高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world课件 牛津译林版必修4

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1、Unit 3Tomorrows world【话题词汇话题词汇】1. accomplish v. 完成完成; 实现实现2. research v. & n. 研究研究3. explore v. 勘查勘查, 探索探索, 探究探究4. promotev. 促进促进, 推进推进; 提升提升 5. exploit v. 开发开发, 利用利用, 开拓开拓6. replace v. 取代取代, 更换更换7. artificial adj. 人工的人工的; 人造的人造的8. advanced adj. 先进的先进的; 高级的高级的9. digital adj. 数字的数字的; 数码的数码的10. electr

2、onic adj. 电子的电子的11. scientific adj. 科学的科学的12. intelligence n. 情报情报; 智力智力13. technology n. 技术技术14. achievement n. 成绩成绩; 成就成就15. robot n. 机器人机器人16. apply (. . . ) to 应用应用17. bring about 带来带来【经典语篇经典语篇】未未来来的的生生活活不不同同于于现现在在的的生生活活, 请请以以“Life in the Future”为题为题, 根据以下要点写一篇根据以下要点写一篇100120个词的作文。个词的作文。要点要点: 1.

3、 随着医学的发展随着医学的发展, 人类的平均寿命将会达到人类的平均寿命将会达到120岁。岁。 2. 由于新能源的出现由于新能源的出现, 污染问题将得到控制。污染问题将得到控制。 3. 人人们们的的日日常常生生活活也也将将有有很很大大的的变变化化。如如机机器器人人可可以以为为你你做做家家务务; 椅椅子子的的颜颜色色也也能能够够随随着着你你所所穿穿的的衣衣服服而而改改变变; 手手机机可可以以戴戴在在手手腕腕上上, 通通话话时时可可以以看看到到对对方方; 可可以以乘乘坐坐新新型型的的电电梯梯进入太空度假。进入太空度假。参考词汇参考词汇: 手腕手腕wristLife in the Future提提出出

4、观观点点Life in the future will be different from that of today. 举举例例说说明明Firstly, with the development of the medical science, the life span of people can be as long as 120 years old on the average since the advanced medical idea provides people with scientific lifestyle, including the reasonable eating

5、 and sleep. Secondly, because of the discovery of new energy, the environmental pollution will be controlled. Thirdly, the daily life of people will change a lot. For example, robots will do all the housework for you; the color of your chair will change tomatch what you are wearing; the mobile phone

6、 can be worn on the wrist just as a watch and you can see the caller while speaking. Whats more surprising, you can take the new lift to space for your holidays. 【厚积薄发厚积薄发】. 完成句子完成句子(1)人们相信在未来人类在人工智能方面会取得更大的成就。人们相信在未来人类在人工智能方面会取得更大的成就。It is believed that man can _ greater _ in _ _ in the future. (2)

7、电子技术在生活中的应用越来越广泛。电子技术在生活中的应用越来越广泛。_ _ is _ _ life more and more widely. accomplishachievementsartificial intelligenceElectronic technologyapplied to. 同义句转换同义句转换(1)Because of the discovery of new energy, the environmental pollution will be controlled. =_ new energy is discovered, the environmental po

8、llution will be brought _ _. (2)You can see the caller while speaking. =You can see the caller _ _ _ _. Becauseunder controlwhile you are speaking. 单词单词分类记忆分类记忆【核心单词核心单词】不可不记不可不记1. _ (n. ) 观光观光, 游览游览2. _ (vt. )损害损害, 伤害伤害3. _(vt. ) 控诉控诉, 控告控告; 谴责谴责4. _ (vi. ) 起作用起作用, 正常运转正常运转(n. ) 作用作用, 功能功能; 职能职能5.

