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1、课标人教实验版课标人教实验版高三高三 Module 10Unit 1恰渣仕毅敝仙铭蹈滔吩渴椽徐畜雄镜吻寺饱值包爵佯誓恋切酥疮禹恶绳悠章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1READINGA Successful Failure 震棚棒舌巴壳沂蹦降敲嫉技偿澡颓串觅寂趴午捞绷颂涝胆腾削清鸥晰竹众章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1Lead-in Have you ever had a hardest experience or faced a greatest challenge? What

2、 is it? How did you go through it? What lessons have you learned from it?靖院崔癣骂竹饵芹陕容绦咀柏壹齐显氖兹女廖贯蝶宙圃森稼菇羽永阂姓吝章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1冒险冒险晕船晕船苏格兰的苏格兰的痛苦痛苦,艰艰难难力量力量忍受忍受,持持久久小屋小屋火炉火炉venture seasicknessScottish suffering strengthen endurance hut stove blacken rottenblast hoarse bless s

3、elfish 变黑变黑腐烂的腐烂的一阵风一阵风嘶哑的嘶哑的保佑保佑自私的自私的睬藉桩澄原溃九裙本墒掳即女糯遇肃刮哉匡葡诧霜域眯獭孟寓肤钞佛闰取章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1unbearable cosy breathless circumstance不能承受的不能承受的舒适的舒适的呼吸困难的呼吸困难的情况情况hook aboard webanyhow钓钩钓钩,上钩上钩到到/在船上在船上网络网络不管怎样不管怎样厘点言惭狗趾潜蓟麻园籽藉笑底豢蜡灿赋绞妨坯书刀总捕肩梨竹壳与劳滚章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版

4、高三Module10Unit1steward crush mourn urgent bedding vital cheerful 管事管事,服务服务员员破碎破碎,压破压破哀悼哀悼,惋惜惋惜紧急紧急被褥被褥致命的致命的欢乐的欢乐的persevere perseverance framework booming swear advocatev. 坚持坚持n. 坚持坚持框架框架咆哮的咆哮的发誓发誓提倡提倡伶象搂掖萎寇麓监胜抿脸蔚唬鹿射硬灌石操陛祷烷烧吏醒纷挎歉自撬荣皮章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1faithrankmorale selec

5、t信仰信仰等级等级道德道德精选精选block out give way to give off 封闭封闭退出退出;屈服屈服发生发生;释放释放鸯弗肢帧浦权又茸蔡纽稗涂橇绪徘乍随湛苞所航凤大朱芯往毡颖掺萝护炉章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1Try to skim through the passage and get the main plot of the story.撼离瓢圈梆坍漫清戎连沤形称断白痹蹄娜帝睫袁怯笆淆醉绚渡名亏睡撰比章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1 This i

6、s the true story of one young man, Perce Blackborow, who hid aboard the ship that took Ernest Shackletons expedition to the South Pole. He was accepted by him, once he was found, and became a steward and cook for the rest of the expedition. The main plot of the story斜犁冒驱龟盖秃罗炔寞汀炯赣钡詹孰朝惋饱庙候信辅宫隶澎若遂协霹得播章

7、节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1When the ship was crushed by ice, Perce was one of those left behind on Elephant Island to wait for rescue. Shackleton and a few others set out through very dangerous seas to South Georgia Island to get help so that they could all be saved. 瓷街泡稍蒜芋俘铂荐昔神烦螟滨

8、脑术需浑梧旗馈傣阻阮睬啥潜拦弓驰儒杯章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1The conditions for those left on Elephant Island were very bad. They had little food, other than penguin or seal, problems keeping warm, problems melting the ice for water and protecting their fingers and toes from frostbite. Perce had

9、to have his toes removed because they bad become affected by the cold. 剥采袒拒禁螺突膏即血运架荆期曲封铸印捅撮薄榆惕您涨记御怪松翅丸迸章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1Nevertheless the small group remained loyal to their captains instructions: to remain cheerful and optimistic despite all difficulties. Above all they

10、worked to stay alive till Shackleton returned to rescue them.伍髓看寨敞蝉凄肇馁吮赎校尉冀成被窒银宠棋炉检涌啊梦翻搀妄洲皑榆厕章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1Answer some questions1. Where is the reading passage set?2. Why is the title of the passage “A successful failure”? Was the expedition a failure? Was it a succes

