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1、三大炮询盘分析回复询盘有效合理跟进 (流程关于合作的客人不跑掉,询盘关于没有合(流程关于合作的客人不跑掉,询盘关于没有合(流程关于合作的客人不跑掉,询盘关于没有合(流程关于合作的客人不跑掉,询盘关于没有合作开的客人,如何开始)作开的客人,如何开始)作开的客人,如何开始)作开的客人,如何开始)收到买家询盘收到买家询盘询盘洽谈询盘洽谈合同签订合同签订发货及制单发货及制单订单之源订单之源 外贸基本流程收款收款 外贸人员接触询盘与客户外贸人员接触询盘与客户后后,常有的抱怨在哪里常有的抱怨在哪里?合理报价的重要性(空间的适度掌控)合理报价的重要性(空间的适度掌控)价格高价格高报价单无突出报价单无突出,

2、,看似不专业看似不专业无针对性无针对性报价策略报价策略 ( (肯定与否定肯定与否定, ,YESYES与与NONO的运用的运用) )(价格空间)(价格空间) 报价后客户就好象失踪了?举举 例例 1 1 ( (单一性产品或寻求创单一性产品或寻求创单一性产品或寻求创单一性产品或寻求创新)新)新)新) Crystal lamp : A8699Crystal lamp : A8699Price: US$500 (Fob ZHONGSHAN)Price: US$500 (Fob ZHONGSHAN)Packing:Packing: 50*78*60CM 50*78*60CM (Unassembled)Un

3、assembled)LAMPSIZE: LAMPSIZE: 96CM,H:105CM96CM,H:105CMN.W: 21KG G.W. 25KGN.W: 21KG G.W. 25KGMOQ: 10PCSMOQ: 10PCSDelivery Time:Delivery Time: 35 DAYS upon the receipt 35 DAYS upon the receipt of deposit or LCof deposit or LC举 例 2 信任度信任度 (TAOBAOTAOBAO) 专业度的体现有否专业度的体现有否 ( (PDF PDF ) 市场周期市场周期 客户度假或在出差客户

4、度假或在出差 本身有其它供应商,尝试寻找新供应商,时间积本身有其它供应商,尝试寻找新供应商,时间积 累问题,累问题,需多了解需多了解 邮件表达模糊邮件表达模糊. .需要简单,清晰,不要过多修饰需要简单,清晰,不要过多修饰2.为什么为什么联系的过程中联系的过程中, ,客人就象失踪了客人就象失踪了? ?一、询盘分析案例案例1(主攻目标明确专业型主攻目标明确专业型)二. 询盘内容 客人信息的全面度 (不完全) 目标明确度 (基本明确) 询问专业度 (没有体现) 三、询盘回复15 . .询盘回复注意点询盘回复注意点回复时间及时回复时间及时无法当天及时回复的,务必说明原因无法当天及时回复的,务必说明原因

5、。称称 呼:带上客户姓名呼:带上客户姓名问候语:礼节呼应问候语:礼节呼应 感谢感谢正正 文:有问必答文:有问必答 无法回答则给出解释无法回答则给出解释 重点突出重点突出 意思明确意思明确结束语:希望对方的回复,表示合作的愿望结束语:希望对方的回复,表示合作的愿望落落 款:款:统一规范统一规范 信息完整信息完整16 Re:QuotationfromSuccesslightingco.ltdRe:QuotationfromSuccesslightingco.ltdDearPeterDearPeter,Howareyou?ManythanksforHowareyou?Manythanksforyou

6、rinquiryasbelow.yourinquiryasbelow. (提醒客人,他是主动,我是在回复他的邮件和问题,引起客人继续看的兴趣)提醒客人,他是主动,我是在回复他的邮件和问题,引起客人继续看的兴趣)提醒客人,他是主动,我是在回复他的邮件和问题,引起客人继续看的兴趣)提醒客人,他是主动,我是在回复他的邮件和问题,引起客人继续看的兴趣)Ourfactoryisaprofessionalmanufacturerofdecorativelamps.Ourfactoryisaprofessionalmanufacturerofdecorativelamps.WehavemadeWehavem




