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1、英语表达高频动词n n1.advise 2.agree 3.ask 4.break 5.bring 6.call e 8.cut 9.die 10.do 11.fall 12.find 13.get 14.give 15.go 16.have 17.help 18.hold 19.join 20.keep 21.know 22.leave 23.like 24.live 25.look 26.make 27.pay 28.put 29.run 30.see 31.show 32.set 33.speak 34.stop 35.take 36.tell 37.think 38.try 39.tu

2、rn 40.use 41.visit 42.want 43.watch 44.wish 45.work1. advise vt.建议, 提意见,劝告;忠告I shall act as you advise.I shall act as you advise.n n我将按你的忠告去做。我将按你的忠告去做。n nShe advised me to wear my best She advised me to wear my best clothes.clothes.n n她劝我穿上最好的衣服。她劝我穿上最好的衣服。n n通知;告知通知;告知n nWe are to advise you that

3、the matter is We are to advise you that the matter is under consideration.under consideration.n n此事已在讨论中此事已在讨论中, ,特此通知。特此通知。n nWe wish to advise you that you now We wish to advise you that you now owe the bank $500.owe the bank $500.n n你现欠银行五百美元你现欠银行五百美元, ,特此通知。特此通知。n n接受意见吧接受意见吧! !n nBe advised!Be

4、advised!advice n.劝告n nsome advicesome advicen n一点意见一点意见n na piece of advicea piece of advicen n一条意见一条意见n ngive advicegive advicen n提出忠告提出忠告n ntake ones advicetake ones advicen n接受忠告接受忠告n nThats my advice to you.Thats my advice to you.n n这就是我给你出的主意。这就是我给你出的主意。n nOn his advice I am staying in bed.On h

5、is advice I am staying in bed.n n听他的劝告,我卧床休息。听他的劝告,我卧床休息。suggest vt.使想到,联想暗示;显出n n(常与(常与thatthat连用)提议;提出;建议连用)提议;提出;建议n nI suggested that it would be quicker to travel by train.I suggested that it would be quicker to travel by train.n n我建议说坐火车旅行要快一些。我建议说坐火车旅行要快一些。n nI suggest, said the inspector, th

6、at you are not telling I suggest, said the inspector, that you are not telling the truth.the truth.n n 我提醒你我提醒你, ,检查官说检查官说, ,你讲的不是实话。你讲的不是实话。“ “n n暗示;显出暗示;显出n nI suggest that you did not catch the 8 oclock train, but I suggest that you did not catch the 8 oclock train, but that you caught the 8.25 t

7、rain.that you caught the 8.25 train.n n 你没有搭你没有搭8 8点钟的火车点钟的火车, ,而是搭的而是搭的8 8点点2525分的车。分的车。 n nWhen I suggested that some villagers must have come in When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, for a free drink, MrMr Thompson shook his head. Thompson shook his head.n n 当我暗

8、示说当我暗示说, ,这准是某些村民进来偷喝掉的这准是某些村民进来偷喝掉的, ,汤普森先生摇汤普森先生摇摇头。摇头。 2. agree vi同意; 赞成;答应n nShe agreed to my idea.n n她同意我的想法。n nI quite agree with what you say.n n你所说的我很赞成。n n意见相合n nWe agree on this count.n n在这一点上,我们的意见一致。n nagree withn n一致;相符合n nagree with sb.n n同意某人的话n n适宜健康;与相宜n nThe liquor did not agree wi

9、th me.n n这酒不适合我喝。 3. ask vt. 对提问,问有关的情况,要求,索求,邀请n nask a question.ask a question.n nasked directions.asked directions.n nasked ten dollars for the book.asked ten dollars for the book.n nasked me for money; asking a favor.asked me for money; asking a favor.n n向我要钱;恳求帮忙向我要钱;恳求帮忙n nask too much of a ch

10、ild.ask too much of a child.n n过分要求孩子过分要求孩子n nasked them to dinner.asked them to dinner.n nv.intrv.intr. .(不及物动词)(不及物动词)n nasked for help.asked for help.n nask for trouble ask for trouble oror ask for it ask for itn n自讨苦吃,自找麻烦自讨苦吃,自找麻烦n nAsk 是最中性的词n nQuestion 常含有问一系问题的意思,如在一限定的有余地的问题上n nInquire 通常含有

11、对知识或真理进行全面探索的意思,在这个意义上,它指对某种情况简单咨询:n nask,inquireask,inquire这两个同义词的差别在于:这两个同义词的差别在于:askask是通用词,可以表示一般的询问,而是通用词,可以表示一般的询问,而inquireinquire表示表示“ “打听打听” ”。此外。此外askask没有没有inquireinquire那么正式那么正式。n nHe asked if He asked if MrMr Gilberts operation had Gilberts operation had been successful.been successful.n

12、 n他问吉尔伯特先生的手术是否成功他问吉尔伯特先生的手术是否成功。n nWhen the doctor answered the phone, When the doctor answered the phone, MrMr GGilbert said he was inquiring about a ilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a certain patient, a MrMr gilbertgilbert. .n n当医生接电话时,吉尔伯特先生说,他是当医生接电话时,吉尔伯特先生说,他是在打听一位叫吉尔伯特先生

13、的病人在打听一位叫吉尔伯特先生的病人。n nask,requestask,request这两个词都能表示这两个词都能表示“ “要求要求” ”,askask含有含有期望给以回答或作出反应的意思。当你觉得所期望给以回答或作出反应的意思。当你觉得所要求的东西会得到时,或者不可能被拒绝时,要求的东西会得到时,或者不可能被拒绝时,最好用最好用askask。而。而requestrequest则比则比askask正式得多,当你正式得多,当你觉得所要求的东西不会得到时,或者有可能被觉得所要求的东西不会得到时,或者有可能被拒绝时,最好用拒绝时,最好用requestrequest, 因此这个词可以表因此这个词可以

14、表示谦逊或者客气。此外,示谦逊或者客气。此外,requestrequest可以用作名词,可以用作名词,也可以用作动词也可以用作动词n nThe following day, the patient asked for a The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone.bedside telephone.n n第二天,那位病人要求安装一个床头电话第二天,那位病人要求安装一个床头电话。n nIf you receive a request like this, you cannot If you receive a req

15、uest like this, you cannot fail to obey it.fail to obey it.n n如果你接到一种象这样的请求,你不可能不服如果你接到一种象这样的请求,你不可能不服从从。nWe request the honour of your company at dinner.n谨备便酌,敬请光临。4. break vt.n nI broke my leg.I broke my leg.n nbreak crackers for a baby.break crackers for a baby.n n替一个婴儿把饼干掰碎替一个婴儿把饼干掰碎n nbroke the

16、 set of books by giving some away.broke the set of books by giving some away.n n把一套书拆散,取其中数本送人把一套书拆散,取其中数本送人n nbreak a dollar.break a dollar.n n兑开一美元兑开一美元n na dolphin breaking water.a dolphin breaking water.n n一头跃出水面的海豚一头跃出水面的海豚n nbreak jail.break jail.n n越狱越狱n nbreak a codebreak a coden nbreak a st

17、ory.break a story.vin nThe television broke.The television broke.n n电视机坏了电视机坏了n nSunlight broke into the room.Sunlight broke into the room.n n阳光射进房间阳光射进房间n nWell break for coffee at ten.Well break for coffee at ten.n n我们会在我们会在1010点钟休息一下,喝点咖啡点钟休息一下,喝点咖啡n nThe fever is breaking.The fever is breaking.n

18、 n一下子就退烧了一下子就退烧了n nThings have been breaking well for Things have been breaking well for them.them.n n他们的事情进展很顺利他们的事情进展很顺利n nbreak awaybreak awayn n逃走;逃脱逃走;逃脱; ;断裂断裂n nbreak downbreak downn n破坏;拆散破坏;拆散; ;使健康、精神崩溃使健康、精神崩溃; ;从化学上分解从化学上分解n nbreak inbreak inn n驯服,习惯于驯服,习惯于; ;强行进入强行进入; ;打断谈话打断谈话n nbreak

19、intobreak inton n打断打断; ;突然突然起来起来; ;闯入闯入n nbreak ofbreak ofn n除去(某人的)习性除去(某人的)习性n nbreak outbreak outn n逃脱;逃出逃脱;逃出; ;突然发生突然发生n nbreak throughbreak throughn n突破突破n nbreak upbreak upn n分裂分裂; ;结束;解散结束;解散; ;n nWhen will you break up this winter?When will you break up this winter?n n今年冬季你们什么时候放假今年冬季你们什么时候

20、放假? ?5. bring vt.拿来, 带来, 产生, 引起, 提出(诉讼)n nBring me the book.Bring me the book.n n把那本书带给我。把那本书带给我。n nWhen you go to the post office, will you When you go to the post office, will you please bring some stamps back for me?please bring some stamps back for me?n n你去邮局时能不能给我带些邮票回来你去邮局时能不能给我带些邮票回来? ?n nThe

