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1、Warming up and pre-readingwarming upwarming up1.Is there a hero in your heart? Who is your hero?2.Can you say something about his quality?Do you know him?文字文字参考参考Lets enjoy a beautiful song.in honour of(为纪念为纪念 )Nelson MandelaQuality of a personhardworking lazy friendly cruel warm-hearted mean determ

2、ined wise active generous easy-going reliable unkind brave selfish stubborn selfless devoted handsome nice honest famous calm lovelyhardworkingfriendlywarm-hearteddetermined wise activegenerouseasy-goingreliablebraveselflessdevoted handsome nicehonestcalm lovelyAnd what qualities does a great person

3、 have?Qualities of the great peopledeterminedbraveconfidentwarm-heartedresponsibleselflesshonestgenerouskindeasy-goinghard-workingdevotedhelpfulindependentWilliam Tyndale(14941536) Britain He wrote the Bible in English so all could read it. He died for his ideas but his work is still used in the off

4、icial Bible today.Norman Bethune(18901939)CanadaHe fought against the German Nazis and Japanese invaders during World War II; He worked selflessly in China as a doctor and saved many Chinese soldiers.Sun Yat-sen(1866 1925)ChinaHe founded the first Republic in China in 1911 after many years fighting;

5、 he strongly believed in the three principles: nationalism; peoples rights; peoples livelihood.Mahandas Gandhi(18691948)IndiaHe gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way.Neil Armstrong(1930- )USAHe was the first man to land on the moon in J

6、uly 1969. He said, “Thats one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.Nelson Mandela(1918 2013 )South AfricaNelson Mandela is really a great person.He fought for the black people and was in prison for almost thirty years. He helped the black people get the same rights as white people. For

7、mer President of African National CongressFormer President of South Africa He fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years. He helped the black people to get the same rights as the white people. Mandela died on 5 December 2013 at the age of 95. 1940 completed law degree1944 formed

8、ANC Youth League1952 Set up law office to help poor black people in Johannesburg1962 sentenced to five years hard labour1963 ANC began to blow up buildings1964-1990 stayed in the prison 1993 won the Nopel Peace Prize1994 became President of South Africa Background information:在种族隔离在种族隔离racial segreg

9、ation的时代,南的时代,南非几乎所有地方都被分为了两个世界:天非几乎所有地方都被分为了两个世界:天桥通道分黑白两侧行驶、公用电话亭分黑桥通道分黑白两侧行驶、公用电话亭分黑白两个隔间、停车场、洗衣店、药店、餐白两个隔间、停车场、洗衣店、药店、餐馆都是清一色的黑白分明;学校里,白人馆都是清一色的黑白分明;学校里,白人小孩能在课桌上学习,黑人孩子只能拿着小孩能在课桌上学习,黑人孩子只能拿着纸笔趴在地上写。几乎所有建筑物上都挂纸笔趴在地上写。几乎所有建筑物上都挂有有“WHITES ONLY”和和“NON-WHITES”字样字样的牌子,每个黑人都必须遵守规则,一旦的牌子,每个黑人都必须遵守规则,一旦

10、越界,等待他们的必将是一顿暴打甚至枪越界,等待他们的必将是一顿暴打甚至枪杀。杀。 黑人不能购买房屋,外出必须携带标明黑人不能购买房屋,外出必须携带标明他们肤色的通行证,军警随时可以对他他们肤色的通行证,军警随时可以对他们进行检查和扣押。们进行检查和扣押。狭小的囚禁室里狭小的囚禁室里121根从天花板垂钓下来根从天花板垂钓下来的绞刑长绳,代表着当年被囚禁的的绞刑长绳,代表着当年被囚禁的121位位政治犯,那个时候,黑人没有选举权,没政治犯,那个时候,黑人没有选举权,没有居住和行走的自由。有居住和行走的自由。印有种族标志的身份证和通行证的放大印有种族标志的身份证和通行证的放大照片的铁笼子。白人的身份证

11、上写着照片的铁笼子。白人的身份证上写着“南非公民南非公民”,而其他有色人种的身份证,而其他有色人种的身份证上则注明上则注明“土著土著”、“马来西亚人马来西亚人”、“中国人中国人”曼德拉所作出的巨大贡献,无论是激曼德拉所作出的巨大贡献,无论是激情洋溢的演讲,还是在狱中的坚决斗情洋溢的演讲,还是在狱中的坚决斗争,是他帮助南非废除了长达争,是他帮助南非废除了长达300多年多年的种族隔离制度。的种族隔离制度。2004年年5月月16日,日,国际足联主席布拉特在苏黎世国际贸国际足联主席布拉特在苏黎世国际贸易中心的会场上念出了易中心的会场上念出了“南非南非”的名的名字,时年字,时年85岁的曼德拉在国际足联执岁的曼德拉在国际足联执委会会场身披南非国旗,打着胜利的委会会场身披南非国旗,打着胜利的手势,他知道,这是属于南非的胜利,手势,他知道,这是属于南非的胜利,在解除了种族隔离制度之后,他的国在解除了种族隔离制度之后,他的国家获得了重生,能举办世界杯也代表家获得了重生,能举办世界杯也代表他们已经获得了全世界的认可。他们已经获得了全世界的认可。Dont lose hope. You never know what tomorrow brings. 别灰心,灰心,谁又能知道明天会有又能知道明天会有怎怎样的惊喜。的惊喜。



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