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1、Unit TwoCompany Benefits2021/8/61An Overview of Unit Two2.1 Business Topic(Company Benefits)Vocabulary(Benefits Incentives)Reading(An article about Xerox)Speaking(Asking questions about jobs)Writing(A letter of application)2021/8/622.2 Business Skills(Presenting your company)Vocabulary(Company Terms

2、)Listening(Presentations)Speaking(Giving a presentation)Writing(A memo)2021/8/632.1 Business TopicCompany Benefits2021/8/64Discuss: What is most important to you when choosing a job? why ?lan impressive job title一个显要的头衔一个显要的头衔ltraining and staff development培训与员工发展培训与员工发展la good salary可观的收入可观的收入la pe

3、nsion养老金养老金lflexible working hours弹性工作时间弹性工作时间Vocabulary: Benefits and Incentives2021/8/65lopportunities to travel旅游机会旅游机会lopportunities for promotion升职提拔机会升职提拔机会lparental leaveldays off and long holidays短假和长假短假和长假la company car公司配给的汽车公司配给的汽车2021/8/66Other benefitslAdditional holiday/cashlChild vouc

4、herslUnemployment insurancelMedical care insurancelLife assurancelESOP(employee stock ownership plan)lHousing fundlTraffic/meal/communication allowance maternity leave2021/8/67Reference expressionslA reasonable salarylHigh salary leads to high motivationlPromotion brings higher salary, sense of fulf

5、illment, more opportunity and more responsibilitylA parental leave is a policy to encourage women to the work placelIf a sales representative is provided with a company car, he will surely improve his work efficiency.2021/8/68lYou hope for holidays to do your own things, such as traveling ,going hom

6、e to visit your family. It can help you relax.lWhen I am getting older, I need pension to pay for my consumption2021/8/69员工福利 (Employee Benefits)的形式:1. 法律保障的权利(Legally Required Benefits),包括社会保障(Social Security)、失业补偿(Unemployment Compensation)、工伤赔偿(Workers Compensation)等。2. 与退休有关的福利(Retirement-relate

7、d Benefits),例如退休金计划(Pension Plans)等。3. 与保险有关的福利(Insurance Related Benefits),包括健康保险(Health Insurance)、人寿保险(Life Insurance)、意外事故和伤残保险(Accident and Disability Insurance)等。4. 带薪休假的福利,包括带薪公假和带薪休假(Paid Holidays and Paid Vacations)。、其他的福利,例如交通补贴(Local Conveyance Allowance)、住房补贴(Housing Allowance)、伙食补贴(Meal

8、 Allowance)、旅游津贴(Holiday Bonus)。无形的福利:老板的奖赏、晋升的可能性、舒适的工作环境等。奖励措施(incentives):一个红包、一顿饭、一瓶酒、一次旅行机会2021/8/610Reading lTask 1Scan the readinglTask 2 Speaking :asking questions about jobs?Explain the language pointsPractice :questions and answerslExerciseExpressions with takeMultiple choice (part three)2

9、021/8/611Task 1lScan the reading What benefits and incentives does the article mention?lOpportunities for promotionlTraining and staff developmentlA pensionlA reward and recognition scheme 2021/8/612Multiple choice1.The journalist of this article thinks that A. staff at Xerox are not telling the tru

10、th about the company. B. Xerox offers great benefits to staff. C. people havent worked at Xerox long enough to know if its a good company.2. Where does the company tend to find its new managers? A. From existing staff. B. On training courses. C. Only from graduates.3. Why doesnt Kim Moloney have her

11、 own desk? A. Because she isnt important enough. B. Because there isnt space at head office. C. Because she often travels and is away on business.4. As well as recognizing its staff through promotion, Xerox A. gives cash bonuses. B. provides a number of perks. C. gives unpaid leave to take trips of

