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1、外研版英语课件八下m5u1外研版英语课件八下m5u1Unit 1 Its time to watch a cartoon.Unit 1 Its time to watch a c Do you like cartoons? Whats your favourite cartoon character? Can you talk with others about cartoons?Think about it! Do you like caCan you list some popular cartoon characters?Shrek 史瑞克史瑞克Superman 超人超人 Can you

2、 list some popular cartDoraemon叮当猫叮当猫 Winnie the Pooh维尼熊维尼熊Garfield 加菲猫加菲猫DoraemonWinnie the PoohGarfielBugs Buuny 兔八哥兔八哥The Simpsons辛普森一家辛普森一家Bugs Buuny 兔八哥The SimpsonsTom and Jerry猫和老鼠猫和老鼠Popeye 大力水手大力水手Tom and JerryPopeye 外研版英语课件八下m5u1外研版英语课件八下m5u1外研版英语课件八下m5u1外研版英语课件八下m5u1外研版英语课件八下m5u1外研版英语课件八下m

3、5u1外研版英语课件八下m5u1外研版英语课件八下m5u1ReviewReviewRead the words and expressions loudly.ReviewRead the words and expre cartoon handsome smart sky fight cool n. 漫画;动画片漫画;动画片 adj. 漂亮的;英俊的漂亮的;英俊的 adj. 聪明的;机灵的聪明的;机灵的 n. 天;天空天;天空 v. 与与战斗战斗 n. 战斗;斗争战斗;斗争 adj. 时髦的;酷的时髦的;酷的new words cartoon n. 漫画;动画片 hero humorous c

4、ant help doing sth. laugh lesson n. 英雄;男主角英雄;男主角adj. 幽默的;滑稽的幽默的;滑稽的 忍不住做某事忍不住做某事 v. 笑;发笑笑;发笑 n. 经验;教训经验;教训nextnew words hero n. 英雄;男主角next1. handsome adj. 英俊的英俊的handsome多用于形容男子多用于形容男子“英俊英俊的;有魅力的的;有魅力的”。也可用来形容。也可用来形容女子女子“健美的健美的”。handsome的比较的比较级和最高级可以是在词尾加级和最高级可以是在词尾加-er或或-est构成,但更为常见的是:构成,但更为常见的是:mor

5、e handsome和和most handsome。1. handsome adj. 英俊的handsome多用eg: Hes the most handsome man Ive ever met. 他是我见过的他是我见过的最俊美的男子。最俊美的男子。My sister likes to play basketball, so she is tall and handsome. 我姐姐喜欢打篮球,我姐姐喜欢打篮球,所以长得高大健美。所以长得高大健美。eg: Hes the most handsome man【辨析】【辨析】beautiful尤指女子或尤指女子或女孩女孩“漂亮的;美丽的漂亮的;美

6、丽的”;pretty也也多指女子或女孩多指女子或女孩“漂亮的;俊俏的漂亮的;俊俏的”。beautiful, handsome和和pretty的反义词都为的反义词都为ugly,意为,意为“丑陋的丑陋的”。【辨析】beautiful尤指女子或女孩“漂亮的;美丽的”;eg: The lady looked very beautiful in red. 那位女士穿红色那位女士穿红色的衣服看起来很漂亮。的衣服看起来很漂亮。Shes got a very pretty face. 她她有一张非常俏丽的脸。有一张非常俏丽的脸。backeg: The lady looked very beaut2. smar

7、t adj. 聪明的;机灵的聪明的;机灵的smart的的近近义义词词是是clever,反反义义词是词是stupid。eg: He is smart about business. 他做生意很精明。他做生意很精明。 back2. smart adj. 聪明的;机灵的back3. humorous adj. 幽幽默默的的;滑滑稽稽的的humorous指指“富有幽默感、诙富有幽默感、诙谐、引人发笑的谐、引人发笑的”,humor是其名是其名词形式。其近义词词形式。其近义词funny指指“因古因古怪、奇特或不合时宜的举动等令人怪、奇特或不合时宜的举动等令人发笑的发笑的”。3. humorous adj.

