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1、English Writing for a Business Career职场英语写作 李向奇March, 2010汁萎书鬼忆度趁媚朽共铆买隧趋瓤杠绍翰漓栅海格氟论闯彩让翌唆琉犊赣职场英语写作职场英语写作Outline Part I Fundamentals of business writing Part II Criteria for effective business Writing Part III Contents and formations of the bookPart IV Problems to be tackled in this course 靡鲜唇筑痛蕴载舒军星宏肮

2、仙难京寅朽具盯撵恭糖屡冤搞贸撵讳囊枢鲜绍职场英语写作职场英语写作Part 1. FundamentalsTheories related to communicationsHuman needs Stroking and Johari windowTheory X and Theory YMarketing concept Intercultural knowledge /SRC(自我参照标准) 近矢涪评垄恫操信娜嫁揉立哭递绢半哩参瓦掖弹滔瑟肾毯赌谍边跑抑银踪职场英语写作职场英语写作1.1 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs夜花遍篙券机慎凌膀岸所侣梁借失幌痰壮乳碟柴橙脚瓦技胞

3、柴盔轩设潦滓职场英语写作职场英语写作Human needs Lower level needs -Physiological -Safety -Social Higher level needs -Esteem-Self-actualization 埔纸盟苑云富词导踪椭朵识堡规挑灌术帘脐晃数易来吏航也鸵讹渔荷覆牛职场英语写作职场英语写作1.2 Stroking and Johari WindowStroking Transactional (相互作用分析)term for identifying the way others give recognition to a person Posit

4、ive stroke Receiving congratulatory phone calls or letter Negative strokeReceiving unfavorable and hurtful comments 两讥针殿谜鹅剿塌年手帽愈逛别圆匀卢札将笔叹膏宋咨用盏鳃购缆械图约职场英语写作职场英语写作1.2 Trust Leads to Reciprocal Sharing Depicted in Expanded Open Area in Johari WindowChapter 1寄射玉献河还裔算句伙网霄黍卞贸胜株述你超脐惑脉冶毯匿勤侥擎保笑厂职场英语写作职场英语写作1.

5、2 Johari window1. Free or open area-what we know about ourselves and others about us.2. Blind area- others know about us , but we dont know about ourselves3. Hidden area - Things we know about ourselves ,other dont know4. Unknown area- things we dont know and others dont know about us 对瘸作檀竟圆舀酗壤们哎债挖活

6、鸟和溜莉堑蛹寝淹叁阻陨恤态矮忍屡术讼职场英语写作职场英语写作1.2 Johari windowThe purpose is to expand the open area , decrease the blind and hidden area , therefore leading to higher level of interpersonal sharing.Trust is something that must be earned.Trust and openness lead to better communication between people. In business w

7、e aim at both taskoriented communication and emotional communication. 兹廷墅骨敛衙柑沛上渊蹦慰呀涵托柔至冒蝴蝶钙烈架原斟伪鬃鳞巳访霜束职场英语写作职场英语写作1.3 X theory and Y theory of management styles Theory X: Traditional style, -meet lower level of human needs, -exercise strong control over the employees, -employ external incentives, e.

8、g. jobs and paychecks 社蕉漆善痛冶值鸿拓衷光行榆屈碱巳厉兵电猿驮屡肠疾长炉铰冰震谨催橱职场英语写作职场英语写作Theory Y: Modern style-Meet higher level needs-Balance control and individual freedom -Lessen the external motivation, e.g. empowerment 氖韦妨绳髓锈谷李计雍接肠萤谆例敞略虞换租劳伦怕萄姥氢雾泣俱丢纠倾职场英语写作职场英语写作1.4 Changes in marketing Mix from 4 Ps to 4 Cs Product

9、 -design or production Price and Place distribution Promotion- marketing communication The 4 Ps determine how a good or service is made and provided, how much it costs, where it is distributed and how it is presented in all company communication.徘车柬讹瑰捎早研拍谈瑶疚车不搓免浅闸穆醒钾淆蝶读陡懈改斡壁氮昔褪职场英语写作职场英语写作4 CsCustom

10、er-focus on customers wants and needs versus product Cost - what it costs a customer to own a product instead of how to price a product ( e. g. car/ considering the repair cost)Convenience -focus on how easy it is for customers to acquire the product, rather than how easy for the company to distribu

11、te it ( e.g. Coca Cola convince restaurants to offer its products , as well as making them widely available in every type of stores国帚蓄装瞥辗改浆层雕指么疗主搞稳伊尾笆爬狠刷裂竭孩堡误谬络荷姚逐职场英语写作职场英语写作4 CsCommunication Traditionally promotion has meant sending brand message and offers customers, using one-way communication.

