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1、Period 4Using Language .单词拼写1Johnson was too _ (醉的) to remember anything about the party.2My husband gave no _(解释) for what he was doing that evening.3Whoever is responsible for this _(混乱) can clear it up immediately! 4The father made funny faces to _ (使发笑) the children.5Mike had a bowl of _ (粥) wit

2、h milk and sugar for breakfast.6In America, _ (烙饼) are usually eaten for breakfast.7Mr.White hired a private _ (侦探) in an attempt to find his daughter.【答案】1.drunk2.explanation3.mess4.amuse5porridge6.pancakes7.detective.句型转换1My uncle lives in a district which has a lot of mountains.My uncle lives in

3、a _ district.2The government will have to borrow large amounts of money.The government will have to borrow _ amounts of money.3You dont have to speak in such a low voice; no one can hear us.You dont have to _; no one can hear us.4How did your mother respond to the news?How did your mother _ to the n

4、ews?5Keep your office space looking good, particularly your desk.Keep your office space looking good, _ your desk.【答案】1.mountainous2.vast3.whisper4.react5especiallyI通读课文,选择最佳选项1What did Sherlock Holmes and Watson really want to do in the mountainous area?ASearching for something.BLooking at the star

5、s.CCamping.DSearching for thieves.2What do you think of Watsons answers?ACommon.BFunny.CHonest.DCareless.3Holmes said Watson was a fool because _.AWatson was really foolishBWatsons answers were not correctCWatson didnt realize their tent had been stolenDHolmes liked playing jokes on Watson【答案】1.C2.D

6、3.C.精读课文,回答下列问题1How did Watson answer Holmes question?【答案】I think of how short life is and how long the universe has lasted. I think of how small I am and how vast the sky is.I think of how cold the universe is and how warm people can be in their beds.2In fact, what happened then?【答案】Someone had sto

7、len their tent.3After reading the funny story, what kinds of persons do you think they are? (careful/ careless)【答案】Sherlock Holmes is careful while Doctor Watson is careless.1amuse vt.使发笑;使愉快He made funny faces to amuse the children.他做鬼脸逗孩子们开心。The question seemed to amuse him in some way.这个问题似乎不知怎么把

8、他给逗乐了。(1)amuse sb取悦某人;使某人高兴、愉快amuse oneself with/by.以消遣;以自娱(2)amused adj.逗乐的;觉得好笑的be amused at/by sth觉得有趣、好笑;以为乐keep sb amused使某人快乐;使某人消遣(3)amusing adj.有趣的,好玩的;引人发笑的(4)amusement n娱乐in amusement感兴趣地to ones amusement使某人感到好笑的是单句语法填空Tom is an_(amuse)boy.We always feel_(amuse)by his jokes.The naughty boy

9、 amuses himself _ drawing cartoons of his mother.【答案】amusing; amusedby2whisper n耳语;低语 vt.& vi.低语;小声说You dont have to whisper, no one can hear us.你不必轻声轻语,没人听得到我们说话。“Where are we going?” he asked in a whisper.“我们去哪里?”他低声问道。whisper to sb对某人窃窃私语whisper sth to sb对某人低声说某事whisper sb sth向某人耳语whisper sth/tha

10、t.传言whisper(sth)in ones ear在某人耳边小声说in a whisper/whispers低声地whisper当名词用时为可数名词。完成句子He is_ _his neighbor.他在向邻座的人耳语。【答案】whispering toThe wind_ _the pines.风在松树林中飒飒作响。【答案】whispered in单句语法填空His adventures have _(whisper) everywhere.【答案】been whisperedShe said it in _whisper.【答案】a汉译英她对我附耳说了一句话。【答案】She whispe

11、red a word in my ear.英译汉It is whispered that he is heavily in debt.【答案】据传闻他负债累累。3think of想到,考虑,想象,设想,打算,认为I cant think of the word for “love” in French.我想不起法语的“爱”是怎么说的了。Also, think of all the requests you have in one day.同时,考虑你一天内需要做的所有事情。 think much of认为很不错think better of sb对某人印象好;看重某人think highly

12、of看重;器重think well of重视think little of看轻;看不起完成句子We _ _ _ _to France to spend our holiday.我们正在考虑到法国去度假。What_ _ _ _the governments latest offer to the union?你是怎样看待政府最近对工会提出帮助的?Your offer is attractive but I need to_ _ _before I can let you know my decision.你的提议不错,但在告诉你我的决定之前我要好好想一想。【答案】are thinking of