9、_ (vt. ) 收拾收拾(行李行李), 装箱装箱; 包装包装(n. ) 纸袋纸袋, 纸盒纸盒; 大背包大背包; 一群一群, 一捆一捆, 一包一包sightseeinginjureaccusefunctionpack6. _ (vi. ) (水中水中)漂浮漂浮, 漂流漂流; (空中空中)飘移飘移7. _ (vi. & vt. ) 逃跑逃跑, 逃离逃离, 逃脱逃脱; 避免避免, 避开避开; 被遗忘被遗忘, 被忽视被忽视 (n. )逃离逃离, 逃脱逃脱8. _ (adj. ) 破旧的破旧的; 疲惫的疲惫的9. _ (n. ) 现实现实, 事实事实_(adj. )真实的真实的, 实际实际(存在存在)

10、的的_ (adv. ) 实际上实际上, 事实上事实上_ (vt. )意识到意识到10. _(vt. )使惊奇使惊奇, 使惊诧使惊诧_ (n. ) 惊奇惊奇, 惊愕惊愕, 诧异诧异_ (adj. ) 惊奇的惊奇的, 吃惊的吃惊的 _ (adj. ) 令人令人惊奇的惊奇的floatescapewornrealityrealreallyrealizeamazeamazementamazedamazing11. _ (adj. ) 社交的社交的, 交际的交际的; 社会的社会的_ (n. ) 社会社会12. _ (adj. )自信的自信的; 肯定的肯定的, 有把握的有把握的_ (adv. )自信地自信地

11、_ (n. ) 信心信心, 信任信任13. _ (adj. ) 失望的失望的, 沮丧的沮丧的_ (adj. ) 令人失望的令人失望的_ (vt. ) 使失望使失望_ (n. ) 失望失望14. _ (adj. ) 有残疾的有残疾的; 丧失能力的丧失能力的_ (vt. ) 使伤使伤残残, 使残疾使残疾_(n. )残疾残疾socialsocietyconfidentconfidentlyconfidencedisappointeddisappointingdisappointdisappointmentdisableddisabledisability15. _ (n. )方便方便, 便利便利;

12、便利的设施或用具便利的设施或用具_ (adj. ) 方便的方便的(反义词反义词)_ (adj. ) 不方便的不方便的16. _(n. )缺点缺点; 不利因素不利因素, 障碍障碍(反义词反义词)_(n. ) 优点优点; 有利条件有利条件17. _(n. )操作人员操作人员_(v. )操作操作; 经营经营; 做手术做手术 _(n. )手术手术; 操作操作18. _ (n. )重要性重要性_(adj. )重要的重要的19. _(n. )印象印象, 感想感想_(adj. )印象深刻的印象深刻的_(v. )给给以深刻印象以深刻印象; 使铭记使铭记convenienceconvenientinconven

13、ientdisadvantageadvantageoperatoroperateoperationimportanceimportantimpressionimpressiveimpress【高频单词高频单词】不可不知不可不知20. _(adj. ) 安全的安全的; 有把握的有把握的; 稳固的稳固的, 坚固的坚固的(vt. ) 获得获得; 使安全使安全21. _(n. ) 生物学生物学22. _(vi. ) 逐渐消失逐渐消失; (使使)变淡变淡; 走下坡路走下坡路, 衰落衰落23. _ (adj. ) 最重要的最重要的; 首要的首要的; 主要的主要的 (n. ) (公司或机构的公司或机构的)首

14、领首领24._ (n. ) 展示展示, 介绍介绍; 颁发颁发; 提交提交, 出示出示_ (n. )礼物礼物; 现在现在(vt. )提出提出, 介绍介绍, 呈现呈现, 赠送赠送_(adj. ) 现在的现在的, 目前的目前的, 出席的出席的, 存在的存在的securebiologyfadechief presentationpresentpresent25_ (adj. )电的电的, 电动的电动的_(n. )电电, 电流电流26. _ (n. ) 编辑编辑_(v. )编辑编辑_(n. )版本版本27. _(n. )惊恐惊恐, 恐惧恐惧_ (n. )恐怖主义恐怖主义_(n. )恐怖主义者恐怖主义者_