8、 幽默的;滑稽的eg: Our English teacher is very humorous. 我我们们的的英英语语老老师师很很幽幽默。默。 I have lots of humorous stories. 我有许多幽默的故事。我有许多幽默的故事。 backeg: Our English teacher is ver4. fight (fought, fought) v. 与与 战斗战斗 n. 战斗;斗争战斗;斗争eg: What are the boys fighting about? 这些男孩们为什么打架?这些男孩们为什么打架?Their fight were always about

9、 money. 他们总是为了钱而争斗。他们总是为了钱而争斗。back4. fight (fought, fought) bac5. hero n. 英雄;男主角英雄;男主角其其复复数数形形式式是是heroes。与与hero相相对对应应的的是是heroine,意意思思是是“女女英雄;女主角英雄;女主角”。5. hero n. 英雄;男主角eg: Dr Norman Bethune is always the hero in my heart. 白求白求恩大夫一直是我心目中的英雄。恩大夫一直是我心目中的英雄。The hero of this novel is a poor man. 这部小说的男主

10、角是个穷人。这部小说的男主角是个穷人。 backeg: Dr Norman Bethune is alway6. laugh v. 笑;发笑笑;发笑 laugh用用作作动动词词时时,是是不不及及物物动动词词,意意思思是是“笑笑,感感到到好好笑笑”,常常用用于于短短语语“laugh at sb.”,意意为为“嘲笑某人嘲笑某人”。 eg: Dont laugh at a person who is in trouble.不不要要嘲嘲笑笑陷陷入入困困境境中中的人。的人。6. laugh v. 笑;发笑【谚语谚语】He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑到最后,谁笑得谁笑到

11、最后,谁笑得最好。最好。 back【谚语】He laughs best who laughs 1. Answer the questions.1.What kind of cartoons do you like?2.Do cartoons always end in a happy way?3.What cartoons do you think are funny? Answer the questions.What kinBetty likes exciting cartoons; Tony likes funny cartoons.1. What kind of cartoons do

12、 you like?2. Listen and find out Bettys and Tonys answers to the questions in Activity 1. brave cartoon cute funny handsome smartBetty likes exciting cartoons;2. Do cartoons always end in a happy way?3. What cartoons do you think are funny?Tony thinks Tom and Jerry is funny. Betty and Tony say carto

13、ons always have happy endings.2. Do cartoons always end in aTapescriptTony: What kind of cartoons do you like, Betty?Betty: My favourite cartoon is Superman. Its great!Tony: Why do you like it so much?Betty: The stories are so exciting! Superman is brave. and hes very handsome too.TapescriptTony: Wh

14、at kind of cTony: I dont like it much, myself. The stories always have happy endings.Betty: Yes, but all cartoons have happy endings.Tony: I guess youre right. I like watching Tom and Jerry. Its funny!Betty: Yes, and Jerry is smart and cute!Tony: I dont like it much, myNow work in pairs and check. D

15、o they like the same cartoons as you?Now work in pairs and check. D3. Listen and read. Tony: Daming, weve finished our homework. Its time to watch a cartoon.Daming: Good idea, Tony. Lets watch Superman! 3. Listen and read. Tony: Tony: We watched Superman yesterday. Why dont we watch Spiderman? Its m

16、ore modern.Daming: I think Superman is better. Hes stronger than Spiderman. He can fly through the sky and fight bad people. Tony: We watched Superman Tony: Spiderman cant fly, but he climbs up buildings with his hands and feet. Thats cool. I want to be someone like him.Daming: Well, Superman is bra

17、ve. He keeps fighting bad people. Thats a real hero! Tony: Spiderman cant fly, Tony: I dont think we agree.Daming: All right. Lets watch Tom and Jerry then. Tony: Yeah! I like humorous cartoons. Tom and Jerry are very funny. I cant help laughing when I watch them! Tony: I dont think we agr Daming: Y

18、es, Jerry is too smart for Tom. Tony: The cute mouse always beats the cat! They fight a lot, but they really love each other. Sometimes they protect each other and work together. I think theres a lesson there! Daming: Yes, Jerry is too 1.What does Tony think about Spiderman?2. Why does Daming think

19、Superman is better?Now answer the questions.It is more modern and Spiderman is cool.Superman is stronger than Spiderman. He can fly through the sky and fight bad people and he is a real hero.What does Tony think about Spi3. Why do they both like Tom and Jerry?4. What lesson can Tony learn from Tom a

20、nd Jerry?Its humorous and Tom and Jerry are very funny.He can learn a lot about people and life from them although they fight a lot, they love, help and protect each other too.3. Why do they both like Tom a4. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. cartoon fight hero humo

21、rous laugh lesson4. Complete the passage with t Children and adults all over the world love (1) _. Some, like Tom and Jerry, are (2) _, and people enjoy (3) _ at the funny stories in them. Others, like Superman and Spiderman, are about (4) _. They (5) _ bad people to protect the world. These cartoon

