新目标人教版初中英语九年级下册《Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.》精品课件

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1、Rainy days make me sad . Section B 3a-4A: How does the poster make you feel?B: It makes me feel want I would love to A: What product in Flash ?B: ItsA: How do you feel about it ?B: It works it makes meA: Have you ever used it ?B: Watch the following flashes Watch the following flashes then then pair

2、workpairworkComplete the article using the information about above. Some advertisements tell the truth and some dont.For example,the Pantene Shampoo says it will give you _ and _ hair than others. I usually use it and it _well.It really makes my hair _.strongersilkierworksshinierThe ad about Kenlyst

3、 Cream says it makes your skin keep _and soft. I tried it but it didnt _well. It _me really mad .So not all the ads can be believed. We must be careful.waterworkmadeTask1. Read and answerWhere can we see advertisements ? Everywhere .Whats the article about ? The pros and cons about theadvertisements

4、. Task 2 fill and retell Pros Cons They can 1) be _;2) _ two different products ;3)save _.4)Tell you when stores _ _ _.1)_cities and countryside _ _ ;2) _ or _ people.3) Not tell you the_ of the _compareuseful moneymakelook uglyconfusemisleadare having salesqualityproductListen ,read and complete th

5、e tasks below.Task 3Whom are aimed specifically at ?A. Women B. BusinessmenC. Teenagers D. Men The question is aimed at us.发散思维一发散思维一:1.他把枪瞄准了那只鸟。他把枪瞄准了那只鸟。He _his gun_the bird. aimedat2.这个问题是针对我们的。这个问题是针对我们的。CTask 4 从文中找出同义句。从文中找出同义句。Advertisements can help you to compare two different products in

6、order to buy the one you really need. They can help you to compare two differentproducts so that you can buy the one you really need. compareso that compare.with.把把.与与.相比相比 compare.to.把把.比作比作.so that =in order that / in order to If we compare French schools with British schools, we will find many di

7、fferences .如果我们把法国的学校与英国的学校如果我们把法国的学校与英国的学校相比相比, 会发现许多不同之处。会发现许多不同之处。 The writer compares the woman he loves to a rose. 这位作家把他所钟情的女人比作玫瑰花。这位作家把他所钟情的女人比作玫瑰花。发散思维二发散思维二:译成汉语:译成汉语:Task 5 At times an ad can lead you to buy something you dont need at all. (翻译)翻译)有时广告能引导你买一些你一点儿也不需要有时广告能引导你买一些你一点儿也不需要的东西。

8、的东西。lead sb to (do )sth 引导某人到引导某人到导致某人去做导致某人去做Lead to 导致导致Lead led led例例: 她诱导我去相信那个广告。她诱导我去相信那个广告。(汉译英)汉译英)She led me to believe that advertisement. 努力工作可能会导致你成功。努力工作可能会导致你成功。Working hard may lead you to success. not .at all 无论如何无论如何(都不都不), 一点一点(都不都不) not in the slightest例例:我完全不同意你的话。我完全不同意你的话。I don

9、t agree with you at all. (汉译英)汉译英) 发散思维三发散思维三:2. When prices are listed, you can go to the store with the lowest price.翻译:当价格列出之后你可以去最低翻译:当价格列出之后你可以去最低价格的商店。价格的商店。加糖的咖啡加糖的咖啡coffee with sugar带花园的房子带花园的房子 a house with a gardenTask 6Task 7 根据短文内容判断正(根据短文内容判断正(A)误()误(B )1. Sometimes the words of ads sou

10、nd good but the quality is bad. ( )2.You can buy the more expensive products when the prices are listed. ( )BAcheaperNew words: 广告活动广告活动 针对于针对于 引导某人(做)引导某人(做) 含糊不清的含糊不清的 骗人的骗人的 正面与反面正面与反面 例如例如 Language Goal:How to talk about things affect you.advertisingbe aimed atlead sb. to (do)confusingmisleading

11、Pros and consFor instance pros and cons at times for instance to start withmore thanspecifically a. for example b. over c. to begin with d. advantages and disadvantages e. sometimes f. particularlyMatchHave a try1.It is believed that _ is one of the biggest businesses in America.2.Some ads can be _

12、.3.Why did not you tell me the _.4.He _ the two coats and decided to buy the cheaper one.5.Many ads are specifically _ at teenagers.6.Good eating habits can _ to a healthy body. lead aim advertise compare mislead confuse advertisingmisleadingcomparedaimedleadtruth一、一、Fill in each blank with the corr

13、ect word Fill in each blank with the correct word given.given.二二.Choose the right answer.D1.I was _ by so many _ thingsA.confusing;confusingB.confusing;confusedC.confused;confusedD.confused;confusing2.If you _ this sentence with that one,you will see the difference.A.change B.translate C.write D.com

14、pare3.Our teacher spoke loudly _ everyone could hear him.A.so to B.so that C.so as to D.in order to DB4.At last the baby was made _ and began to laugh. A.stop crying B.stopped to cry C.to stop to cry D.to stop crying D5.The picture in an ad looks _ than the real thing.A.a lot of better B.a lot bette

15、r C.much more better C.more betterB老师老师 让同学们讨论网上购物的利让同学们讨论网上购物的利与弊。根据下列信息,请你与弊。根据下列信息,请你代表你们组做个发言。代表你们组做个发言。好处:好处: 方便方便 ;24小时营业小时营业 ;商品种类多;商品种类多 不用排队不用排队 ;付款安全;不累;付款安全;不累;不足:看不见实货;不足:看不见实货; 不能享受和朋友不能享受和朋友 一起购物的乐趣;不能试穿一起购物的乐趣;不能试穿要求:要求: 1. 语言流畅、规范语言流畅、规范 2. 包含提示内容,并做适当发挥包含提示内容,并做适当发挥 3. 80个词左右。个词左右。Saying Each coin has two sides . We should use the advantages.Homework for today1.Learn the target language by heart .2.Complete the writing .



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