15、(adj. )恐怖的恐怖的28. _ (adj. ) 连续发生的连续发生的, 不断的不断的; 恒定的恒定的_(adv. )经常地经常地electricelectricityeditorediteditionterrorterrorismterroristterribleconstantconstantly. 短语短语双语互译双语互译1. 实现实现, 成为现实成为现实 _2. 值得做某事值得做某事 _3. 使增强使增强, 使增加使增加, 使扩大使扩大 _4. 提出提出, 提议提议 _5. 至于至于, 关于关于 _6. 实际上实际上, 事实上事实上 _7. 使使鲜活、生动鲜活、生动_8. 执行执行

16、, 实行实行, 完成完成_9. 从长远来看从长远来看_come truedeserve to do sth.add toput forwardas toin realitybring. . . alivecarry outin the long term10. 最后但同样重要的最后但同样重要的 _11. give out _12. set up _13. compared with _14. look into _15. base on_16. all of a sudden_17. come across _18. get away _19. blow up _20. hold on to

17、_last but not least散发散发; 分发分发; 用光用光; 耗尽耗尽创办创办, 建立建立与与相比较相比较考察考察; 调查调查; 研究研究基于基于, 以以为根据为根据突然突然(偶然偶然)遇见遇见, 发现发现离开离开, 逃脱逃脱, 出发出发(使使)爆炸爆炸紧紧抓住紧紧抓住, 抓牢抓牢语境取词语境取词选用上面的单词或短语填空选用上面的单词或短语填空The _(主要的主要的) _(编辑编辑)_(提出提出)an idea that people should monitor the neighborhood to make sure of their safety. To help the

18、 _(残疾的残疾的)persons, the scientists have invented many _(便利的设施便利的设施). They are _(安安全的全的)and easy to _(操作操作). By pressing the buttons, they _(运转运转)well and bring the users _(自信自信) and happiness. chiefeditorput forwarddisabledconveniencessecureoperatefunctionconfidence. 句型句型超级仿写超级仿写1. Not only +倒装句倒装句_(

19、使用者不仅能感受到攀登珠穆朗玛峰的每一使用者不仅能感受到攀登珠穆朗玛峰的每一步的艰辛步的艰辛), but the user will also experience the cold, smells, sights and sounds of the surrounding environment. 【仿写仿写】他不仅给妈妈买了礼物他不仅给妈妈买了礼物, 还给她唱了一首歌。还给她唱了一首歌。_, but he also sang a song for her. Not only will he or she feel every step of climbing MountQomolangma

20、Not only did he buy a gift for his mother2. upon/on doing sth. 一一就就, 当当的时候的时候. . . he or she will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement _(一到达山顶一到达山顶). 【仿写仿写】他们一到达机场他们一到达机场, 就被粉丝们包围了。就被粉丝们包围了。_, they were surrounded by their fans. upon reaching the topUpon arriving at the airport3.

21、名词名词+that引导的同位语从句引导的同位语从句_(一个论点已经被提出一个论点已经被提出来来)some users will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real. 【仿写仿写】有消息说有消息说, 官员不准在任何宴席上饮酒。官员不准在任何宴席上饮酒。_officers are not allowed to drink at any party. An argument has been put forward thatWord came that4. compared with过去分词短语作状语过去分词短语作状语This kin

22、d of urban planning is in the long term cheaper and more practical, _(与与相比较相比较)the way most urban planning is done today. 【仿写仿写】和汽车相比和汽车相比, 自行车对我们的健康更有益。自行车对我们的健康更有益。_, bikes are of greater benefit to our health. compared withCompared with cars5. while表示表示“虽然、尽管虽然、尽管”引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句_(虽然我们非常感兴趣虽然我们非

23、常感兴趣)RealCine, we will need much more information before we can make a decision. 【仿写仿写】尽管这份工作不是那么难尽管这份工作不是那么难, 但是它却需要更多的耐但是它却需要更多的耐心和细心。心和细心。_, it needs more patience and carefulness. While we are very interested inWhile the work is not so difficult6. It is +过去分词过去分词+that从句从句_(人们相信人们相信)the new produ