21、 beauty of the music brought tears to The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes.her eyes.n n优美的音乐使她眼中充满泪花。优美的音乐使她眼中充满泪花。n nIf they refuse to make heart-felt apologies If they refuse to make heart-felt apologies soon we will have to bring an action soon we will have to bring an action against

22、 them.against them.n n如果他们拒绝很快地作出诚心诚意的道歉如果他们拒绝很快地作出诚心诚意的道歉, ,我们只好起诉了。我们只好起诉了。n nbring downbring downn n使倒下,使崩溃使倒下,使崩溃; ;杀死杀死n nbring forthbring forth引起;产生引起;产生; ;生(后代)生(后代)n nplants bringing forth fruit.plants bringing forth fruit.n n结果的植物结果的植物n nbring forwardbring forwardn nbring tobring ton nbring

23、 inbring inn n生出、产生或挣得(利润,收入)生出、产生或挣得(利润,收入)n nbring outbring outn nYou bring out the best in me.You bring out the best in me.n n你使我把自己最好的方面都发挥出来了你使我把自己最好的方面都发挥出来了n nbring upbring upn n照料,教育(小孩);抚养照料,教育(小孩);抚养; ;把把引进讨论;提到引进讨论;提到; ;呕吐呕吐; ;使使突然停下突然停下6. calln nn.n.喊声喊声, , 叫声叫声, , 命令命令, , 号召号召, , 访问访问,

24、, 叫牌叫牌, , 通话通话, , 必要必要n non call within callon call within calln nv. v.呼叫呼叫, , 召集召集, , 称呼称呼, , 认为认为, , 命名命名, , 打电打电话话n ncall backcall backn ncall forcall forn ncall incall inn ncall offcall offn ncall outcall outn ncall upcall upcall,visit,see这三个词都有拜访的意思。n ncall at call at 的宾语通常为的宾语通常为house,officeho

25、use,office等之类等之类的名词,或不用的名词,或不用at,at,不跟宾语不跟宾语. call on . call on 的的宾语通常为表示人的名词或代词。宾语通常为表示人的名词或代词。call in call in 表示顺路到某处或某家表示顺路到某处或某家. .n ncallcall所表示的拜访通常不是朋友之间的访所表示的拜访通常不是朋友之间的访问,而是出于公务上或别的什么事情的需问,而是出于公务上或别的什么事情的需要而作的暂短访问,而且完成了任务或达要而作的暂短访问,而且完成了任务或达到了目的之后便离去;到了目的之后便离去;n nvisit visit 可以表示正式的访问,也可用于朋

26、友可以表示正式的访问,也可用于朋友间的亲切的拜访,甚至是旅游家的参观,间的亲切的拜访,甚至是旅游家的参观,而访问时的逗留可长可短而访问时的逗留可长可短. .n nsee see 作为访问总用于非正式的而且是熟人作为访问总用于非正式的而且是熟人之间的拜访之间的拜访. .7. comen nvi.vi.来来, , 来临来临, , 到达到达, , 出现出现, , 来来( (自自), ), 出生出生( (于于), ), 开始开始n ncome aboutcome aboutn ncome acrosscome acrossn ncome alongcome alongn ncome backcome

27、backn ncome downcome downn ncome income inn ncome offcome offn ncome oncome onn ncome outcome outn ncome upcome upn ncome to termscome to termsn ncome truecome truen ncome up againstcome up againstn ncome up withcome up with8. cutn nv. v.切切( (割、削割、削), (), (直线等直线等) )相交相交, , 剪剪, , 截截, , 刺穿刺穿, , 刺痛刺痛,

28、, 删节删节, , 开辟开辟n na sailboat cutting the water.a sailboat cutting the water.n ncut a class.cut a class.n n旷一堂课旷一堂课n nCut along the dotted line.Cut along the dotted line.n n沿着虚线裁剪沿着虚线裁剪n nButter cuts easily.Butter cuts easily.n n黄油很容易切黄油很容易切n nn.(n.(刀、剑、鞭等的刀、剑、鞭等的) )切削切削, , 削减削减, , 删节删节, , 伤口伤口, , 切口切

29、口n na cut in a speech.a cut in a speech.n n演讲中的一处删节演讲中的一处删节n na cut in salary.a cut in salary.n n减薪减薪n ncut downn ncut inn ncut offn ncut outn ncut up9. dien nvi.vi.死亡死亡, , 消逝消逝, , 平息平息, , 渴望渴望, , 漠然漠然, , 熄灭熄灭n nn.n.骰子骰子, , 钢型钢型, , 硬模硬模, , 冲模冲模n nto die of an illnessto die of an illnessn n因病死亡因病死亡n

30、nEvery winter some old people die from Every winter some old people die from hypothermia.hypothermia.n n每年冬天都有些老人死于体温过低。每年冬天都有些老人死于体温过低。n nTo die for the people is a glorious death!To die for the people is a glorious death!n n 为人民而死为人民而死, ,虽死犹荣。虽死犹荣。 n nThe hermits secret died with him. (The hermits

31、 secret died with him. (喻喻) )n n隐士的秘密随着他的死亡而消失了。隐士的秘密随着他的死亡而消失了。n ndie awaydie awayn n逐渐停止,逐渐消失逐渐停止,逐渐消失n ndie backdie backn n(植物)枝叶枯萎(植物)枝叶枯萎n ndie downdie downn n逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊n ndie harddie hardn n(旧习惯等)难改掉,难消失(旧习惯等)难改掉,难消失n nOlds habits die hard.Olds habits die hard.n n旧习难改。旧习难改。n ndie offdi

32、e offn n相继死去相继死去n ndie outdie outn n灭绝灭绝Test 1n n1 1 等听众激动的情绪平息后等听众激动的情绪平息后, ,演讲人又重演讲人又重新开始演讲。新开始演讲。n n2 2 这种木材很容易削。这种木材很容易削。n n3 3 他答不上来。他答不上来。n n4 4 妈妈叫孩子们来吃饭。妈妈叫孩子们来吃饭。n n5 5 昨天他去邮局时给我带了些邮票回来。昨天他去邮局时给我带了些邮票回来。n n6 6 我们不小心弄坏了收音机我们不小心弄坏了收音机n n7 7 他问吉尔伯特先生的手术是否成功他问吉尔伯特先生的手术是否成功. .n n8 8 医生嘱咐我多加锻炼。医生

33、嘱咐我多加锻炼。n n9 9 她所说的我很赞成。她所说的我很赞成。n n10 10 经过多次失败后而获得成功经过多次失败后而获得成功, ,这是常这是常有的事。有的事。n n1.1.等听众激动的情绪平息后等听众激动的情绪平息后, ,演讲人又重演讲人又重新开始演讲。新开始演讲。n nAfter the excitement of the audience After the excitement of the audience died downdied down, the speaker restarted his , the speaker restarted his speech.“spee

34、ch.“n n2 2 这种木材很容易削。这种木材很容易削。n nThis kind of wood cuts easily.This kind of wood cuts easily.n n3 3 他答不上来。他答不上来。n nHe couldnt He couldnt come up withcome up with an answer. an answer.n n4 4 妈妈叫孩子们来吃饭。妈妈叫孩子们来吃饭。n nMother Mother calledcalled the children to dinner. the children to dinner.n n5 5 昨天他去邮局时

35、给我带了些邮票回来。昨天他去邮局时给我带了些邮票回来。n nWhen he went to the post office When he went to the post office yesterday, he yesterday, he broughtbrought some stamps some stamps back for me.back for me.n n6 6 我们不小心弄坏了收音机我们不小心弄坏了收音机n nWe accidentally We accidentally brokebroke the radio. the radio.n n7 7 他问吉尔伯特先生的手术是

36、否成功他问吉尔伯特先生的手术是否成功. .n nHe He askedasked if if MrMr Gilberts operation had Gilberts operation had been successful.been successful.n n8 8 医生嘱咐我多加锻炼。医生嘱咐我多加锻炼。n nThe doctor The doctor advisedadvised me to take more me to take more exercise.exercise.n n9 9 她所说的我很赞成。她所说的我很赞成。n nI quite I quite agree wit

37、hagree with what she says. what she says.n n10 10 经过多次失败后而获得成功经过多次失败后而获得成功, ,这是常有这是常有的事。的事。n nIt often happens that success It often happens that success comescomes after after many failures.many failures.10. don ndo ones assigned taskdo ones assigned taskn ndid my duty at all times.did my duty at a

38、ll times.n nCrying wont do any good now.Crying wont do any good now.n n现在哭不起任何作用现在哭不起任何作用n n尽你所能尽你所能n nDo the best you can.Do the best you can.n n赶在客人到达之前收拾收卧室赶在客人到达之前收拾收卧室n ndo the bedrooms before the guests do the bedrooms before the guests arrive.arrive.n nDo as I say and you wont get into Do as

