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1、peach flowersIn spring, please come to Taohua Jian. You can see a lot of very beautiful peach flowers. The peach flowers are planted. Also, you can see an interesting painting. The painting is cleaned everyday. Finally, you can see different kinds of stones. The stones are protected. Task 1You can s

2、ee a lot of very beautiful peach flowers.The peach flowers are planted. You can see an interesting painting.The painting is cleaned everyday.You can find different kinds of stones.The stones are protected. Active Voice(主动语态主动语态)Passive Voice(被动语态被动语态)The peach flowers are planted. The painting is cl

3、eaned everyday.The stones are protected. Subject be V.(过去分词过去分词)+“被被”1.The roads are (clean).2.The tree (be) planted.3.The flowers (be)_ 4. (water).5.4.The 12th Peach Flower Festival (be) (hold).cleanediswateredisheldareManager The manager wants to write a report to the Mayor(市市长). Please help him f

4、inish the report. Task 2Dear Mayor,In order to hold a successful festival, we do a lot of things every day: The main road (clean). Many posters (paint). A big apple tree (plant). A lot of famous singers (invite). Some good advice (give). All the things (check).Yours,Manager are invitedare paintedis

5、plantedis cleanedis givenare checkedDear manager,All of you have done a good job, but there are still two big problems:1.The newsletter article is not written.2.The snacks for the singers are not bought.Subject be not V.(p.p)+The video The ticketsThe public signsDancing showsThe horse isntarentmade(

6、make)played(play)fed(feed)held(hold)sold(sell)The manager searches for some information about last Peach Flower Festival on the Internet.Task 31.A hotel was built.2.Colorful lights were used.3.All of the flowers were watered.Subject be的过去式的过去式 V.(p.p)+The office workers must make lots of leaflets. P

7、lease help them finish them.Leaflet /liflt/(pl. leaflets)n. 传单,散页印刷品传单,散页印刷品Dear partners,Many problems are found in our work, so we must make some changes. I found a lot of useful information about “last” Peach Flower Festival. I hope the information can help you.1.A hotel (build).2.Colorful lights

8、 (use).3.All of the flowers (water).4.The newsletter article (write).5.The snacks for guests (buy).6.The dancing show (hold).7.The public signs (make).8.The animals (feed).was builtwere usedwere wateredwas writtenwere boughtwas heldwere madewere fedJack A young man called Jack finds that some inform

9、ation is not real.Task 41.The newsletter article was not written.2.The dancing shows were not held.3.The public signs werent made.Subject be not V.(p.p)+Jack is required to make a new leaflet. But he makes some mistakes. Please help him correct them.1.A hotel built.2.Colorful lights was used.3.All o

10、f the flowers were watering.4.The newsletter article werent written.5.The snacks for guests were buyed.6.The dancing shows wasnt held.7.The public signs were not make.8.The animals fed.wasntwerewateredwasboughtwerentmadewereThere are many things here. But the manager doesnt know who can do them. So

11、he invites some office workers to discuss.Task 5A : The designers paint the posters.Manager: Yeah, the posters are painted by the designers.B : Jack makes the public signs.Manager: Ok, the public signs are made by Jack.C: I write the newsletter.Manager: The newsletter is written by you.1. The poster

12、s are painted by the designers.2. The public signs are made by Jack.3. The newsletter is written by you.Subject be + V.(p.p)byPerformer (动作实施者动作实施者) +The manager needs more advice. So please work in pairs to find some.Eg. A :Who plants the apple tree?B :The apple tree is planted by a farmer.1234flow

13、erswaterSandysignsmakea strong manroadscleanan old womanshowsholdmanagerThe 12th Peach Flower Festival is a great success. I am very proud of you. So dear manager, I want to invite you to make a speech about this event. Prepare for it!Task 6Speech:Good morning, everyone. I am very glad to be here. N

14、ow I want to say something about our Peach Flower Festival. Now, the main road is cleaned by workers every day.However, some problems are found. So I found some information about last Peach Flower Festival. At that time, a hotel was built. At last, I just want to thank all of my partners, especially a young man called Jack. Thank you! 1.Review the content by yourselves.2.Correct your speeches.3.Preview the next lesson.



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