研究生英语阅读教程(提高级 第三版)Lession 6 A Beautiful Mind

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1、 Advanced Reading Revised Edition 1策 划:鞠方安 商希建主 编:刘兰芝 杨真真副主编:Gerald Zimmerman 张波 任林静制作人:张广龙2A Beautiful Mind Sylvia NasarLesson Six3Background InformationCatalogueWarm-up QuestionsMain IdeaLanguage PointsDifficult SentencesKeys to the Exercises4 Sylvia Nasar (born August 17, 1947 in Rosenheim) is a

2、German-born American economist and author, best known for her biography of John Forbes Nash, A Beautiful Mind. The book won the 1998 National Book Critics Circle Award for biography.Background Information5 John Forbes Nash, Jr. (born on June 13, 1928) is an American mathematician who worked on game

3、theory ( 博 弈 论 ) , differential geometry(微分几何), and partial differential equations(偏微分方程). He shared the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with Reinhard Selten and John Harsanyi.Background Information6His 27-page dissertation, Non-Cooperative Games, written in 1950 when he was 21, would

4、 be honored with the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994.Background Information7His most important work had been on game theory (博弈论),which by the 1980s was underpinning a large part of economics. When the Nobel Prize committee began debating a prize for game theory, Nashs name inevitably came uponly t

5、o be dismissed, since the prize clearly could not go to a mad man. But in 1994 Nash, in remission from schizophrenia, shared the Nobel Prize in economics for work done some 45 years previously. Background Information8 A Beautiful Mind is a 2001 American biographical drama film based on the life of J

6、ohn Nash. It was inspired by a bestselling, Pulitzer Prize-nominated 1998 book with the same name by Sylvia Nasar. Background Information9 Game theory is a method of studying strategic decision making. More formally, it is the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intellig

7、ent rational decision-makers.Background Information10 John von Neumann (December 28, 1903 February 8, 1957) was a Hungarian-American mathematician and polymath who made major contributions to a vast number of fields such as game theory, computer science. He is generally regarded as one of the greate

8、st mathematicians in modern history.Background Information11 Bach (March 31, 1685 July 28, 1750) was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist of the Baroque Period. Bach wrote much music, which was revered for its intellectual depth, technical command, and artistic beauty.

9、 Many of his works are still known today, such as Great Fugue.Background Information12 Nietzsche was (October 15, 1844 August 25, 1900) was a German philosopher, poet, composer and classical philologist. Nietzsches influence remains substantial within and beyond philosophy, notably in existentialism

10、(存在主义), nihilism(民粹主义) and postmodernism(后现代主义). Background Information13 Americas second longest-running business magazine. The magazine is especially known for its annual features ranking companies by revenue. Background Information14 Gregor Johann Mendel (July 20, 18221 January 6, 1884) was an Au

11、strian scientist and Augustinian friar who gained posthumous (happening after someones death) fame as the founder of the new science of genetics(基因学). Mendel demonstrated that the inheritance(遗传) of certain traits in pea plants follows particular patterns, now referred to as the laws of Mendelian in

12、heritance. Background Information15I. Listen to an interview and fill in the blanks:Warm-up Questions16John Nash & His Beautiful Mind In the film version of his life, John Nashs character played by Russell Crow, sees people who really arent there. The real John Nash, like most schizophrenics ( 精神分裂症

13、患者),did not imagine people, he heard _ voices. bizarreWarm-up Questions17Warm-up QuestionslInterviewer: Did _speak to you? lNash: When I began to hear voices I thought of the voices as from something of that sort. lInterviewer: What would they say to you? lNash: Well, you see its really my _talking.

14、 It was really that night because I know that. lInterviewer: People described you back then as brash and_. alienssubconsciousarrogant18Warm-up QuestionslNash: Yeah. Those are two words that have been used.lHarold Kuehn was one of those classmates. One of his best friends is responsible for the title

15、 “The Beautiful Mind” and the full quotation goes something like this “John was_, but he had a beautiful mind.”obnoxious19lInterviewer: Your arrogance back then was said to be_. “You dont know, crap” you would say to some of your fellow graduate students. “How could you?” Accurate? l Nash: Well, I t

16、hink the first one is probably invented but the second one might be accurate. monumentalWarm-up Questions20lInterviewer: And you took yourself quite seriously and your work. lNash: Well, of course I took myself seriously.lBy 1958 John Nash seemed to have it all, a beautiful wife, a _career, but shor