39、I say and you wont get into trouble.trouble.n n按我说的去办,你便惹不了麻烦按我说的去办,你便惹不了麻烦n nHe did come after all!He did come after all!n n他毕竟还是来了!他毕竟还是来了!11. falln nn.秋天, 落下, 瀑布, 降低, 落差, 采伐量, 堕落, 下降n nvi.倒下, 落下, 来临, 失守, 变成, 垮台, 下跌, 阵亡n nThe price of food has fallen.n nRain was falling steadily.n nNight fell quic

40、kly.n n今年的元旦是星期二n nNew Years Day falls on a Tuesday this year.n nHe fell to his knees.n nHer eyes fell.n n她的眼睛朝下一瞥.n n当他听到那个报告后感到很沮丧n nHis face fell when he heard the report.n nfall asleepn nfall illn nfall apartn nfall backn nThe waves fell back.n nfall behindn nfall downn n He fell down on the job

41、.n nfall offn nThe number of staff meetings fell off after a few months.12. findn nvtvt. .找到找到, , 发现发现, , 感到感到, , 查明查明, , 得到得到, , 认为认为, , 见到见到.的存在的存在n nvi.vi.裁决裁决 n.n.发现发现n nWill you find me a knife?Will you find me a knife?n nfound a solution;found a solution;n nfound the book entertaining.found th

42、e book entertaining.n nfound that it didnt really matter.found that it didnt really matter.n nfound comfort in her smile.found comfort in her smile.n n对她的微笑感到很舒服对她的微笑感到很舒服n nThe jury found for the defendant.The jury found for the defendant.n n陪审团对被告进行判决陪审团对被告进行判决n n archaeological find.archaeologica

43、l find.n nfind outfind outn nPlease find out when the ship sails for Please find out when the ship sails for New York.New York.n n请打听一下那艘船什么时候开往纽约。请打听一下那艘船什么时候开往纽约。n nI found out the phone number by I found out the phone number by looking it up.looking it up.n n 通过查找我查到了电话号码。通过查找我查到了电话号码。n nLiars ri

44、sk being found out.Liars risk being found out.n n骗子被揭穿的危险骗子被揭穿的危险13. getn nvtvt. .获得获得, , 变成变成, , 收获收获, , 使得使得, , 挣得挣得, , 受到受到( (惩罚惩罚, ,打击等打击等), ), 染上染上, , 抓住抓住n nvi.vi.到达到达, , 成为成为, , 变得变得n.n.生殖生殖, , 幼兽幼兽n nHe got high marks in math and science.He got high marks in math and science.n nYou couldnt g

45、et me at the office until You couldnt get me at the office until nine.nine.n nRomantic music really gets me.Romantic music really gets me.n n浪漫的音乐确实打动了我浪漫的音乐确实打动了我n ngot my arm broken.got my arm broken.n nI have to get working on this or Ill miss I have to get working on this or Ill miss my deadline

46、.my deadline.n n我必须就此开始工作,否则我将超过最我必须就此开始工作,否则我将超过最后期限后期限n nvi.vi.n neventually got well.eventually got well.n ngot stuck in the elevator.got stuck in the elevator.n nget aboutget aboutn nget aroundget aroundn nget acrossget acrossn nI have tried to get my point across.I have tried to get my point ac

47、ross.n nget alongget alongn nget atget atn nIf we could only get at the cause of If we could only get at the cause of the problem!the problem!n n要是我们能知道问题的原因该多好啊要是我们能知道问题的原因该多好啊n nget awayget awayn nget backget backn nget byget byn njust got by in high school.just got by in high school.n nget downge

48、t downn nLets get down to work.Lets get down to work.n nThe heat was getting me down.The heat was getting me down.n nget inget inn ngot into debt;got into debt;n nget offget offn nget onget onn nget outn nget overn nfinally got over the divorce.n nget throughn nget ton ndidnt get to the housework un

49、til Sunday.n nget togethern nget up14. given nn.弹性, 可弯性 vi.捐赠, 让步n nvt.给, 授予, 供给, 献出, 让步, 引起, 发表, 捐助n nWe gave her flowers for her birthday.n ngave her son to the war; n ngave her life for her country.n ngives herself to her workn ngive awaygive awayn ngive backgive backn ngive ingive inn ngive upgi

50、ve upn n放弃某人正在做的或打算做的。常与放弃某人正在做的或打算做的。常与on on 一起用:一起用: n ngave up on writing the novel.gave up on writing the novel.n ngive offgive offn nchemical changes that give off chemical changes that give off energy.energy.n ngive outgive outn ngave out the bad news.gave out the bad news.n nTheir determinati

51、on finally gave out.Their determination finally gave out.15. gon nvi.vi.离去离去, , 走走, , 进行进行, , 变成变成, , 趋于趋于, , 达到达到, , 求求助于助于, , 诉诸诉诸n nvtvt. .以以.打赌打赌, , 忍受忍受, , 出产出产n nn.n.去去, , 进行进行n nThe car wont go.The car wont go.n ngo mad;go mad;n nI was free to go my own way.I was free to go my own way.n n我可自行

52、决定我可自行决定n nFirst I go, “Thank you,” then he goes, First I go, “Thank you,” then he goes, “What for?”“What for?”n n我首先说:我首先说:“ “谢谢,谢谢,” ”他接着问,他接着问,“ “为什为什么要谢我么要谢我?”?”n n说,主要用于动作陈述:说,主要用于动作陈述:n nThey had a go at acting.They had a go at acting.n n尝试采取行动尝试采取行动n non the goon the gon nConstantly busy or a

53、ctive.Constantly busy or active.n ngo aboutgo aboutn ngo alonggo alongn nThey get along by going along.They get along by going along.n n通过合作他们相处很好通过合作他们相处很好n ngo aroundgo aroundn ngoes bygoes byn nas time goes by.as time goes by.n nMy parents were away when we went My parents were away when we went

54、by last week.by last week.n ngo downgo downn ngo forgo forn na couch that also goes for a bed.a couch that also goes for a bed.n ngo in forgo in forn ngoes in for water skiing.goes in for water skiing.n ngo ongo onn ngo outgo outn ngo overgo overn ngo throughgo throughn nbe going to dobe going to do

55、16. haven nvt.有, 持有, 拿, 从事(某事)n nhas very little Spanish.n nI had a letter from my cousin.n nhad a difficult time last winter.n nWe had the machine repaired.n nhave to have to n nWe simply have to get there on time.We simply have to get there on time.n nhave to do withhave to do withn nhave done wit

56、hhave done withn nHave done with your foolish quibblingHave done with your foolish quibblingn nhave had ithave had itn nIve had it with their delays.Ive had it with their delays.n nhad betterhad bettern nhave onhave onTest 2n n 如发现有错如发现有错, ,请你改正。请你改正。“ “n n尽己所能,你就会成功。尽己所能,你就会成功。n n昨晚我的手表被偷了。昨晚我的手表被偷

57、了。n n接到你的电话前,我过了愉快的一天接到你的电话前,我过了愉快的一天n n超级市场正在向今天来的每位顾客赠送超级市场正在向今天来的每位顾客赠送一盒糖。一盒糖。n n她的努力不但徒劳无功,反而惹来一身她的努力不但徒劳无功,反而惹来一身麻烦麻烦n n食品的价格有所下跌。食品的价格有所下跌。n n现在这男孩已很能给他妈妈帮点忙了。现在这男孩已很能给他妈妈帮点忙了。n n如发现有错如发现有错, ,请你改正。请你改正。“ “n nIf you find any mistake, please If you find any mistake, please correct it.“correct i

58、t.“n n尽己所能,你就会成功。尽己所能,你就会成功。n nDo the best you can and you will get Do the best you can and you will get success.success.n n昨晚我的手表被偷了。昨晚我的手表被偷了。n nI had my watch stolen last night.I had my watch stolen last night.n n接到你的电话前,我过了愉快的一天接到你的电话前,我过了愉快的一天n nThe day went pleasantly enough until The day went

59、 pleasantly enough until I received your call.I received your call.n nThe supermarket is giving away a box of The supermarket is giving away a box of sugar to everyone who comes today.sugar to everyone who comes today.n n超级市场正在向今天来的每位顾客赠送一超级市场正在向今天来的每位顾客赠送一盒糖。盒糖。n nShe got nothing but trouble for he

60、r efforts.She got nothing but trouble for her efforts.n n她的努力不但徒劳无功,反而惹来一身麻她的努力不但徒劳无功,反而惹来一身麻烦烦n nThere has been a fall in the price of food.There has been a fall in the price of food.n n食品的价格有所下跌。食品的价格有所下跌。n nNow the boy is quite a help to his mother.Now the boy is quite a help to his mother.17. he

61、lpn nn.帮忙, 补救办法, 助手, 治疗, n nvt.帮助, 助长, 接济, 治疗, 款待n nvi.有用, 救命, 招待n nI helped her find the book. n nHe helped me into my coat.n nNothing will help. n nA food processor is a help to the serious cook.n n你是个很得力的帮手。n nYouve been a great help.n ncouldnt help doing sthn ncouldnt help but do sthn nHelp your