10、rsAnnAnnExportManagerExportManagerSUCCESSLIGHITNGFACTORY.SUCCESSLIGHITNGFACTORY.address-address-Tel:067Tel:067Fax:021Fax:021E-mail:E-mail:Website:Website: Call & Fax client to remind新客户 邮件中找需求点 老客户 具体到谈判环节拟定标题 产品促销/新产品上市 邮件主题客人回复Dear Ann,Dear Ann,Thanks a lot for your quick response.Thanks a lot for

11、 your quick response.I have passed your mail and photos to our engineering I have passed your mail and photos to our engineering colleague. They will study and give me answer in 2 days. colleague. They will study and give me answer in 2 days. But for MD8725, I got a much lower price from other But f

12、or MD8725, I got a much lower price from other suppliers. Can you do it by a reasonable price?suppliers. Can you do it by a reasonable price?BTW,please send me some photos of your factory and offices.BTW,please send me some photos of your factory and offices.Waiting for your good news! Waiting for y

13、our good news! Best regards!Best regards!PeterPeter. . . .What is peter want to know about 这个时候,我们要如何应对谈判价格角色转换 理由充分 解释专业 语气坚定且面带笑容单纯的“这已经是最低价了”-NO WAY!回复DearPeterDearPeterThankyousomuchforyourreplyThankyousomuchforyourreplymailasbelowmailasbelow.(.(提醒客人,我是在回复提醒客人,我是在回复他的邮件,引起他的注意)他的邮件,引起他的注意)1.Plea





18、utmoreandmorechances.SoIknowtheimportanceofpriceandservice.andservice. Youarewarmlywelcomedtovisitourfactory,IbetthatyouwillsatisfywithYouarewarmlywelcomedtovisitourfactory,Ibetthatyouwillsatisfywithourprice,qualityandability.ourprice,qualityandability.BestregardsBestregardsANNANN.针对性回复例如:例如:询问产品的包装

19、尺寸询问产品的包装尺寸和其它同类产品之间的差异和其它同类产品之间的差异. .询问产品的对应认证询问产品的对应认证. .产品的关键零部件要求产品的关键零部件要求. .加工过程中的应用工序加工过程中的应用工序. .一个不离谱的价格要求一个不离谱的价格要求. . 主攻客户的判断标准案例案例2 客人索样品/求报价首次回复DearSaurabhDearSaurabhHowareyoudoing?Howareyoudoing?Thanksalotforyourmailandyourtrustonus.Thanksalotforyourmailandyourtrustonus.Igotyourpicture


21、1*40hq,so,wouldyouliketoinformmeSaurabh,consideryourqty1500pcs=1*40hq,so,wouldyouliketoinformmeyourtargetpriceacceptable?yourtargetpriceacceptable?Andwhatisbrandoftransformeryouwanttouse?Andwhatisbrandoftransformeryouwanttouse? Youknow,wealwayssupportyouquitewell,Youknow,wealwayssupportyouquitewell,

22、Ifthepricenotlowerthanourbasicprofit,wewilldoitforyou.Ifthepricenotlowerthanourbasicprofit,wewilldoitforyou. So I am So I am waiting for your price. waiting for your price. Bestregards!Bestregards!YourssincerelyYourssincerelyLilinLilin.总结对于产品的要求产品的数量客户的TARGET PRICE以对客户的了解作回复,新客人报低价。案例案例3 目标明确需培养型 De

23、arPawelDearPawel Howareyou!Howareyou! IamlilinfromABClightingco.ltd.IaminchargeoftheexportbusinessinourIamlilinfromABClightingco.ltd.Ipany. T.IthinkyouhavereadourT.Ithinkyouhavereadourintroduction.Weareprofessionalmanufacturerondecorativelamps.introduction.Weareprofessionalmanufacturerondecorativela

24、mps. IamsogladtoinformyouthatweIamsogladtoinformyouthatwehavegotCEcertificateandwehavehavegotCEcertificateandwehavesuccessfullyexportedtoUK,DK,Finland,Holland,etctoEurope.successfullyexportedtoUK,DK,Finland,Holland,etctoEurope. Wegotgoodreputationfromourcustomers.AndwepassedthetestsofRoHsonWegotgood

25、reputationfromourcustomers.AndwepassedthetestsofRoHsontheaccessoriesandplating.theaccessoriesandplating. IattachedourEcatalogueandourCEcertificateforyourreadingIattachedourEcatalogueandourCEcertificateforyourreading.Ithinkyouwill.Ithinkyouwillknowmoreaboutourfactoryandourproducts.knowmoreaboutourfac

