高考英语一轮复习 Module4 Which English课件 外研版选修8

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1、Module 4Which English?哪种英语?Module 4Which English?哪种英语哪种英语?1_(v.)重要,要重要,要紧紧;有关;有关系系2_(v.)很重要;很有价很重要;很有价值值3_(v.)抱怨;不抱怨;不满满4_(v.)得到,得到,获获得得基基础础盘盘点点自自测测自自评评核心单词核心单词核心单词核心单词mattercountcomplainacquire5_(v.)传达,传送6_(v.)弄明白;澄清7_(n.)作者,作家8_(v.)拒绝接受9_(v.)辱骂;恶语10_(v.)对不忠conveyauthorrejectabuseclarifybetray11_(v

2、.)反对12_(v.)将分类13_(v.)征服;战胜14_(n.)新闻媒体,传媒15_(n.)辩论;讨论opposeovercomemediadebateclassify16instantly (adv.)_17unique (adj.)_18investigate (v.)_19furthermore (adv.)_20dilemma (n.)_立即立即,马上马上独一无二的独一无二的,独特的独特的调查调查此外此外,而且而且进退两难的境地;困难的抉择进退两难的境地;困难的抉择21concept (n.)_22tendency (n.)_23potential (adj.)_24prejudic

3、e (n.)_25conflict (n.)_26curiosity (n.)_概念;观念概念;观念趋向;倾向趋向;倾向潜在的潜在的;可能的可能的偏见;歧视偏见;歧视冲突;抵触冲突;抵触好奇心好奇心27candidate (n.)_28Nobody found the ending of the film very _ though the director tried to _ the audience,however,we werent _.(convince)应考人应考人;投考者投考者convincingconvinceconvinced29Most schools would have

4、 a good _ of these books in their libraries because it is difficult to _ proper books for students though we are not so _.(select)selectionselectselective高频短语高频短语高频短语高频短语1_区分开2_ 总之3_ 开始做某事4_ 把看作tell.apartin conclusionget down to sth.regard.as.5_ 对达成共识6_ 只要,假使7_ 使某人失望8_ 在于agree onas/so long aslet sb.

5、downlie in9_ 更精确地说10_ 对抱怨11_ 特别地;尤其12_ 与相关or rathercomplain aboutin particularbe relevant to1as long as“只要”引导状语从句Perhaps correctness doesnt matter_(只要说话者能相互理解)its communication that counts.典型句式典型句式典型句式典型句式as long as speakers can understand each other2it is estimated that.据估计_(据估计)1.3 billion people

6、will use English as either a first or a second language by 2050.It is estimated that3主语beadj.to do某事做起来English has a huge number of colourful and splendid expressions _(理解起来可能困难)which may be difficult to understand4not all部分否定,表示“并非所有的都”_(并非所有的习语都)have been common for many years.Not all idioms复习状语和状

7、语从句1(2012山东实验中学模拟)The more expensive articles are not _ better.AevidentlyBnecessarilyCpossibly Doriginally单元语法单元语法单元语法单元语法解析:选B。句意:比较贵的东西未必更好。necessarily必然地,必要地,not necessarily未必;evidently明显地;possibly可能地;originally原始地。2(2012安徽江南十校联考)_,the excited crowds in the square suddenly became so quiet.Its sti

8、ll puzzling.APersonally BNaturallyCSomehow DAnyway解析:选C。句意:不知为什么,广场上激动的人们突然安静下来,真是令人费解。somehow不知为什么,不知怎么的;personally就个人而言;naturally自然地;anyway无论怎样。3(2012山东实验中学诊断)Your time is running out.Change your mind _ it is too late!Asince BwhenCuntil Dbefore解析:选D。before在此表示“以免”的意思,“时间快到了。改变主意吧,以免来不及。”4(2012天津十二

9、校联考)What do you think of the music teacher?_ she is an elegant lady,she can be extremely difficult to work with.AEven if BAsCBecause DWhile5(2012太原模拟)The boy was wandering through the street _ a bike hit him.Awhen BonceCwhile Das解析:选A。句意:那个男孩正在街上溜达,忽然一辆自行车撞了他。whenand just at that moment就在那时,突然。1 opp

10、osevt.反反对对,阻阻碍碍;与与对对抗抗(教材教材P53).meaning we will oppose考考点点串串讲讲讲讲练练互互动动单词精研单词精研单词精研单词精研prejudice against black people and resist conflict between Americans.它它的的意意思思是是:我我们们将将反反对对对对黑黑人人的的歧歧视视并将阻止美国人民之并将阻止美国人民之间间的冲突。的冲突。归纳拓展(牛津P1400)I would oppose changing the law.我将反对改变这个法规。He is strongly opposed to th

11、e plan.他强烈反对这一计划。She seems very much opposed to your going abroad.她好像很反对你出国。辨析oppose,objectoppose表示采取积极行动来反对,着重于表示采取积极行动来反对,着重于动作,反对的对象一般是较重大的动作,反对的对象一般是较重大的事。事。object指个人不赞成某事,或持有相反的指个人不赞成某事,或持有相反的意见,常见搭配为意见,常见搭配为object to sth./doing sth.。She objects to being scolded in public.她反对当众被斥责。A local group

