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1、一、一、 Unit 4重点短语重点短语1.get to2.ride ones bike3.the bus=by bus4.walk to school5.how far6.have a quick breakfast7.at around six thirty8.bus stop/station9.the early bus到达到达骑车骑车乘公共汽车乘公共汽车步行去上学步行去上学多远多远迅速地吃早饭迅速地吃早饭大约在大约在6:30公共汽车站公共汽车站早班车早班车10.take sb./sth.to sw11.the bus ride12.train/subway station13.think

2、 of14.around the world15.North America16.school bus17.depend on18.by boat19.a lot more fun20.not all students把把带到带到乘汽车旅行乘汽车旅行火车站火车站思考;考虑思考;考虑全世界全世界北美洲北美洲校车校车视视而定,而定,乘小船乘小船有趣的多有趣的多并非所有的学生并非所有的学生21.other parts of the world22.be different from.23.three most popular ways24.means of transportation25.a nu

3、mber of26.the number of27.be ill in the hospital28.dont worry (about)29.have a problem30. Thank you so much.=Thank youVery much.= Thanks a lot. 世界上的其它地方世界上的其它地方3种最流行方式种最流行方式交通方式交通方式大量的,许多的大量的,许多的的数量的数量生病住院生病住院别为别为而担心而担心有问题有问题/麻烦麻烦与与不同不同二、必背句型二、必背句型1. 你怎样去上学?我骑自行车。你怎样去上学?我骑自行车。How do you get to schoo

4、l? I ride my bike.2. 我通常步行去上学,但有时坐公共汽车。我通常步行去上学,但有时坐公共汽车。I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus.3. 要花多长时间?步行大约要要花多长时间?步行大约要25分钟,乘公分钟,乘公共汽车大约要共汽车大约要10分钟。分钟。How long does it take? It take about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.4. 林飞的家离学校大约林飞的家离学校大约10公里。公里。Lin Feis home is about 10 kilomet

5、ers from school.5. 然后他在大约然后他在大约6点点30分动身去学校。分动身去学校。Then he leaves for school at around 6:00.6. 然后早班车带他去学校。然后早班车带他去学校。Then the early bus takes him to school.7. 乘公共汽车通常大约需要乘公共汽车通常大约需要25分钟。分钟。The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.8. 从你家到学校有多远?三英里。从你家到学校有多远?三英里。How far is it from your home to schoo

6、l.9. 你从家到学校要花多长时间?要花你从家到学校要花多长时间?要花25分钟。分钟。How long does it take you to get from home to school.10. 在北美,大多数学生乘校车去学校。在北美,大多数学生乘校车去学校。In North America, most students go to school on the school bus.11.在日本,大部分学生乘火车去上学,但也在日本,大部分学生乘火车去上学,但也有一些人步行或骑自行车。有一些人步行或骑自行车。In Japan, most students take trains to sch

7、ool, although others also walk or ride bikes.12.在中国,它取决于你住在哪儿在中国,它取决于你住在哪儿.In China, it depends on where you are.13. 在有河或湖的地方学生通常坐船去上学。在有河或湖的地方学生通常坐船去上学。In place where there are rivers and lakes, students usually go to school by boat.14. 那一定比坐公共汽车有趣的多那一定比坐公共汽车有趣的多!That must be a lot more fun than ta

8、king a bus!15在北美洲,并非所有的学生都乘公共汽在北美洲,并非所有的学生都乘公共汽车去上学。车去上学。In North America, not all the students take the bus to school.16. 世界上其他地方与美国不同。世界上其他地方与美国不同。Other parts of the world are different from the United States.17. 在中国,自行车和公共汽车是最流行的在中国,自行车和公共汽车是最流行的交通方式。交通方式。In China, bikes and buses are the most po

9、pular means of transportation.18. 少数学生乘坐地铁去上学。少数学生乘坐地铁去上学。A small number of students take the subway to school.19. 你住的地方离学校有多远?我住的你住的地方离学校有多远?我住的地方离学校有地方离学校有10英里。英里。How far do you live from school?I live 10 miles from school.20你认为镇上的交通情况如何?你认为镇上的交通情况如何?What do think of the transportation in your tow

10、n?21. 我需要去看望我的朋友。我需要去看望我的朋友。I need to see my friend.三、单项选择三、单项选择1.When did you home last night?A. get B. get to C.got D.got toA.get B.to get C. get to D.to get toA. play B. playing C. plays D.to play2.It took him 30 minutes his officethis morning.3.Lets basketball.4.How do you get to school? . A.5 m

11、inutes B. about 5 minutesC.By bike D. about 3 kilometers.四、根据汉语提示完成句子。四、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.They are (动身动身)London next Sunday.2.Dont (依靠依靠) your book all the time. 3. (并非每个学生并非每个学生) in our class likes basketball.Not all the students4.He runs ( 快一点快一点) than me.a little faster五、同义句改写五、同义句改写1.He took a plane

