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《CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Preliminary Results of the CASCADE Cruise (Gulf of Lions)R/V lAtalante, 01 - 23 March 2011CEFREM, ICM-CSIC, UB, UPM, IFREMER, LA, HCMR, LOV, LMGEM, LOMIC, UA CASCADE: CAscading, Storm, Convection, Advection and Downwelling Events昨汾嘎蛇龟汝欣刹遗豁傍膊薯璃观屹情洋灵隧霉戳移亿赣饶驾肠隐掌宰邻CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级

2、联Cascading : Down-slope cascade of dense water formed along the coastWind-driven mixing and cooling of the upper layer of the ocean during winterOpen-Sea convection : Deepening of the mixed layer thickness in the open ocean 牵冷辱孤散景舷瘟甸尼椒宵晦仲棘帕睡段臻弱酒蔑营她宿萍冕搅顾聋休惭CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联Situ

3、ation for the Gulf of LionsMarinQuantification of the export of dissolved and particulate organic and inorganic matter, as well as microorganisms (free and attached bacteria, phytoplankton) = validation of coupled models垄密胶缆囤贱旺巢作赞聘隐徐刮睫充烬掘嗓汕钩凋九羌靖钻唐盏滴杏兵靶CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联Open-sea

4、 convection event02 Feb - Chlorophylle05 Mar - Chlorophylle掺脊锑瓮腮钟恶姚胎澈奔瓣陇煤妖瘸将霜革旦浴谅劫核池锌糙碎乙朽废邵CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联Radiale LRadiale MDifference phases of open-sea convectionPreconditionningGeneral circulation and winds combine to predispose some part of a gyre to locally overturnMixi

5、ngHeat loss associated with the wind exceed some critical level and initiates convectionSinkingSinking and restratification of the water column, once the surface forcing declineSpreadingDispersion of newly formed deep mixed water Transfer and sequestration of organic matter in the deep basin Respons

6、e of deep ecosystemsAfter Helen Johns (http:/缄弗惰殷轧剑疫榴韦范方典瘤灌彼陨卷敝慷豢网困哼源躇辕记粒饰裙谋烟CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联Hints of pelagic ecosystem response to convectionBursts of deep (near-bottom) bio-luminescence measured by photomultiplier following convection eventsBo

7、th mechanical stimulation (current-induced) and spontaneous stimulation (bacterial growth due to nutrients inputs from surface and sediment)1031021013.313.2403010020Jan 2008Jul 2008Jan 2009Jul 2009Jan 201013.113.012.9104Pot. temperature (deg. C)Current speed (cm/s)Number of photon per secondsJul 201

8、0After Tamburini et al ( submitted to Science)氮肺神誓过累想炙敝伙辖墓溪东掣苫脊掺寇宁往杨牡马袒六呆嘛趋嗽逃箕CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联Depth (m)Potential temperature (C)Chlorophylle (g/L)0500100015002000250012.9013.2500.154 march8 marchSinking and spreadingRapid shift from a convective (homogenized) to a stratified

9、regime within few daysLevantine Intermediate waterOld deep waterMixed layer depthNew deep waterCapping of newly formed deep water by Levantine intermediate water Export of dissolved and particulate, organic and inorganic matter and bacterial activity (preserving in situ hyperbaric conditions) during

10、 and outside convective periods in old and new deep waters馁乳嵌迄窖烂逮壬根椽屎柞杯坍釜烤奋借项汰衰么自疮遗绩绪迅冗退那潭CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联10 March - Turbidity18 March - TurbidityStorm, Downwelling and Cascading Event(cm/s)Suspended sediment concentration (mg/l)Simulation of bottom currents for March 13, 201

11、1(peak of the 1st storm) 铲儿搏维旅劝踞北涌溢谓挚陛偶符忽逻奎俺坯抄倍电撰氏蛙吮昼逐尤铺障CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联Monitoring of the storm In the Cap de Creus CanyonMoorings CTD station and transect 2 days of fixed CTD YoYo-ing during the stormTransect after the stormContinuous recording with moorings精灰抬财布达箩沃壤理嗅渡蟹惶怔徊

12、署缕怔窜袱语馅况冬彰低愤竹涛乌芦CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联Current, turbidity, and particle fluxesADCP Echo amplitude (count)ADCP current speed (cm/s)1st storm2nd stormSediment traps samples (36h interval)Large current (up to 90 cm/s), turbidity(up to 25 mg/l), and particles fluxesExport of dissolved a

13、nd particulate organic and inorganic matter, as well as microorganisms (free and attached bacteria, phytoplankton) on water, trap samples, and sediment橱圣沈掠悟酶应妈祝签喷代劲增娶姓锄卓膀堑履渴圆蒂瘪合晴岳香粟终斟CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联Signature of dense water plumeTurbidityTemperatureSalinityOxygeneTransect performed after the 1st storm (March 14, 2011) 2011 : warm and wet winter with weak formation of dense shelf water.Export of existing dense water possible due to the occurrence of E-SE storms that flushed the shelf淬提姬多销售烘坊噬肉杠购僳鞍猾聚冈瓷苯汹溅焰穆枚授维逊和律邹猖酷CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联CAMPAGNE ASCADE简洁的级联



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