62、self to the cookies.18.holdn nn.把握, 把持力, 柄, 控制, 监禁, 掌握, 货舱n nvt.拿着, 保存, 支持, 占据, 持有, 拥有n nvi.支持, 保持, 有效n nLets see what the future holds.n nShe held her temper.n nHe hopes the weather will hold.n nhas a good hold on physics.n nhold a debate/meeting/matchn nhold back 阻止 (= keep back)n nThe villagers b

63、uilt banks of earth to hold back the flood waters.n n村民们筑起土坝,防止洪水泛滥。n nNo one can hold back the wheel of history.n nheld back valuable information; held back my tears.n nhold downn nPlease hold the noise down.n nhold on hold offn nget hold of19.joinn nvi.参加, 结合, 加入n nvt.连接, 结合, 参加, 加入n nn.连接, 结合n nj

64、oin a club (To become a part or (To become a part or member of)member of)n njoined the group in the waiting room.(To.(To come into the company of) come into the company of)n nThe committee joins me in welcoming you. (participate with in (participate with in an act or activity)an act or activity)n nj

65、oin the Partyn njoin the armyn njoin handsn nparticipate inn ntake part inn njoin inn nkeep ones balance keep ones balance 保持平衡保持平衡; ;n n keep house keep house 料理家务料理家务; ;n n keep keep sthsth. in mind . in mind 记住某事记住某事; ; n nkeep ones mind on keep ones mind on sthsth. .专心专心于某事于某事; ; n nkeep a diary

66、 keep a diary 记日记记日记; ; n nkeep a promise keep a promise 遵守诺言遵守诺言; ; n nkeep goal keep goal 守球门守球门; ; n nkeep hold ofkeep hold of握住握住; ;n n keep a shop keep a shop 经营商店。经营商店。20.keepn nn.保持, 保养, 生计, 监狱, 史要塞n nvt.保持, 保存, 遵守, 经营, 看守, 拘留, 维持, 记(日记,帐等)n nvi.保持, 继续不断n nkeep chickens.n nKeep the shop while

67、 Im away.n nkeep the patient calm.n nHe was kept after schooln ntried to keep the ice from melting.n nkeep a secret.n nkeep extra money for emergencies.n nkeep ones word;n nkeep in line; keep quiet; keep well.n n排好队;保持安静;保鲜21.known nI know she wont fail.n nHe knows how to cook.n n knows right from w

68、rong.n n knew him for a liarn nBe known as/for/ton nShe has known both grief and happiness.n n悲伤、喜悦她都经历过。n nknow without a doubtn n确定明白, 恍然大悟n nknow aboutn n知道., 了解., 听说过.n nknow ofn n知道有n nknow something of everything and everything of somethingn n通百艺而专一长n nknow better thann n懂道理, 有头脑, 不会上当n nYou o

69、ught to know better than to go swimming on such a cold day.22.leaven nn.许可, 同意, 请假, 休假n nvt.离开, 动身, 剩下, 遗忘, 委托, 遗弃n nvi.出发, 离开, 生叶, 动身n nHe left a note for you.n nShe left her money to charity.n nHe left the lights on all the night.n nHe had six weeks leave.n n他有六个星期的休假。n nWe took leave of her with

70、a heavy heart.n n我们心情沉重地和她道别n n_ and he will produce. n n别打扰他,他会写出来的。n n_ , he was quite productive. n n别打搅他,他相当有创作才能。 n nThey were _ in the wilderness. n n他们被抛在旷野之中。 Leave him aloneLeft aloneleft alonen nleave outn nleave out the funniest part of the story.n nleave offn nHasnt the rain leave off ye

71、t?Test 3n n1.我们必须了解事情的全部经过,不要隐瞒任何事实。n n2.你愿意和我们一起去喝咖啡吗?n n3.你知道她是否会来吗?n n4.别让孩子走近热炉子n n5.去上学时,我把书落在家里了。n n6.他已获准两周假去探望母亲。n n7.我想考虑考虑再决定。n n8.那个游泳的人再也不能屏住呼吸了n n“ “我们必须了解事情的全部经过我们必须了解事情的全部经过, ,不要隐不要隐瞒任何事实。瞒任何事实。n nWe must have the whole story; dont hold We must have the whole story; dont hold anything

72、 back.anything back.n n你愿意和我们一起去喝咖啡吗?你愿意和我们一起去喝咖啡吗?n nWill you join us for coffee?Will you join us for coffee?n n你知道她是否会来吗你知道她是否会来吗? ?n nDo you know if / whether shes coming?Do you know if / whether shes coming?n n别让孩子走近热炉子别让孩子走近热炉子n nKeep the child away from the hot stove.n n去上学时,我把书落在家里了。去上学时,我把书落

73、在家里了。n nWhen I went to school I left my books When I went to school I left my books at home.at home.n n他已获准两周假去探望母亲。他已获准两周假去探望母亲。n nHe has been given a fortnights leave to He has been given a fortnights leave to visit his mother.visit his mother.n n我想考虑考虑再决定。我想考虑考虑再决定。n nId like to think it over bef

74、ore deciding.Id like to think it over before deciding.n n那个游泳的人再也不能屏住呼吸了那个游泳的人再也不能屏住呼吸了n nThe swimmer couldnt hold her breath The swimmer couldnt hold her breath any longer.any longer.23.liken nvt.喜欢, 希望, 愿意n nvi.喜欢, 希望n nn.爱好, 同样的人(或物)n nprep.象, 如同n nadj.相似的, 同样的n non this and like occasions.on thi

75、s and like occasions.n n这种和类似情况下这种和类似情况下n nadv.可能n nLike as not shell change her mind.Like as not shell change her mind.n nI would like some coffee.n nHow do you like her plan?n nIf you like, we can meet you there.n nThey made a list of his likes and dislikes.n nShe saved things like old newspapers

76、and pieces of string.n n她收集如旧报纸和绳子之类的东西n nDo you make bread like you make cakes?n nfeel liken nHe felt like running away.n n他想要逃跑n nlook liken nIt looks like a bad year for farmers.n n看起来象农民的欠收年n nIt looks like well finish on time.n n看起来我们似乎能够按时完成n nLike attracts like.Like attracts like.n n物以类聚物以类聚.

77、 .n nLike cures like.Like cures like.n n以毒攻毒以毒攻毒. .n nlike for likelike for liken n以牙还牙以牙还牙n nLike knows like.Like knows like.n n英雄识英雄英雄识英雄. .n nLike father, like son.Like father, like son.n n有其父必有其子有其父必有其子. .n nlike a drowned rat/mouselike a drowned rat/mousen nlike a duck to waterlike a duck to wa

78、ter24.liven nvi.活着, 生活, 居住, 流在人们记忆中n nvt.过着, 度过, 经历n nadj. 活的, 生动的, 精力充沛的, 实况转播的, 点燃的n nadv.以实况地n nlived a nightmare.n n经历一场梦魇n nlive ones beliefs. n n实行某人的信仰n nlive through a bad accident.n nlive on rice and fish;n nlive withn nI disliked the situation but had to live with it.n nTo put up with; 忍受;

79、顺应:living, alive, liven n这些形容词表示拥有或显示生命。n nLiving, alive 和live 要指未死并继续生存的生物体: n nliving plants and animals; n n活的植物和动物;n nthe happiest woman alive; n n活着的最快乐的女人;n na live canary. n n一只活金丝雀。n nLiving adj.活着的,有生命的,逼真的n nThe living are more important to us than the dead.n nShe has no living relatives.n

80、 nShe is the living image of her young mother.n n她活像她母亲年青时的样子。n nn.生计;生活;生活方式n nto make a living as a drivern nhigh standards of living25.lookn nn.看, 注视, 脸色, 面容, 外表n nvi.看, 注意, 朝着, 好象, 显得n nvt.打量, 注视, 用眼神(或脸色)表示, 期待n nlooked him in the eye.n n看着他的眼睛n nHe looks his age. n n他看起来与他的年龄相符。n nI took just

81、one look and I was sure.n ngave her a mournful look.n nGood looks are not as important as kindness.n n好的容貌没有好的心肠重要。n nDoesnt the clown look funny!n nlooking out the window;n n looked at the floor.n nlook aftern nlook forn nLook for a change of weather in March.n nlook on 或look uponn nlook down on或lo

82、ok down uponn nlook ton nHe looked to hear from her.n nLook to it that you make no more similar mistakes.n n注意今后你不要再犯类似的错误了。n nlooking forward to graduation.n nThings are at last looking up.n nlook up ton nlooked up to the older poet.n n仰慕那位年老些的诗人n nlook “朝看”;看的行为所产生的印象,用于人时指“神态”或“样子”,用于物时指“面貌”n nsi

83、ght 表示“视觉所接受的景象”.常用于 catch sight of 和 at the sight of 等短语中。sight 在用于表示风景时,一般有修饰语来说明“特征”,从而使视觉所接受的印象更为明确,更为具体n nview 在表示动作概念时,含有注视的意思;在表示风景时,不象 sight 那样要求有修饰语。如果说 sight 有“视力”的含义,那么 view 有“见解”的含义n n旧城换新貌。旧城换新貌。n nThe old city has taken on a new look.The old city has taken on a new look.n nyou can enjo

