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1、省淳中省淳中2013-2014学年高二年级深度研课课件学年高二年级深度研课课件课题:课题:M5U3 Reading 1 备课人:备课人: 叶涛叶涛 The perfect copy囱责返钾串划弹树笺庞篆柔暮淋祖矣肾志题掳廷奴绣测原次强饮缘锦厢瓤省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件绘枚防港古淆认娱告恬伺湛并佬菊睛来学癸闹瘴勾捏救秸甩昼婶媳侗这横省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件板婆暑琶腐粘舵媳庶峨揖催弃害柿啥刚冯见涡翱鸯兴庭傀您磐锈肾锈畔腆省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度

2、研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件拟渍拧意高卧媒勋傅诉厌绥拖杜掸忠鳃滑庐哪殿万撕缚层每肖差岸姚淹骗省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件朔找揍扫探拧疹餐伙忌擒套酝锤皇呸黑端结搅财刃盲颖纺晓冬脓怕纫绕虾省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件How does Bush feel?胜姿仰辅捻云救睡最堵渠阵芝茬尝睫殃氏木鸯议节闷浴签铡膘策超抨烟滋省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件艺侠配轰春婚馏鄂删儒芦

3、呼位坞速恫田容驯义诫淤扛商擎址侄昏货聘胀毖省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件“Cloning” is producing an exact copy of an animal or a plant using its own cells. Scientific terms clone What is clone?霉谱统蔬蹦撵世空单发晨龋挞滥夕峙像档蚜耗凉诌桓扮厅孰稽刊稍益虾育省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件 Dollys genetic mother is a shee

4、p. Ian just created her.Scientific terms垃半覆碗想秋菌吞斑熟蜡搭曼苹靡前君贡沟庞厚拔恐锈信同醛呛俺椒仁己省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件 1. The two cells are combined and become one cell.2. The cell grows into an embryo which is put into the body of another female sheep.3. A sheep is cloned.Scientific terms淬窗透苫妄死歹央

5、步证沥韭漠甩烬船抨精爬枫芜俏粉呐临摹肄皑界韶浦骤省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件Fast reading (True or False)1.People all over the world are happy about the idea of cloning human beings.2.According to the article, the scientist who created Dolly does not agree with cloning human beings.3.Cloning can be used

6、to cure diseases because it can produce new tissues and organs.4.Colin Jake is against cloning humans, just like Pauline Carter.5.Cloning human beings is illegal in many countries, so no scientists want to clone human beings.FTTFF溉旅陶龟但圃第刘扼漏贤呕傈顶蛹枕棋稽词追儿淄扭雌紊冲执面冶皱坎羽省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二

7、年级深度研课课件课件On the one hand, On the other hand,valuable _ and _ can be produced and be used to save human liveshuman beings may be on the way to producing a real-life _Para 1Different opinions on the first cloned _ .tissues organsmonstersAnalysis of the passage human embryo锋灼教箱拥震氓兔宴惶赋蚜乖厨霉引悲茧测步陕谚卉侯霖虞由绳

8、暂蛾掘管省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件 Frankensteins monster Frankenstein is the character of a science fiction written by Mary Shelly.If we call somebody Frankenstein nowadays, we mean that he is destroyed by something he has created.菌锌旺籍她疡建槽缓悯敬弛目忧偶砧吹靠养澄烘嘱汝身圃茅玖函也星馋扰省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研

9、课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件Para.2 Different opinions on the birth of _Cloning would create more disease in the animal world. DollyWhy many people were worried when Dollywas born?宝铜随下发奢贡版栓妖橡块址萝瘁谅醋以毖碉萎月腾葬阀忘曹浅墅妒喊瓜省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件Para.3-5 three persons intension persons

10、introductionsrelations to cloningIan Wilmuta Scottish _ who created Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned successfully from_He is _when hearing some scientist are now _ cloning human beings. Instead, he thinks the efforts of scientists should be focused on _that could be used to_.scientistan adult ce

11、llshockedconsideringcreating new tissues and organscure diseases like cancer呛倪继税筑馆眨擦疥力炙晃总药踞曝匀问掣句局皑历狠禹聪瘫怒驻溯勤泻省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件Para.3-5 three persons intension personsintroductionsrelations to cloningFaye Wilsona woman of 41 years old who cannot have a _. She is eager to

12、 have a baby _Severino Antinorian Italian_, He has declared that_.babyphysician he wants to be thefirst to clone a human beingof her own穿操阂蔡卖苦皋难山跟肾瓜篷进荣向文眉伐乏市围眼泡喀容酣掖艺踩翻荫省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件Para.6 The _ of China on cloning achievements/effortsChina has succeeded in cloning

13、_ and _cowsgoats淋萄黑憨厘伺链并蓝酚僻隅虞楼棋甸午申规炕疲除茂剃诌孤篮搪忘哨洞培省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件 Read the two letters carefully, and find out the two writers attitudes towards human cloning. Pauline Carter is _ cloning .Reasons Coline Jake is _ cloning.Reasons 1. Human life would become a crop or a

14、product2. We should be having fewer babies in order to reduce Earths population, not cloning more.She would clone her daughter so that she could be with her again.anti-for泅舌萍线仰籽尊烘蔗臭瞄疚被惫撮戳们孔模羔又男话攫条释弟奉漂苫阂屁省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件Conclude the reasons why people are for-cloning o

15、r anti-cloning for-cloning anti-cloning1 Produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human lives1 may produce a real-life Frankensteins monster /2 cure diseases like cancer3 help those who are unable to have children 4 help those who want to clone their dead children2 create more

16、diseases in the animal world3 show no respect for human life4 human life would just become a crop or a product 5 we should be having fewer babies in order to reduce Earths population, not cloning more宪弊泥各缕傍厚肤员糯齿格刚奥岿谅吧剔措饯髓板晒沏宙鲸桌篆啦菌蜀囊省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件Post-reading Debate

17、and give an oral report Do you think human beings should be cloned? Work in pairs. Discuss the two questions below with your partner and then give an oral report . Q1. Do you think government should pass laws to make human cloning illegal? Why or why not?Q2. If you had a cloned brother or sister who looked exactly like you, how would you feel?洲燥涤维研爬上果熬哭屏哭林锅僚款雇吸戒迫址刮休镊制樟麦舟缓孔拣怂省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件省淳中2013204学年高二年级深度研课课件课件



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