12、a lifetime.5. One common feature of Xerox staff is that they tend A. to work hard. B. to get promoted. C. not to change employer.2021/8/6130. Q: why / like/ the company? Why do you like the company? A: Its like a family.1. Q: long / working / the company?_ A: Two years.2. Q: when / join? _ A: In 197

13、8.3. Q: was / first job? _ A: A project manager.4. Q: what / responsible? _ A: Growing and maintaining customer relationships.5. Q: where / based? _ A: At Uxbridge.6. Q: would / like / in the future? _ A: Work abroad and be part of the senior management team.Speaking: Asking questions about jobsHow

14、long have you been working for the company?When did you join (the company)?What was your first job?What are you responsible for?Where are you based?What would you like to do in the future?2021/8/614Language pointslXerox施乐公司;复印施乐公司;复印lToo good to be true好的令人无法相信好的令人无法相信lIs working for Xerox too good

15、to be true?为施乐公司工作妙不可言吗?为施乐公司工作妙不可言吗?施乐公司:工作者的天堂施乐公司:工作者的天堂lClient services executive 客服主管客服主管lCannot say enough nice things about her employer谈到她的主管时她赞不绝口谈到她的主管时她赞不绝口lDescribe as将将比作比作2021/8/615lTemptinglTake with a pinch/grain of salt对对.将信将疑,半信半疑将信将疑,半信半疑lEveryone seems old and established任何人看起来都是

16、资深的老员工任何人看起来都是资深的老员工lBut there is truth behind her enthusiasm她对公司的热情赞扬是有事实根据的她对公司的热情赞扬是有事实根据的诱人的,人们倾向于诱人的,人们倾向于2021/8/616Paragraph 1lWhat is your job?l why do you like Xerox?lHow long have you been working for Xerox?2021/8/617Paragraph 2lWhat is your job?lWhen did you join Xerox?lHow long have you b

17、een as the group resources director?lHow do you think of Xerox?Carole Palmer 2021/8/618lTake举例举例lResources director 人力资源部经理人力资源部经理lIt has supported me through qualification公司支持我获取了各种资格证书公司支持我获取了各种资格证书lVice-president 副总经理副总经理lIncumbent programmeIncumbent 在职的,现任的在职的,现任的岗位培训课程岗位培训课程2021/8/619Paragraph

18、3lCan you introduce sth about the HR of Xerox?lTake sth seriously重视重视lHuman resources 人力资源人力资源lHave a policy oflPromote from within 从公司内部提拔员工从公司内部提拔员工lTake on 招收招收 graduates 毕业生毕业生lWork experience 工作经验工作经验I have acquired three years of work experience when I join this company2021/8/620复杂句翻译复杂句翻译lThe

19、 company takes on only fifteen to twenty graduated each year and Moloney was part of an intake who joined having already acquired a couple of years, work experiencel公司每年只招收公司每年只招收15-20名毕业生,而莫罗尼名毕业生,而莫罗尼当年是公司从外部招募的员工之一,在此当年是公司从外部招募的员工之一,在此之前她有过几年工作经验之前她有过几年工作经验2021/8/621Paragraph 4lMoloneyWhat was yo

20、ur first job for Xerox?What are you responsible for now?lProject manager项目经理项目经理lGlobal Services全球服务部全球服务部lGrow and maintain customer relationships发展和维持发展和维持客户关系客户关系lHead office 公司总部公司总部lIn terms of就就而言而言lCanteen 餐厅餐厅lBrainstorm集思广益集思广益 breakout攻克难题攻克难题2021/8/622Paragraph 5lMoloney lWhere are you ba

21、sed ?lHow do you like your working environments?2021/8/623Paragraph 6lWhat is your main role?lWhat is your way of working ?how do you like it?lRole 角色,职责,工作任务角色,职责,工作任务2021/8/624Paragraph 7lPalmerlHow many staff members are there in the head office?lDoes Xerox has any other office in the UK? lEncomp

