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1、 English around the worldWarming up LANGUAGE POINTS1.Joe is an American who has come to Britain for the first time. for the first time“(生平)第一次”,常与一般过去时连用,叙述一个事实,在句中做时间状语。Two years ago they met each other for the first time. 两年前他们头一次见面。thefirsttime引导时间状语从句,意为“第一次的时候。”ItisthefirsttimethatJoehascometoB

2、ritain.It is the first(second) time that sb. have done sth. It was the first(second) time that sb. had done sth.用来作小结,意为“这是的第一(二)次” ,定语从句一般用现在(过去)完成时。The first time I met her, she was teaching in a middle school.WeflewallthewaydirectfromSeattletoLondon. fly (flew, flown) vt.放飞,空运; vi.飞行 Lets fly a k

3、ite this afternoon. Please fly the fruit as soon as possible. How time flies! all the way 全程,一直地 fly (all the way) direct 直飞 way: by the way顺便 by way of 取道 in the/ones way当道,在路中间 on ones way to在的路上4.Youmustbeverytired.must:“必须”Youmustgetupearly.“猜测”肯定用must,否定用cant(不可能),疑问用CanHemustbehungrynow.(对现在的肯

4、定推测)Itmusthaverainedlastnight.(对过去的肯定推测).musthavedone对过去的肯定推测shouldhavedone(当初本应该)7.Makeyourselfathome.别拘束,别客气 will 是情态动词,表示意愿,意为“愿意” will 作助动词时,构成将来时,不用于if条件句。beathome/feelathome(withsb.)8.Ifyoullexcusemenow.如果你允许我离开(失陪一会儿)的话Theyfeelathomewitheachother.at home 相当于 comfortable舒适的excuse vt. 原谅,宽恕(某人)

5、 准许离开;放开Please excuse me for being later.对不起,我迟到了。Ill excuse you; you may go.我允许你离开, 你可以走了。The child ate quickly and asked to be excused.那孩子吃得很快并请求准许离开。9.Notreally.“不怎么,没怎么”(notverymuch),用于否定,减轻语气。Did you enjoy the book?你喜欢这本书吗?Not really。不怎么喜欢。10.meanvt.;mean to do sth. 打算做,企图做; mean doing sth. 意味着

6、 meaningn.Whatdoesitmean?Imeanttoseehimtomorrow,butIchangedmymind.Missingthetrainmeanswaitingforanhour.12.Dontforgettobuymesomeketchuponyourwayback.forgettodo忘了要做某事(todo表示动作还未发生)doing忘记做过某事(doing表示动作已发生)类似用法:remember,stop,try,regretregrettosay(tell)遗憾地说(告诉)doing(havingdone)后悔做过某事Take,bring,carry,fet

7、ch的区别take把人或物“带走,拿走”到别处.Letshaveonemoredrink,andthenIlltakeyoubackhome.bring表示从别处把人或物“拿来,带来”.Comehereandbringyourbook.carry不表示方向,有负重的含义.Wouldyoupleasecarrytheboxforme?fetch=goandbringbacksb./sth.ShallIfetchyouyourcoatfromthenextroom?English around the worldUnit 21. the majority of people speak Engli

8、sh. majority: n. 大多数; minority n. 少数,少数民族常与常与ofof连用连用 The majority of children in our class have black eyes; only three have brown eyes. He was elected by a large majority of 3,240.习语: in the majority 占多数,拥有多数 2. In total, for more than 375 million people, English is their mother tongue. total n总数 ;

9、in total. 总共 That will cost you 15yuan in total. (总共) What does the total come to?总数得多少? adj.总计的,完全的 total losses总损失; a total surprise令人大吃一惊的事 v. 常与to, up to连用 It totals (up) to three dollars.3. equal: adj. 相等的;平等的 (一般无比较级和最高级) 常见结构:be equal to Its equal to me whether he comes or not. vt. 与相等,比得上 Ei

10、ght times eight equals sixty-four. None of us can equal her.4. situation: n. C 情形;场所;处境; 境遇;形势;局面;事态 The house has a fine situation. The situation was complicated. find oneself in an embarrassing situation 觉得自己处于尴尬的境地 get into/out of a difficult situation 陷入/摆脱困难的状况 save the situation 挽回局势 5. except