24、cts will sell well in the future. 【仿写仿写】据报道越来越多的人到国外度假。据报道越来越多的人到国外度假。_more and more people go abroad for their holidays. It is believed thatIt is reported that7. it is about/high time that sb. did sth. 该是某人做某事的时该是某人做某事的时候了候了In my opinion, _(到了到了我们该有新电脑的时候了我们该有新电脑的时候了). 【仿写仿写】我们是时候采取措施提高食品质量了。我们是时候采

25、取措施提高食品质量了。_improve food quality. it is about time we had new computersIt is high time that we took steps to【重点单词重点单词】1. amaze vt. 使惊奇使惊奇, 使惊诧使惊诧【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】用用amaze的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。He _ us by his knowledge of Wales history. 他对威尔士历史的了解让我们惊讶。他对威尔士历史的了解让我们惊讶。I was _ at her _ experiences. 对她那了不起的经历我感

26、到很惊讶。对她那了不起的经历我感到很惊讶。He stood there _ _ at his sons incident. 听到儿子出事的消息听到儿子出事的消息, 他惊愕地站在那里。他惊愕地站在那里。amazedamazedamazingin amazement【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】amazing adj. 使人惊讶的使人惊讶的amazed adj. 惊讶的惊讶的, 惊诧的惊诧的amazement n. 惊讶惊讶, 惊诧惊诧in amazement惊讶地惊讶地to ones amazement 令某人惊讶的是令某人惊讶的是*To my amazement, so many peopl

27、e believed that the earth would be at an end. 让我感到惊讶的是让我感到惊讶的是, 那么多人相信地球到了末日。那么多人相信地球到了末日。*His math teacher was amazed and curious about his change. 他的数学老师既吃惊又好奇他的变化。他的数学老师既吃惊又好奇他的变化。【拓展延伸拓展延伸】种种种种“吃惊吃惊”Unbelievable! 难以置信难以置信! Incredible! 难以置信的难以置信的! 吃惊的吃惊的! Im surprised! 用于突然发生了始料不及的事情时。用于突然发生了始料不及

28、的事情时。Im shocked! /Im in shock! /What a shock! 太吃惊了太吃惊了! Thats amazing! 用于吃惊得有些惊慌失措时。用于吃惊得有些惊慌失措时。That cant be! 怎么可能怎么可能! 不可能不可能! Impossible! 不可能不可能! You surprised me! 你吓死我了你吓死我了! You scared me! 你真是吓到我了你真是吓到我了! A great shock. /A big shock. /Thats a shocker. 表示震惊。表示震惊。2. confident adj. 自信的自信的; 肯定的肯定的,

29、 有把握的有把握的【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】完成句子。完成句子。You should _ _ _ _. 你应该相信自己。你应该相信自己。 He _ _ _ his ability to realize his dream. 他相信有能力实现自己的梦想。他相信有能力实现自己的梦想。Im _ _ his skills as a manager. 我相信他作为经理的能力。我相信他作为经理的能力。be confident about yourselfis confident inconfident of【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】(1)be confident about sth. /tha

30、t相信相信be confident in 在在方面有信心方面有信心be confident of 确信确信, 对对有把握有把握be confident that相信相信(2)confidence n. 信心信心, 自信自信have confidence in 对对有信心有信心 *(2013福福建建高高考考)He is confident that this type of wearable device will eventually be as common as smart phones. 他相信这种可佩戴的设备最终会像智能手机一样普遍。他相信这种可佩戴的设备最终会像智能手机一样普遍。*W

31、e buy stocks because we have confidence in the companys growth. 我们买股票是因为我们对公司的增长有信心。我们买股票是因为我们对公司的增长有信心。3. disadvantage n. 缺点缺点; 不利因素不利因素, 障碍障碍【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。Because of the Internet, the radio media is now _ a disadvantage. 由于因特网由于因特网, 无线电媒体现在处于不利地位。无线电媒体现在处于不利地位。_ her disadvantag

