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1、与竞合同行与竞合同行走乐和之路走乐和之路There be句型句型vThere be 句型表示“某处有或存在某人或某物”v一.句型构成:vThere +be+主语(人或物)+地点v例如:桌上有一本书。 _ on the desk. 那里有一个苹果。 _ over there.1 There is a book There is an apple与竞合同行与竞合同行走乐和之路走乐和之路There be句型句型v二.名词及主谓一致:v当主语是名词单数或不可数名词时,be动词用单数is;当主语是可数名词复数时,be动词用复数形式are.v例如:画里有一条河。vThere _a river in the

2、 picture.v冰箱里有一些牛奶。vThere _some milk in the fridge.v教室里有三个学生。vThere_three students in the classroom.2 is are is与竞合同行与竞合同行走乐和之路走乐和之路There be句型句型v三.就近原则:v如果There be句型后的主语有几个并列的名词时,则根据离be最近的名词的数确定be的形式,即该名词是单数,be就用is;如果该名词是复数,be就用are.v例如:数上有一只鸟和两个苹果。v There _ a bird and two apples in the tree.vThere _

3、two apples and a bird in the tree.3 is are与竞合同行与竞合同行走乐和之路走乐和之路There be句型句型v四.一般疑问句句式:v结构为:v1.Is +there+a/an+单数名词+介词短语?v2.Is +there+不可数名词+介词短语?v3.Are +there+any+复数名词+介词短语?v回答用Yes,there is/are. No, there isnt.arent.v例如:-桌上有一本书吗?-没有。v-_ a book on the desk?-No, there _.4 Is there isnt与竞合同行与竞合同行走乐和之路走乐和之

4、路There be句型句型v五.特殊疑问句句式:v结构为:v1.How many +复数名词+are there+介词短语?v2.How much +不可数名词+is there+介词短语?v例如:v你班有多少学生?v_ in your class?v瓶子里有多少牛奶?v_ in the bottle?5How many students are thereHow muchmilk is there与竞合同行与竞合同行走乐和之路走乐和之路There be句型句型v六.There be的将来时:v结构:v1.There is /are going to bev2.There will bev例如

5、:明天将有一场大雪。v_ a heavy snow tomorrow.v=_a heavy snow tomorrow.v明天这里将有两场电影。v_ two films here tomorrow.v=_ two films here tomorrow.6 There is going to be There are going to be There will be There will be与竞合同行与竞合同行走乐和之路走乐和之路There be句型句型v七.There be和have/has的区别:vThere be 句型强调某处有某人/某物”,着重“存在”;have/has则强调“某人

6、有某物”,着重“拥有”。v例如:我家有三个孩子。v_ three children in my family.v我有三个孩子。vI _ three children.7 There are have与竞合同行与竞合同行走乐和之路走乐和之路There be句型句型v八.小窍门:v很多同学在做“有”的句型时,常为难以确定是用There be 句型还是用have/has感动苦恼。下面v向你介绍一个小窍门:v在做“有”翻译练习时,就在中文前加个“在”字,如果句子仍通顺,就用there is /are;反之,则应用have/has.例如:v(在)我房间里有台电视。(通顺)v_ a TV in my ro

7、om.v(在)我有台电视。(不通顺)v_a TV in my room.8 There is I have与竞合同行与竞合同行走乐和之路走乐和之路There be句型句型v九.实战演习:v1.There _ a bike and two kites in the room.vA. is B. are C. havev2. There _ some water in the bottle.vA. is B. are C. hasv3. There _ some eggs and an apple in the basket.vA. is B. are C. havev4.There _ a fo

8、otball match going to have B. will have C. will be9与竞合同行与竞合同行走乐和之路走乐和之路There be句型句型v九.实战演习:v1.There _ a bike and two kites in the room.vA. is B. are C. havev2. There _ some water in the bottle.vA. is B. are C. hasv3. There _ some eggs and an apple in the basket.vA. is B. are C. havev4

9、.There _ a football match going to have B. will have C. will be10与竞合同行与竞合同行走乐和之路走乐和之路There be句型句型v十.自我挑战:v1.我们班有40个学生。v _ forty students in our class.v2. 下周将有一部新电影。v _ a new film next week.v3. 篮子里有多少苹果?v _in the basket?v4.公园里有花吗?v_in the park?11 There are There will be How many apples are there Are there any flowers



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