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1、Unit 8 AdventureLesson 1 Adventure HolidaysLesson 2 Extreme SportsLesson 3 Marco PoloLesson 4 Journey to the AntarcticCommunication Workshop: A brochure单元结构单元结构Adventure Holidays1. Why do you think peoplewould want to go on hiking trips in the HIMALAYAS?Answer: They are looking for new, exciting hol

2、iday experiences.回顾课文回顾课文 L1 Extreme Sports1. What exactly are extreme sports? Answer: They are sports that are all about speed, excitement and danger. 2. Can you name some extreme sports? Answer: Bungee jumping, sky surfing, snowboarding, snowrafting, whitewater rafting, ice diving.回顾课文回顾课文 L2 Marc

3、o Polo1. Why did Marco Polo and hisfather travel to China?Answer: Because Marcos father was a sea merchant, and he wanted to do trade with the Chinese.2. What was the name of his book?Answer: The Description of the World. 回顾课文回顾课文 L3 Journey to the Antarctic1. Whom did Captain Scott race against? An

4、swer: He raced against Norwegian explorers.2. Why did they fail to return home? Answer: 1) The weather condition was terrible. 2) They ran out of food. 3) Disease.回顾课文回顾课文 L4 1. And the amazing Mount Qomolangma is on the horizon. on the horizon 在地平线上 珠穆朗玛峰难以置信地出现在地平线上。【扩展运用】 on the horizon about to

5、happen 临近的 When they started to return, disaster was on the horizon. 当他们起程回家,灾难已露端倪。 broaden ones horizons 开阔眼界/学识 Travel broaden our horizons. 旅行开阔我们的眼界。句句词词句句2. As well as the group guide, all teams have cooks and porters. as well as in addition to sth or someone; besides 还有,除 之外 除了导游外,所有的长途跋涉队还配有

6、厨师和搬运工。 As well as Bungee jumping, he likes white-water rafting. 除了蹦极之外,他还喜欢激流漂流。3. This is a Class A hike you have to be fit. class n. 等级 Yao Ming is a top-class athlete. 姚明是一流的运动员。 fit adj. in good health 健康的 World-class athletes are extremely fit. 具有国际水平的运动员体格非常好。【扩展运用】一词多义的 class1) I often fly i

7、n economic class. 2) Id say in hiking he can be classed as the professional class. 3) Were you late for class this morning?n. 等级v. 把分类n.(社会的)阶层,等级n. occasion when the class meet 课【扩展运用】一词多义的 fit1) You must be very fit if you take up sky surfing. 2) Ice diving isnt fit for you.3) He is absolutely fit

8、 to take the post. 4) The size fits me well, but the color doesnt suit me.adj. 健康的adj. be fit for sth. 适合的adj. be fit to do sth.; be fit for sth. 能胜任v. (尺寸)适合4. How do the tourists differ from local people? differ v. be unlike(与某人/某事物)不同,不一样,有区别 = How are the tourists different from local people? 游客

9、与当地人有什么不同呢?【扩展运用】A differ from B in sth. 甲与乙在 不同They differ in smell, dress and even look.differ with sb. about/on sth. 持不同意见I differ with you on that. 5. What makes people risk their lives to do extreme sports? risk vt. to put something in a situation in which it could be lost, destroyed, or harmed

10、 冒着的危险 是什么使人们冒着生命的危险去做极限运动呢? risk ones life to do sth. risk doing sth. What makes people risk doing extreme sports?【扩展运用】take a risk (of doing sth.) to decide to do something even though you know it may have bad resultsWhat makes people take a risk of doing extremesports?我不会冒险一个人去登山。I wont risk my l

11、ife to go mountain climbing alone.I wont risk going mountain climbing alone. I wont take a risk of going mountain climbingalone.I finally got my ideas across to him.我终于让他明白了我的想法。get across when an idea get across or when youget it across, you succeed in making other people understand it.Your meaning

12、 didnt really get across.别人并未真正理解你的意思。6. 短语动词短语动词 get across7. Then the horses began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold. have difficulties with 在 方面有困难 后来马匹开始很难应付大雪和严寒。【扩展运用】have some difficulty with sth. have some difficulty (in doing) sth.have no/little/serious difficulty with

13、 sth. 我在英语学习方面没有什么困难。I have no difficulty in learning English.I dont have any difficulty in learning English.I have little difficulty in learning English. 马可在中国游历没有语言上的障碍。Marco had little difficulty travelling in China.Marco had little difficulty with his travel in China.difficulty u 困难;困难;c困难的事困难的事