12、 oppose the plan for environmental reasons.一个当地组织反对这个因环境的原因制订的计划。2 convincedadj.确信的;相信的(教材P51)Experts are convinced that this will happen in the future.专家们确信这在未来会发生的归纳拓展(2011高考浙江卷)Fierce competition has convinced them that delighting passengers is an important marketing tool.残酷的竞争使他们相信让乘客高兴是市场营销的重要工

13、具Ive been trying to convince him to see a doctor.我一直劝他去看病。I am convinced of his honesty.我对他的诚实深信不疑。I was convinced that he was doing the right thing.我深信他在做正确的事。3 overcomev.控制(感情);克服(困难);征服,战胜(教材P53)We shall overcome dates from the American Civil War.“We shall overcome” 起源于美国内战归纳拓展overcome the enemy/

14、ones competitor击败敌人/战胜对手overcome ones shyness克服羞怯overcome temptations经受住各种诱惑be overcome by emotion难以自持助记(2011高考上海卷).helped pupils overcome difficulties in learning.帮助学生克服学习中的困难。(2010高考江苏卷)Of course,there are some technical challenges to overcome.毋庸置疑,有许多技术挑战需要克服。跟踪训练.品句填词1In a library,books and maga

15、zines are usually _(分类) by subjects.classified2Eventually she managed to _(克服) her shyness in class.3Herschel was firmly _(确信)of the possibility of life on other planets.overcomeconvinced4His words _(传达) an unfriendly attitude made the people present annoyed.5She often _(抱怨) to her boss about her be

16、ing paid badly.conveyingcomplains6He is expected to _(阐明) his position at the conference.7Her style of writing is rather _(独特的)clarifyunique8There have been many _(冲突) though the world is in peace generally.conflicts.单项填空1After the professor _ out the project,made a comment on the report,the media f

17、ocused on it.Awas opposed to carryBopposed to carryCopposed to carrying Dopposed carrying解析:选C。be opposed to意为“反对”,to为介词。句意:反对开展这个项目的教授就此报告发表评论后成了媒体关注的焦点。2(2012哈尔滨模拟)Before the college entrance examination,many students have shown _ of tension.Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost the

18、ir appetite.Aanxiety BmarksCsigns Dremarks解析:选C。句意语境为“高考前,许多学生表示出紧张的迹象”。3Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter _ physical and mental health.Aof;at Bby;inCof;on Don;at解析:选C。convince意为“说服,确信”,与介词of连用,意为“使(人)承认或信服”;effect意为“作用,功效”,与介词on连用,意为“对有影响”。4I cant say which wine is bestits

19、a(n) _ of personal taste.Aaffair BeventCmatter Dvariety解析:选C。句意:我无法说哪种酒最好,这是个人口味的问题。Affair“事务”;event“事件”;matter“事情,问题”;variety“种类”。5There is not much time left and every minute _.Acosts BcaresCvalues Dcounts解析:选D。cost“花费;付出代价”;care意为“关心”;value意为“有价值”;count意为“很重要”。句意:时间所剩不多了,每分钟都很重要。短语精释短语精释短语精释短语精释4

20、 tell.apart把区分开来(教材P44)It is also quite easy to tell British and American English apart.要将英国英语和美国英语分辨开来也很容易。归纳拓展(3)apart的相关短语:take.apart 把拆开fall apart 土崩瓦解apart from 除之外Can you tell the twin brothers apart?你能分得清这两个孪生兄弟吗?It is very important for us to tell true friends from false ones in society.在社会上

21、辨别出真假朋友对我们来说是非常重要的。(2011高考山东卷)Then her husband lost his job,and the plan fell apart.她丈夫失业了,这一计划也泡汤了。To tell the truth,I do know where he has gone.说实话,我的确知道他去了哪里。5 get down to开始做某事(教材P53)Thus,to talk turkey means to get down to business.因此,to talk turkey的意思是开始做生意。归纳拓展get across 传播;为人理解get in 收获,收割get

22、 rid of 摆脱,处理He got down to his work after the holidays.度假之后他开始工作。After supper,they got down to having a meeting.晚饭后,他们召开了一个会议。How can I get it across to you people how important this is?我怎么做才能让你们这些人理解这件事的重要性?6 let sb.down使某人失望(教材P53) With friends like these,who needs enemies?means a friend has betr

23、ayed your trust or let you down.“With friends like these,who needs enemies?”的意思是“你的朋友辜负了你的信任或者让你失望。”归纳拓展Im counting on you to support medont let me down.我指望你支持我呢别让我失望。Let down a rope so that I can climb up.把绳子放下来我好爬上去。Dont let out the plan to the press.别把计划泄露给新闻界。I wouldnt speak to him,let alone tru