17、tly after his thirtieth birthday, that same year, the same year Fortune Magazine named him one of the countrys _stars, it all began to fall apart. He began to see conspiracies and hidden messages, where there were none. mathematicalremarkableWarm-up Questions21lInterviewer: What happened when you we

18、nt into the mental illness? lNash: Now, you know that its mental illness if youre coming out of that reality. Its like the movie you see, at first the signals in the newspaper, the_, and all this is the true reality which has been_. codesdiscoveredWarm-up Questions22nInterviewer: But when you are in

19、 that reality you are in that reality, and you dont realize that you are schizophrenic. nNash: Youre not mentally ill, youre rather extra-normally _to hidden truths. Youre enlightened, youre _enlightened.alertedexceptionallyWarm-up Questions23II. Watch a video clip and answer the questions on the ne

20、xt page:24Questions:1. What do you know about Nash?2. Suppose you were Nashs classmate, how would you treat such a seemingly arrogant genius?3. If you were Nashs wife, would you divorce him after he suffered from mental illness?Warm-up Questions25Main IdeaJohn Forbes Nash was a mathematical genius.

21、In at least two significant ways he was a different type of genius. Most of his insights came from intuition, he “just knew”, and he was schizophrenic, a mental condition that produces bizarre behavior and isolation from others. This story opens while Nash is in a men-tal facility and is being visit

22、ed by a fellow professor.26Main IdeaThe author goes on to describe Nashs genius, his unusual behavior, and his difficulties in relating to others. John practiced pure thought to an extreme. He admired solitary thinkers, and to those around him he seemed aloof, isolated and queer; he had little inter

23、est in the everyday concerns of others. Yet, John Nash was able to contribute in a way that transformed the mathematics, science and economics.271. visionary n & adj ( line 2, para. 1) 1) someone who has clear ideas and strong feelings about the way sth should be in the futurel每个国家都需要有远见卓识的人才。 Every

24、 nation needs its visionaries. 2) having clear ideas of what the world should be like in the futurel我们的成功很大程度上应归功于她的具有远见卓识 的领导才能。 Our success owes a lot to her visionary leadership.Language Points282. slump vi & n C (line 4, para. 1) 1) to fall or sink heavily as in sittingl我整个晚上都慵懒地坐在电视前。 I spent t

25、he evening slumping in front of TV. 2) (of prices, trade, business activity) to fall suddenly or greatly l销售额去年暴跌20%。 Sales slumped by 20% last year. 3) a sudden large reduction in amount l房价暴跌。 a slump in housing pricesLanguage Points293. querulous adj (line 11, para. 1) to be impatient and complai

26、ningl以发牢骚的腔调 in a querulous tone Language Points304. strain v (line 11, para. 1) 1) to make the greatest effort l我竭力弄懂他的意思。 I strained to understand what he meant. 2) to injure or weaken by stretching too much or trying too hardl在微弱光线下阅读会损害视力。 You will strain your eyes by reading in a bad light.3) t

27、o force sth beyond a limit of what is acceptable l我的耐心到了极限。 My patience was being strained to the limit.Language Points31 Language PointsSynonyms: attempt , endeavour , exert yourself , make an effort , strive , struggle, try 325. unblinking adj (line 1, para. 2) without shutting or opening the eyes

28、l我们凝视着照片,眼睛眨也不眨。 Our unblinking gaze was fixed on the photo. Language Points336. drawl n ( line 3, para. 2 ) speaking in a slow and lazy manner, using leng- thened vowel sounds. This manner of speaking is associated with the Southern United States. Language Points347. eccentric adj & n C (line 2, pa

29、ra. 3) 1) behaving in a way that is unusual and different from most peoplel他被视为一个相当古怪的人。 He is regarded as being rather eccentric. 2) someone who behaves in an eccentric way l你可真是个怪人。 You are such an eccentric. Language Points35 Language PointsSynonyms: crackpot, crank, freak, oddity, weirdie, weird

30、o 368. retentive adj ( line 6, para.4 ) to be able to hold facts and remember theml他的记忆力极强。 He has a highly retentive memory. Confusing spelling: attentive attentive adj. listening to or watching someone carefully because you are interestedl 她随时留意客人的需要。 She is attentive to the needs of her guests. L

31、anguage Points379. laborious adj ( line 9, para. 4 ) 1) spending a lot of time and effort on a long, difficult, and boring jobl我们最终开始了整理他的文件这一费力的工作。 We eventually began the laborious task of sorting through his papers. 2) not fluent or naturall这位作家的文笔艰涩。 The author has a laborious style of writing.

