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1、2019平面设计的美学基础什么是平面什么是平面设计What is graphic design排版#01Set type海报#04Poster.插画#03Illustrationslogo#02Logo美学基美学基础构成平面的元素Element元素设计三要素点 线 面点Pointl不同大小、疏密的散点式排列l点动产生线l按一定的规律变化,使之产生韵律感.l有目的的排列,以点聚面线Linel面化的线(等距的密集排列)l疏密变化的线透视空间的视觉效果l粗细变化空间,虚实空间的视觉效果l错觉化的线l立体化的线面Surfacel几何形的面,表现规则、平稳、较为理性的视觉效果l自然形的面,给人以更为生动

2、、厚实的视觉效果l有机形的面,得出柔和、自然、抽象的面的形态l偶然形的面,自由、活泼而富有哲理性l人造形的面,较为理性的人文特点排列组合 方与圆疏与密大与小对比应用应用应用应用COLOR色彩色彩This is a template that you can edit it easily. 色彩的三要素色彩的纯净程度色彩的相貌色彩的明亮程度色相明度纯度色彩的对比关系1234色调Add your sub titleAdd your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. A

3、dd your sub titleAdd your sub titleAdd your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. 色调指的是一幅画中画面色彩的总体倾向,是大的色彩效果。在大自然中,我们经常见到这样一种现象:不同颜色的物体或被笼罩在一片金色的阳光之中,或被笼罩在一片轻纱薄雾似的

4、、淡蓝色的月色之中;或被秋天迷人的金黄色所笼罩;或被统一在冬季银白色的世界之中。这种在不同颜色的物体上,笼罩着某一种色彩,使不同颜色的物体都带有同一色彩倾向,这样的色彩现象就是色调。色彩的心理感受红色黄色蓝色紫色海海报设计风格格现下流行的设计风格AddpictureAddpictureAddpictureAddpictreAddpicturAddpictureAddpictureAddpictureAddpictureAddpictureYour Text$5,900,000Description of the sub contents. Description of the sub cont

5、ents.摄影排版与字体排版与字体Add your title in hereAdd your sub titleAdd your sub titleAdd your sub titleAdd your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here.Add your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. A

6、dd your text in here.Add your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here. Add your text in here.Description of the sub contents.SWOT ANALSISStrengths WeaknessOpportunityThreatsDescription of the sub contents. Description of the sub contents.Description of the sub contents. Description of the sub contents.Description of the sub contents. Description of the sub contents.Description of the sub contents. Description of the sub contents.AddpictureAddpictureAddpictureAddpictureTHANKS FOR WATCHING



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