32、e, the dancer is not enough tall. 对这位舞蹈演员不利的是她身高不够。对这位舞蹈演员不利的是她身高不够。Younger learners have an advantage _ the old in learning a language. 在学习语言上较年轻的学习者比年长者有优势。在学习语言上较年轻的学习者比年长者有优势。atToover【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】(1)at a disadvantage 处于不利地位处于不利地位to ones disadvantage/to the disadvantage of sb. 对某人不利对某人不利(2)adv

33、antage n. 优势优势; 利益利益; 有利条件有利条件take advantage of 利用利用have an advantage over胜过胜过*I might take advantage of the cheap fares to go and visit my brother. 我可能会趁车费便宜的时候去拜访我哥哥。我可能会趁车费便宜的时候去拜访我哥哥。*His inability to speak English put him at a disadvantage. 他不会说英语他不会说英语, 这使他很吃亏。这使他很吃亏。4. accuse vt. 控诉控诉, 控告控告;

34、谴责谴责【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】Her assistant _ _ _ theft by the police. 她的助手被警方指控犯有盗窃罪。她的助手被警方指控犯有盗窃罪。He _ _ _ a murderer but released innocently. 他曾经被控告为杀人犯他曾经被控告为杀人犯, 但被无罪释放。但被无罪释放。 was accused ofwas accused as【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 控告控告/指责某人指责某人(做了做了)某事某事accuse sb. as控告某人为控告某人为the accuse

35、d 被告被告【辨一辨辨一辨明晰异同明晰异同】accuse“指控指控, 控诉控诉”, 语气比语气比blame强强, 指责或指控某人的过错或罪行指责或指控某人的过错或罪行, 可用于一般可用于一般意义上的指责或责难意义上的指责或责难, 也可用于法律意义上的指控或控告。常用结构也可用于法律意义上的指控或控告。常用结构: accuse sb. of (doing) sth. charge“指责指责; 指控指控, 控告控告”, 语气比语气比accuse强强, 多指较严重的错误或罪行多指较严重的错误或罪行, 而且往往向而且往往向法庭提出正式起诉。常用结构法庭提出正式起诉。常用结构: charge sb. w

36、ith sth. blame“责怪责怪, 指责指责, 归咎于归咎于”, 指由于错误、过失而指责别人指由于错误、过失而指责别人, 侧重指对产生的不良侧重指对产生的不良后果负有责任。常用结构后果负有责任。常用结构: be to blame for sth. ; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. 【拓展延伸拓展延伸】动词动词+sb. +of+sth. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事使某人想起某事rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物抢劫某人某物inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事通知某人某事warn sb. of

37、sth. 警告某人某事警告某人某事cure sb. of sth. 治疗某人的疾病治疗某人的疾病suspect sb. of sth. 怀疑某人某事怀疑某人某事5. escape vi. & vt. 逃跑逃跑, 逃离逃离, 逃脱逃脱; 避免避免, 避开避开; 被遗忘被遗忘, 被忽视被忽视n. 逃离逃离, 逃脱逃脱【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】A prisoner has _ _ a jail in northern England. 一名囚犯从英格兰北部的一所监狱中逃跑。一名囚犯从英格兰北部的一所监狱中逃跑。We were lucky to _ _ _. 我们很幸运我们很幸运, 没有受罚。没

38、有受罚。escaped fromescape being punished【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】escape from 从从逃走逃走; 逃脱逃脱, 逃跑逃跑escape doing sth. 逃脱做某事逃脱做某事escape ones notice/attention 逃过某人的注意逃过某人的注意have a narrow escape 侥幸逃脱侥幸逃脱, 九死一生九死一生*Unexpectedly, the soldier could have a narrow escape from death. 这名战士能够死里逃生这名战士能够死里逃生, 是人们没有想到的。是人们没有想到的。【

