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1、复习定语从句复习定语从句关系代词和关系副词关系代词和关系副词1. The book _ I borrowed from the library is very interesting.2. The girl _ you have just seen is very good at English.which/that/-who/whom/that/-3.Daniel is the person _ I want to make friends with.4.4.Daniel is the person with _ I want to make friends.5.5. The topic _

2、 Eric is interested in is Physics.6.6.The topic in _ Eric is interested is Physics.who/whom/that/-which/that/-whomwhich关系代词关系代词or关系副词?关系副词?复习一:复习一:Do you remember the day _ we left you in charge?他还记得我们让他担任的那一天吗?他还记得我们让他担任的那一天吗?我经常想起我看到飞碟的那一时辰我经常想起我看到飞碟的那一时辰? ? I often think of the moment _ I saw the

3、 UFO.上海是他出身的城市吗?上海是他出身的城市吗?Is Shanghai the city _ he was born?我不知道房子为什么如此脏的缘由。我不知道房子为什么如此脏的缘由。I dont know the reason _ the house is so dirty.when/onwhichwhere/ in whichwhy/ for whichwhen/atwhich“when or “which?1. I still remember the days _ we stayed together in .2. I still remember the days _ we sp

4、ent together in .3. I still remember the days _ we enjoyed ourselves in .4. I still remember the days _ we enjoyed in .when/in whichwhich/that/不填不填when/in whichwhich/that/不填不填5.The day_ I will remember forever is the one_ I first went to . which/that/不填不填when/on which“where or “which?1. That blue ho

5、use is the place _ I lived yesterday.2.That blue house is the place in _ I lived yesterday.3. That blue house is the place _ I visited yesterday.where/in whichwhich/that/不填不填which4.He is going to work in the position _ needs him most.5. He is going to work in the position _ he is needed most.where/i

6、n whichwhich/that“why or “which?1. Do you know the reason _ he was late this morning?2. Do you know the reason for _ he was late this morning?3. Do you know the reason _ he told me the news last week?4. Do you know the reason _ he explained to me last week?5. This is the reason_ can explain his bein

7、g late.why/for whichwhy/for whichwhich / that/不填不填which / thatwhich* Do you know the reason _ his being late this morning?for 做状做状语语表表时间时间、地点、地点、缘缘由由 when = in/on/at/during+which where = in/on/at/to+which why = for + which并非先行并非先行词是表示是表示时间、地点和、地点和缘由的由的词时都用关系副都用关系副词when, where, why,假,假设先行先行词在定在定语从句中不

8、作状从句中不作状语,而是作主而是作主语、宾语或表或表语时,就必需用关系代,就必需用关系代词。 when: day, month; year, season, a time, moment, age(年年龄龄/年代年代), (on the) occasion (时时机机/场场所所), (in/during the) period (阶阶段段), (point)where: place, house, city, country, activity, experiment, club, world, website ,society, (to the) degree(程度程度), case, po

9、int, situation, scene, systemwhy: reasonThere are some cases ( where the rule doesnt hold good). in these cases=in whichIll show you the point (where you are wrong). at the point =at whichI met with the situation (where I lost control the plane). in the situation=in whichThis is the job (where you c

10、an learn something). from the job=from whichLife is like a long race (where we compete with others to go beyond ourselves). in the race= in which on the occasion/ at the period .in the case/in the situation.when=where=1).Youngpeoplewhohavegotjobsmayrealizeuniversitylessonscantbetheonlypreparationfor

11、allofthesituations_appearintheworkingworld.2).Itshelpfultoputchildreninasituation_theycanseethemselvesdifferently.主主语 which / that状状语 where/ in which1).Ihavereachedapointinmylife_Iamsupposedtomakedecisionsofmyown.2).Thereisanimportantpoint_Imustinsiston.where/atwhich状状语语which/that/-宾语宾语pointsituatio

12、n1.-Areyoufamiliarwiththemusic?-Yes,therewasatime_thiskindofmusicwasverypopular.A.whichB.whenC.withwhichD.aboutwhich2.Itisthethirdtime_latethismonth.A.thatyouarrivedB.whenyouarrivedC.thatyouvearrivedD.whenyouvearrived2.It/Thisisthethirdtime(that)sbhasdone.1.TherewasatimewhenGeorge Orwell, _was Eric

