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1、Unit 4 Making the newsDo you know the first Chinese who won the Nobel prize in literature?1newspaperinternet2radiomagazine3Pumpkin kicks-off in ShanghaiTV program4Means of media today5Using LanguageRead this passage carefully, then do some exercises._Getting the “Scoop”1How many people read Zhou Yan

2、gs article before it wasready to be processed into film negatives? Who were they? Five. They are a senior editor from his department, the copyeditor, the native speaker polishing the style, the chief editor, and the news desk editor.6 Match them correctly._1.journalist_2.senior editor_3.copyeditor_4

3、.native speaker_5.chief editor_6.news desk editorAcheck the evidence and read the articleBmake all the stories and photos setCinterview people and write the articleDpolish the style of the articleEedit the article and design the mainheadline and smaller headingFread the article and approve itC A E D

4、 F B 7_ You do some research to see if the story is true or not._ You give the article to another editor to check and thecopyeditor to edit the piece and design the main headline andsmaller heading._ You begin to write the story using the notes from the interview.6 1 3 _ The article is checked/appro

5、ved by the chief editor._ The first edition of the newspaper is printed._ You go to an interview to get the information for your_ The article is given to a native speaker to check theuse of English and polish the style._ All the stories and photos are set and the colournegatives for the printing are

6、 made ready.2 7 4 8 5 Put them into the right orders.8仔细阅读课文“Getting the Scoop”,选择正确答案。1Why did the editor want Zhou Yang to get the story readyquickly?_AThey wanted the story to be a scoop.B They were afraid of being caught up with by the othernewspapers.CThey wanted to be ahead of the other newspa

7、pers.DAll of the above.D 92When he writes a story, Zhou Yang should be _.Aconcise and accurateBpositive and activeCthrilled and attractiveDdelighted and willingA 103Which of the following statements is TRUE?_A After finishing the article, Zhou Yang gave it to thecopyeditor first.B The chief editor a

8、pproved Zhou Yangs article withoutasking him for evidence.CA front page article will attract many readers attention.DThe article is only written in Chinese.4 How many negatives do they need if they need to useseveral colors on the story?_A3B4C2D5C B11 复述课文,根据课文内容完成下面语篇Zhou Yang got a scoop about a f

9、amous (1)_star, whohe realized had been lying.But he knew he could not (2)_him directly, for he must be (3)_He could be very conciseand write with no wasted words or phrases because he had been(4)_ for months.Before printing the story, Zhou Yang hadto give it to several people to read so that they c

10、ould check the(5)_ , (6)_ the piece and (7)_the mainheadline and smaller heading, (8)_ the style as well as(9)_ the story.After that, the story would be processed withother stories and photos into film negatives and be (10)_film accuse accurate trained evidenceedit design polish approve printed 121

11、His first task was to write his story, but he had to do itcarefully.(教材 P30)他的第一个任务是写报道稿,但是他必须认真地写。to write 是动词不定式作表语,不定式还可以作主语、定语、状语等成分,并常含有“将要做”的意思。_ (submit) the article before the deadline, Johnworked overnight.他总是第一个到达学校、最后一个离开的人。_To submitHe is always the first one to arrive at school and the

12、last one to leave. 132Zhou Yang smiled with happiness.(教材 P30)周阳高兴地笑了。with 表示“有,带着”。with happiness 相当于副词 happily,作状语。Jill was white and trembling _.吉尔气得脸色煞白,浑身发抖。My dream is to own a big house _ a beautifulgarden.我的梦想是拥有一个大大的带着花园的房子。with anger with141Although he realized the man had been lying, Zhou

13、 Yang knewhe must not accuse him directly.(教材 P30) 尽管认为那个男人一直在撒谎,周阳知道他不能直接指责他。分析: 本句是一个主从复合句。其中主句的主语为_,谓语动词为_,主句中包含的宾语从句为 _ 。 从 句 是 由 although 引 导 的_从句,although 不与_连用。从句的主语为_ , 谓语动词为 _ , 从句中包含的宾语从句为_,该宾语从句用的是_时态。Zhou Yangknewhe must not accuse him directly 让步状语 but he realized the man had been lying

14、 过去完成进行 152Then as the article was going to be written in English Zhou Yangalso took a copy to the native speaker employed by the newspaperto polish the style.(教材 P30)因为文章要用英文写出来,周阳也拿了一份复印稿给报社所雇用的以英语为母语的人去给文章润一下色。分析:本句是一个主从复合句,其中由 as 引导的从句为_ 从句。主句主语为_ ,谓语动词为_,宾语为_。employed 为过去分词作_,to polish 为动词不定式作表示_的状语。原因状语 Zhou Yang took a copy 后置定语 目的 16



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