22、asses 包括包括lSales and marketing 销售和市场营销销售和市场营销lDeveloping markets市场开发市场开发lResearch and development and manufacturing 研发与生产部研发与生产部2021/8/625paragraph 8lReward and recognition scheme嘉奖制度嘉奖制度lCareer goal 职业生涯目标职业生涯目标lSenior management 高级管理高级管理lBe in it for the long haul 长期为施乐公司鼎力效劳长期为施乐公司鼎力效劳2021/8/626P

23、aragraph 9lWhich one do you like better, cash rewards or noncash rewards?lDoes Xerox recognize the people who put in the added effort?lPut in the added effort付出额外劳动付出额外劳动lIncentive trips 旅游奖励旅游奖励lOnce in a lifetime终身难忘终身难忘2021/8/627Paragraph 10lDo you like working abroad with this company?lCan I kno

24、w what your career goal is?lWhat would you like to do in the future?2021/8/628Practice :questions lMoloney What is your job? why do you like Xerox?How long have you been working for Xerox?What was your first job for Xerox?What are you responsible for now?Where are you based ?How do you like your wor

25、king environments?What is your main role?What is your way of working ?how do you like it?2021/8/629Which one do you like better, cash rewards or noncash rewards?Does Xerox recognize the people who put in the added effort?Do you like working abroad with this company?Can I know what your career goal i

26、s?What would you like to do in the future?2021/8/630lPalmer What is your job?When did you join Xerox?How long have you been as the group resources director?How do you think of Xerox?Can you introduce sth about the HR of Xerox?How many staff members are there in the head office?Does Xerox has any oth

27、er office in the UK?2021/8/631常见的与take搭配的短语:1. takewith a pinch of salt2. take care of3. take(Carole Palmer)4. Took part in5. take on 承担承担6. Take sth seriously2021/8/632A letter of applicationlQuestions Have you ever applied for a job?Can you elicit the process?Where did you find out about the job?D

28、id you have to write a letter or fill in a form?2021/8/633Contents lThe tips for writing Sentence patternslComplete the application letterlWriting a letter2021/8/634Writing: A Letter of Application1. 在信中你必须简要表达你对应聘工作感兴趣的原因。2. 告诉收信人你是从何处获悉招聘信息,例如报纸广告或电台、广告牌等。3. 告诉对方你的教育背景、工作经验,甚至是与此有关的个人兴趣、嗜好等。如果刚离开校

29、门,也不妨告诉对方你曾做过何种暑期兼职工作,虽然并不一定有关联,但起码向对方表示你具有一定的工作能力。4. 提供你的个人资料,例如年龄、种族、婚姻情况、兴趣爱好、你所参与的团体活动等。5. 必要的话提供两三个推荐人的姓名及其电话号码。他们对你的为人及工作情况应有所了解,最好是你的前雇主或以前的老师。6. 表示你很想获得面试机会,如果你前去面试的时间有所限制,也需于信中说明,但不要把时间限制得太紧。7. 措辞要礼貌,但不要太过分谦卑或拐弯抹角。表达尽量显得客观,不要过于自夸品学兼优、工作态度认真等,这些应该是推荐人说的话,不是你自己说的话。8. 以上内容要根据实际情况进行增删。2021/8/63

30、5求职信常用的句式表达:Beginning 开头(1)With reference to your advertisement in (newspaper) of May 2 for a clerk, I offer myself for the post.(2)In reply to your advertisement in todays (newspaper) for an accountant, I am writing to apply for the post.(3)I should like to/ I wish to apply for the position mention

31、ed in your advertisement in (newspaper) of July 22.Introducing oneself: about age and experience 介绍自己的年龄和经验(1)I have had 5 years experience with a company as a salesman.(2)I am 25 years of age, and have had two years experience in my present post, which I am leaving to better myself.2021/8/636About

32、personal ability 叙述个人能力(1) I am a good accountant and have a thorough knowledge of the English language.(2) I have received a good education, and know English, Spanish and shorthand.(速记)About enclosure 附件(1)You will find enclosed an outline of my education and business training and copies of two let