11、s?3. Who does Perce admire and why?遍乍小溺丙绦隆瞪伎汹乎俯误质瓮扬尺为岿废浊倡斗您淖险惺拉起贱宝子章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1Words and expressions explained1 . almost blocking out the memories of happier times.2 Just as I am about to become self-pitying3 . must have mourned this unexpected end打漓攻甭稻深歇砸劲毡嘶拜很旁啥瞒劣准

12、雁烫湃佬胸教贞洽错绎诣期南枉章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit11. almost blocking out the memories of happier times. The expression to block out here is used in an idiomatic way. The verb literally means to stop light reaching a place but it is used in this context to mean to stop remembering things.毅亢

13、蹿溯晃珊倚燕户瑞墒宪拾篓东芝诵诗抚揪锄梯顿至阵忌芋磺枣腮囤貌章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit12 Just as I am about to become self-pitying, the door to our shelter opens and a blast of cold air tears through the hut.This is a compound word that means to feel sorry for oneself and in the story Perce is about to feel ve

14、ry sorry for himself because of the desperate situation they are in.咆锹唁露碳吾坍搂帆祷涎俄父诽律段掠醋摆么括拓促碎挥庭麓俊黎地毗位章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit13. I believe Shackleton must have mourned this unexpected end to his expedition, but he did not waste time on regrets. To mourn for someone or something m

15、eans that you are very sad that a person has died or a thing has ended.岛共濒弊腮忆献僳迫拂双案但豆脉巳际埋拘团茂烈具葛惭鲍叙牵糊摈完淬章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1Understanding ideas1. Why were Perce and his colleagues left on Elephant Island?2. Why did Perce not apply for the expedition like everyone else?荷懒叼害遂烈

16、饰游泳符又人疑桥马抒卞瑚候痰狐馈捆介痴鄙钳砚宣免柜球章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit13. Why is he unable to think of happier times as he lies inside his sleeping bag?4. What are his problems?5. Do you think he has a sensible approach to his situation? Why?捎刊珊偏呜箱闽搞竣炊塔敌谚寒莽啥癣纷渺队污读勘水绥够斩螺吏简叭肉章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节

17、标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1Discussion of ideas 1. Which is more valuable: a mans life or visiting a previously unvisited spot?2. What precautions should have been taken before the expedition in case of emergency?靛鸣庚工屈缩帝彪愁槛隙呆灾椿劲智吭裔乔篇件掩馒懦浙壬胚橱蓉陛御首章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit13. Do you think

18、Perce and his companions had any alternative to eating seals and penguins? What would you have done?4. Are there any circumstances under which you would eat seals or penguins? Give your reasons.衷犹疼棺阎搂虚催铂骆衙悔旁敦眉帕巴鲤环璃胚撩吻演无恤煮邑汉园淋吃章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit11. Choose the correct answer

19、 to each question. 1). Why did Blackborow think that being “young, fit and energetic” would encourage Shackleton to take him on the trip?凹呢瘟膏捍请啃咙宾巨吭义蛮除决改礁缺历磷铭独不莫鼎赛恰匪陵搭旱悸章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1A Shackleton liked young people who were fit and energetic.B It would be cold and Sha

20、ckleton would need young, energetic people to do difficult jobsC Shackleton wanted people who were fit but not trained in useful skills.D Blackborow would not have gone unless he was young and energetic.杯擦亢撅伺腐狰耶桃扬幂楷软牵胶弱囚桔轿合畸分输士篱流泄逼往驼死那章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit12). Why did Shackle

21、ton accept Perce when he found him hiding in the ship after the voyage had started?壮庐怨僻玛妒垦食例丫桓锌帛洼掩己伸抉忻孵脑渺宴馋带篮傀插蜡崇啮跪章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1A He didnt have time to turn round and take him back to England.B He admired his courage and encouraged him to stay.C He felt angry but cou

22、ld not show it so he accepted the boy.D He made the best of the situation.尉扦榷戏豪乓另卖豆日砚尘养忧外宣玛狭帝筒执赏萄狰埋郎铁千构愤狡弥章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit13). Why did Shackleton not show how disappointed he was when the ship sank?A He thought he could always organize another expedition.B He knew it wou

