/which(that/which)5. Is this the room _ w

14、e spent our childhood in?6. Mr. Wang is the doctor _son studies hard.7.This dictionary is the second one _ I bought in the shop.8. This is the largest animal _ Tom saw in the zoo.9.He did everything _he could to help me.(that)(that)(that)whosethat/whichThis is the zoo _he visited yesterday.This is t

15、he zoo _he works.当先行词是地点时,从句中缺少主当先行词是地点时,从句中缺少主语或宾语用语或宾语用that/which,从句完整,从句完整时时,用用where.that/whichwhere when 作时间状语作时间状语:She will never forget the day.She was married on that day.She will never forget the day when (=on which)she was married.It was the year.The World War I broke out in the year.It was

16、 the year when (= in which) the World War I broke out.When = 介词介词 + which 关系副词关系副词:when/where/whywhere 作地点状语作地点状语I want to know the place.I was born there.I want to know the place where (= in which) I was born.The table is a new one. she is sitting where = 介词介词 + whichThe table where (= at which ) s

17、he is sitting is a new one.why 作原因状语作原因状语, 其先行词常常是其先行词常常是the reason.That is the reason. Im late.I know the reason. He said it.why = for whichThat is the reason why(= for which) Im late.I know the reason why he said it.挑战高难度!挑战高难度! 1.October 1,1949 is the day _ the PRC was founded. A.which B. when C.

18、 that D. on that 2. Is this the place _ you were born? A. which B. where C. what D. that 3. Is this the place _ some German friends visited last year? A. which B.where C.what D. why5.The house _ the famous writer wrote his works is a museum now.A. which B.where C.what D.that6.The house _ the famous

19、writer bought many years ago is a museum now.A. that B.where C.what D. why7.He told her the reason_ he is unhappy, but she doesnt believe the reason _ he gives her.A. why; why B. why; whichC. that; why D. which; why中考链接(2012 河南,河南,33)Success will belong to those _never say “ impossible”. A. whom B.

20、what C. who D. which (2011 河南,河南,32)Tony, tell me the result of the discussion _you had with your dad yesterday. A. what B. which C. when D. who(2010 河南,河南,33)Friends are those_ make you smile, always open their hearts to you and encourage you to succeed. A. which B. what C. whom D. who (2009 河南,河南,

21、31)Its time to say goodbye to my school. Ill always remember the people _ have helped me. A. who B. what C. which D. where (2008 河南,河南,33)Shaolin Temple _ lies in the west of Zhengzhou welcomes the visitors both at home and abroad. A. Where B. which C. who D. what (2007 河南,河南,37)-Barbara,where do yo

22、u work? -I work for a company_ sells cars. A. Which B. where C. what D. who1.(2011 天津)天津)John is the boy _ legs were badly hurt in the accident.A.Whose B. that C. who D. which 2.(2010 天津)天津)Jamie is a young cook_ wants to improve school dinners.A.who B. whose C. whom D. which3.(2011 重庆)重庆)This is th

23、e school _ I studied three years ago.A.Where B. when C. that D. which4.(2009 浙江)浙江)The whole world is fighting against the H1N1,a disease _ has caused many deaths.A.who B. which C. whom D. what5.(2009 广西)广西)-Do you know the man_ came here yesterday?-Yes, he brought me the most interesting book _ I had wanted to buy.A. who; which B. who; thatC. whom; which D. what; that1. (2009年河南中考)年河南中考)以以“A person I will never forget” 为题,为题,适当运用定语从句,写几句话描写人物的适当运用定语从句,写几句话描写人物的外貌、性格、爱好等。外貌、性格、爱好等。2.以以“ A book that I like best.”为题为题,适当运用定语从句,写几句话和朋友们适当运用定语从句,写几句话和朋友们分享读书的快乐。分享读书的快乐。Challenge:



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