33、ters of recommendation.(2)Enclosed please find a resume and a photo.(3)I attach schedule of my qualification and experience.(4)About salary 薪酬待遇(5)I am quite willing to start with a small salary.(6)I should require a salary of 4,500 a month to begin with.(7)The salary I should require would be 60,00

34、0 a year, plus 1% commission on all sales.2021/8/637Reasons for leaving 离职原因(1)My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising business.(2) I am leaving our office to be with my mother and care for my aged mother in a distant city.(3) My reason for leaving my present emp

35、loyment is simple because I see no chance of advancement.Ending: request for an interview 结尾:请求面谈(1)If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint.(2)Should you think favorably of my application, kindly grant me an interview.(3)I hope

36、that you will be kind enough to consider my application favorably.恳请惠予考虑本人之申请为盼。2021/8/6381. Read the application for a job. Write the verb in brackets in the past simple, present perfect or present perfect continuous. Dear Sir or Madam, I _ (see) your advert for the post of Client Services Executiv

37、e in yesterdays newspaper and I would like to apply for the position. As you can see from my attached CV, I _ (work) for my current company for over two years. I _ (join) Mackintyre and Co in 2007 and since then, I _ (have) many opportunities to develop my skills. However, I _ (consider) a career ch

38、ange with a new challenge for a number of months and this seems like the perfect moment to make that move. I see from recent press reports that your company _ (expand) its operations in China and therefore I would like to draw your attention to my degree in Oriental Studies and Mandarin which I _ (c

39、omplete) in 2006. Combined with my current MBA, which I _ (study) for part-time at the local university, I feel that I would be an asset to your company. Please also note that my current manager _ (agree) to write a reference and can be contacted on 0207 857 6785. I look forward to hearing from you.

40、 Yours faithfully Daniel Lewis 2021/8/6391.Dear Sir or Madam信首的称呼语,一般用于正式信件中,在正式的商务信函中一般称呼对方为Dear Mr. 或Dear Ms. 2.I saw your advert for the post3.I would like to apply for (不能用I want to apply for,语气显得太生硬)4.attached CV 所附的履历。CV为Curriculum Vitae的缩写。5.work for a travel agency6.work as a receptionist an

41、d secretary7.Please note that一种常用的句型,在信件中用于提醒收信人注意的事项。8.I look forward to hearing from you. 盼早日回复。这是信件结尾常用的表达法。9.Yours faithfully 在正式的商务信函中,一般要写上姓名,不能单单使用名字,更不能用昵称。2021/8/640 2. Read this advert for a job. You would like to apply for it and have written some notes about your experience. Use the note

42、s to write a letter of application (120-140 words) similar to the one above. Personal Assistant to Overseas Sales Manager We are currently seeking someone to work in a busy and expanding department. You will have experience in secretarial duties. Good knowledge of English and at least one other lang

43、uages is preferred. You will need to travel abroad with the Sales Manager and organize schedules. Opportunities for pleted course at collegeworked 2 years as receptionist and secretarybeen working for travel agency for last 6 monthslived in Rome summer 2006 fluent Italian2021/8/641Possible Answer De

44、ar Sir or Madam, I saw your advert for the post of Personal Assistant to Overseas Sales Manager in yesterdays newspaper and I would like to apply for the position. As you can see from my attached CV, I have been working for a travel agency for the last six months, which I have really enjoyed. Before

45、 that I worked as a receptionist and secretary for two years. I have a good knowledge of English as I completed a course at college and I am also fluent in Italian having lived in Rome for the summer in 2006. Please note that my current manager has agreed to write me a reference. I look forward to h

46、earing from you. Yours faithfully students name2021/8/6422.2 Business SkillsPresenting Your Company2021/8/643Vocabulary: Company TermsKey vocabulary about company You each have five words. Prepare three definitions of each word but only one definition is correct. Student A: distribution center, ware