13、goingdo you think aboutthink it over4vast adj.巨大的;辽阔的The government will have to borrow vast amounts of money.政府将不得不借用巨额资金。用huge/vast/large填空A_number of people came from all parts of the country to see the Expo in Shanghai.I have a_pile of letters to deal with.The_plains stretch for hundreds of mile

14、s.【答案】largehugevast5do with处理;对付What should I do with this old computer?这台旧电脑怎么处理?Then we will look at what we can do with the data.然后我们看看利用这些数据可以做些什么。So how do we deal with these new challenges? 因此,我们该如何处理这些新挑战呢?完成句子With so many things _ (处理), I have to work late into the night.I have often thought

15、 that if Hollywood stars have a role to play, it is to teach us that happiness _(与没有关系) fun.单句语法填空Learning to resolve conflicts can help students deal _friends, teachers, parents, bosses and coworkers.It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows _to do with it.【答案】to dea

16、l withhas nothing to do withwithwhat6mess n脏或乱的状态 vt.& vi.(常与up连用)弄脏;弄乱;弄糟;(与with连用)惹麻烦When I got home, the house was a complete mess.我回到家时,屋子里一片狼藉。Dont mess with me,tell me the truth.别糊弄我,告诉我真实情况。in a mess杂乱;陷入困境mess up 弄乱mess with 打扰;弄乱mess about/around 胡闹make a mess of把弄乱;使一团糟messy adj.散乱的;污秽的;麻烦

17、的单句改错My desk is a mess and I decide to tidy it up this weekend.【答案】在a前加in汉译英你本不该把房间弄得杂乱不堪的。【答案】You shouldnt have made the room in a mess.7react vi.作出反应;回应I shouted at her,but she didnt react at all.我向她大声喊叫,但她毫无反应。You have to react quickly to circumstances.你必须对形势迅速做出反应。react to sth对作出反应react on/upon对

18、有影响;作用于react against反对/抗reaction n反应action and reaction作用和反作用chain reaction连锁反应完成句子The market reacted_falling a further two points.People can react badly_certain food additives.He reacted strongly_the air pollution.A spokesman said the changes were not in reaction_the companys recent losses.【答案】byto

19、againstto1The answer to the question contains a word which, when spoken, can have two meanings.问题的答案中包含有一个单词,这个单词在说的时候,可以有两层意思。(1)句中which引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词“a word”,且which在从句中充当主语。(2)本句中when spoken是省略句,省略了it is,完整的状语从句应该是when it is spoken,在句中作插入语。My mother advised me not to say anything until(I was)aske

20、d.妈妈劝我别说什么,除非有人要我说。When completed,the cinema will be open to the public next year.明年电影院竣工后将面向大众开放。当状语从句的主语是it或其主语与主句主语一致,且谓语动词含有be时,it或从句主语连同谓语的一部分be可省略掉。常见的有此种用法的引导从句的连词有when,while,after,before,although,if,unless等。When still a boy of six,Bob was sent away from home.当鲍勃还是个六岁的孩子时,他被赶出了家门。仿写句子这本书包含了很多

21、的神话故事,当读这些故事时,它们会给你很多的快乐。The book contains many fairy stories _,_,can give you much pleasure.这座楼含有很多房间,当建完时,其中一个房间将被用作阅览室。The building contains many rooms, one of _,_,will be used as a reading room.在空格中必要的地方填入介词。Fill in the blank with prepositions _.单句语法填空When_(ask) where she was from,the little gir

22、l was only crying,saying nothing.【答案】which; when readwhich; when completedwhere (it is) necessaryasked2Watson tried a third time.华生又试着回答了一次。a third在在此此相相当当于于another。Can you give me a third chance, please?你能再给我第三次机会吗?She was quite sad when she failed the exam a third time.考试第三次又失利了,她相当难过。序数词如second,t

23、hird等与定冠词the连用表示“第几”,强调排好的顺序;与不定冠词a,an连用表示“又一,再一”,强调在原来的数量上再加一个的概念。He won the second prize at the Olympic Competition.他在竞赛中获得二等奖。Please try it a second time.请再试一次。单句改错The cakes are delicious.Hed like to have the third one because the second one is rather small.【答案】the third改为a third3What did John th