24、st him and lend him some money.我理都不愿理他,更谈不上信任他,把钱借给他了。跟踪训练.选词填空lie in,tell.apart,as long as,get down to,come up to1_you dont lose heart, youll succeed in time.2Its high time that we_dealing with the problem.As long asgot down to3His new book doesnt _his previous ones.4The future of our country_e up

25、tolies in5I dont know which one is mine; I cant_them_.tellapart.单项填空1(2012杭州模拟)The final examination is coming up soon.Wed better _ our studies.Aget down toBget outCget back for Dget over解析:选A。考查短语辨析。句意:期终考试已经临近了,我们最好静下心来准备我们的功课。get down to静下心开始做;get out外出;get over做完,熬过,痊愈,康复;C项应为get back to。2The tw

26、o paintings look so much alike that I cant _ the authentic painting _ the modern copy.Atell;fromBtell;ofCtell;apart Dtell;off解析:选A。句意:这两幅画这么相似,以至于我分辨不出真品和仿制品。此题考查tell不同搭配的用法。tell A from B“区分A和B”;tell sb.of/about sth.“告诉某人有关某事”;tell sth. apart“区分某物”;tell sb.off for sth.“为某事斥责某人”。3Im badly _,for there

27、 is no one that can be relied on.Alet down Blet onClet out Dlet off解析:选A。考查短语动词辨析和句意理解。句意:我非常失望,因为这里没有可以依靠的人。let down“使失望”;let on“泄露”;let out“使出去”;let off“原谅,不惩罚”,只有A项符合题意。4He couldnt help us,_ he didnt want to.Awould rather Bor ratherCrather than Dother than5Because of the limited time,he didnt go

28、into details on the subject.He only spoke _.Ain common Bin generalCin particular Din public7(教材P44)Perhaps correctness doesnt matteras long as speakers can understand each otherits communication that counts.也许正确与否不要紧只要说话的人互相明白就行重要的是交流本身。句型精析句型精析句型精析句型精析【点津点津】 as long as(1)只要只要引引导导条件状条件状语语从句,从句中一般用从句

29、,从句中一般用现现在在时时代替将来代替将来时时。(2)长长达达。(3)on condition that 只要,条件是。只要,条件是。(2011高考湖北卷)This will continue as long as we use these things to make other things.只要我们用这些东西制造其它东西,这就将继续下去。As long as you drive carefully,you will be very safe.如果你开车小心,你就会很安全。(2011高考湖南卷)For as long as I can remember,he had a weak hear

30、t.就我所记忆的,他心脏不好。This line is four times as long as that one.这条线是那条线的四倍长。Ron lent me the money on condition that I pay it back next month.罗恩把钱借给我,条件是下月归还。8(教材P44)In this sense everybodys use of languagewhether English,Chinese,or any otheris different.从这种意义上来说,每个人对语言的使用不管是英语、汉语或者任何其他语言都是不一样的。【点津】1)whet

31、her English,Chinese,or any other在句中作插入语,用来对所要表达的内容进行解释或补充,插入语可用破折号分开,也可用逗号隔开。2)whether.or 还可以引导从句。(1)不管还是。引导让步状语从句。(2)是还是。引导名词性从句。He asked the people present,whether men or women,to keep it secret.他要求在场的人,无论男女,要保守秘密。Pearls,either big or small,are very expensive.珍珠有大有小,但都非常珍贵。This is the last chance,

32、I am afraid,that you can win over them.恐怕这是你能战胜他们的最后机会了。Playing football is a popular game,whether to men or women.踢足球是一项受人欢迎的运动,不管对于男子还是女子。My doubt is whether the weather will be fine or not tomorrow.我的怀疑是明天天气是好还是坏。跟踪训练.完成句子1You may borrow the book _(只要你不把书弄脏)as long as you keep it clean2Youre goin

33、g to be late _(无论是乘公共汽车还是火车)3The problem is _(难解决)whether you go by bus or traindifficult to deal with4All the people present _(不赞成你)dont agree with you.单项填空1(2012郑州质检)Could you please cut the price a little?Er._ you buy more than ten.Aeven ifBso long asCin case Das soon as解析:选B。句意:你能降一点价吗?呃只要你买十个以上

34、。so long as只要;even if即便,即使;in case以防万一;as soon as一就。2I dont quite share with you some views on the matter_these are too strange.Ato be honest Bbelieve it or notCin other words Dwhats more解析:选A。句意:在这件事上,我与你的某些观点不太一致老实说,这些观点太奇怪了。to be honest在句中作插入语,意为“老实说,说实话”。3All people,_ they are old or young,rich

35、or poor,have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.Aeven if BwhetherCno matter Dhowever解析:选B。句意是:自从灾难发生以来,所有的人们,不管是老人还是年轻人,不管是富人还是穷人,都一直在努力帮助那些需要帮助的人。even if即使;whether.or. 不管还是;no matter后接疑问词时,表示“不管”;however“无论多么”。4It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.Ahowever BwhateverCwhichever Dwhenever解析:选B。句意:孩子要什么就给他(她)什么被认为是不理智的。



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