47、house, holding company, call center, plant Student B: headquarters, subsidiary, branch, corporation,division2021/8/644lDistribution centerPlace where goods are sent out to be soldlWarehousePlace where goods are storedlHolding companyCompany which controls others with the largest stakelCall centerPla

48、ce where employees give information to customers by telephonelPlantFactory with industrial machinery2021/8/645lHeadquartersThe head office of a companylSubsidiaryCompany owned by a holding companylBranchOffice or group that forms part of a larger companylCorporationAn organisation formed by a group

49、of companieslDivisionA separate part of a large company2021/8/646Listening lA presentation about Xerox2021/8/647Vocabulary preparationlTurnoverlInnovative 创新的创新的lMarket 投放市场投放市场lResults 效益效益lGive an overview oflSplit intolRevenue 收入,收益收入,收益 revenue by regionlMission statement公司宗旨,目标宣言公司宗旨,目标宣言2021/8

50、/648First listeninglWhich of the words in exercise 1 does the speaker mention when he talks about Xerox?TurnoverHeadquartersCorporationDivisions2021/8/649Can you say all the following figures?Key Facts: 16,000,000,000 _978,000,000 _160 _55,000 _ _4 _6 _5,000,000,000 _2,000,000,000 _1906 _112,000,000

51、,000_XeroxFact Sheetsixteen billionnine hundred and seventy-eight millionone hundred and sixtyfifty-five thousandhalffoursixfive billiontwo billionnineteen oh sixone hundred and twelve billion2021/8/650分数的读法分数的读法l1/3、2/3、1/4、3/7l4/3l23/750l读法读法分子分子基数词基数词分母分母序数词序数词若分子大于若分子大于1,分母用复数形式,分母用复数形式假分数的读法假分数

52、的读法复杂分数的读法复杂分数的读法2021/8/651Listen to the presentation and write what each refers to.Fact SheetXeroxKey Facts: 16,000,000,000 _978,000,000 _160 _55,000 _ _4 _6 _ _5,000,000,000 _2,000,000,000 _1906 _112,000,000,000_turnoverfinal incomecountriesemployeeshalf of 55,000 in the USAdivisions6%of revenue d

53、edicated to research & developmentdollars revenue in Europedollars rest of world revenuecompany foundedtotal market2021/8/652Structure of the PresentationAIntroducing the presentationBExplaining the structure of the presentationCPresenting the first partDPresenting the second partEPresenting the fin

54、al partFEnding the presentation2021/8/653Listen and match stages A-F to the expressions below. Write the letter after the expression.l1. Today Id like to tell you about _A_l2. So that brings me to the end of my presentation. _ l3. Are there any questions? _ l4. OK, lets move on to look at _ l5. Good

55、 morning and thanks for coming. _ l6. Here you can see _ l7. Finally Id like to talk about _l8. If you have any questions, Ill be happy to answer them at the end. _l9. Then Ill give an overview of _l10. One thing Id like to point out is _l11. Take a look at this chart, which shows _l12. With a turno

56、ver of the company develops / manufactures / markets _l13. In my brief presentation well begin by looking at _l14. First of all theres / and finally theres _l15. Thanks for listening. _FFDACBBBDDABCF2021/8/654Listening Script Extract 1: Good morning /and thanks for coming. / Today / Id like to tell

57、you about the worlds / largest document / management / company. / With a turnover of nearly sixteen billion dollars / the Xerox Corporation develops / and markets / innovative technologies / with products and solutions / that customers depend upon to get the best results / for their business. / In m

58、y brief presentation / well begin by looking at / some of the key figures / behind the companys success / and how the company is structured. / Then / Ill give an overview of Xerox around the world / and finally / Id like to talk about some of the trends / affecting our market / and its future growth