24、ink Mary should have done with the mess in the pan?约翰认为玛丽本应该怎样处理锅里的混乱呢?本句中should have done表示“过去本应该做某事而事实上没有做”,意思是“本该,本应该”,含有责备或后悔之意。在语义上相当于ought to have done。其否定形式shouldnt have done表示本不应该做某事,而实际做了。You ought to have left for London early.你本应该早一点去伦敦。You shouldnt have gone back to the houseyou might ha

25、ve been seriously burnt.你本不应该再回到那栋房子的,你有可能会被严重烧伤。“情态动词have done”的用法(1)must have done表示主观上对过去情况的一种肯定推测,通常用在肯定句中。在否定句和疑问句中用cant或can。(2)could have done表示过去本能够做,但实际上并未做。(3)neednt have done表示本没必要做而做了。He cant have finished the report so soon.这项报告他不可能完成得这样快。You neednt have lied to your parents.你本不必向父母撒谎的。单

26、句语法填空Im sorry,I shouldnt_(shout)at you the other day.【答案】have shouted一、话题短语care for each other 互相关心take an active part in 积极参与promote the friendship 增进友谊improve the relationship 改善关系build a good relationship 建立良好的关系trust each other 彼此信任 communicate with 交流,沟通个人情感个人情感二、话题句式1We are deeply grateful to

27、you for your support.我们深深感谢你的支持。2In common with the author, I also hold the view that keeping optimistic can help us achieve success.和作者一样,我也认为保持乐观有助于我们取得成功。3Youve got a great personality and have a good sense of humor.你的个性很好,又有幽默感。三、写作范例“幽默感”被认为是人类最重要的品质之一。请你用英语写一篇短文陈述幽默的好处。要点如下:1促进学习;2有益健康;3缓解压力;4

28、增进友谊。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_【写作指导】本篇书面表达要求陈述幽默的好处。写作时注意:1.四个内容要点之间要衔接得当,按顺序陈述幽默的这四个好处;2.可以使用适当的连词,以使行文连贯;3.根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态(就本文而言应该用一般现在时态);4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。【参考范文】A sense of humor is considered to be one of the most important human qualities which improve our life in different ways.Fi

29、rstly,at school,a humorous teacher can help students focus their attention very easily,and the students will become more active and creative when experiencing the joy of learning.Secondly,humor has a positive effect on our health.Its said that laughter is the best medicine. Thirdly,humor helps us re

30、move stress and have a positive attitude toward life.Finally,I believe humor can be a powerful and delightful way to establish close friendships with people.四、句式练习根据括号内的提示或要求完成句子。早睡早起被认为是一种好习惯。(be considered to be)【答案】Going to bed early and getting up early is considered to be a good habit.诚实是能够增进友谊

31、的最重要的品质之一。(one of the.; which引导定语从句)【答案】Honesty is one of the most important qualities which can promote the friendship.朋友之间的竞争总是会对他们之间的友谊有负面的影响。(have a .effect on.)【答案】Competition between friends always has a negative effect on their friendship.五、写作练笔根据下面的提示,以“Accidental celebration”为题,发挥你的想象力,结合所给

32、出的开头部分,用英语写一篇幽默故事,要有出人意料的结局。100词左右。内容提示:两辆车发生了交通事故,车子完全损坏,但幸运的是男司机和女司机都没有受伤,女司机提议庆祝一下,从车里拿出一瓶酒来,男司机很高兴,喝了几大口,但是女司机却没有喝Accidental celebration A woman and a man were involved in a car accident.Although both cars were totally destroyed,fortunately neither of them was injured._【答案】One possible version:A

33、ccidental celebrationA woman and a man were involved in a car accident.Although both cars were totally destroyed,fortunately neither of them was injured.After they moved slowly out of their cars,the woman said,“Just look at our cars.Theres nothing left,but fortunately we are not injured.This must be

34、 a sign from God that we should meet and become friends and live together in peace the rest of our days.”The man replied,“I cant agree with you more,and this must be a sign from God!”The woman continued.“And look at thisheres another miracle.My car is completely destroyed but this bottle of wine did

35、nt break.Surely God wants us to drink this and celebrate our good fortune.”So she handed the bottle to the man.The man nodded his head in agreement,opened it and drank some from the bottle,then handed it back to the woman.The woman took back the bottle,immediately put the cap back on,and handed it back to the man.The man took the bottle and asked in surprise,“Why dont you have some?”The woman replied,“Sorry.I think I will just wait for the police”



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