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1、情情 态态 动动 词词情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,认为态的态度,认为“可能可能”、“应当应当”、“必要必要”等等,但本身词义不完全,等等,但本身词义不完全,不能单独作谓语,必须和不带不能单独作谓语,必须和不带toto的动的动词不定式词不定式(ought(ought除外除外) )连用。情态动词连用。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。没有人称和数的变化。1. can / could 1) 表示表示“能力能力”、“许可许可”、“可能性可能性”、“惊异惊异、不相信不相信”(此义主要用于疑问句、否定句、感叹句中)(此义主要用于疑问句、否定句、感叹句中)等。在口语中

2、,等。在口语中,can可以代替可以代替may表示许可,而表示许可,而may比比较较正式正式。The theatre can seat 2500 people. You can go now. He said I could borrow his bike. She asked whether she could take the books out of the room. How can you be so careless! (能力)(能力)(许可)(许可)(许可)(许可)(可能性)(可能性)(惊异)(惊异)2) could可以代替可以代替can,表示,表示委婉委婉的的语气语气。Could

3、 I use your dictionary?(注意:回答这样的问题不用(注意:回答这样的问题不用could,须用,须用can)I could come earlier, if necessary.3) can和和be able to在表示能力这一点上是同义词,意在表示能力这一点上是同义词,意义差别不大,只是义差别不大,只是be able to可有各种时态变化。可有各种时态变化。No one is able to do it.I havent been able to find the book.凡表示凡表示“经过努力,设法做成某事经过努力,设法做成某事”时,不用时,不用can,须,须用用be

4、 able to.No one can do it.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly, but everyone was able to get out.4) 表示表示“推测推测”,主要用于主要用于否定句否定句,后跟不定式的后跟不定式的一一般式般式、进行式进行式,表示对表示对现在现在的推测;后跟不定式的的推测;后跟不定式的完完成式成式,表示对表示对过去过去的推测。意思是:的推测。意思是:不可能不可能,一定不一定不,准不准不:He cant / couldnt be reading there.He cant be such a dis

5、honest man.She couldnt have said so.could + 完成式完成式,也可用来表示也可用来表示责备责备的语气,意为的语气,意为“(过去)(过去)本来能够本来能够,(而实际上却未,(而实际上却未)”You could have been more careful.We could have told him earlier.2. may / might1) 表示表示允许允许或或征询征询对方对方许可许可,有,有“可以可以”的意思。用的意思。用作此义时,否定形式可用作此义时,否定形式可用may not, 但在表示但在表示“不可以不可以”、“禁止禁止”、“阻止阻止”等意

6、思时,常用等意思时,常用must not (mustnt).You may go now.May I watch TV after supper?Yes, you may. / No, you mustnt.有时为使语气有时为使语气婉转婉转一些,可以用下面的方式回答这一些,可以用下面的方式回答这种问题:种问题:Yes, please. Please dont.2) 表示表示可能性可能性,有,有“或许或许”、“可能可能”之意,用之意,用might语气更加语气更加不肯定不肯定。后跟。后跟一般式一般式、进行式进行式,指,指现在现在;后跟;后跟完成式完成式,指,指过去过去。She may not be

7、 there today.He might have some fever. They may / might have missed the last bus. 表示此义时,表示此义时,不能不能用在用在疑问句疑问句中。中。Certainly.No, youd better not. 用于用于否定句否定句,表示,表示“可能不可能不”、“或许不或许不”,务必,务必注意其和注意其和can / could 用于否定句意思上的差别:用于否定句意思上的差别:If I am busy, I may / might not go.He may / might not have known it.比较:比较:

8、He cant have known it.3. must, ought to, should1) must表示表示必须必须要做的事,意为:必须,应该;否定要做的事,意为:必须,应该;否定式:式:mustnt,表示,表示“不应该不应该”、“不许可不许可”、“禁止禁止”等。等。We must do everything step by step.You mustnt talk like that.在回答由在回答由must引起的问题时,如果是引起的问题时,如果是否定否定的答复,的答复,不能用不能用mustnt(一定不要,不能),而要用(一定不要,不能),而要用neednt / dont have

9、to(不必):(不必):Must I be home before eight oclock?Yes, you must.No, you neednt. / No, you dont have to.2) must表示表示推测推测,只用在,只用在肯定肯定句中,后跟句中,后跟一般式一般式、进进行式行式表示对表示对现在现在的推测;后跟的推测;后跟完成式完成式表示对表示对过去过去的推的推测,意即:测,意即:“一定一定,准准”等:等:There must be a mistake.He must be sleeping at this time of day.No one answered the p

10、hone. They must have already gone out.His watch must have stopped. I will go and call him.We must have been playing tennis in the park when you called. 在表示在表示“必须必须”这个意思时,这个意思时,must和和have to是很是很接近的,在过去时、将来时、完成时中,用接近的,在过去时、将来时、完成时中,用have to来来代替代替must。在现在时中,。在现在时中,must和和have to常表示相同常表示相同的意义,但的意义,但have

