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1、贝贝力力Do you believe indragons?believe in/trust:相信、信任、信仰相信、信任、信仰believe:相信相信Eg:Ibelievehis words, but I cant believe inhim.Whats this?Is it a real dragon?Its a dragon, but it isnt a real dragon ,it is a huge lizardHow big and how heavy is the biggest?Its about three metres long , over one metre high.T

2、he heaviest is about 300 kilos.Arethey friendly topeople?be friendly to/be kind to/ be nice tobe thankful tobe polite toLove animalsmeans love ourselvesIt is said that Komodo dragons main enemy is human.They are in danger now .If we go onhunting them, they may die out.课本要点:1.She was so excited thats

3、he couldt speak.2.Hesawthe island getting bigger and bigger .3.Li hua was eager to seedragons .4.It was more than one metre high and nearly three metres long5.While they were eating, the larger dragons kept pushing the smaller ones away.考点析练:1. .so/ suchthat引导结果状语从句,可与 tooto/enough to进行复合句与简单句之间的转化。

4、可分为以下几种情况:(1)so+adj+a/an+n 单+that=such+a/an+adj+n 单+that. (2)such+adj+n 单/复+that.(3)so+many/much/few/little+n 单/复+that(4) so+adv+thatEg:It is such a heavy box that I cant carry itsoathatIt is _heavy _ box _I cant carry it.sothatThe box is _heavy _I cant carry it.toofor me to carryThe box is_heavy_ _

5、 _ _.Light enough for me to carryThe box isnt_ _ _ _ _ _.So that引导目的状语从句,可与引导目的状语从句,可与in order to/to进行转换进行转换。Eg:He works hard so thathecanpass the exam.in order toHe works hard _ _ _pass the exam.toHe works hard_pass the exam.考点练习考点练习1:D1.Wu Dong was _ tied that he couldnt keep his eyes _. (2002 黑龙江

6、)A.too, open B.so closed C.too closed D.so openB2.This box is_ heavy_ I cant carry it. (2002 天津)A.too,to B.so, that C. very that D. too , that1.It is such interesting a match that I cant miss itSO.such2.He told us so funny stories that we all laughed.Correct mistakes:so3.I had such many falls that I

7、 was black and blue.so4.They made such much noise that the teacher got angry5.The box is too heavy for me to carry it2.He saw the island gettingbiggerand bigger .(1)See/hear sb. doing sth看见看见/听见某人在干某事听见某人在干某事(强调动作正在进行)(强调动作正在进行)四看、二听、四看、二听、一感觉一感觉do sth. 看见看见/听见听见 某人干某事了。某人干某事了。(强调(强调 动作的过程)动作的过程)sin

8、gingEg:I heardhim_(sing) at nine last night.singI oftenhear him_(sing)in the afternoon考点练习考点练习2:D1.She said she felt someone_ in the room(1999宝鸡)A.to smoke B.smokes C.smoked D.smokingD2.I saw him_basketball with Jack an hour ago.(1999. 天津)A.plays B.to play C.played D.play3.One day when Edison was fi

9、ve years Cold ,his father saw him_on some eggs (98. 辽宁)A.siting B.sited C.sitting D.sat考点练习考点练习3:(2).bigger and bigger:越越来来越大越大,表示表示“越越来来越越”要用要用“比比较级较级and比比较级较级”或或“more and more 原原级级”。1.When winter comes,the days get _ B (2001 厦门中考试题厦门中考试题 )Ashort and short B.shorter and shorter Clong and long Dlong

10、er and longer 2.我们的国家变得越来越美丽。我们的国家变得越来越美丽。morebeautifulOur country is becoming _ and _ _ .more3.be eager to do :渴望干某事渴望干某事for sth. 渴望某事渴望某事Eg:He was eager to know his score.高度tall/high4.计量表达法:计量表达法:长度longwide宽度deep数词数词+量词量词+形容词形容词深度heavy重量old年龄away距离5.keep (on) doing sth . 一直一直/不断在干某事不断在干某事enjoyfini

11、shmindpractisefeel likebe worthhave funbe busy介词Eg .Do you mind my opening the door?考点练习4:B1.The boy enjoys_the radio in the morning.(1999 吉林)A.listening B.listening to C.listen to D.To listenB2.We kept _the ball to each other,and they began to get angry.(1999 辽宁)A.to pass B.passing C.pass D.PastB3.