39、猜一猜猜一猜熟词生义熟词生义】观察句子观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。写出黑体部分的含义。Seeing the poisonous gas escaping from the broken pipe, he sounded the alarm. ( )The matter has quite escaped my memory. ( )漏出漏出, 渗出渗出, 溢出溢出被忘掉被忘掉【核心短语核心短语】6. add to使增强使增强, 使增加使增加, 使扩大使扩大【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】用用add的适当短语填空。的适当短语填空。(2013天津高考天津高考)Getting close to

40、nature _ _ the joy of life. 接近自然增添了生活的乐趣。接近自然增添了生活的乐趣。If the tea is too strong, _ some water _ it. 如果茶太浓如果茶太浓, 就加点水。就加点水。Please _ all the figures _, and you will get the total. 请把这些数字加起来请把这些数字加起来, 你就会得到总数。你就会得到总数。For a hit show, profits can _ _ _ millions of dollars. 一场热门演出的利润可达数百万美元。一场热门演出的利润可达数百万美

41、元。adds toaddtoaddupadd up to【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】add up 合计合计, 把把(数目数目)加起来加起来add up to 加起来等于加起来等于, 总计达到总计达到add. . . to. . . 把把增加到增加到*(2013福福建建高高考考)Call immediately to add these Silver Eagles to your holdings before its too late. 趁趁还还来来得得及及的的时时候候, 马马上上打电话把这些银鹰添加到你的收藏中吧。打电话把这些银鹰添加到你的收藏中吧。【看一看看一看巧学助记巧学助记】add

42、. . . to. . . add up to7. put forward 提出提出, 提议提议; 把把提前提前; 拨快拨快(钟等钟等); 推荐推荐【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】观察句子观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。写出黑体部分的含义。He put his watch forward to avoid being late for the meeting. ()The womens final has been put forward to 2: 00 pm. ( )Chairman Xi put forward proposals that we should save every co

43、in. ( )We put Mary forward to compete for the champion. ( )拨快拨快提前提前提出提出推荐推荐【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】put away 把把收起收起, 整理整理; 储蓄储蓄put aside 把把放到一边放到一边; 暂不考虑暂不考虑put on 穿上穿上; 上演上演; 增加增加put off 推迟推迟, 延期延期put up with 忍受忍受*Im just going to put the car away. 我正打算把车开进车库。我正打算把车开进车库。*Theyve had to put off their wedding

44、until September. 他们只得把婚期推迟到九月。他们只得把婚期推迟到九月。8. hold on to紧紧抓住紧紧抓住; 坚持坚持, 不放弃不放弃 保留保留; 依靠依靠, 控制控制【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】观察句子观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。写出黑体部分的含义。If we believe something was true, we should hold on to it. ()Mr Smith told me to hold on to my oil shares. ()Hold on to my arm on this icy surface()坚持坚持保留保留抓牢抓

45、牢I was so frightened that I had to hold on to myself not to scream()With all his family members gone, he had no one to hold on to. ()控制控制依靠依靠【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】hold back 阻止阻止; 抑制抑制; 隐瞒隐瞒; 退缩退缩hold on 不挂断电话不挂断电话, 等一下等一下; 坚持坚持hold up 举起举起; 耽搁耽搁, 延迟延迟hold out坚持坚持; 伸出伸出; 维持维持*Continuous violence could hold

46、 up progress towards reform. 持续的暴力活动可能会耽搁改革的进程。持续的暴力活动可能会耽搁改革的进程。【经典句式经典句式】9. Not only will he or she feel every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma, but the user will also experience the cold, smells, sights and sounds of the surrounding environment. 使使用用者者不不仅仅能能感感受受到到攀攀登登珠珠穆穆朗朗玛玛峰峰的的每每一一步步的的艰艰辛辛, 还还