13、Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays. (2004全国全国)the real name of who B. of whom real nameC. his real name D. whose real name复习二:复习二:whose指物的:指物的:1).whose + n =2).the n + of which=3).of which + the n指人的:指人的: 1).whose + n =2).the n + of whom=3).of whom + the n定语从句留意点定语从句留意点1. John said hed b

14、een working in the office for hours, _ was true. John said hed been working in the office for hours, but _ not true. A. he B. it C. which D. who which从句关系代从句关系代词词it留意点一:主句留意点一:主句 or 从句?从句?/that留意留意连词:and/but/so/orwhen/until/before/if2.Afewpeoplewerecaughtinthebigfire,_died.Afewpeoplewerecaughtintheb

15、igfireand_died.A.twoofwhoB.twoofwhomC.twoofthemD.twoofthey3.When(theywere)askedwheretheaccidenthappened,_keptsilent.A.allofthemB.allofwhomC.bothofwhoD.bothofwhomtwoofwhom(从句关系代从句关系代词词)twoofthembothofthem1.This summer North China was attacked by such a terrible 2. heat_ few people has ever experience

16、d before.3. This summer North China was attacked by a terrible heat4. _ few people has ever experienced before.2.This is such an interesting book _ we all like. This is so interesting a book _ we all like. This is such an interesting book _we all like it. This is so interesting a book _we all like i

17、t. This is an interesting book _ we all like .留意点二:留意点二:as用法用法aswhich/that/不填不填asasthatthat1).such/so.that状从状从(连词连词),从句完好,从句完好such/so.as定从定从(代代词词),从句不完好,从句不完好which/that/不填不填1.as关系代关系代词词,引,引导导限制性定限制性定语语从句从句,指代主句中的名指代主句中的名词词或代或代词时词时:*Chongqingisnotthesamecity_wehaveseeninotherplaces.A.thatB.whichC.不填不

18、填D.as*Asmanystudents_shouldbepresentareallhere.asD2).thesamethat定从,从句不完好,同定从,从句不完好,同类类同物同物thesame.as定从,从句不完好,定从,从句不完好,同同类类异物异物* He is wearing the same coat _ I am wearing.* The dictionary must be mine. It is the same one _ I lost the other day.3).asas定从定从不完好不完好as that as用法用法2.as关系代关系代词词,引引导导非限制性定非限制




22、IthinkisofB.whichIthinkitisofC.thatIthinkisofD.Ithinkwhichisof留意点四:有插入语留意点四:有插入语3).Shegottoknowaboy(_webelieveishonest).who主主语语:Webelieveheishonest.()()能否一切的介能否一切的介词+关系代关系代词都能用关系副都能用关系副词替代替代?1.The pen( _ she wrote that book) can now be seen in a museum.with which2.Kunming is a beautiful place _ flow

23、ers are seen all the year round.where/in which 只需当只需当 “介介词词+关系代关系代词词充任地点状充任地点状语语、时间时间状状语语或或缘缘由状由状语时语时,才干相当于一个关系副,才干相当于一个关系副词词。1.根据搭配根据搭配(先行先行词词与介与介词词或从句中或从句中谓语动词谓语动词与介与介词词)的常的常规规来确定介来确定介词词的运用。的运用。2.根据整个从句句意的要求来确定介根据整个从句句意的要求来确定介词词的运用。的运用。The West Lake,_ _ Hangzhou is famous ,is a beautiful place.for

24、whichShe has three children, all_ _ are at school.ofwhomI lost my glasses, _ _ Im like a blind man.without whichWater,_mancannotlive,isreallyimportanttothepeasantsinthisarea。withoutwhichof 常与常与all/ both/ none /neither/ most/ some/ one/ 80%/ one third/ the first/ the best 等等连连用用留意点五:介词留意点五:介词 + 关系代词关

25、系代词介词确实定介词确实定正确:正确:This is the book (which/ that) Im looking for.错误:this is the book for which Im looking.4.介介词词+which 指物指物),作作宾语宾语但不可省略但不可省略介介词词+whom 指人指人),作作宾语宾语但不可省略但不可省略介介词词后不用后不用who、thatThis is the man _ the teacher just talked.This is the village _ I was born.withwhominwhich3.当从句中当从句中动词为动词为loo