84、y the extraordinary sight of you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plainsunbroken cloud plainsn nAn An aeroplaneaeroplane offers you an unusual and offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world.breathtaking view of the world.n nHe took a glance at it briefly, and then he

85、 He took a glance at it briefly, and then he told me to look again.told me to look again.n n他向它略略瞟了一眼,然后叫我再看看。他向它略略瞟了一眼,然后叫我再看看。n nThis is my glimpse of New York.This is my glimpse of New York.n n这就是我对纽约的一瞥所见。这就是我对纽约的一瞥所见。n nwe had our first glimpse of the snakewe had our first glimpse of the snakeg

86、aze, stare, glare这组动词的一般含义是“凝视”。n ngazegaze表示表示“ “目不转睛地看目不转睛地看” ”,并含有,并含有“ “惊叹惊叹” ”、“ “羡慕羡慕” ”或或“ “入迷入迷” ”的意思:的意思:n nShe gazed at it for some time, then added. You She gazed at it for some time, then added. You dont need bookcases at all.dont need bookcases at all.n n她对地毯凝视了一会儿,然后补充说:她对地毯凝视了一会儿,然后补充

87、说:“ “你根本你根本不需要书柜不需要书柜” ”。n nstarestare特别表示特别表示“ “睁大眼睛凝视睁大眼睛凝视” ”,并含有,并含有“ “惊奇惊奇” ”、“ “傲慢傲慢” ”或或“ “茫然茫然” ”的意思的意思n nThe man stared at the blank sheet of paper for a The man stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds.few seconds.n n那人对那张空白纸凝视了几秒钟。那人对那张空白纸凝视了几秒钟。n nglareglare表示表示“ “凶狠而且带有威胁性的瞪

88、眼睛凶狠而且带有威胁性的瞪眼睛” ”n nThe man stood outside their houses and glared The man stood outside their houses and glared at us.at us.n n那男人站在房子外面瞪着我们。那男人站在房子外面瞪着我们。26.maken nvtvt. .制造制造, , 安排安排, , 使成为使成为, , 认为认为, , 产生产生, , 获得获得, , 进行进行, , 构成构成n nvi.vi.开始开始, , 前进前进, , 增大增大, , 被制造被制造, , 被处理被处理n nn.n.制造制造, , 构

89、造构造, , 性情性情n nmake a dress/ the bed/ breakfast/a willmake a dress/ the bed/ breakfast/a willn nHe made the football team.He made the football team.n n他成了足球队队员。他成了足球队队员。n nTwelve inches make one foot.Twelve inches make one foot.n nmake him leave.make him leave.n nHave I made myself clear?Have I made

90、myself clear?n n我讲清楚了没有我讲清楚了没有? ?n nI only came to make sure that everything was all right.n nmakes no difference.n n没有什么区别n nmake forn nmade for homen nThis talk makes for better communication.n nThis joke made them laugh to tearsn nmake outmake outn nWe could not make out what she was We could not

91、 make out what she was saying.saying.n nmake upmake upn n整理;建立或捏造:构成;组成整理;建立或捏造:构成;组成:n n化妆:捏造,编造化妆:捏造,编造; ; 弥补弥补, , 补偿补偿, , 补考,补补考,补课课; ; 【印刷术印刷术】 排版,整版排版,整版n nmake up a room.make up a room.n nmade up an excuse.made up an excuse.n nmake up the lost time.make up the lost time.n nmade up the front pa

92、ge.made up the front page.n n和好和好; ; 献殷勤,巴结和献殷勤,巴结和toto 连用连用: n nmade up to his friends boss.made up to his friends boss.n n向他朋友的老板献殷勤向他朋友的老板献殷勤n nmake light ofmake light ofn nmake much ofmake much ofn nmake the most ofmake the most ofn nmake up (ones) mindmake up (ones) mindn nHe made to speak, but

93、 I stopped.He made to speak, but I stopped.n n他刚要说话,但是我阻止了他。他刚要说话,但是我阻止了他。n nmake as if tomake as if ton nHe made as if to speak.He made as if to speak.n n他装着要讲话。他装着要讲话。n nmake out of. make out of. 与与 make of .make of .的意思相同。的意思相同。make out of make out of 常用于口语常用于口语27.payn nn.n.薪水薪水, , 工资工资n nv. v.支付

94、支付, , 交纳交纳, , 给予给予, , 有利有利, , 值得值得, , 合合算算n nHe paid the bill.He paid the bill.n nShe paid the price for her unpopular She paid the price for her unpopular opinions.opinions.n nIt paid us to be generous.It paid us to be generous.n n慷慨对我们有好处慷慨对我们有好处n nIt doesnt pay to get angry.It doesnt pay to get a

95、ngry.n nYour thanks are pay enough.Your thanks are pay enough.n n你的谢意已足够了你的谢意已足够了n npay offpay offn nDid your plan pay off?Did your plan pay off?n n你的计划成功了吗?你的计划成功了吗?n nOur plan certainly paid off; it was a Our plan certainly paid off; it was a great idea.great idea.n n 我们的计划当然成功了我们的计划当然成功了, ,那是个很好那

96、是个很好的主意。的主意。 n npay outpay outn nI paid out a lot of money for that car.I paid out a lot of money for that car.n npay attentionpay attention28.putn nvt.放, 摆, 安置, 表达, 迫使, 移动, 提出, 赋予n nvi.出发, 航行, 发芽, 击n nn.掷, 投击, 笨蛋, 怪人n nadj.固定不动的n nput a question to the judge.n n向法官提出问题n nWe must put our minds to it

97、.n n我们必须使我们的思想适合它n nput awayput awayn nput all negative thoughts away.put all negative thoughts away.n n抛弃所有消极的思想抛弃所有消极的思想n nput away the dinner in just a few put away the dinner in just a few minutes.minutes.n n就在几分钟内吃光了晚餐就在几分钟内吃光了晚餐n nput by put by 储存储存备用:节约以供后来的备用:节约以供后来的使用:使用:n nMy grandmother p

98、uts by her fresh My grandmother puts by her fresh vegetables.vegetables.n nput downput downn nput asiden nput forwardn nput offn nput onn nput on weight.n nput outn nput out a fire.n nput upn nput up withn nWe had to put up with the inconvenience.n n put an end to the meeting29.runn nvi.跑, 奔, 逃跑, 竞选

99、, 跑步, 蔓延, 进行, 行驶n nvt.使跑, 参赛, 追究, 使流, 管理, 运行, 开动n nn.跑, 赛跑, 奔跑, 运转, 趋向n nadj.熔化的, 融化的, 浇铸的n nrun buttern nIt is a two minutes run from the subway.vi.n nThe engine is running.n nYour nose is running.n nThe sizes run from small to large.n n这条路伸向临近的一个镇n nThis road runs to the next town.n nDays ran into

100、 weeks.n n日子一天天过去,转瞬就是几个星期n nThe play ran for six months.n n这个剧连演了六个月Vt.n nHe ran the entire distance.n nWe run our hunting dogs every morning.n nrun a machine/ a shop/ an experiment.n nrun guns.n nrun an advertisement.n nrun a risk.n nI ran a pin into my thumb.n nRun the garbage over to the dump.n

101、nin the long runn n最后n nin the short runn n近期内;不久n non the runn n逃走;躲藏;匆匆忙忙n n普通类型的n nthe run ofn n自由参观或使用n nHe gave them the run of his garden.n n他准许他们随便参观他的花园。n nrun away withn nrun off withn nWe ran off with the state championship.n nrun out ofn nrun out onn nrun short ofn nrun inton nrun ton nSh

102、e is running to fatn nrun up against30.seen nv. v.看看, , 看见看见, , 了解了解, , 领会领会, , 注意注意, , 留心留心, , 经历经历, , 阅历阅历n nI see your point.I see your point.n nHe didnt see the joke.He didnt see the joke.n nMany saw her as a world leader.Many saw her as a world leader.n nI see great things for that child.I see

103、great things for that child.n nIm seeing Lily home.Im seeing Lily home.n nThey could still see their hometown They could still see their hometown as it once was.as it once was.n n他们依然记得他家乡从前的情形他们依然记得他家乡从前的情形n nHe has seen better days.He has seen better days.n n他从前有过得意的时候。他从前有过得意的时候。n nThe 19th centu

104、ry saw many changes.The 19th century saw many changes.n n许多变革发生于许多变革发生于1919世纪。世纪。n n“ “If I have seen further , it is by standing If I have seen further , it is by standing upon the shoulders of Giants” (Isaac upon the shoulders of Giants” (Isaac Newton). Newton). n nSee (to it) that it gets done ri

105、ght away.See (to it) that it gets done right away.n nNo man can see to the end of time”No man can see to the end of time”n nSee to the chores, will you?See to the chores, will you?n n你会整理家务吗你会整理家务吗? ?n nsee aboutsee aboutn n注意;安排;处理注意;安排;处理n nHe promised to see about the matter.He promised to see ab