32、Language Points38Confusing spellings:hilarious adj extremely funny I find his joke hilarious. notorious adj famous or well-known for sth badBeijing is notorious for its traffic jams.industrious adj hard-workingThe Chinese are industrious people. Language Points3910. obsess v ( line 1, para. 5 )1) to

33、 fill in the mind of sb continuallyl我的导师总是一心想着挣钱。 My supervisor has been obsessed with making money.2) to think about sth much more than is necessary AmEl如今竞争日益激烈,很多人总是害怕失业。 Many people are obsessed by the fear of unemployment.Language Points40 Language PointsSynonyms: consume, dominate, grip, haunt

34、, monopolize, plague, possess, rule, take hold of4111. be jealous of (line 1, para.5) 1) wanting to keep or protect sthl他们唯恐失去自己的权利。 They are jealous of their rights.2) feeling angry and unhappy because someone has sth that you wish you had l她羡慕简的成功。 She was jealous of Jane s success.Language Points

35、4212. thumb ones nose at (line 5, para. 5) to show that you do not respect rules, laws etc or you do not care what someone thinks of you l这是一个可以让他藐视权威的机会。 This was a chance for him to thumb his nose at authority.Language Points4313. on the lookout for/ look out for (line 9, para. 5) to watch a place

36、 or situation continuously in order to see, find or be aware of sb/sth l警察随时注意可疑的人。 Police were on the lookout for anyone behaving suspiciously.Language Points4414. skepticism n U (last but 2nd line of para. 5) doubts that someone has about sth that other people think is true or rightl我以一种合理的怀疑态度看待调

37、查的结果。 I treated the results of the survey with a healthy degree of skepticism. Language Points4515. chide v ( line 3, para. 6 ) to tell someone that you do not approve of sth that they have done or saidl他责怪她懒惰。 He chided her for her laziness. Confusing spellings: glide vi to move smoothly and quietl

38、y, as if without effort She glided across the stage of the theater. Language Points46 Language PointsSynonyms: nag, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove, tell off, tick off, upbraid47 slide v to move smoothly and quickly across a surface She slid across the ice. abide v 1) to bear I cant abide that

39、man. 2) to accept and obey sth I promised to abide by the decision.Language Points4816. disregard vt & n U sing ( line 8, para. 6 )1) to ignore sth or treat it as unimportantl他不理会我的观点。 He disregarded my point of view.2) lack of attention or carel他不顾及别人的感情。 He showed a disregard for others feelings.L

40、anguage Points49 Language PointsSynonyms: make light of, neglect, overllok, pay no attention to, pooh-pooh, reject, shrug off, slight, snub, turn a blind eye to5017. compulsively adv ( line 8, para. 6 )1) impossible to control and therefore sometimes harmfull对锻炼上瘾无法自已的人可能有心理问题。 Those who exercise co

41、mpulsively are at risk for psychological problems.2) so interesting that you cannot stop reading or watching sthl这是本让人欲罢不能的书。 It is a compulsively readable book.Language Points51Confusing spellings: comparatively; competitively; comprehensivelycomparatively adv relativelyA comparatively small number

42、 of peoplecompetitively adv always trying to to be more successful than othersCompetitively priced goodscomprehensively adv including many aspects of sthOur football team was comprehensively defeated.5218. divorce vt & n ( line 11, para. 6 )1) to separate two ideas, subjects etc completelyl理论与实际不应脱离

43、。 Theory shouldnt be divorced from practice.2) to legally end the marriagel她拒绝与他离婚。 She refused to divorce him.3) the legal ending of a marriagel我要离婚。 I want a divorce. Language Points5319. elicit vt ( line 12, para. 6 ) to succeed in getting information or a reaction from someonel他想让吉米回应他。 He tried

44、 to elicit a response from Jimmy. Language Points54 Language PointsSynonyms: derive, draw out, extort, extract5520. mingle v ( line 3, para. 7 )1) to move around and talk to a lot of peoplel这个活动给了我们和留学生交往的机会。 The event gave us a chance to mingle with foreign students.2) if smells, feelings, flavor e