22、s are not just stories they also teach (6) _ about good and bad.cartoonshumorouslaughingheroesfightlessons Children and adults all over Tips:1. Decide which words are verbs / nouns 2. Read the passage and decide if they need a verb, an adjective or a noun, then decide their forms.Tips:5. Work in pai

23、rs. Describe your favourite cartoon character or the characters below. Use the words in the box in Activity 2 to help you. 5. Work in pairs. Describe you Nezha Mickey Mouse Pleasant goat Snow White NezhaExample: I think Nezha is brave. Yes, I think so too. / No, I think he isPlease describe what cha

24、racters do or can do, and what they are like. Example:Please describe what cpronounciation and speaking1. Thats a real hero!2. I dont think we agree.3. They fight a lot, but they really love each other. 4. I think theres a lesson there!6. Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.Now liste

25、n again and repeat.1. Thats a real hero!6. Liste英语句子一般由多个单词构成,这些单词英语句子一般由多个单词构成,这些单词的的重读重读(stress)(stress) 一般遵循以下规律:一般遵循以下规律:名词、形容词、数词、动词、副词、代词名词、形容词、数词、动词、副词、代词和表达强烈思想感情的感叹词和表达强烈思想感情的感叹词需要重读需要重读;人称代词、连词、冠词、介词、以及少数人称代词、连词、冠词、介词、以及少数系动词和助动词等主要系动词和助动词等主要起语法作用的单词起语法作用的单词一般一般不重读不重读(当然有少数例外)。(当然有少数例外)。英语

26、句子一般由多个单词构成,这些单词的重读(stress) 7. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.1. What cartoons do you like reading or watching on TV?2. When do you read or watch them?3. Which one do you like best?Why? What cartoons do you like reading? I like reading7. Work in pairs. Ask and answ 1. Weve finished our

27、homework. Its time to watch a cartoon. 我们我们已经完成了的家庭作业,该看动已经完成了的家庭作业,该看动画片了。画片了。 Its time +(for sb.) to do sth. ,表,表示示“该是该是(某人某人)做做的时候了的时候了”。 Its time for you to clean the classroom. 该是你打扫教室的时候该是你打扫教室的时候了。了。 1. Weve finished our home【拓展拓展】Its time for+名词,也表名词,也表示示“该是该是 (做做) 的时候了的时候了”。 Boys and girls,

28、 its time for class. 同学们,该上课了。同学们,该上课了。back【拓展】Its time for+名词,也表示“该是 (做 2. I dont think we agree. 我认为我认为我们意见不统一。我们意见不统一。 本句是否定转移的用法。本句是否定转移的用法。 首首先先,要要知知道道:think后后边边的的we agree是是一一个个宾宾语语从从句句(即即充充当当宾语的完整句子宾语的完整句子)。 2. I dont think we agree. 其次,要了解:当动词其次,要了解:当动词think, believe, suppose的主语是第一人的主语是第一人称、谓

29、语动词没有任何副词修饰,称、谓语动词没有任何副词修饰,且使用一般现在时时,它们的否且使用一般现在时时,它们的否定式实际上是对其后宾语从句的定式实际上是对其后宾语从句的否定,表示说话者提出一种委婉否定,表示说话者提出一种委婉的看法或主张。的看法或主张。 其次,要了解:当动词think, believe, 这种这种“形式上否定主句谓语,实形式上否定主句谓语,实际上否定从句谓语际上否定从句谓语”的语法现象的语法现象就叫作就叫作“否定转移否定转移”。 I dont think he will help us. 我我认为他不会帮助我们。认为他不会帮助我们。 这种“形式上否定主句谓语,实际上否定从句谓语”

30、的语法现 I dont believe that he is right. 我我认为他不对。认为他不对。 I dont suppose that he likes it. 我想他不喜欢它。我想他不喜欢它。back I dont believe that he is 3. I cant help laughing when I watch them! 当我看他们的时候当我看他们的时候我会忍不住大笑!我会忍不住大笑! cant help doing sth.是固定短语,是固定短语,意为意为“忍不住做某事,情不自禁忍不住做某事,情不自禁做某事做某事”。 He couldnt help crying

31、when he heard the bad news. 当他听到这当他听到这个不好的消息时禁不住哭了。个不好的消息时禁不住哭了。 3. I cant help laughing wh【辨析辨析】cant help (to) do sth. 意意为为“不能帮忙做某事不能帮忙做某事”,这实际,这实际上是动词上是动词help (帮助帮助)的用法。的用法。 I am sorry that I cant help (to) carry the heavy box. 对不起,我对不起,我不能帮忙搬这个很重的箱子。不能帮忙搬这个很重的箱子。back【辨析】cant help (to) do sth. 意为感谢聆听



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