26、toryandourproducts. Anyquestion,pleasefeelfreetocontactwithme,Iamreadyhere.Anyquestion,pleasefeelfreetocontactwithme,Iamreadyhere. Youarewarmlywelcomedtovisitourfactory.Youarewarmlywelcomedtovisitourfactory. Hopetoestablishgoodrelationshipwithyou!Hopetoestablishgoodrelationshipwithyou! Bestregards!B

27、estregards! DearlilinDearlilinThanksalotforyoursupportandkindexplainationsonThanksalotforyoursupportandkindexplainationsoncrystallamp.crystallamp.Forthe1storder,Iknowitisverysmall.Forthe1storder,Iknowitisverysmall.Butlilin,Butlilin,I still have one question, are these lamps difficult to I still have

28、 one question, are these lamps difficult to installinstall?YouknowIdidtablelampsbefore.AnditisveryexpensiveYouknowIdidtablelampsbefore.AnditisveryexpensiveforlaborinEurope.forlaborinEurope.Regards!Regards!PawelPawelDear PawelDear PawelI donI don t think it is small order, but a important test t thin

29、k it is small order, but a important test between us. After this test, it will be changed.between us. After this test, it will be changed.Pawel, for installation, no, it is not difficult at all. Pawel, for installation, no, it is not difficult at all. Attached is the drawing instruction which will b

30、e Attached is the drawing instruction which will be matched for every lamp. matched for every lamp. And I attached a Video to show you how to install, you And I attached a Video to show you how to install, you will notice that we have done most of works, you just will notice that we have done most o

31、f works, you just need to hang them up is ok. Trust on me. I would like to need to hang them up is ok. Trust on me. I would like to grow up together with you.grow up together with you.Yours sincerelyYours sincerelyLilinLilin DearpawelDearpawelItisreallygreatthatyouwillgetnewshowroom,soitmeansyourbus

32、inessisItisreallygreatthatyouwillgetnewshowroom,soitmeansyourbusinessisbigger,isntit?bigger,isntit? Pawel,weworkedtogetherfor3years,Iamhappyforyou,andnowyourqtyPawel,weworkedtogetherfor3years,Iamhappyforyou,andnowyourqtyincreasedto40ftfullcontainer.Youknowourfirstorderisonly6lampsforsample.increased



35、rewillbefairinGermany,wewillgiveyouoursampleforyoutoexhibiteexhibite. .Letshandinhandtocreatemoresuccess!Letshandinhandtocreatemoresuccess!Bestregards!Bestregards!YourssincerelyYourssincerelyLilinLilin.询盘回复要点v及时回复 ( (原则原则2424小时内小时内) )v专业知识 换位思考v站对位置 三、跟进客户WHY?HOW?1.对于没有回复的客户定期关怀定期关怀周期性的跟进,针对上次的周期性的跟

36、进,针对上次的报价报价报价报价节日的问候节日的问候放假通知放假通知价格变动的通知价格变动的通知 询盘跟进(一)已报价Dear PeterDear PeterHave you received my mail on XXX regarding the Have you received my mail on XXX regarding the quotation for MD8725 you required? Anyhow, I quotation for MD8725 you required? Anyhow, I send you again for reminding.send you

37、again for reminding.Best regards!Best regards!Ann Ann . . .询盘跟进(二)已寄样品Dear PeterDear PeterNow I am here writing to you wish everything well with you and your Now I am here writing to you wish everything well with you and your esteemed company.esteemed company.I got info from DHL feedback that you ha

38、ve got our sample dated xxx. I got info from DHL feedback that you have got our sample dated xxx. I hope it is good for your testing and study. I hope it is good for your testing and study. Any comments by return will be much appreciated. It will be our big Any comments by return will be much apprec

39、iated. It will be our big pleasure if we have opportunities to be on service of you in near pleasure if we have opportunities to be on service of you in near future.future.Looking forward to your prompt response.Looking forward to your prompt response.Thanks and best regardsThanks and best regardsAN