11、 介词,意为“ 除了” +n/pron (在整体中除去部分) Everyone except me got an invitation. +从句 (除去一种例外情况) I understand everything except why she killed him. She remembered nothing about him except that his hair was black. He goes to school by bike except when it rains. +for sb /sth(除去一个次要方面,含有因for宾语而有失完美之意;或者除去与前述事物不同类的事

12、物) The meal was excellent except for the course. Nobody is in the room except for some tables and chairs.(1)besides常与othermoreelse等词连用except常与alleveryeveryonenonenobodyeverythingnothing等总括词连用。 eg. He had other people to take care of besides me. All the students in Class One went to the cinema except

13、 Li Ping. (2)若句中没有实义动词do的某种形式except后接动词不定式而besides后接动词的-ing形式。 eg.I had no choice except to obeybesides obeying his order. (3)若句中有实义动词do的某种形式二者后面都可以接动词原形。 eg.She has nothing to do exceptbesides go with him. (4)二者后面都可以接从句。 eg.Besides that he explained the theoryhe gave us some examples. He is a good

14、student except that he sometimes comes late to school. apart from兼有besides和except for两种含义,后接名词、代词或动名词。 other than含义与exceptbut相同,都表示从总体中除去一部分后接名词、代词或不定式。 eg.In that casethere is nothing you can do other than wait. (2001年上海春季高考题) in addition to 1. 除.之外(还)In addition to French, he has to study Japanese

15、.除了法语外,他还得学日语。6. knowledge n. 可数名词,意为“知道;了解” ;have a good knowledge of“熟悉”。 a knowledge of French懂法语 She has a good knowledge of London. 她对伦敦的情形很熟悉。不可数名词,“知识”,泛指。We go to school to get knowledge.我们上学获得知识。Knowledge is power知识就是力量。Unit 2Integrating skillsHowdiddifferentkindsofEnglishcomeabout?e about:

16、 happen e.g. How did the accident come about?2. at first e.g. At first she was afraid of water,but she soon learned to swim. language points3. whilee.g. Some people are rich while others are poor.4. just ase.g. Just as you say, he is an honest boy.5. end up withe.g. At the dinner w usually begin wit

17、h soup and end up with fruit.6. except fore.g. You composition is good except for some spelling mistakes. 7. exchange vt.&n 交换,交流,兑换vt. sth with sb for sthn. in for 交换 have/make an 交换8. tidy adj. 整齐的,整洁的整齐的,整洁的 neat(同)(同)untidy(反)(反) a tidy room/person/mindv. tidy (up) sth/oneself 把把收拾整齐,梳理一下收拾整齐,梳理

18、一下9. compare vt. A and B; A with/to B: 比较比较 compare the style of the two poemsIf you compare her work with his, youll find hers is better.A to B: 把把A和和B相比,把相比,把A比作比作B Poets have compared sleep to parison n.U比较比较 the of A and/with/to B make a between A and B25. replace: 相当于take ones place/take the pl

19、ace of sb / sth vt. 替换,更换 sb/ sth (with sb / sth) replace a broken window with a new one replacement n. u 代替,更换 the of worn parts c 代替或替换他者的人或物 find a for Sue while she is ill replacement staff 替补人员Translation:1.引进引进2. 与此同时与此同时3. 国际组织国际组织4. 别客气,无拘束别客气,无拘束5. 熬夜熬夜6. 不要开窗睡觉。不要开窗睡觉。7. 晚会以一首轻音乐结束。晚会以一首轻音

20、乐结束。bring inat the same timeinternational organisationmake oneself at homestay upDont sleep with the windows open.The evening party ended up with a piece of light music.8.同学们回答这个问题有些困难。同学们回答这个问题有些困难。9.除了天公不作美以外,我们过得很愉快。除了天公不作美以外,我们过得很愉快。10.他考试不及格的原因是学习不够努力。他考试不及格的原因是学习不够努力。The students had some difficulty in answering The question.We had a good time except for the weather.The reason why he didnt pass the exam was that he didnt work hard enough.



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