26、kfor,lookafter,takecareof;referto等等时时,介介词词不能提早。不能提早。1. Do you like the book _ she spent $10? 2. Do you like the book _she paid $10?3. Do you like the book _ she learned a lot? 4. Do you like the book _ she often talks? There is a tall tree outside,_ stands our teacher.on whichfor whichfrom whichabou

27、t whichunder which6. China has a lot of rivers, the second longest _ is the Yellow River.7. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most _ hadnt been cleaned for at least a year.of whichof which1.Thefactoryproduceshalfamillionpairsofshoeseveryyear,80%_aresoldabroad.AofwhichBwhichofCofthemDoftha

28、t2.Ihavemanyfriends,_somearebusinessmen.A.ofthemB.fromwhichC.ofwhoD.ofwhom3.Thereare55studentsinourclass,_24aregirls,and_areboys.A.ofwhich;othersB.ofwhich;therestC.ofwhom;othersD.ofwhom;therest1. Do you know the girl _ _ our head teacher is shaking hands?2. She is the teacher _ _all his students sho

29、w respect .3. The gentleman _ _ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief. with whomfor whomof/about which4.The age _ _ children can go to school is seven. the age _ _ we are living now is different .at whichin which介词介词+关系代词关系代词PracticeMarkwasastudentatthisuniversityfrom1999to2003,during_timehestu

30、diedveryhardandwasmadeChairmanoftheStudentsUnion.Hemaybebusy,in_caseIllcalllater.whichduring that time - during which timein this case - in which casefrom their effects - from whose effects留意点六:介词留意点六:介词+ _ + 名词名词Lastmonth,partofsoutheastAsiawasstruckbyfloods,from_effectsthepeoplearestillsuffering.w

31、hosewhich1)在从句中在从句中 充任主充任主语用用which / that; 2) 充任充任宾语用用which / that/- .3) Can you tell me the way _ you use 4) in English reading.5) Can you tell me the way _ you think 6) is useful?7)2) 在从句中充任状在从句中充任状语用用 in which/ that/- 8) I felt angry at the way _ he 9) treated the bird.that/-留意点七:留意点七: the waytha

32、t/which/-inwhichthat/which1. I, _ your good friend, will try my best to help you out. A.who is B.who am C.that is D.which am留意点八:定语从句中谓语动词的数留意点八:定语从句中谓语动词的数 先行先行词与关系与关系词是等量关系是等量关系2.1).This is one of the books that _ (have) been published. 2).This is the only one of the books that _ (have) been publi

33、shed. 3. One of the books _ (have) been published. havehashas之一的之一的独一的独一的* I cant find a room _ to store my books. A. where B. in whichC. which D. in thatB留意点九:省略留意点九:省略1).整个定语从句的省略整个定语从句的省略* He hasnt raised the money with which to build a school for the poor children.=Hehasntraisedthemoneywithwhich

34、hecanbuildaschoolforthepoorchildren.=Icantfindaroom_Icanstoremybooks.(主从句主主从句主语语一一样样):先行先行词词+不定式不定式inwhich/whereThe house (_ he lives in) is designed by himself. 关系关系词词作作宾语宾语,前无介,前无介词时词时。关系关系词词作表作表语语。This is the only train (that/- there is to ).作作宾语和表和表语时可省略,因此只需关系代可省略,因此只需关系代词才可省。才可省。The house (in

35、_ he lives) is designed by himself.介介词提早提早时不可省不可省which,也不能用也不能用that介介词在后面可省在后面可省which和和that2)关系代词在从句中的省略关系代词在从句中的省略留意点九:省略留意点九:省略which/that/-which1. The doctor _ is leaving for Africa next month. A. the nurse is talking to him B. the nurse is talking to C. whom the nurse is talking D. who the nurse

36、is talking2. Here is the bicycle _ in the shop. A. that you saw itB. that saw it C. you sawD. you saw itBC( )做做宾语省略省略1.他喜他喜欢欢他正他正议论议论的那部小的那部小说吗说吗?2.我非常珍惜我爸爸送我的那只我非常珍惜我爸爸送我的那只钢钢笔。笔。3.我会永我会永远记远记得我得我们们一同度一同度过过的那些日子。的那些日子。Doyoulikethenovelheistalkingabout?Ivaluethepenmyfathergaveme.Iwillalwaysrememberth





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