47、能能体体验到周围环境的寒冷、气味、景观和声音。验到周围环境的寒冷、气味、景观和声音。【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】仿写句子。仿写句子。He likes not only English but also Chinese. =_, but also Chinese他不但喜欢英语他不但喜欢英语, 也喜欢汉语。也喜欢汉语。He not only turned up late, but also forgot to take the books. =_, but he also forgot to take the books. 他不但来晚了他不但来晚了, 而且忘了带书。而且忘了带书。Not onl

48、y does he like EnglishNot only did he turn up late【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】(1)not only提到句首提到句首, 其所在分句要用部分倒装。其所在分句要用部分倒装。(2)not only A but also B=B as well as A。(3)not only. . . but also. . . 连连接接并并列列主主语语时时, 谓谓语语遵遵循循“就就近近原原则则”。(4)but also中的中的but可省去可省去; but also也可换为也可换为but. . . as well。 *Not only I but also sh

49、e likes pop music. 不但我喜欢流行音乐不但我喜欢流行音乐, 而且她也喜欢。而且她也喜欢。*This book is not only interesting (but) also instructive=This book is instructive as well as interesting. 这本书不仅有趣这本书不仅有趣, 而且有教育意义。而且有教育意义。【要点拾遗要点拾遗】1. fade vi. 逐渐消失逐渐消失; (使使)变淡变淡; 走下坡路走下坡路, 衰落衰落【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】观察句子观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。写出黑体部分的含义。All co

50、lors fadedespecially under the impact of direct sunlight. ()With the sun setting in the west, the light in the room began to fade gradually. ()Not given enough care, the roses faded after three days. ()All memory of the childhood faded from her mind. ()退色退色, 失去光泽失去光泽逐渐变暗逐渐变暗; 逐渐变弱逐渐变弱枯萎枯萎, 衰败衰败逐渐消失逐

51、渐消失, 消逝消逝【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】fade away 衰弱衰弱, 病重死亡病重死亡fade in/out(画面画面)淡入淡入/出出; (声音声音)渐强渐强/弱弱*In the last weeks of her life she simply faded away. 她在生命的最后几个星期已是油尽灯枯了。她在生命的最后几个星期已是油尽灯枯了。2. function vi. 起作用起作用; 正常运转正常运转n. 作用作用, 功能功能; 职能职能【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】On weekdays, one third of the room _ _ workspace. 在工作

52、日在工作日, 房间的房间的1/3用作办公区域。用作办公区域。_ _ _ the project is to protect the wild animals inthis area. 该项目的作用是保护该地区的野生动物。该项目的作用是保护该地区的野生动物。functions asThe function of【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】(1)function as 担任担任, 起起作用作用, 具有具有的功能的功能perform a function 起作用起作用, 发挥职能发挥职能(2)functionaladj. 实用的实用的; 运转的运转的*The main function of t

53、he investment bank is to raise capital for industry. It performs the function of promoting the development of the local industry. 投投资资银银行行的的主主要要作作用用是是为为企企业业筹筹集集资资金金。它它起起着着促促进进当当地地产产业业发展的作用。发展的作用。3. convenience n. 方便方便, 便利便利; 便利的设施或用具便利的设施或用具【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】We bought this house _ _; its near the shop

54、s and railway station. 为了方便起见我们买了这座房子为了方便起见我们买了这座房子, 它靠近商店和火车站。它靠近商店和火车站。Can you telephone me _ _ _ to arrange the meeting? 在你方便的时候能给我打电话安排一下会面吗在你方便的时候能给我打电话安排一下会面吗? for convenienceat your convenience【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】(1)for convenience 为了方便为了方便at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候在某人方便的时候(2)convenient adj. 方便

55、的方便的; 便利的便利的it is convenient for sb. to do sth. 某人方便做某事某人方便做某事*The family thought it was more convenient to eat in the kitchen. 这家人认为在厨房吃饭更方便。这家人认为在厨房吃饭更方便。*When it is convenient for you, come and see us. 当你方便的时候当你方便的时候, 过来看看我们。过来看看我们。4. impression n. 印象印象; 感想感想【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】He has told me his pla