106、out the matter.n n他答应注意这件事。他答应注意这件事。n nWell see about that!Well see about that!n n咱们走着瞧!咱们走着瞧!n nsee offsee offn nsee outsee outn nsee oversee overn nsee throughsee throughn nPlease see whos knocking.n n去看看谁在敲门n nI looked but saw nothing.n n我注意了,但是什么也没看到。Test 4n nWe often go out to make social We of

107、ten go out to make social investigation.investigation.n n我们经常出去进行社会调查。我们经常出去进行社会调查。n nCan you lend me some money - I can pay Can you lend me some money - I can pay you back tomorrow.you back tomorrow.n n你能借给我点儿钱吗?我明天就可以还给你。你能借给我点儿钱吗?我明天就可以还给你。n nWe must now put our plans into practice.We must now pu

108、t our plans into practice.n n我们现在必须把我们的计划付诸实施。我们现在必须把我们的计划付诸实施。n nThough they are running out of food and Though they are running out of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon.that they will get out soon.n n 他们虽然已经水尽粮绝

109、他们虽然已经水尽粮绝, ,但情绪都很好但情绪都很好, ,并并且深信他们很快就会出来的。且深信他们很快就会出来的。 31.shown nn.表示, 展览, 炫耀, 外观, 假装n nv.出示, 指示, 引导, 说明, 显示, 展出, 放映n nmake a show of strength.n nHis smile was for show.n nThe new play is on the show on alternate days.n nGood show!n n好极了!做得漂亮!n nsteal the shown n抢镜头;出风头n nAnger showed in his face.

110、Anger showed in his face.n n他脸上露出怒容。他脸上露出怒容。n nMrMr Wilson is leaving now. Will you Wilson is leaving now. Will you show him to the door?show him to the door?n nHis new book shows him to be a His new book shows him to be a first-rate novelist.first-rate novelist.n nshow ones faceshow ones facen nsho

111、w offshow offn nshow upshow upshow, display, exhibitn nshowshow的使用范围很广,是个非正式用语,的使用范围很广,是个非正式用语,它所表示的它所表示的“ “展示展示” ”可以是有意的,也可可以是有意的,也可以是无意的,甚至是由于疏忽而露出的。以是无意的,甚至是由于疏忽而露出的。n ndisplay display 强调强调“ “摆出来给人家看,或者把要摆出来给人家看,或者把要给人家看的东西精心陈列出来。以期收到给人家看的东西精心陈列出来。以期收到好的展示效果。好的展示效果。n nChildrens clothes are displa

112、yed in the Childrens clothes are displayed in the shop window.shop window.n n童装陈列在橱窗里。童装陈列在橱窗里。n nThere was also a great deal of machinery There was also a great deal of machinery on display.on display.n n还展出了大批的机器。还展出了大批的机器。n nExhibit Exhibit 通常暗示吸引观看的公开展览通常暗示吸引观看的公开展览n nShe exhibited her paintings

113、 at our school.She exhibited her paintings at our school.32.setv.放, 置, 移动到, 使(人或事物处于某种状态), 提出, 树立, 规定, 调整n nn.一套, 一副, 一批, 接受机, 装置, 趋势, 布景n na chess set.n nthe set of all numbers greater than 5n nI dont like the set of this coat.n nadj.固定的, 规定的, 坚决的, 固执的, 事先做好的n nThey were at the starting line and al

114、l set to begin.vi & vtn nThe sun set at seven that evening.n nI set the table for dinner.n nA spark set the woods on fire.n n我点燃了纸。n nI set fire to the paper.n nPeople used to set their watches by the radio.n nset aboutset aboutn nTo begin or start:To begin or start:n n开始:开始或出发:开始:开始或出发:n nset about

115、 solving the problem.set about solving the problem.n n着手解决问题着手解决问题n nset asideset asiden n留出,拨出:分开或留出以备专用留出,拨出:分开或留出以备专用; ;抛弃,抛弃,放弃放弃; ;废除废除, ,否决:否决:n nThe court has set aside the conviction.The court has set aside the conviction.n n法庭宣告无罪法庭宣告无罪n nset at set at 打击或袭击打击或袭击n nThe dogs set at the fox.T

116、he dogs set at the fox.n n狗群冲向狐狸狗群冲向狐狸n nset backset backn n阻止:减慢进程;妨碍阻止:减慢进程;妨碍【非正式非正式】 花费:花费:n nThat coat set me back $1,000.That coat set me back $1,000.n n那件衣服花了我那件衣服花了我1,0001,000美元美元n nset downset downn nSet the baby down here.Set the baby down here.n n让小孩坐这儿让小孩坐这儿n nWe set down the facts.We se

117、t down the facts.n n我们记下事实我们记下事实n nJust set him down as a sneak.Just set him down as a sneak.n n当他是个阴险的人当他是个阴险的人n nLets set the error down to inexperience.Lets set the error down to inexperience.n n让我们把错误归于没有经验让我们把错误归于没有经验n nset offn nset off for Europe.n n开始欧洲之旅n n发生:引起;导致发生;引起爆炸;区分;强调n nset off a

118、chemical reaction. set off a bomb.n nfeatures setting him off from the crowd.n n使他与人群分开的特征n nset off a passage with italics.n nset outn nShe set out at dawn for town.n n她日出时出发去镇上n n着手:开始一个热切的计划;着手:n nHe set out to understand why the plan had failed.n n他开始明白为什么计划失败了n n生动形象地摆出;展览;种:n nset out seedling

119、s.n n种小树n nset upset upn n直立;抬起;上升;使掌权;声称是;组直立;抬起;上升;使掌权;声称是;组装,建立:装,建立:n nThey set the general up as a dictator.They set the general up as a dictator.n n他们赋与将军指挥者的权力他们赋与将军指挥者的权力n nHe has set himself up as an authority on He has set himself up as an authority on the English language.the English lang

120、uage.n n他自称是英语专家他自称是英语专家n nset up a new machine.set up a new machine.n n组装一台新机器组装一台新机器n nset up a charity.set up a charity.n n建立一家慈善机构建立一家慈善机构n nset foot inset foot inn nset foot onset foot onn nset (ones) heart onset (ones) heart onn nTo be determined to do something.To be determined to do somethin

121、g.n nset (ones) sights onset (ones) sights onn n定目标:定目标:n nShe set her sights on medical school.She set her sights on medical school.n n她想上医学院她想上医学院n nset on fireset on firen n纵火:引起点火或燃烧纵火:引起点火或燃烧n nThe music set the audience on fire.The music set the audience on fire.n n音乐使听众兴奋音乐使听众兴奋n nset the pac

122、eset the pacen n领先领先;做榜样;做榜样:33.speakn nv. v.说话说话, , 谈话谈话, , 说明事实说明事实, , 表示意见表示意见, , 发言发言, , 演讲演讲, , 操操( (某种语言某种语言) )n nvtvt. .(及物)用说话的声音发音;说(某种(及物)用说话的声音发音;说(某种语言)语言)n nspoke words of wisdom.spoke words of wisdom.n n说出智慧之语说出智慧之语n nspeaks German.speaks German.n nspeak the truth.speak the truth.n n【航

123、海航海】 在海上与(另一船只)联络;表在海上与(另一船只)联络;表达:用非言语的方式进行表达:达:用非言语的方式进行表达:n nHis eyes spoke volumes.His eyes spoke volumes.n n他的眼睛深富含义他的眼睛深富含义n nThe biography speaks of great loneliness.n n传记表达了一种极度的孤寂n nTheres nothing new to speak of.n n没什么值得一提的新鲜事n nspoke for the entire staff.n n代表全体同仁发言n nspoke with her eyes.