45、tc mingle or you mingle them, they become mixed together without completely losing their individual characters.l味道融合在一起。 The flavors mingled.Language Points56Confusing spellings:single vt to select sb/sth from othersHe was singled out for punishment.dingle n deep hollow in the landscape (深谷)jingle v

46、i to make a sound like small metal objects hitting each otherChristmas bells were jingling outside.Language Points57 Language PointsSynonyms: associate, blend, circulate, combine, get together, intermingle, merge, mix, socialize5821. preoccupy vt ( line 3, para. 7 ) 1) if sth preoccupies someone, th

47、ey think or worry about it a lot.l他心里再不会老想着这件事了。 This issue ceased to preoccupyhis mind. Language Points592) if you are preoccupied with sth, you think about sth a lot, with the result that you do not pay attention to other things.l 他心不在焉地回答我。 He answered me in a rather preoccupied manner.Language P

48、oints60 Language PointsSynonyms: absent-minded, day-dreaming, faraway, inattentiveAntonyms: absorbed, engaged, engrossed, immersed, involved, obsessed, sunk, taken up, wrapped up 6122. prank n C ( line 6, para.7 ) a trick, especially one which is played on someone to make them look sillyl他总是戏弄我。 He

49、is always playing pranks on me. Confusing spellings: blank; flank; frank blank adj without any writing, print, or recorded sound Leave the last page blank.Language Points62flank nC & vt1) the side of an animals or persons body, between the ribs and the hip 胁腹2) left or right side of an army or troop

50、3) place sb/sth on each side of or at the side of sb/sth Lewis entered flanked by two bodyguards.frank adj honest and truthful He was completely frank with her about what happened.Language Points6323. refrain n & vi C ( line 8, para. 7 )1) a remark or idea that is often repeated l我们提的建议,公司总是答复说负担不起费

51、用。 Our proposal met with the constant refrain that the company could not afford it.2) to keep oneself from doing sthl在这房间内请不要抽烟。 Please refrain from smoking in this room.Language Points64 3) lines of a song or poem which are repeatedl请大家一道来唱首歌好吗? Will you all join in singing the refrain, please? Con

52、fusing spellings: renown nU fame He has won world renown for his films.Language Points65Confusing spellings: restraint n the control of the expression of strong emotion or opinion, or an act of controlling sth I want to break loose from restraint.retention n the act of keeping sthThe UN will vote on

53、 the retention of sanctions against Iraq.Language Points6624. obscure adj ( line 2, para.9 )1) difficult to understandl他犯罪的真正动机仍不清楚。 His real motive for the crime remains obscure.2) not well known and usually not very importantl那人只是一个名不见经传的诗人。 The man is only an obscure poet.Language Points6725. amb

54、idextrous adj ( line 4, para.9 ) able to use ones right hand and left hand with equal skilll她是一位会左右开弓的网球运动员。 She is an ambidextrous tennis player.Language Points68Difficult Sentences 1. No one was more obsessed with originality, more disdainful of authority, or more jealous of his independence. ( li

55、ne 1 ,para.5 ) 没有人比他更没有人比他更热爱热爱独创,更独创,更蔑视蔑视权威,更权威,更在乎在乎自己的独立。自己的独立。69 2. When he focused on some new puzzle, he saw dimensions that people who really knew the subject (he never did) initially dismissed as naive or wrong-headed. (line 9 ,para.5) 当他全神贯注思考某个新的难题时,总是从那些精通该领域的人(他并不认为自己精通这个领域)起初视为天真或不正确的角

56、度看问题。Difficult Sentences70 3. He was beguiled by the idea of alien races of hyper-rational beings who had taught themselves to disregard all emotion. ( line 7, Para. 6 ) 他曾沉迷于由超理性生物组成的外星人能教会自己怎样将一切情感置之度外。 4. Nash mingled rather mixed with his peers. (line 3, Para. 7) 纳什和同龄人有交往,但并未打成一片。Difficult Sent

57、ences71I.Reading Comprehension A 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. D Keys to the Exercises72II. Vocabulary A 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C Keys to the Exercises73B.1.disregard 2. on the lookout for 3.obsessed with 4. get along 5. superior to 6. thumbing nose at 7.