56、ns and hes _ _ _ _ _ me. 他告诉了我他的计划他告诉了我他的计划, 给我留下了一个好印象。给我留下了一个好印象。_ _ _ _ her is that she is friendly. 我对她的第一印象是她很友好。我对她的第一印象是她很友好。made a good impressionMy first impression ofon【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】(1)make/leave/have an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象给某人留下印象first impression 第一印象第一印象(2)impress vt. 给给留下印象留下印象;

57、使钦佩使钦佩; 使使铭记铭记; 使意识到使意识到impress sb. with sth. 给某人留下深刻印象给某人留下深刻印象impress sth. on sb. 使某人铭记使某人铭记; 让某人意识让某人意识 到到的重要性的重要性(3)impressive adj. 令人敬佩的令人敬佩的; 令人赞叹的令人赞叹的(4)impressed adj. 印象深刻的印象深刻的be impressed by/with. . . 被被打动打动; 对对留下印象留下印象* I was deeply impressed by his speech. 他的演说给我留下深刻的印象。他的演说给我留下深刻的印象。*T

58、he teacher impressed the importance of speaking on his students. 老师让学生铭记演说的重要性。老师让学生铭记演说的重要性。5. give out散发散发; 用光用光, 耗尽耗尽; 分发分发【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】观察句子观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。写出黑体部分的含义。The flowers in the garden give out pleasant smell. ( )When my boy made the same mistake again, my patience gave out. ( )After cl

59、imbing up the mountain, I gave out. ( )In order to go to school, the 7-year-old boy made money by giving out leaflets in the street. ( )散发散发用光用光, 耗尽耗尽筋疲力尽筋疲力尽分发分发【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】give away 赠送赠送; (无意间无意间)泄露泄露give up 放弃放弃; 戒掉戒掉give in (to sb. )(对某人对某人)让步让步; 屈服屈服 give off放出放出; 散发出散发出(气味、热、光等气味、热、光等)*(20

60、13辽辽宁宁高高考考)We have given away half of what we owned through websites. 我们已经把我们所拥有的一半通过网站赠送了出去。我们已经把我们所拥有的一半通过网站赠送了出去。6. He or she will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement upon reaching the top. 一到达山顶一到达山顶, 他他/她就能体验到一种幸福感和成就感。她就能体验到一种幸福感和成就感。【填一填填一填激活思维激活思维】句型转换。句型转换。As soon as I a

61、rrived, I went to see my former teacher. _ _ _, I went to see my former teacher. As soon as they heard the scream, all rushed out to see what was happening. _ _ the scream, all rushed out to see what was happening. Upon/On my arrivalUpon/On hearing【记一记记一记构建知识构建知识】(1)upon/on +n. /doing = as soon as一一

62、就就。(2)其他表示其他表示“一一就就”的表达的表达: 时时间间名名词词: the moment/instant/minute/second (that). . . 。其其后的后的that经常省略经常省略, moment等词前可以用等词前可以用very等形容词修饰。等形容词修饰。 连连词词: no sooner. . . than. . . , hardly (或或scarcely). . . when(或或before). . . ; as soon as(从句中不得使用将来时态从句中不得使用将来时态)。副词副词immediately, directly, instantly介词介词at+名

63、词名词注注意意: no sooner. . . than. . . , hardly (或或scarcely). . . when(或或before). . . 主句多用过去完成时主句多用过去完成时; 用于句首要部分倒装。用于句首要部分倒装。*I have to go to Dallas the moment the meeting finishes. 会议一结束会议一结束, 我就得去达拉斯。我就得去达拉斯。 *No sooner/Hardly had she said it than/when she realized her mistake. 话刚一说出口话刚一说出口, 她就认识到自己错了。她就认识到自己错了。*I started immediately I got your letter. 我一接到你的信就动身了。我一接到你的信就动身了。 *At the thought of being sent to prison, he shook with fear. 他一想到被送进监狱就吓得发抖。他一想到被送进监狱就吓得发抖。



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