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1、基础写作基础写作白沟一中白沟一中:孟祥杰孟祥杰is, he, tall, thin, and, long with, hair, a, manHe is a tall and thin man with long hair.情景提示!情景提示!根据要点提示写一篇短文。要求:语法正确,意思根据要点提示写一篇短文。要求:语法正确,意思连贯,书写规范,要点齐全。词数连贯,书写规范,要点齐全。词数60608080(标点(标点符号不计入总词数)。符号不计入总词数)。 要点提示:要点提示:1 1上星期天上午我在图书馆看书。上星期天上午我在图书馆看书。2 2走出走出图书馆图书馆惊奇地惊奇地发现自行车不在了,

2、发现自行车不在了,只好只好步步行回家。行回家。3 3、现在我不得不每天步行上学,但学校、现在我不得不每天步行上学,但学校离家很远离家很远,我我打算打算明天去买一辆明天去买一辆物美价廉物美价廉的自行车的自行车4 4、自行车款式很多自行车款式很多,难以难以挑选,你能给我一些建挑选,你能给我一些建议吗?议吗?拟用句型1. to ones surprise,2. be going to /will +do sth.3. its + adj. (hard, important) + for sb. to do sth.4. There be. 拟用词组get out of, have to ,far f

3、rom, nice and cheap作文准备 一、句型训练、To ones surprise, 使他惊讶的是,钱包丢了。(汉译英)令我惊讶的是,他竟然考试没及格。To his surprise ,he found his purse lost.To my surprise, he failed in the exam.2、be going to/will do sth. 李雷打算下星期天在书店买一本书。Li lei is going to buy a book in the bookstore next Sunday.3、Its+adj.( hard, important) for sb.

4、to do sth.对于我们来说学好英语是很重要的!4、There be在这个会议室里有四百多名教师。二、词组造句。 get out of have to far from nice and cheapIts important for us to learn English well.There are more than 400 teachers in the meeting room.I have to look after my mother because she is ill.When I got out of the door, it was raining.Li leis ho

5、me is far from that hospital.Do you want to buy a nice and cheap dress?参考范文vLast Sunday, I read in the library. To my surprise, I found my bike lost when I got out of the library. I had to walk home. Now I go to school on foot every day. But its far from my home. Im going to buy a nice and cheap bik

6、e. There are different kinds of bikes in the shop. Its hard for me to choose. Could you give me some advice ?情景提示情景提示: :假如你是一名导游,外宾要来白沟参观,用英语写一篇关于白沟的简介。内容包括以下几点提示:1、位于天津和保定之间,人口、位于天津和保定之间,人口约十一万,面积为约十一万,面积为16平方公里。平方公里。2 、近几年来城镇变化很大城镇、近几年来城镇变化很大城镇秀美、人民友善。秀美、人民友善。 3 、以箱包闻名,被誉为箱包之、以箱包闻名,被誉为箱包之都。都。4、白沟有

7、十城,我将带你们去、白沟有十城,我将带你们去参观著名的箱包交易城和服饰广参观著名的箱包交易城和服饰广场。场。5、希望你们玩的愉快!、希望你们玩的愉快!拟用句型拟用词组1、be located in/at2、The population of +地名地名+is 3、In the past /last .years/months/days, 主语主语+现在完成时现在完成时be famous for ,have a good time /enjoy oneself/have a good trip,be honored with,生词提示:生词提示:Baigou Suitcase trading t

8、own(白沟箱包交易城白沟箱包交易城)Baigou dress town(白沟服饰广场白沟服饰广场)作文准备 一、句型训练一、句型训练1、be located in/at 2、The population of +地名地名+is 3、In the past /last .years/months /days, 主语主语+现在完成时现在完成时这所医院位于市中心。这所医院位于市中心。The hospital is located in the center of the city.中国的人口大约是中国的人口大约是13亿左右。亿左右。The population of china is about

9、1.3 billion. 几个月来我未曾收到她的来信。几个月来我未曾收到她的来信。I havent heard from her in the past/last few months.十年来中国发生了巨大的变化。十年来中国发生了巨大的变化。In the past /last ten years, China has changed a lot.二、词组造句二、词组造句1、be famous for 2、be honored with3、have a good time /enjoyoneself/have a good tripZhou Jielun is famous for his so

10、ngs.The children had a good time in the park yesterday.Yuan Longping was honored with the name “Father” of Hybrid Rice.参考范文参考范文wBaigou is located between Tianjin and Baoding. The population of it is about 110 thousand. The area is 16 square kilometers. In the past few years, Baigou has changed a lot

11、 . The town is beautiful and the people are friendly. It is famous for suitcase. It is honored with the Capital of Suitcase. There are ten trading towns . I will take you to Baigou Suitcase trading town and Baigou dress town . There are thousands of dresses and suitcases. You can buy what you like.

12、I hope you have a good time in Baigou.一定要记住这个写作秘诀呦一定要记住这个写作秘诀呦!先读提示,弄清要点与格式。先读提示,弄清要点与格式。时态语态要当心,前后呼应要一致。时态语态要当心,前后呼应要一致。句子结构和搭配,语言习惯莫违背。句子结构和搭配,语言习惯莫违背。文章写好细检查,点滴小错别忽视。文章写好细检查,点滴小错别忽视。Homework v请同学们以请同学们以Proud of My Proud of My SchoolSchool为主题,写一篇为主题,写一篇80-80-100100词之间的文稿。词之间的文稿。 要点提示要点提示:1. 学校概况:建于学校概况:建于1985年,现年,现有有22个班级,个班级,100余名教师,余名教师,近近1200名学生。名学生。2. 环境优美,正在扩建,不久环境优美,正在扩建,不久 的将来会更美丽的将来会更美丽。3.教师对教学和学生的态度。教师对教学和学生的态度。4.为学校而自豪为学校而自豪。Thank you !



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