14、物质名词、抽象名词的双重性物质名词、抽象名词的双重性chicken鸡肉 chickens 小鸡glass 玻璃 a glass 玻璃杯 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜hair 头发 several white hairs 几根白发light 光 lights灯sand 沙 sands 沙滩paper 纸 papers 报纸、考卷、论文water 水 waters 水域 work 工作 works 工厂、著作、艺术品 difficulty 困难 a difficulty 一件难事 success 成功 a success一个成功的人或事 failure 失败 a failure一个

15、失败的人或事 friendship 友谊 a friendship 一段友情 pleasure 乐趣 a pleasure 一件乐事knowledge 知识 a knowledge of 的知识spirit 精神 in high spirits 情绪高昂surprise 惊奇 a surprise 一件奇事relation 关系 a relation 亲戚youth 青春 a youth一个年轻人time 时间 times 时代、次数、倍数honor 荣誉 an honour 增光的人或事物 Non-defining relative clauses 非限制性定语从句 学习难点学习难点 1)

16、定语从句的位置。 2)关系词与先行词的关系。 3)关系词在句中的作用。回顾课文回顾课文 L3-4重点语法重点语法非限制性定语从句与限制性定语从句的区别。1) I wont wear the clothes which differ me from others. 我将不穿那些使我与众不同的衣服。2) I wont wear clothes, which differs me from others. 我将不穿衣服。这将使我与众不同。 clothesI wont wear clothes,区别区别1 作用不同作用不同限制性定语从句限定先行词的范围。非限制性定语从句补充先行词的信息。 1) Mar

17、cos father, who was a merchant, wanted to do trade with the Chinese people.2) The men soon fell ill, which made their return journey more difficult. 区别区别2 先行部分有差别先行部分有差别限制性定语从句的先行部分只是一个词。非限制性定语从句的先行部分可以是一个词,也可以是一个句子。1) He said nothing at the meeting, which made his boss unhappy. 他昨天在会上没有发言。这使他的老板不高兴

18、。2) He said nothing at the meeting that made his boss unhappy. 他昨天在会上没有说使他的老板不高兴的话。区别区别3 关系词有差别关系词有差别1)非限制性定语从句使用和限制性定语从句一样的关系词,但that除外。2)非限制性定语从句的关系词不能省略。3)非限制性定语从句常用逗号与主句隔开。用适当的关系词填空,并指出它们是限定性还是非限制性定语。1)Captain Scott and his men,_ were Englishman had failed the race, but they were real heroes 斯科特上

19、校和他的队友们是英国人,输了这场比赛。但他们都是真正的英雄。2) Marco was also confused by the black stones _ people used to burn for fuel. 马可不能明白为什么人们用黑色的石头作燃料。3) It has been raining for three days, _ makes it difficult to travel.who 非限制which/that/x 限制性which 非限制非限制性定语从句可以用as 做关系词As we know, smoking is harmful to ones health. 众所周

20、知,抽烟对人体有害。Smoking is harmful to ones health, as we know. 抽烟对人体有害。这是众所周知的。Smoking, as we know, is harmful to ones health. 抽烟,众所周知,是对人体有害的。as: and this或或and that 这一点这一点as /which例例 句句1)位置有异。位置有异。2)as 在从句在从句中作主语中作主语时,谓语时,谓语通常不用通常不用及物动词。及物动词。Bamboo is hollow,_ makes it very light._ we all know, bamboo is

21、 hollow.as, which 引导非限定性定语从句的不同引导非限定性定语从句的不同whichAsas /which例例 句句3 3)当从句与当从句与主句的意主句的意思一致时思一致时常用常用asasThey reached the Pole, _ they expected.They failed to return ,_ was more than we could expect.as, which 引导非限定性定语从句的不同引导非限定性定语从句的不同aswhichas 通常有相对固定的句式通常有相对固定的句式as anybody can see 显而易见as is known to a

22、ll 众所周知as we have expected 正如所料as (it) often happens 正如常见到的 as is often the case 正如所常见到的 as has been said before/earlier 如前所述as (it) seems likely 这似乎是很有可能的as (it) was pointed out 正如所指出的那样such as 引导的定语从句引导的定语从句 与与such that 1) I have never met such a man _ you described.He is such a kind man _ you can

23、 depend on him. such as 定语从句, ,像一样的。 such that 如此以至于,(表示程度)。thatasthe same as 引导的定语从句引导的定语从句与与 the same that1) He lent me the same book _ he was reading yesterday. 他借给我他昨天读的那本书。2) I bought the same book _ he was reading yesterday. 我买了一本与他昨天读的那本书一样的书。 the same as 引导定语从句,“,“像一样的”。 the same that 引导定语从句,“就是那个”。thatas



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