59、. / If you have any questions, / Ill be happy to answer them at the end. /2021/8/655skilllPause Listen and mark the pausesDrill lFull stop or commalSignal phrase: today, firstly, nextlSeparate key informationlEmphasize information2021/8/6561. Create your dream company. Complete the column of the tab

60、le with key facts about your company.Speaking: Giving a presentationYour companyYour partners companyYour dream company: What is your company called? What product or service does it offer?Figures for last year: What was its turnover? How was this divided up by region (country)? What was its final in

61、come? What % was spent on Research & Development (R&D)?Structure: Where is the headquarters? How many divisions are there? How many people are employed? (By division? Country?)Trends: What are the future trends and changes for the industry? What are your companys plans?2021/8/657Homeworklprepare a f

62、ull-length presentation about your dream companyMake up facts and figures to fill in the first column of the table.Refer to the expressions in exercise 5 on page 21.Using a companys information on the websiteYou can make use of visual table , graph and any others 2021/8/658Writing: A MemolWhat is a

63、memo?lA memo means a memorandum, is a written record or communication as a reminder lA memorandum is an informal message, especially one sent between two or more employees of the same company, concerning company business2021/8/659Write effective subject linesl1. A manager has sent this memo. Answer

64、the following.l1. who is the memo to?l2. who will be interested in the information?l3. what has happened?l4. what is happening as a result?l5. what action is needed?l2. Study the Subject line of the memo below. The writer has taken the four key words from the main message. Underline those words in t

65、he body of the memo.2021/8/660 To: All staff From: James Shepherd Date: 23 June Subject: Presentation on changes to pension scheme Due to recent changes in government pension laws, the Head of Finance will give a presentation on Tuesday 1 July at 5.30 pm in the canteen to outline any effect on the c

66、urrent company-based pension scheme. Staff with this policy are welcome to attend.MEMORANDUM2021/8/661Reference answer:1. 1) All staff. 2) Any staff with a company-based pension scheme. 3) There have been changes in the government pension laws. 4) This will affect the current company-based pension s

67、cheme. 5) A presentation will be given by the Head of Finance on the changes and any effects.2. presentation, changes, pension, scheme.Page 272021/8/6623. Read three more memos. Underline any key words and use them to write the subject lines. Subject:_ _ As you are probably aware, the company is cur

68、rently considering plans for a new factory in the district of Campi Bisenzio. Models and designs will be on display in the conference room every day next week. All staff are welcome to visit at any time and give feedback. Subject: _ _ Following recent feedback on working hours, the Head of Human Res

69、ources will give a presentation on Thursday 2 July at 4.30 pm in the conference room to outline proposals for a system of flexitime and home-working. Any staff are invited to attend and share their ideas. Subject: _ _ Please note that Spanish classes this year will begin on October 16th on Wednesday

70、 lunchtimes. Anyone wishing to participate should inform their line manager. Placement testing for new participants will take place in the training center on Thursday 5th or Friday 6th between 12 and 1 pm.Display of new factory plansSpanish classesPresentation on flexitime and home-working2021/8/663

71、Homework Read the information below and then write a memo to all the staff in your company. Write 40-50 words only. Remember to include a To, From, Date and Subject line. You are a human resources manager for a large manufacturing firm. To offer staff better health insurance, the company has recentl

72、y changed its insurance company. A representative from the insurance company is visiting to present the new policy. In your memo you should: * say what has happened and why. * announce the representatives visit. * say when and where his presentation will take place.2021/8/664Possible Answer To: All

73、Staff From: name of student Date: 1st October Subject: Presentation of new insurance policy To offer staff a better health insurance scheme, we are now working with a new insurance company. Please note therefore that a representative from this company will present the new staff policy on 9th October

74、 at 2pm in the conference room. All staff are welcome to attend.2021/8/665Review lCompany benefitsBenefits and incentivesWhat is most important to you when choosing a job?ReadinglAsking questions about jobApplication letterlPresenting your companyCompany termsRead and listen figuresStructure of a presentationTechniquesmemo2021/8/666



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