124、n n用她的眼睛来说话n nHis poetry speaks to ones heart.n n他的诗歌动人心弦n nSpeak of angels, and you will hear their wings.n n说到谁,谁就到。“n nActions speak louder than words.n n行动胜于语言。n nHis attitude speaks for itself.n n他的态度本身就足以说明问题。n nspeak outspeak outn nTo talk freely and fearlessly, as about a To talk freely and

125、fearlessly, as about a public issue.public issue.n n说出:勇敢和自由地说出,例如关于公众问题说出:勇敢和自由地说出,例如关于公众问题n nspeak upspeak upn nTo speak loud enough to be audible.To speak loud enough to be audible.n n清楚响亮地说:用足以被听见的声音说清楚响亮地说:用足以被听见的声音说n nTo speak without fear or hesitation.To speak without fear or hesitation.n n勇

126、敢地说:大胆地说出或毫不犹豫地说勇敢地说:大胆地说出或毫不犹豫地说n nso to speakso to speakn nOne cant see the forest for the trees, so to One cant see the forest for the trees, so to speak.speak.n n恕我直言,不能一叶障目不见森林恕我直言,不能一叶障目不见森林n nspeak down tospeak down ton nShe never spoke down to her audience.She never spoke down to her audienc

127、e.n n她从来不居高临下地对听众说话她从来不居高临下地对听众说话34.stopn nn.停止, 车站, 逗留, 障碍, 风琴的音栓, 填塞n nWe waited at the bus stop.n nThis sentence ends with a full stop.n nvi.停止, 被塞住n nvt.塞住, 堵塞, 阻止, 击落, 断绝, 终止, 难倒n nThey stop arguing; n nThey stopped us arguing.n nHe stopped me and asked directions.n n叫住我问路n nI stopped at a frie

128、nds for a few nights.n n我在一个朋友家停留了几晚。n nstop offn n作短暂逗留;中途停留片刻,中途停留35.taken nv.拿, 拿走, 取, 抓, 占领, 获得, 接受, 感受n nn.捕获量;交易金额;赃款n n电影镜头;电视镜头n nSix takes before the director was satisfied.n n拍了六个镜头导演才满意。n nThe mother took her child by the hand.The mother took her child by the hand.n n母亲拉着孩子的手。母亲拉着孩子的手。n n

129、The foods here are all free - take any you The foods here are all free - take any you like.like.n n这里的食品都是免费的这里的食品都是免费的, ,你们随便吃吧。你们随便吃吧。n nWho has taken my chocolate?Who has taken my chocolate?n n谁拿了我的巧克力?谁拿了我的巧克力?n nThe suitcase wouldnt take another thing.The suitcase wouldnt take another thing.n n

130、这个衣箱再装不下别的东西了。这个衣箱再装不下别的东西了。n nShall we go by bus or take a cab?Shall we go by bus or take a cab?n n我们是乘公共汽车去还是乘出租汽车去我们是乘公共汽车去还是乘出租汽车去? ?n n take (the) first placetake (the) first placen n获第一名获第一名n nIf you dont take / get more exercise youll get If you dont take / get more exercise youll get fat.fat

131、.n n你如果不多锻炼就会发胖。你如果不多锻炼就会发胖。n nHow do you take this passage?How do you take this passage?n n这段话你怎么理解?这段话你怎么理解?n nreally taken by the little dogreally taken by the little dogn n对小狗着了迷对小狗着了迷n nJust a minute, it wont take me long to change.Just a minute, it wont take me long to change.n n等一下等一下, ,我很快就可

132、以换好衣服。我很快就可以换好衣服。n nHe took my name and address.He took my name and address.n n他记下了我的名字和地址。他记下了我的名字和地址。n nI wont take less than $5000 for my car.I wont take less than $5000 for my car.n n我的汽车低于我的汽车低于50005000美元不卖。美元不卖。n ntake aftertake aftern nShe takes after her mother.She takes after her mother.n n

133、她长得像她妈妈。她长得像她妈妈。n ntake backtake back撤销;同意收回;同意回来撤销;同意收回;同意回来n ntake fortake for当作;误认为当作;误认为n nWe must not take it for granted that the board of We must not take it for granted that the board of the directors will approve of the investment plan.the directors will approve of the investment plan.n n我们

134、决不可想当然地认为董事会一定会批准这个我们决不可想当然地认为董事会一定会批准这个投资计划的。投资计划的。n ntake intake in收留,收容(某人)收留,收容(某人); ;包括;囊括;包含包括;囊括;包含n nYou can also take in some of the notable You can also take in some of the notable architectural monuments.architectural monuments.n n你也可以将一些著名的纪念性建筑包括在参观的你也可以将一些著名的纪念性建筑包括在参观的项目中。项目中。n n改短(衣服

135、);缩减尺寸改短(衣服);缩减尺寸n n了解;领悟了解;领悟n n欺骗;蒙骗欺骗;蒙骗n ntake off take off 脱掉脱掉; ; (飞机)起飞(飞机)起飞; ;模仿(别人的神态)模仿(别人的神态)n nTake off your clothes; theyre very wet.Take off your clothes; theyre very wet.n n脱掉你的衣服,衣服湿透了。脱掉你的衣服,衣服湿透了。n nI take my hat off to him for the way he arranged I take my hat off to him for the

136、way he arranged the party.the party.n n我对他安排社交聚会的方式表示佩服。我对他安排社交聚会的方式表示佩服。n nThe plane took off at three oclock.The plane took off at three oclock.n ntake ontake onn n雇用;开始显现雇用;开始显现; ;与人较量与人较量; ;承担(工作、责任等承担(工作、责任等) )n nWhy dont you take on Why dont you take on sbsb. your own size?. your own size?n n你

137、怎么不跟和你一样高的人较量?你怎么不跟和你一样高的人较量?n ntake outtake outn n拔掉;去掉拔掉;去掉; ;带带/ /跟(某人)跟(某人); ;申请取得;获得申请取得;获得n nHave you taken out insurance?Have you taken out insurance?n n你参加保险了吗?你参加保险了吗?n ntake over take over 接任;接管;接收接任;接管;接收n ntake totake to喜欢喜欢; ;沉溺于;养成沉溺于;养成习惯习惯n nto take to drinkingto take to drinkingn n沉

138、溺于饮酒沉溺于饮酒n n去;到去;到The criminal took to the woods.The criminal took to the woods.n ntake uptake upn n开始从事;专注于开始从事;专注于n nHe took up art while at school.He took up art while at school.n n他在学校时开始对艺术感到兴趣。他在学校时开始对艺术感到兴趣。n n继续;接下去继续;接下去n nto take up ones storyto take up ones storyn n接着讲故事接着讲故事Test 5n nThe

139、teacher set us a test.n n老师安排了我们一个测验。36.telln nvt.告诉, 说, 吩咐, 断定, 知道n nvi.讲述, 泄密, 告发, 表明, 作证n nn.讲的事, 传闻n ntell the truth; n ntell a secret; tell fortunes.n n泄露秘密;占卜n ncould easily tell that she was a newcomer.n n能容易地辨别出她是一名新手37.thinkn nv.想, 思索, 认为, 以为, 预料n nHave you thought about what job you are go

140、ing to do?n n你考虑过准备做什么工作了吗?n nI dont think his decision is wise in reality.n n实际上,我觉得他的决定并不明智。n nDo you think it advisable to wait a little longer?n n再等一会儿你看好不好?n nWhat do you think of my singing?What do you think of my singing?n n你觉得我的歌唱得怎么样?你觉得我的歌唱得怎么样?n nI cant think of his name at the moment.I c

141、ant think of his name at the moment.n n我一时想不起他的名字。我一时想不起他的名字。n nthink aloudthink aloudn n自言自语自言自语n nthink twicethink twicen n再三考虑,三思再三考虑,三思n nthink outthink outn n想出;想通;想透;仔细考虑想出;想通;想透;仔细考虑 n n(= think over)(= think over)n nnot think much ofnot think much ofn n看轻看轻n nthink better of think better of

142、sbsb. .n n对某人印象好;看重某人对某人印象好;看重某人n nthink better of think better of sthsth. .n n改变改变念头;打消主意念头;打消主意n nthink highly ofthink highly ofn n看重;器重看重;器重n nthink well ofthink well ofn n重视重视n nthink little ofthink little ofn n看轻;看不起看轻;看不起n nthink poorly ofthink poorly ofn n不放在眼里;轻视不放在眼里;轻视n nthink nothing ofth

143、ink nothing ofn n轻视;认为无所谓;认为没什么了不起轻视;认为无所谓;认为没什么了不起38.tryn nn.n.尝试尝试triestriesn nIf you cant open the box, can I have a try?If you cant open the box, can I have a try?n nv. v.试试, , 试图试图, , 努力努力, , 试验试验, , 磨难磨难, , 考验考验, , 审问审问n n(常与(常与toto连用)试;试图;试验连用)试;试图;试验n nHe tried to climb the tree, but he coul

144、d not.He tried to climb the tree, but he could not.n nHave you tried this chocolate?Have you tried this chocolate?n n你尝过这巧克力了吗?你尝过这巧克力了吗?n nThey learned to try new methods, and to trust They learned to try new methods, and to trust their own ideas instead of their own ideas instead of follwingfollwi

145、ng older ways. older ways.n n他们学习新的方法他们学习新的方法, ,相信自己的思想相信自己的思想, ,而不是循而不是循用老的方法。用老的方法。n nTry the door.Try the door.n n开开门试试看。开开门试试看。n ntry ontry onn n试穿(衣服)试穿(衣服) :穿上(衣服)以检验其:穿上(衣服)以检验其是否合身是否合身; ;测试或试用测试或试用n ntry outtry outn n参加选拔:为了工作或运动员资格而参参加选拔:为了工作或运动员资格而参加竞争性资格测试加竞争性资格测试; ;测试或试用测试或试用n ntry (ones

146、) handtry (ones) handn nTo attempt to do something for the first To attempt to do something for the first time:time:n n第一次试着做某事:第一次试着做某事:n nI tried my hand at skiing.I tried my hand at skiing.n n我试着第一次滑冰我试着第一次滑冰39.turnn nn.转动, 旋转, 转变方向, 轮流, 时机, (一)回, 倾向, 癖性n nat the turn of the centuryn n世纪之交n n转变;转

147、机n nThe sick person has taken a turn for the better.n n病人的情形好转。n nYou have missed your turn.n n你错过了机会。n nat every turnat every turnn n处处;时时处处;时时 n nby turnsby turnsn nOne after another; alternately:One after another; alternately:n n轮流地,交替地:轮流地,交替地:n nin turnin turnn nIn the proper order or sequence.