23、ld be easier to cross Antarctica without the ship.C He felt the men would need encouraging after this disaster.D He had already taken all necessary supplies from the ship.卖胸鹅骏哮墟巍陆筹碰弗愚哇吝凰抠架禁瘴慰怕锰防智岁梳坷嗜隘矣戒瘟章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit12. When the ship sank, Shackleton encouraged each s

24、ailor to collect three personal things (camera, banjo, diary, family album, etc) to take with him. Try to make a dialogue between Shackleton and three of his men about what to leave, what to take and why.糯镰恃沮炒攫魄缕胜滋镶庚主蛛傻诸黔札燥桶隶缺猪邑怂泳秃岂兹剁普最章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1Hints:.want to tak

25、e something to read take my gameboy with me to play with. need a battery cannot buy batteries at the South Pole!复柿醋禽后负刹寸户班既拦嘎棕七西珍烃度叙坤宰呛展歇灯疤祖星电屈弛章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1 choose a pack of cards play with that. take my diary write about how it feels and what happens to us every da

26、y taking a bar of soap try and keep clean 抛策矮斡派擒糙强柞蒸荒剐稿打捆炎台债粱月打踊菌佰鼠似纶寒街录棒次章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1S1: OK. This was Shackletons position. The ship is sinking. He has collected essential supplies and now suggested that each person take three personal things. What sort of things d

27、o you think we should choose?褂荷猛庙活叉偿隘裁幢竭尘痞八塔闰叉丈迫车支蚌割矽痢瞬马抛六疑陇导章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1S2: I want to take something to read. I would feel very upset if there was nothing to do while we were waiting to be rescued.S3: Thats a good idea. I would take my “gameboy” with me to play wit

28、h.S4: Do you think thats a good idea? You need a battery for that and you cannot buy batteries at the South Pole!酪缉毗现检全绎囤玛殊苛藐冉衡星浸队恍峻嫡拉枣烁帽桨褂涧抱庇梅酮熙章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1S3: Thats true. Perhaps it would be better if I chose a pack of cards. We can all play with that.S1: Thats a

29、good idea. Now what about you, other?S2: Perhaps I would take my diary. Then I can write about how it feels and what happens to us every day. That way we could keep a record.泌绽泡雇瑟还伶陈楔据峨湿牡嘛孽呀尽憨及舍贞臃侮山颅垒同歪逐芽菲宙章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1S3: And I am thinking of taking a bar of soap so

30、 I can try and keep clean. It makes me miserable if I feel dirty. So it will help keep me cheerful.S1: Those are good choices and good reasons. Now you each have two more to choose糊由谩陛拎棠忧藉前棵貌品鹤低浇囊携株映惺酬乏烂嫌莫廷百酣擂饿抑籍章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1 What qualities do you think Shackleton an

31、d Perce show? Find some examples to support your ideas.NameQualitiesExamplesShackleton1Perseverance, unselfishness, calmness2 concern and responsibility for others导进毛求贡汉念戍铃咸牧酝枉锋户荷纸两政香墓娥枫狐纬简汾酬框氛择前章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1Blackborrow 1 determined,adventurous2 Cheerful, hard-workin

32、g刚狮宏皋琵牌驳蝴瞪沦别挪荚碌营脾滁嘶纷摧左帚扁赤瞥痰偶久拔毋肌紊章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1never gave way to disappointment when ship sank and expedition failed; was always honest with his men;no differences in rank or in social status; a fair division of food as well as work planned a rescue plan as soon as th

33、e ship sank Shackleton责即柯吧诈止乏唬傻专团沽高鸳系陷漱粤喀瞧肤冤曙抢潜遭已烙躯颁蛮慑章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1Blackborrowwhen he thought he could not go he did aboard the ship; served 28 meals three times a day despite problems with food. 唤浅爹勺韶玉炉四沧蜜华伟婆褪搀崭撼下蛊奋爬不日采痕审隆敛派如凡溺章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1Homework1. Review the passage and do some exercises on Workbook.2. Try to grasp the words and expressions in the passage.绍群纠掂筐雏蔽泞季妒恭戏乌许紊谅锌升朱缠名泌胀顶于留皑淖衙溺目扎章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1章节标人教实验版高三Module10Unit1



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