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1、Unit 2 Theres no shouting and no running.Pre-readingReadingLanguage pointsHomeworkMusee du Louvre There are many sorts of museumsWhat sort of museum is it?boring exhibitnot allowed toquiet seriousbusy unusual funny interesting noisydo experiments Talk about the differences in the two museums.science

2、 museumscience museumusual museumusual museumThe science museum in London返回目录返回目录1. In what way is the Science Museum different from other museums?Read the passage and answer the questions.In this museum, youre allowed to be noisy. And you can touch the exhibits, work things out and try out ideas. I

3、n other museums, you are not allowed to do these things.2. Where does Tony go when he visits the Science Museum?3. What else is there to see in the Science Museum?He often goes to the Lauch Pad, the Rocket Show, the Human and Nature room,etc.There are rooms on transport, the environment, space techn

4、ology, maths, physics and chemistry.Name of museumplaceFavourite roomExhibit/ ExperimentThe Science MuseumLondonThe rocket show, catching falling sand, comparing your speed with animalsThe Launch PadComplete the table.Complete the table.Rule Open Charge No photographyfrom 10am to 6pm every dayFreeRe

5、ad the passage again and decide what the underlined words refer to.1. People talk about what they can see and do there2. its a great way to learn about science3. but you can buy postcards of them in the museum shops.The Science Museum in London Visiting the Science MuseumThe exhibits in the museumAn

6、swer the questions.asas drop in fill free physics position sand truck try out wheel1. What kind of physics experiments can you do at the Launch Pad? 2. What can you try out in the Human and Nature room?You can move a truck into the correct position and try to fill it with sand.You can try out an exp

7、eriment to compare your speed with animals.3. How much does it cost to go in the Science Museum?4. For how long can you stay at the Science Museum?It doesnt cost anythingits free.You can stay for as long as you want to from 10 am to 6 pm every day.返回目录返回目录Language points1. . you can work things out

8、and try out ideas. 你可以寻求答案、尝你可以寻求答案、尝试想法。试想法。 work out意为意为“解决;算出解决;算出”, 是是一个动副短语一个动副短语, 其中其中out是副词。是副词。因此因此, 当当work out的宾语是代词时的宾语是代词时, 代代词只能放在词只能放在work与与out中间中间; 若其宾语若其宾语是名词是名词, 则既可置于则既可置于work与与out之间之间, 也可置于也可置于work out后面。后面。try out与与work out一样一样, 也是一个动副短语也是一个动副短语, 其其宾语的位置适用同样的规则。宾语的位置适用同样的规则。如:如:I

9、cant work out the problem. 我解决不了这个问题。我解决不了这个问题。Before I buy this car, I want to try it out. 在买这辆车之前在买这辆车之前, 我想试乘一下。我想试乘一下。2. There are also rooms on transport, . as well as maths, physics and chemistry. 那里还有与交通等相关的房间那里还有与交通等相关的房间, 另外另外还有与数学、物理和化学相关的房间。还有与数学、物理和化学相关的房间。 as well as意为意为“并且、还并且、还”,它通常,它

10、通常强调所连接的两个成分的前一项。强调所连接的两个成分的前一项。as well as连接的两个成分作主语时,连接的两个成分作主语时,谓语动词与前面的成分保持一致。谓语动词与前面的成分保持一致。如:如:Helen as well as I is eager to see the performance. 海伦和我一样急着要看演出。海伦和我一样急着要看演出。3. .or you can stay as long as you like.或者你也可以想待多久就待多久或者你也可以想待多久就待多久要点解读:要点解读:as.as意为意为“同同一样一样”,中间部分可为形容词或副词原形。中间部分可为形容词或副

11、词原形。如:如:This book is as interesting as that one. 这本书与那本书一样有趣。这本书与那本书一样有趣。I believe you can run as fast as Jim. 我相信你能跑得和吉姆一样快。我相信你能跑得和吉姆一样快。Exercises请根据汉语意思完成英语句子请根据汉语意思完成英语句子, 每空词每空词数不限。数不限。1. He is trying to _ (设法弄懂设法弄懂) a new technology.2. Welcome to _ (顺便走访顺便走访) on me on your way home after schoo

12、l.work outdrop in3. _ (首先首先), you should do well in your subjects.4. You may play in the park _ (喜欢多久就多久喜欢多久就多久).5. Lily is _ (试用试用) a toy car in a shop.6. I learned English _ (除除之之外还外还) German when I was in a college.Above allas long as you liketrying outas well as7. Can you teach me _ _ (怎样能照出好照片怎

13、样能照出好照片)?8. _ (确保确保) the door is closed before you go out.9. I _ (不得不不得不) buy an umbrella because it was raining hard. how to take nice photos / how I can take nice photosMake surehad to请根据各题后的要求改写下列句子请根据各题后的要求改写下列句子, 每每空一词空一词(含缩写含缩写)。1. We are allowed to enter the room. (改为否定句改为否定句)We _ to enter th

14、e room.2. The unusual book is Who You Are. (改为最高级句子改为最高级句子)_ book is Who You Are.arent allowedThe most unusual3. It is called Museum City because there are a lot of museums in it. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) _ is it called Museum City?4. You are not allowed to take photos here. (写出同义句写出同义句) You _ here.Why must

15、nt take photos5. I saw a film yesterday. I also played basketball. (同上同上) I saw a film yesterday. I played basketball _.6. The bag is full of sand. (同上同上) The bag is _ sand.as wellfilled with7. How can I get to the park? Can you tell me? (将两句合并为一句将两句合并为一句) Can you tell me _ get to the park?how I can

16、There are a lot of museum in London, and one of the most popular is the British Museum. Thousands of people visit(1) _ every year.(2)_ can see lots of interesting things from different times and places.itTheyComplete the passage with it, they, that and there.The British Museum is very serious, so(3)

17、 _ is quite(4) _. People mustnt make a noise, and (5) _ mustnt touch the exhibits. Photography is not allowed in the British Museum, so its a good idea to visit the museum shop and buy postcards. Entry to the museum is free, so you can visit (6)_ as often as you like.ittheretheyit返回目录返回目录HomeworkHomeworkWrite a short description of your favourite museum. Use the passage in Activities 2 and 6 to help you.返回目录返回目录



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