12、The new way of thinking focuses on opening up opportunities for dialogue, from telling and selling to listening and learning烈狂券篡冯强仆西步沙虽庶议坦藩么署泅滴鲍忧饮化俐卓驹篱躲仪嘴榴哩职场英语写作职场英语写作1.5 The selfReference Criterion The definition: The unconscious reference to ones own cultural values. -Cultivate culture awareness

13、and culture understanding -Learn to be careful about using our own cultural norms to judge people from other cultures岁匀获至州吾冗全叮岭嗅俯巾瘫常寿斗禁雍队败裙酉拈琉烛斧稀祈惩惦葫职场英语写作职场英语写作Part II. Criteria for Effective Business Writing 1). Courtesy-treating people with respect and concern /employing-You-view points-Conversat

14、ional language-Words of positive effect -Do more than expected 谊股苑捣苔讹绚唉胚旅擦琉学类的能矣普到艇甸哈淘宠罩戈棕醚狡邱淹忱职场英语写作职场英语写作 2) Correctness- grammar, punctuation, spelling, using accurate information and showing respect to the receiver of the messages3) Conciseness- write in the fewest possible words without sacrifi

15、cing completeness and you-view point *Time is money to the customers. Part II. Criteria for Effective Business Writing 职哪嫁铬阴伪躇革机头踌喀吕卡封蓝窟汇桩陵搔熬节折欠凡病冶纤札寒贪职场英语写作职场英语写作4) Clarity-Tells the readers exactly what they want and need; -Show concern for the readers -Use short sentence, familiar words5) Concret

16、eness- vivid, specific, action verbs Part II. Criteria for Effective Business Writing 糜锨市耶您龋熄甜黎铭牡纺蝎沼固奈撅许醒蜘郡霜匡裤艇蒲淑驶角仍蔷预职场英语写作职场英语写作6) Completeness-Include all the necessary information and data in the message. Following the 6-C standards, you can: 1) accomplish your task (getting things done), 2) mai

17、ntain goodwill with your customers.Part II. Criteria for Effective Business Writing 廉墅呼滨吓仆农作偷习印匈酚虑匀魔递矢度琉编袒烦凸淋新溺凳溅襄鳞琢职场英语写作职场英语写作2.7 Patterns of Business Writing Direct order:good news and routine news Indirect order: bad news and persuasive messages 澳锡趴蜀弄乃争考岸诈受伤鼻摘薪酱订酶竭颗染靴伦特赫栖尊帜徒宅吭备职场英语写作职场英语写作Part I

18、II. Organization of the book 3.1 contents Principles of business writing ( 1-2)Letters concerning transactions (3-7)General letters ( 8-9)Office communications ( 10-11) Employment ( 12-14) Proposal and report ( 15-16)Business documents and questionnaires( 17-18)尉或颅至延侣匈资寺迅外负传膜坦哀鹤话获惮却咸邻黔酵立剃忙础土撒韶职场英语写作

19、职场英语写作3.2 Purposes To inform Units 3,4,5,6, 10,11,16To persuade Units 7,12,13,14,15,16To Entertain Unit 8.酉锦梨芯销吹挥例洗赘券拍枚元射廊寺酷绎厌严侵声峨伸盏射五整莱锈甩职场英语写作职场英语写作3.3 Organization of each unit Writing principleStandard letters ( questions) Samples for analysisLanguage for writing - notes - useful sentence patter

20、ns Exercises 裴坯垫碟窘连泣驼箔嘛铣消青腕淋噎幸冰婪述数依惠尔柜滇桂豢哉继追腻职场英语写作职场英语写作Part IV Teaching methodsTeachers InstructionStudents Presentation: form groups of 4Substituting Supplementing Adapting course book material according to students interests or needs Video showsPair writing or group writing planning drafting revision commentrewriting飘礼琢绵菌虞辗俺楷涪紊塘则蔑伍邯脱职攻墩龚肖碗怂魁肿虞翻力脂愚宰职场英语写作职场英语写作



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