58、 burst onto 8. obscure 1.9. More often than not 10. singling outII. VocabularyKeys to the Exercises74 1. stricken 2. distinguishes 3. resulted in 4. Cases 5. necessarily 6. unlike 7. fortunate 8. as to 9. collection 10. chronicIII. ClozeKeys to the Exercises75IV. Translation 1. 1. 小约翰小约翰 福布斯福布斯 纳什纳什

59、数学天才、理性行为数学天才、理性行为 理论的缔造者、预见思想机器出现的预言家理论的缔造者、预见思想机器出现的预言家已已经和来访者,也是一位数学家,共坐了近半个小经和来访者,也是一位数学家,共坐了近半个小时。时。? 2. 2. 他一直目光呆滞地盯着哈佛教授乔治他一直目光呆滞地盯着哈佛教授乔治 麦克恩麦克恩左脚前方不远的地方,除了一次次将垂在前额的左脚前方不远的地方,除了一次次将垂在前额的略长的黑发拨开,他几乎一动不动。略长的黑发拨开,他几乎一动不动。Keys to the Exercises76 3. 3. 在接下来的十年,在那既以对人类理性抱有在接下来的十年,在那既以对人类理性抱有无尚信念而著

60、称,又以对人类生存怀有无尽忧虑无尚信念而著称,又以对人类生存怀有无尽忧虑而闻名的十年,纳什,用知名几何学家米克哈尔而闻名的十年,纳什,用知名几何学家米克哈尔 格罗莫夫的话说,证明了自己是格罗莫夫的话说,证明了自己是“2020世纪后半世纪后半叶最杰出的数学家叶最杰出的数学家”。Key to the Exercises77 4. 4. 数学家保罗数学家保罗 哈莫斯写道,天才哈莫斯写道,天才“分为两种:分为两种:一种就像我们大家一样,只是更为出色;另一种一种就像我们大家一样,只是更为出色;另一种则是那些明显具备超凡人类灵感的人。我们都能则是那些明显具备超凡人类灵感的人。我们都能跑步,有些人还能在四分

61、钟内跑完一英里;但是跑步,有些人还能在四分钟内跑完一英里;但是我们所做的一切无论如何也无法与创作出我们所做的一切无论如何也无法与创作出G G小调小调赋格曲相提并论。赋格曲相提并论。”纳什的天分就属于那种常与纳什的天分就属于那种常与音乐和艺术而非最古老的科学紧密相连的神奇异音乐和艺术而非最古老的科学紧密相连的神奇异禀。禀。Keys to the Exercises78 5. 5. 他具有一种难以抑制的理性,希望将生活中他具有一种难以抑制的理性,希望将生活中的决定的决定是搭乘第一部电梯还是等待下一部,是搭乘第一部电梯还是等待下一部,到哪里存钱,接受什么样的工作,是否结婚到哪里存钱,接受什么样的工作

62、,是否结婚都都转化为利弊得失的计算,转化为完全脱离感情、转化为利弊得失的计算,转化为完全脱离感情、习俗和传统的算术法则或数学规则。习俗和传统的算术法则或数学规则。Keys to the Exercises79 6.6.他一贯冷漠,但一时兴起也会喋喋不休地谈论他一贯冷漠,但一时兴起也会喋喋不休地谈论外太空和地缘政治趋势,或做出孩子般的恶作剧,外太空和地缘政治趋势,或做出孩子般的恶作剧,或者毫无征兆的勃然大怒。这些情感的迸发总是或者毫无征兆的勃然大怒。这些情感的迸发总是和他的沉默一样神秘莫测。和他的沉默一样神秘莫测。“他和我们不一样。他和我们不一样。”是人们常说的一句话是人们常说的一句话。Keys to the Exercises80 7. 7. 纳什对于人类竞争动态变化的洞察纳什对于人类竞争动态变化的洞察他的理他的理性竞争与合作理论性竞争与合作理论将会成为将会成为2020世纪最具影响的世纪最具影响的思想理论之一。这一理论改变着新兴的经济学,思想理论之一。这一理论改变着新兴的经济学,其作用无异于孟德尔的基因遗传,达尔文的自然其作用无异于孟德尔的基因遗传,达尔文的自然选择模式和牛顿的天体力学再造了当时的生物学选择模式和牛顿的天体力学再造了当时的生物学和物理学和物理学。Keys to the Exercises8182



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