40、NANN. . .3.对于有回复,一直无订单n价格变动通知(尤为重要)价格变动通知(尤为重要)n国内,国家市场的形势交流(埃及)n节日的问候n新产品的推荐新产品的推荐n放假通知放假通知n结合我们的私人展示厅已已成成交交客客户户Dear Mr. Khaled,Dear Mr. Khaled,Due to rising price in the world-wide market, after this month,Due to rising price in the world-wide market, after this month,We will increase our price ab

41、out We will increase our price about 5%.5%. Since you are a valued Since you are a valuedcustomer of long standing, we wish to give you the opportunity to beat customer of long standing, we wish to give you the opportunity to beat the price increase by ordering now at the current prices. As I know y

42、ourthe price increase by ordering now at the current prices. As I know yourorder circle, now the time it is.order circle, now the time it is. If your order this time is 2 containers, we will provide you additional 2%If your order this time is 2 containers, we will provide you additional 2%disount fo

43、r support and will be big advantage than your competitors.disount for support and will be big advantage than your competitors. We look forward to your early reply.We look forward to your early reply.Best Regards,Best Regards,AnnAnn. . .案例案例 涨价通知涨价通知从从未未回回复复的的客客户户Dear Mr Gary,Dear Mr Gary, How are yo

44、u? Hope everything is OK with you.How are you? Hope everything is OK with you. Now we are writing for keeping in touch with you for further business. If any Now we are writing for keeping in touch with you for further business. If any new inquiry, welcome here and we will try our best to satisfy you

45、 well withnew inquiry, welcome here and we will try our best to satisfy you well withcompetitive price as per your petitive price as per your request. By the way, how about your order with item 106? Hope there would be an By the way, how about your order with item 106? Hope there would be an opportu

46、nity to cooperate with each other.opportunity to cooperate with each other. Warmest Regards,Warmest Regards,AnnAnnABC COMPANYABC COMPANY案例案例有有回回复复未未成成交交的的客客户户样品费用+快递费用Dear Mr.Sawyer,Dear Mr.Sawyer,Have you received my email regarding the Have you received my email regarding the quotation for crystal

47、 lamp?quotation for crystal lamp?Best RegardsBest RegardsAmyAmyNo Reply 1Dear Mr. Sawyer,Dear Mr. Sawyer,Wish everything well with you and your esteemed company Wish everything well with you and your esteemed company ! ! We are in receipt of your letter dated Aug 10 , and as We are in receipt of you

48、r letter dated Aug 10 , and as requested we expressed you 3 catalogues for our requested we expressed you 3 catalogues for our products . We hope they will reach you in due course and products . We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection . will help you in m

49、aking your selection . Wish we will promote business as well as friendship! Wish we will promote business as well as friendship! Best wishes Best wishes AmyAmyNo Reply 2Dear Mr. Sawyer, Dear Mr. Sawyer, Good morning! Hope you have got a wonderful weekend! Good morning! Hope you have got a wonderful

50、weekend! For several days no news from you, my friend. Now I am writing for For several days no news from you, my friend. Now I am writing for reminding you about our offer for item of * dated * * * reminding you about our offer for item of * dated * * * according to your relative inquiry. Have you

51、got the prices or not?according to your relative inquiry. Have you got the prices or not?Any comments by return will be much appreciated. It will be our big Any comments by return will be much appreciated. It will be our big pleasure if we have opportunities to be on service of you in near future. p

52、leasure if we have opportunities to be on service of you in near future. Your reply is highly appreciated! Your reply is highly appreciated! Thanks and best regards, Thanks and best regards, AmyAmyNo Reply 3Dear Tom, Dear Tom, Now we are writing for keeping in touch with you for Now we are writing f

53、or keeping in touch with you for further business. If any new inquiry, welcome here and we further business. If any new inquiry, welcome here and we will try my best to support you well with competitive prices will try my best to support you well with competitive prices as per your request. as per y

54、our request. By the way, how about your business with item *? Your By the way, how about your business with item *? Your news is very important to make development of our factory, news is very important to make development of our factory, and it is important to enhance our cooperation,too.and it is important to enhance our cooperation,too.Thanks and best regards, Thanks and best regards, AmyAmyNo Reply 4处理询盘要点1.简单2.专业,突出重点3.抓住客人的抓住客人的“胃胃“ (第二个胃第二个胃) CD4.及时5.换位思考6.认真阅读邮件认真阅读邮件 自信自信是成功的先决条件是成功的先决条件谢谢大家谢谢大家4949



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