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1、 搜登站镇第二中学电子教案(英语) 人教版人教版 八年级英语八年级英语 上册上册 Unit 5 Can you come to my party? Section A(2)P29制作人姓名:高制作人姓名:高 巍巍制作日期:制作日期:2011年年10月月5日日学习目标学习目标Unit5Section A(2)省管理员省管理员先学后教先学后教(3)省管理员先学后教(先学后教(2)省管理员先学后教先学后教(4)先学后教先学后教(1)省管理员省管理员目目 录录当堂训练当堂训练八上第五单元第四课时八上第五单元第四课时1. To grasp 1v,3n,1phrase2. 掌握掌握29页页 1v,3n,1

2、phrase3.2. To get information from 3a4. 阅读阅读3a并获取信息并获取信息5.3. To be able to write an e-mail6. 学会写一封电子邮件学会写一封电子邮件1.训练训练2.邀请(邀请(n.)3.化学化学4.邀请(邀请(v.)5.邀请某人去某地邀请某人去某地6.邀请某人做某事邀请某人做某事7.进行网球训练进行网球训练inviteinvitationinvite sb to spinvite sb to do sthtraininghave tennis trainingchemistry请根据下面的汉语提示,速记请根据下面的汉语提

3、示,速记P23本节课单词,本节课单词,看扩展性知识,可以询问老师和同学的帮助。看扩展性知识,可以询问老师和同学的帮助。 2分钟后,比看谁记得最熟!分钟后,比看谁记得最熟!第一次先学后教:第一次先学后教: 比识记单词比识记单词第二次先学后教:第二次先学后教: 比朗读翻译比朗读翻译 边小声读课文,边练习翻译。边小声读课文,边练习翻译。如有疑难,可问同学、老师或如有疑难,可问同学、老师或查阅工具书。查阅工具书。五分钟后五分钟后,比谁,比谁能正确朗读与翻译。能正确朗读与翻译。 自学指导自学指导 Hi Henry, Thank you for your invitation. Im sorry I ca

4、nt visit you this week. I am really busy. This evening Im going to my cousins birthday party. And tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist. (Yuck! ) On Wednesday, I have tennis training with the school team. And I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday. On Friday evening, Im going to the movie

5、s with some friends. Can you come to the movies with us on Friday? Write soon. Sonia3a. Read the e-mail and write. Sunday Monday Tuesday dentistWednesday Thursday Friday Saturday A: What is Sonia going to do on? B: She is going to? cousins birthday partytennis training with the school teamstudy for

6、the chemistry testgo to the movies with some friends?第三次先学后教,比回答问题!看谁有快又准!第三次先学后教,比回答问题!看谁有快又准!回答问题:回答问题:Can Henry go to visit Sonia this week?Why / Why not?汉译英:汉译英:感谢你的邀请?(三种)感谢你的邀请?(三种)今晚我将要去我堂兄的生日晚会今晚我将要去我堂兄的生日晚会。我不得不参加网球训练和我的校队我不得不参加网球训练和我的校队。当堂练习当堂练习 Subject: PartyParty From: TonyTonyHi Henry,

7、Thanks a lot for the invitation. Im sorry I cant visit next week. On Monday , I have to _. On Tuesday, Im _ with my friends. On Wednesday, I have to _ my dad. On Thursday, Im studying for _. And on Friday, _ on vacation with _. Please call me after the vacation. Tonygo to the doctorgoing to the movi

8、esgo fishing withan English testIm going to Hangzhoumy parents第四次先学后教,比短文填空,看谁填的又快又准!第四次先学后教,比短文填空,看谁填的又快又准!3c Write an e-mail message to a friend. Say why you cant visit next week.5分钟后看谁写的又快又好!分钟后看谁写的又快又好!How can we write an e-mail to say why we cant visit sb?怎样去写一个电子邮件去说怎样去写一个电子邮件去说不能拜访某人的原因?不能拜访某

9、人的原因?1.格式:称呼格式:称呼2.感谢语感谢语3.原因原因4.格式:署名格式:署名1.邀请某人做某事邀请某人做某事_2.邀请某人去某地邀请某人去某地_3.感谢做某事感谢做某事_4.Eliza的是日程表的是日程表_5.忙于做某事忙于做某事_6.去我堂弟的生日聚会去我堂弟的生日聚会_7.看牙医看牙医_8.和和进行网球训练进行网球训练_9.在校篮球队在校篮球队_10.为化学测验复习备考为化学测验复习备考_11打电话给某人打电话给某人invite sb. to do sth.invite sb. to +地点地点Thanks /Thank you for doing sth.Elizas cale

10、ndarbe busy doing sth=be busy with sth.go to my cousins birthday partygo to /go to see/see the dentisthave tennis training withbe in/on the school basketball teamstudy for the chemistry testcall sb./telephone sb/ phone sb/give sb a call/ring sb up12.在周四晚上在周四晚上_13.在一个寒冷的早上在一个寒冷的早上_14.非常感谢你的邀请非常感谢你的邀请

11、_15.感谢邀请我们感谢邀请我们_16.他的确是正忙于为化学测试备考他的确是正忙于为化学测试备考17.下周我们将和校网球队进行网球训练下周我们将和校网球队进行网球训练_18.你在校足球队吗?你在校足球队吗?19.你能在周五下午看牙医吗?你能在周五下午看牙医吗?20.请假期后给我打电话请假期后给我打电话_on Thursday nighton a cold morningThanks a lot for your invitation.Thanks for inviting/asking/having us.Hes really busy studying for the chemistry t

12、est/with his chemistry test.Were having tennis training with the school tennis team next week.Are you in/on the school soccer team?Can you go to the dentist on Friday afternoon?Please call me after the vacation. 当堂检测当堂检测1.Thank for _(teach)us.2.Thank you for your _(invite)3.What about _(go) to a par

13、ty?4.I have _(help)my mom with housework.5.Its October _(twelve) the day after tomorrow.6.The _(two) Sunday in May is Mothers Day.7.Helen always invites us _(have) dinner on weekends.8.Youd better _(finish)your homework soon.9.My _(America) friend is going to the beach next week.10.Harry has soccer

14、_(train) all day.teachinginvitationgoingto helptwelfthsecondto havefinishAmericantraining10.Thanks for asking me. (同义句同义句) Thanks for _ _.11.She can help you .(否定句否定句) She _ _ you.12.He has to visit his uncle.(否定句否定句) He _ _ _ _ his uncle.13.John has to study for the test today.(提问提问) _ _ John _ to

15、_ today?14.He cant join us because hes busy.(提问提问) _ _ he join us?inviting me cant helpdoesnt have to visit What does have studyWhy cantHomeworkPlan a party Write everything you have to do next week on the calendar on page 84.Choose a day and time to have a party. Then invite three classmates to your party. Practice in four.



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