九年级英语下册 Module 8 On the town Unit 2课件 外研版

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1、 Module 8 On the townUnit 2 Its a wonderful town!夜生活夜生活n.音乐剧音乐剧n.日本的日本的adj.工业工业n.贸易贸易n.扮演扮演角角色色在露天在露天nightlifemusicalJapaneseindustrytradeplay the role ofin the open airLead inLook at the photo and say what type of entertainment or sport you can see.Activity 1Read the passage. Which paragraph descri

2、bes what you can see in the photo?Activity 2New YorkDo you know?Lincoln Centre林肯中心林肯中心One of the most important things to see at Christmas is the Nutcracker by the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Centre.PresentationCarnegie Hall卡内基音乐厅卡内基音乐厅Carnegie Hall is well-known for its concerts of all types of

3、 music, classical and modern.Do you know?Do you know?Broadway 百老汇百老汇 Broadway is not just a street but an area of New York. There you can see some of the biggest and the best plays and musicals, such as Evita, Cats and The Phantom of the Opera(歌剧魅影歌剧魅影).Central Park(美国纽约)(美国纽约)中央公园中央公园 If you ever c

4、ome to New York in summer, remember to spend a day in Central Park watching a play by Shakespeare in the open air, with famous actors from Broadway and Hollywood.Do you know?Do you know?New Yorks nightlifeNew Yorks nightlife includes discos, like the Limelight, and night clubs. In fact, its easy to

5、see why they call it “the city that never sleeps”.Phrases in this unit有许多的机会做某事有许多的机会做某事的主题的主题预订票预订票以以而出名而出名大量的大量的处置处置以以开始开始以以结束结束在露天在露天建议做某事建议做某事对对印象深刻印象深刻同意做某事同意做某事 have plenty of chances to do sth. the subject of book tickets be well-known for a huge number of do with start upwith end upwith in t

6、he open air suggest doing sth. be impressed with agree to do sth. Broadway (Broadway (百老汇百老汇) )直译为直译为“宽街宽街”。它是指以纽约市中伊巴特里公园为起点,由它是指以纽约市中伊巴特里公园为起点,由南向北纵贯曼哈顿岛,全长南向北纵贯曼哈顿岛,全长2525公里的一条长公里的一条长街街。百百老老汇汇大大街街汇汇集集了了众众多多闻闻明明遐遐迩迩的的剧剧院院,随随着着剧剧院院的的发发展展壮壮大大,这这里里的的喜喜剧剧表表演演艺艺术术取取得得了了无无与与伦伦比比的的成成就就。而而今今百百老老汇汇是是美美国国现现

7、代代歌歌舞舞艺艺术术乃乃至至美美国国娱娱乐乐业业的的代代名名词词,每每年年都都有有几几百百万万来来自自世世界界各各地地的的游游客客到到纽纽约约欣欣赏百老汇的歌舞剧。赏百老汇的歌舞剧。背景知识背景知识 纽约中央公园位于曼哈顿的中央,纽约中央公园位于曼哈顿的中央,于于18731873年建成。其面积为年建成。其面积为340340万平方万平方米,占米,占150150个街区,有总长个街区,有总长9393公里的步公里的步行道、行道、9 0009 000张长椅和张长椅和6 0006 000棵树木。园棵树木。园内设有动物园、运动场、美术馆和剧内设有动物园、运动场、美术馆和剧院院等等各各种种设设施施。中中央央公

8、公园园免免费费游游览览,每每年年游游览览人人数数达达2 2 500500多多万万。中中央央公公园园四四季季皆皆美美,春春天天嫣嫣红红嫩嫩绿绿、夏夏天天阳阳光光璀璀璨璨、秋秋天枫红似火、冬天银白萧索。天枫红似火、冬天银白萧索。背景知识背景知识. 根据句意用适当的介词填空根据句意用适当的介词填空1. Poly Theatre in Beijing is well-known _ its concerts of all types of music, classical and modern.2. Some supermarkets in Shanghai are open _ all times

9、of the day or night.3. The children spent two hours _ the City Park watching a movie _ Zhang Yimou _ the open air.4. You can eat food _ Japan, America or England _ the restaurant.5. Fans can listen _ the singers of today and tomorrow _ the club.foratatbyinfromintoinPractice. 从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式填空从方框中

10、选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式填空 big name, plenty of, not any more, in the open air, such as1. You have _ chances to watch NBA matches in America.2. The baby watched and listened, and she _ cry _. 3. Most children prefer to play _ rather than stay at home. 4. Many teenagers are crazy about world-famous brands, _ Ni

11、ke and Puma.5. There you can see many _ and top stars in television and films.plenty ofany moredidntin the open airsuch asbig names. 句型转换(每空一词)句型转换(每空一词) 1. Jay is a singer and he is also an actor. (改为同义句改为同义句) Jay is _ _ a singer _ _ an actor.2. You can find shops here and there in this street. (改为改为同义句同义句)Shops can _ _ _ in this street.3. The teacher suggested walking there. (对画线部分提对画线部分提问问)What _ the teacher _ _?not only but alsobe found everywhere suggest doing didHomeworkWrite a passage about entertainment in your town.Music is the medicine of the breaking heart. Hunt音乐是医治心灵创伤的良药。亨特



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