12、Everybody is busy_ready for Christmas and _Christmas presents.(2000 北京)A.get,buy B.getting, buying C.to get,to buy D.got, boughtD4.I spent half an hour_ my homework.(2001 天津)A.finish doing B.to finish doing C.finishing to do D.Finishing doingA5.It kept_for 3 days.(2002 重庆)A.on raining B. To rain C.r

13、ainedC(2002 哈尔滨)6. Lucy is interested in_A.listen to music B.listening musicC.flying kites D.read books7.It was very late at night but our teacher still went on_without a rest.DA. works B.work C. worked D.workingThe Past Continuous Tense:1、基本用法:基本用法:(1)过去某时正在进行的动作。过去某时正在进行的动作。(2)过去某一动作发生时另一动作正在进行)过去

14、某一动作发生时另一动作正在进行2、构成:主语、构成:主语+was/were+doing+others主语主语+was/were+doing+when+did+3、时间状语:、时间状语:at this time yesterday/last night/last month,at 9:00 yesterday morning,at noon yesterday, at that time,from9:00 to 10:00 last night,when I came in,etc.考点练习:考点练习:1.-How did the accident happen?A-You know, it_d

15、ifficult to see clearly because it_ (2002 广州)A.was, was raining B.is, has rainedC.is ,is raining D.will be, will rain2.-Where were you in July last year?D-This time last year my family and I_my grandparents in New York.(2001广州)A.was visiting B.visited C.has visited D.were visiting巩固练习:巩固练习:was doing

16、1.I_ my homework at seven yesterday evening (do)was playing2.Tom _computer games from nine to ten last Sunday.(play)were talking3.The students _ about the film when camethe teacher _ in.(talk, come)was walking4.Mr. Wang saw it happen when_ past.(walk)was watchwas doing5.While I_ TV,mother_ some wash

17、ing.(watch,do)难点析练:难点析练:Whenandwhile1、主句、主句+when/while+was/were+延续延续V的现在的现在分词。分词。2、主句、主句+when+ 瞬间瞬间V 的过去式。的过去式。表示当一个动作发生时另一动作正在进行。表示当一个动作发生时另一动作正在进行。不用不用while.3、表示当一个动作正在进行时突然发生另一、表示当一个动作正在进行时突然发生另一动作。动作。When=at that time/and then不用不用whileEg:I was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at t

18、he door.Fill in the blanks with when , whileandas:when/as1.He was doing some cooking_I whenleft.2.He was just falling asleep_there while/whenwas a loud knock at the door.3.My mother was cooking_I aswas doing my homework.4.She dances_ she sings.(两个短促两个短促 行为或事件几乎同时发生,多用行为或事件几乎同时发生,多用as)as5.Just_ she c

19、aught the worm,shecried out.易错点练习:was doing1.He _ his homework when I got there.(do)haddone2.He_already_his homework when I got there.(do)3.Please look after Polly while am awayI_ ( 离开时)课堂总结:课堂总结:课堂2、sothat和while引导的状语从句。重点3、四看、二听、一感觉后加动名词与秃头不定式的区别。1、正确使用过去进行时,注意动词的构成形式。课课堂堂2、sothat,suchthat,so that难难点点与tooto,enough to之间同义句转化1、过去进行时与一般过去时的区别。3、when,while引导的状语从句间的区别。考点1.sothat,while 引导的状语从句引导的状语从句2.四看、二听、一感觉后加动四看、二听、一感觉后加动名词和秃头不定式名词和秃头不定式3、过去进行时、过去进行时 的应用。的应用。易错点1. Sothat,suchthat与与tooto,enough to转化转化2. when 引导的时间状语时引导的时间状语时态的确定。态的确定。while+延续延续Vas表示两个短促动作或事件表示两个短促动作或事件几乎同时发生。几乎同时发生。



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