高中英语 Module 3 Unit2 Grammar and usage课件 译林牛津版必修3

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《高中英语 Module 3 Unit2 Grammar and usage课件 译林牛津版必修3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Module 3 Unit2 Grammar and usage课件 译林牛津版必修3(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、NOUN CLAUSES INTRODUCED BY QUESTION WORDSGrammar and usageI.名词从句的种类名词从句的种类That the earth is round is a fact. Mrs. Black wont believe that her son has become a thief. My idea is that we should do it right now. I had no idea that you were her friend.主语从句主语从句宾语从句宾语从句表语从句表语从句同位语从句同位语从句II. Tell the funct

2、ion of the following sentences. a. subject b. object c. predicative d. appositive1.The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.2. The question is whether it is worth doing.3. Some people feel that Wales is an ancient fairy land.4.That he will come is certain. 5

3、.They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation.6.Why he did it wasnt quite clear.dcbbaa1. I want to know what your first impression of me is.2. What you said makes me more / less confident about this lesson.3. I have no idea how I can make a grammar lesson

4、 interesting. 4. My question is why you dont like / like open presentationobject clause 宾语从宾语从句句appositive clause 同位同位语从句语从句subject clause 主语从句主语从句predicative clause 表表语从句语从句Noun Clauses Introduced by Question WordsNoun Clauses Introduced by Question WordsSoutherners find it difficult to understand

5、what northerners are saying.Southerners find it difficult to understand what are northerners saying.The word order of the noun clause is that of a statement.(陈述句陈述句)What、which、who、whom、whose、 when、where、why、how What surprised us most was the way he talked to his parents.Who will attend the meeting i

6、s not decided yet.This is why I had a few days off.Noun Clauses Introduced by Question Words2. The word order of the noun clause is that of a statement .(陈述句陈述句)3. Question words act as certain sentence elements(成分成分) in the clauses.1. What、which、who、whom、whose、when、where、why、how 2. The word order o

7、f the noun clause is that of a statement .(陈述句陈述句)3. Question words act as certain sentence elements (成分成分) in the clauses.4. Question words cant be left out in noun clauses in any cases.1. What、which、who、whom、whose、when、where、why、how Noun Clauses Introduced by Question Words1. Where does a person c

8、ome from? This will affect their style of speech. = Where a person comes from will affect their style of speech. wh-questionsubject2.Why does English have such strange rules? You can begin to see it!=You can begin to see it why English has such strange rules!wh-questionobject3.Why is English a langu

9、e with so many confusing rules? This is the reason. =This is why English is a language with so many confusing rules.wh-questionpredicativeAttention:1.We change the word order in a clause after a question word into that of a statement. 2. We cannot leave out the question words in noun clauses in any

10、cases.Languages keep borrowing words from other languages. This is one of the reasons _ languages keep changing every day. _ we should do about borrowed words is something people disagree about. In England today, there is no one to decide _ new words should be included in the language. A standard wa

11、s first set for the English language when Henry was the King. That is _ we have the phrase the kings English. He set a standard for _ people were to speak English, but _ can make a decision like that today is a question. Borrowed Words-good or bad?whyWhatwhich why/ howhowwhoHowever, there is a depar

12、tment to make decisions like this in France. _ French will be used is decided by a government department. Today, the spread of borrowed words is due to television and radio programmes from across the world, and the Internet. Some people feel that this spread is good, and others feel it makes languag

13、es less special. _ group you agree with is for you to decide. Borrowed Words-good or bad?How Which Empty Subject It1. That languages borrow words from others as they are developing is interesting.2. Whether “borrowed words” are good or bad remains a question. It is interesting that languages borrow

14、words from others as they are developing.It remains a question whether “borrowed words” are good or bad.Assessment : 1. What do you think of todays English lesson?2. What have you learnt today? 3. What are you still uncertain about?4. How do you like your performance today?5. How is the teachers performance?Its clear thatWe feel its interesting or surprising or disappointing thatWhat we feel uncertain about is We have found the fact that We think today our performance is



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