八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Plant a Plant Lesson 7 Stories about Spring (新版)冀教版

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1、Unit 2 Plant a PlantLesson 7 Planting trees When is Tree Planting Day in China? What are the basic steps for planting a tree? 植树节植树节是一些国家以法律形式规定的以宣传森是一些国家以法律形式规定的以宣传森林效益,并动员群众参加造林为活动内容的节日。林效益,并动员群众参加造林为活动内容的节日。通过这种活动,激发人们爱林、造林的感情,提通过这种活动,激发人们爱林、造林的感情,提高人们对森林功用的认识,促进国土绿化,达到高人们对森林功用的认识,促进国土绿化,达到爱林护林和扩

2、大森林资源、改善生态环境的目的。爱林护林和扩大森林资源、改善生态环境的目的。中国的植树节开始时是为纪念孙中山先生逝世,中国的植树节开始时是为纪念孙中山先生逝世,19791979年年2 2月月2323日,中国第五届全国人大常务委员会日,中国第五届全国人大常务委员会第六次会议决定,仍以第六次会议决定,仍以3 3月月1212日为中国的植树节,日为中国的植树节,以鼓励全国各族人民植树造林,绿化祖国,改善以鼓励全国各族人民植树造林,绿化祖国,改善环境,造福子孙后代。环境,造福子孙后代。挖树坑挖树坑解草绳解草绳树苗入坑树苗入坑How to plant a tree?一次培土一次培土提苗提苗围填围填浸透水浸

3、透水二次培土二次培土给树上支架给树上支架Words & expressionsholelargecoverfillstormdirtynorthernbottomn. 洞洞adj. 大的;巨大的大的;巨大的v.覆盖覆盖 n.盖子盖子v.装满;充满装满;充满n.暴风雨暴风雨adj.不干净的;肮脏的不干净的;肮脏的adj. 北方的;北部的北方的;北部的n. 底部;最下部底部;最下部1. To listen and understand the conversation about planting trees.2. To learn some useful words and expression

4、s to talk about how to plant a tree.ObjectivesWords: dig, hole, large, cover, fill, storm, dirty, northern, bottomPhrases:by the way, want to do, turn into,for sure, in the bottom of, fillwithI supposeIts to doPatterns:Its March 12. Li Ming and his classmates are on a hillside. They are planting tre

5、es as a school project. A worker is there helping them.Li Ming: Excuse me, sir. We are digging a hole. Is it big enough ? Worker: Maybe you should make the hole a little bigger. It must be large enough to hold the roots of the seedling.Li Ming: I see. Thank you. Listen and read. Worker: Now, put the

6、 seedling inside, cover the roots and fill the hole with dirt. Then pack the dirt around the new tree with your feet.Wang Mei: OK. By the way, there is another group of people down the hill. Are they also coming to plant trees? Worker: Yes. Many people are worried because the environment is changing

7、, and they want to do something to help. Li Ming: These changes are serious. When there is a dust storm in spring, it gets windy and dirty everywhere.Wang Mei: Ms. Liu told us the wind blows the dirt and the sand here from the north. Nothing can stop the wind because there are not many trees left. W

8、orker: Exactly. A lot of rich lands in the northern area have turned into desert. Li Ming: I suppose tree planting is very important work.Wang Mei: For sure. I really like this project. Its also a great way to learn about nature. Worker: Yes. Its fun and important to plant plants. Oh, and please rem

9、ember to put a little water in the bottom of the hole.Read and answer.1. What are Li Ming and his classmates doing on March 12?They are planting trees as a school project.2. Why do many people come to plant trees? Because the environment is changing and they want to do something to help.3. What are the basic steps for planting a tree? Dig a hole, put the seedling inside, cover the roots ,fill the hole with dirt, pack the dirt around the tree and put water in the bottom of the hole.



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