11、to比较强调比较强调客观客观的需要,的需要,must着重说着重说明明主观主观的义务或必要;口语中较常用的义务或必要;口语中较常用have to:We must / have to leave now.We must stay home, mustnt we?He had to stop smoking because his girl friend didnt like it.Youll have to go there alone.3) ought to表示表示应该应该做的事情(和做的事情(和should差不多,只差不多,只是是口气口气稍重一些)或稍重一些)或非常可能非常可能的事。的事。Yo

12、u ought to follow your fathers advice.Oughtnt we to give him a chance to try?There is a fine sunset, it ought to be a fine day tomorrow. 表示应该做的事情时,表示应该做的事情时,should是是ought to的同义词,的同义词,大多数情况下,含义大致相同,但也有一些差别:大多数情况下,含义大致相同,但也有一些差别:ought to更多反映更多反映客观客观情况,在表示因情况,在表示因责任责任、义务义务、规定规定等该做的事情时使用;在表示某件事宜于做时,等该做的

13、事情时使用;在表示某件事宜于做时,多用多用should(谈的是自己的(谈的是自己的主观主观看法)。下面句中这看法)。下面句中这两个词不宜换用:两个词不宜换用:You are his father. You ought to take care of him.We ought to go and see Mary tomorrow, but I dont think we will.We should not use too many big words in our everyday speech. should / ought to have doneYou should have come

14、 to attend the meeting, but you didnt.Look what you have done. You should not have been so careless.You ought not to have taken the book out of the reading-room.4. need可以作可以作情态情态动词,意为:动词,意为:需要需要,主要用于,主要用于否定否定句和句和疑问句疑问句。Need you go so soon?Yes, I must. No, I neednt.Thats all settled. It neednt be tal

15、ked about.I dont think you need worry.Now there need be no discussion about this question.如果用作如果用作vt 和不定式连用,可用于和不定式连用,可用于各种结构各种结构:Does he need to know it?This question needs to be discussed.You dont need to do it yourself.(这种否定形式较文气,口语中用(这种否定形式较文气,口语中用neednt更多一些)更多一些)need not + 完成式完成式You neednt have

16、 done so.We neednt have got up so early.5. dare也可用作也可用作情态情态动词,作动词,作“敢敢”解,主要用于解,主要用于疑问疑问句句、否定否定句和句和条件句条件句。How dare you say Im unfair?She dare not say what she thinks.I wont allow you to jump over the rock, even if you dare do it.但现在用作但现在用作vt的时候更多一些,可以跟不定式,用于的时候更多一些,可以跟不定式,用于各种各种结构结构。I wonder how he d

17、ared to do such a thing.He has never dared to tell his father about it.She stopped at the door, not daring to enter.间或有这样的句子(不定式不带间或有这样的句子(不定式不带to)He did not dare speak before the class.He does not dare ask the teacher questions.除了在除了在I dare say这种习语中,这种习语中,dare很少很少在在肯定肯定结构中结构中作作情态情态动词。动词。6. shallsha

18、ll作为作为情态情态动词,用于动词,用于第二第二、三三人称,表示说话人的人称,表示说话人的意愿意愿,有,有“命令命令”、“警告警告”、“威胁威胁”、“强制强制”、“允诺允诺”等意思。等意思。You shall do as I say.Tell him that he shall have the book tomorrow.You naughty boy! You shall get what you deserve.No, he shant go.用在用在问句问句中中征求征求对方对方意见意见和和指示指示,用于,用于第一第一、第三第三人人称:称:Shall I open the window?

19、What shall we do next?命令命令允诺允诺强制强制警告警告Shall he come to see you? CP: Will he come to see you?7. will / would 1) will表示表示“意志意志”、“意愿意愿”,用于,用于各种人称各种人称:I will tell you all about it.He wont go.甚至在甚至在条件句条件句中也可用:中也可用:If you will allow me, Ill see you home.2) will用于用于疑问句疑问句,表示,表示请求请求、邀请邀请,用于,用于第二第二人称:人称:Will

20、 you please give him a message when you see him?Wont you sit down?3) will也可表示某种也可表示某种倾向倾向或或习惯性习惯性动作,有动作,有“总是总是”、“惯于惯于”之意:之意:Fish will die out of water.Hell talk for hours if you give him the chance.No matter what you may say, he will always stick to his own views.uWhats the matter with the door? It

21、wont lock.4) would 是是 will 的过去式,表示的过去式,表示过去过去时间的时间的“意志意志”、“愿望愿望”,用于,用于各种人称各种人称:I promised that I would do my best.They would not let Tom in because he was a black boy.5) would表示说话人的表示说话人的意愿意愿或或请求请求,语气比,语气比will婉转婉转(指现在时间):(指现在时间):Would you like some bananas?Id like to see your new dictionary.6) would表示表示过去过去的的习惯习惯动作或一种动作或一种倾向倾向:She would sit like that for hours.Every day he would get up at six and light the fire.He told me the box wouldnt open.



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