12、to Beijing last Friday.leaving fordepend on2.What do you think of the story book?- do you the story book?Howlike五、改错。五、改错。1. A small number of Chinese people eats sandwich as breakfast.eats-eat3.It takes me about 15 minutes to get to school every morning.(对划线提问)对划线提问) it you to get to school every m

13、orning?How long does take3. How often is it from your school to The library? -About 10 kilometres.How oftenHow far2.I want to see my friend Jack. He is ill in the hospital.in the hospital-in hospital经典诵读经典诵读你的家人和你是怎样上班上学的?运用你的家人和你是怎样上班上学的?运用所学的知识,谈论一下你和你的家人常所学的知识,谈论一下你和你的家人常用的交通方式。词数用的交通方式。词数80左右。左右

14、。There are four people in my family.They are my parents,my sister and i.My father is a businessman, he usually drives his car to work. My mother is a doctor in the Peoples Hospital. Our home is only 2 kilometres from the hospital. Everyday she rides her bike to and from work. But when it rains, she

15、goes to work by bus. My sister and I are both students. We study in the same school. We go to school on our school bus.【综合能力检测综合能力检测】一一. 根据题意和所给的字母提示,根据题意和所给的字母提示,填入正确的单词。填入正确的单词。1. Granny isnt in good health. My family w_ _ _ _ about her very much.2. A: What time is it?B: It h_ _ _ past seven. The

16、meeting begins at eight oclock.A: Oh, then we have thirty minutes to relax before the meeting.orryalf3. Beijing is in the n_ _ _ _ of China.4. He has a qu_ _ _ mind. He is always the first to find the answers.5. Mary has to look after her mother at home. Because her mother is i_ _ in bed. 二二. 连词成句连词

17、成句 1. how, your, does , father , to, go, work?_?orthickllHow does your father go to work2. how, they, do, to, school, get, every day? _?3. how long, it , does , take, you, get, to, home, from , to , school?_?4. the, early, takes, bus, him, his, to, work place _. How do they get to school every day?

18、How long does it take you to get to school from home? The early bus takes him to his work place. 5. in North America, to, go, school, most, students, on, school, the , bus_.五五. 完成句子完成句子 1. 昨晚我用了一小时写作业。昨晚我用了一小时写作业。It _ _ one hour _ _ my homework yesterday evening.2. 我可以信任你吗?我可以信任你吗?Can I _ _ you?In N

19、orth America most students go to school on the school bus. took me to dodepend on3. 这个航班要飞多久?这个航班要飞多久?_ _ does the flight take?4. 下雨时,我乘坐出租车。下雨时,我乘坐出租车。When it _, I take a taxi.5. 周末我喜欢骑自行车周末我喜欢骑自行车.I like _ _ my bike on the weekends.6. 我们匆匆吃了饭,然后跑着去赶火车。我们匆匆吃了饭,然后跑着去赶火车。We had a _ meal and then _ _

20、_ the train.How longrainsto ridequick ran to catch汉译英。汉译英。1. 你到这儿用了多长时间?你到这儿用了多长时间?_ did it take you to get here?2. 你姐姐怎样去那座城市的?你姐姐怎样去那座城市的?_ did your sister go to that city?3. 他家离上班地点有多远?他家离上班地点有多远?_ is it from his home to his workplace?How longHowHow far4. 你妈妈今天感觉怎么样?你妈妈今天感觉怎么样?_ is your mother to

21、day?5. 你的学校多久举行一次运动会?你的学校多久举行一次运动会?_ does your school have a sports meeting? HowHow often 根据提示完成下面的句子。根据提示完成下面的句子。1. How _ Bob _(get) to school every day?2. It took him two days _ (finish) reading the book. 3. How do you usually go to work? I usually go to work _.(train)4. We are going to be late fo

22、r the movie. Please be _. (quick)doesget to finish by trainquick根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。每空一词。1.你什么时候离开这里去广州?你什么时候离开这里去广州? When are you going to _ here _ Guangzhou? 2. 这种电视机跟其他的电视机不同。这种电视机跟其他的电视机不同。 This kind of television _ _ _ others.3. 她妈妈生病住院了。她妈妈生病住院了。 Her mother is _ _ _ _. 4. 在这个城市的一些地方没有地铁。

23、在这个城市的一些地方没有地铁。 There are no subways in some _ _ the city. leavefor is different from ill in the hospital parts of 5. 你觉得北京奥林匹克公园怎么样?你觉得北京奥林匹克公园怎么样? _ do you _ _ the Beijing Olympic Park?6. 在我们班并不是所有的男孩都喜欢踢足球。在我们班并不是所有的男孩都喜欢踢足球。 _ _ the boys in our class like _ soccer.7. 这个城市公交车的数量为这个城市公交车的数量为500。 _ _ _ buses in this city _ five hundred.8. 保罗还没有回家保罗还没有回家,所以他妈妈很担心他。所以他妈妈很担心他。 Paul isnt back home now, _ his mother _ _ him very much.What think of Not all playing The number of is so worries about



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