148、In the proper order or sequence.n n依次地,轮流地依次地,轮流地n nout of turnout of turnn n未按照正当的次序或顺序地未按照正当的次序或顺序地; ;不合时宜地,不合时宜地,轻率地:轻率地:n nto a turn to a turn 正好;恰好:正好;恰好:n nThe roast was done to a turn.The roast was done to a turn.n n面包烤得恰到好处面包烤得恰到好处n nv.(使)转动, 翻转, 扭转, (使)变质, 超过(年龄,数量等), 车(成)n nTurn the desk e

149、nd for end.n n把办公桌转个向。n nTurn the lid clockwise if you want to fasten it tightly.n n如果你想把盖子旋紧,就按顺时针方向拧。n nNobody can turn back the wheel of history.n n任何人都无法使历史车轮倒转。n nturn a blind eyeturn a blind eyen n熟视无睹:拒绝正视,装作没看见:熟视无睹:拒绝正视,装作没看见:n nturned a blind eye to government corruption.turned a blind eye

150、 to government corruption.n n对于政府的腐败熟视无睹对于政府的腐败熟视无睹n nturn a deaf earturn a deaf earn n置若罔闻,装作没听见:置若罔闻,装作没听见:n nturned a deaf ear to the protests.turned a deaf ear to the protests.n n对抗议置若罔闻对抗议置若罔闻n nturn (ones) handturn (ones) handn n着手:从事,如一项工作:着手:从事,如一项工作:n nturned her hand to writing the dissert

151、ationturned her hand to writing the dissertationn n开始着手写学术论文;开始着手写学术论文;n nturn (ones) headturn (ones) headn n使变得糊涂使变得糊涂; ;使变得自负:使变得自负:n nSuccess has turned his head.Success has turned his head.n n成功使他变得自高自大成功使他变得自高自大n nturn over a new leafturn over a new leafn n改过一新:向好的方面转变,如自己的态改过一新:向好的方面转变,如自己的态度成

152、举止度成举止n nturn tailturn tailn n逃跑,逃走逃跑,逃走n nturn the cornerturn the corner或或turn a cornerturn a cornern n到达并超越了终点或里程碑到达并超越了终点或里程碑n nturn the tablesturn the tablesn n转败为胜:扭转了局势而处于上风转败为胜:扭转了局势而处于上风n nturn up (ones) noseturn up (ones) nosen n轻视,看不起:不把轻视,看不起:不把放在眼里,蔑视:放在眼里,蔑视:n nturned up her nose at the

153、 food.turned up her nose at the food.n n她对食物嗤之以鼻她对食物嗤之以鼻n nturn downturn downn n减弱,降低,压低(力量、声音等)减弱,降低,压低(力量、声音等)n nPlease turn the television down a bit.Please turn the television down a bit.n n请把电视机音量关小点。请把电视机音量关小点。n nturn inturn inn n睡觉睡觉; ;把把交给警方交给警方; ;归还归还n nturn onturn onn n打开(煤气、自来水、电灯等)打开(煤气、

154、自来水、电灯等); ;袭击;攻击袭击;攻击 (= turn upon)(= turn upon)n nturn outturn outn n关闭(煤气、自来水、电灯等)关闭(煤气、自来水、电灯等); ;出席;到场出席;到场; ;生产;出产生产;出产n nWe are to turn out 100,000 586 computers next year to meet We are to turn out 100,000 586 computers next year to meet the market requirements.the market requirements.n n常与常与

155、to, thatto, that连用)结果连用)结果n nThings turned out to be exactly as the professor had foreseen.Things turned out to be exactly as the professor had foreseen.n n事情正如教授所预见的那样。事情正如教授所预见的那样。n nThe plan turned out a failure.The plan turned out a failure.这项计划结果归于失败。这项计划结果归于失败。n nturn overturn overn n考虑;思索考虑;思

156、索; ;转交转交; ;营业额达到;营业额达到;n nturn toturn ton n向向求助;开始工作求助;开始工作n nturn upturn upn n找到;发现;被找到;(将底边折起)把(衣服)改短;出现;找到;发现;被找到;(将底边折起)把(衣服)改短;出现;来临;露面;把声音开大;把力量加大;发生(意想不到的事)来临;露面;把声音开大;把力量加大;发生(意想不到的事)40.usen nvtvt. .使用使用, , 利用利用, , 耗费耗费n nn.n.使用使用, , 利用利用, , 用途用途, , 效用效用, , 使用价值使用价值n nTheres no need for anyo

157、ne to tell you Theres no need for anyone to tell you what to do next - youre old enough to what to do next - youre old enough to use your own discretion.use your own discretion.n n没有必要让什么人告诉你下一步该做什没有必要让什么人告诉你下一步该做什么么 - - 你大了你大了, ,该自己作出判断。该自己作出判断。n nHow do you use a telephone?How do you use a telepho

158、ne?n n你怎样使用电话?你怎样使用电话?n n对待对待 to use to use sbsb. ill. illn n待人不好待人不好n nAll the paper has been used.All the paper has been used.n n纸都用完了。纸都用完了。n nmake use ofn n利用,使用n nof usen n有用n nout of usen n不再使用了n nuse upn n用完,用光41.visitn nn.n.拜访拜访, , 访问访问, , 游览游览, , 参观参观, (, (作客作客) )逗留逗留, , 视察视察, , 调查调查n nvtvt

159、. .拜访拜访, , 访问访问, , 参观参观, , 视察视察, , 降临降临 vi.vi.访问访问, , 参观参观, , 闲谈闲谈n nvisit friends ; visit a museumvisit friends ; visit a museumn nHe was visited by a bizarre thought.He was visited by a bizarre thought.n n突然出现一个奇异的念头突然出现一个奇异的念头n nA plague visited the village.A plague visited the village.n n瘟疫降临到了这

160、个村庄瘟疫降临到了这个村庄n nThe sins of the ancestors were visited The sins of the ancestors were visited on their descendants.on their descendants.n n祖先的罪恶报应到他们后代的身上祖先的罪恶报应到他们后代的身上n n【非正式用语】 谈论或聊天:n nStay and visit with me for a while.n n留下来和我聊一会儿n npay a visitn n访问(某人); 参观(某地)n nShe paid us a visit.n n她拜访了我们。

161、n nvisit onn n迁怒于某人42.wantn nvt.想要, 希望, 需要, 短缺, 缺少n nn.需要, 短缺n nThey want to leave.n n他们渴望离开n nYour hair wants cutting .n n你的头发需要剪一下.n nYou are wanted by your office.n n你办公室的人在找你n nv.i.(不及物动词)n nwants for nothing.n n什么也不需要n nCall me daily if you want.n n如果你愿意,就每天给我打电话吧n nn. n nlives in want.n n生活于贫困

162、之中n na person of few wants and needs.n n清心寡欲的人43.watchn nn.注视, 注意, 手表, 看守, 守护, 监视, 值班人n nvt.看, 注视, 照顾, 监视, 警戒, 守护, 看守n nvi.观看, 注视, 守侯n nadj.手表的, 挂表的n nkeep a close watch onn n密切注意n non the watch forn n警戒;注意n nwatching for trail markers.n n注意路标n nwatch a parade/ a play.n n看游行n nwatched the prisoner a

163、ll day.n n整日看守犯人n nHe watched to see what I would do.n n他等着看我要做什么。n nwatch outwatch outn n戒备:提防或戒备;注意戒备:提防或戒备;注意n nwatch overwatch overn n监督监督n nwatch it watch it to be careful:to be careful:n n注意留神:注意留神:n nI had to watch it when I stepped onto I had to watch it when I stepped onto the ice.the ice.n

164、 n当我走上冰面就不得不留神了当我走上冰面就不得不留神了n nwatch (ones) stepwatch (ones) stepn n谨慎行事:小心谨慎地行动或前进谨慎行事:小心谨慎地行动或前进; ;按按要求或合适地表现要求或合适地表现44.wishn nn.愿望, 心愿, 请求, 所愿望的事物, 祝愿n nv.希望, 想要, 但愿, 祝贺n n但愿;要是多好n nI wish we had a car.n n要是我们有一辆车多好啊。n nI wish you a very happy future.n n祝你一生幸福。n nI wish I were 30 years younger.n n我但愿自己能年轻三十岁。n nYou have everything you could wish for.n n你想要的已经全有了。n nWhen do you wish to leave?n n你希望什么时候离开?n n(常与on, upon连用)把强加于n nThey wished a hard job on her.n n他们给她很艰难的任务45.work



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