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1、高一外研版必修二高一外研版必修二 Module1 Our Body and healthy habits Cultural Corner & Task 1外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerIt was difficult to see a doctor.2外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerMedical fees were expensive.3外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerNew-type Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance System4外研社必修二modulecultural_corner

2、5外研社必修二modulecultural_corner Skimming To know more about the health care systems in foreign countries, please skim the text and answer the questions:6外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerMatch the paragraphs with the general ideas Para. 1Para. 2Para. 3Para. 4The health care system of America. The health care

3、system in Britain. The characteristics of the health care system in Canada.A general introduction to the health care system.7外研社必修二modulecultural_corner1. All the people have private health insurance in America.2. Doctors work for themselves and hospitals are privately owned in America.3. The health

4、 insurance company pays the doctors and the hospitals in America.4. Poorer people can also have the money to pay for private health insurance.FTTFTrue or False exercises8外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerWork in pairs and fill in the table. CountryThe way to pay ProblemsBritainAmericaCanadathe government +

5、health insuranceThe government has not put enough money to the health service.insurance companiesThe poor have both health and money pletely paid by the government/9外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerThe health care system is different in _ countries. In Britain, health care is_But if the government dont pu

6、t enough _ into the health service, it wont work. In America, the health_ company pays the doctors and the hospitals. The _ is that poorer people dontdifferentfreemoneyinsuranceproblemPost Reading 1Fill in blanks10外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerhave the money to pay for private health insurance. As a re

7、sult, they often have both health and money problems. In Canada, when you become ill, _ fees are paid for by the government. Doctors and hospitals work _. They dont depend on the money paid by the government.medicalprivately11外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerPost Reading 2- Discussion Discuss the followin

8、g questions related to the health care system of China:1. Who pays for the health care in China? By the government or citizen (市民市民) themselves?2. Do most of the people in China have health care system?3. Now that the new policy of health care system farmers has come into force, will they benefit a

9、lot ? Why? Why not ?12外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerLanguage Points13外研社必修二modulecultural_corner1. Which country is the first country in 2.the world to have a free health care 3.system paid for by the government? the first to do sth :第一个做第一个做的人的人(1) 他是第一个来最后一个走的人。他是第一个来最后一个走的人。He is the first to come a

10、nd the last to leave.(2) 谁是第一个告诉你真相的人?谁是第一个告诉你真相的人?Who is the first one to tell you the truth? 14外研社必修二modulecultural_corner2. Health care is free for everyone living in Britain. living in Britain = who lives in Britain(1) 所有来参加聚会的人都是我的朋友。所有来参加聚会的人都是我的朋友。All those coming to the party are my friends.

11、 (2) 你认识那个躺在树下的男孩吗?你认识那个躺在树下的男孩吗?Do you know the boy lying under the big tree?15外研社必修二modulecultural_corner3. The problem with this system is that poorer people dont have the money to pay for private health insurance. the problem with is that 的问的问题是题是 (1) 这个计划的主要问题是我们没有足够这个计划的主要问题是我们没有足够(2)的钱。的钱。The

12、 problem with the plan is that we have not enough money. (2). 这块布的问题是它很容易脏。这块布的问题是它很容易脏。The problem with the cloth is that it gets dirty very easily.16外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerwith 意为意为“就就而言而言” eg. (1) 对大多数中国人而言说英语很难。对大多数中国人而言说英语很难。With most Chinese, speaking English is difficult.(2) 这个方法有什么问题?这个方

13、法有什么问题?Whats the problem with this method?17外研社必修二modulecultural_corner4. a free health care system paid for by the government. paid for by the government 过去分词短语过去分词短语做定语修饰做定语修饰systemeg. (1) 这本写于这本写于1980年的书到现在依然流年的书到现在依然流行。行。The book, written in 1980, is still popular now.(2) 这是去年建造的房子之一。这是去年建造的房子之一

14、。This is one of the houses built last year. 18外研社必修二modulecultural_corner5. As a result, they often have both health and money problems. As a result 因此,结果是因此,结果是as a result of 由于由于的结果的结果eg. (1) 他吃了变质的鱼结果今天早晨觉得他吃了变质的鱼结果今天早晨觉得不舒服。不舒服。He had some bad fish. As a result, he felt ill this morning. (2) 由于这

15、场火,成千上万的人们失去了他由于这场火,成千上万的人们失去了他们的家园。们的家园。As a result of the fire, thousands of people lost their homes.19外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerPractice20外研社必修二modulecultural_corner1. 医疗系统医疗系统 2.the health care system 3.2. 支付支付 4.pay for 5.3. 直到最近直到最近 6.until recentlyRead the passage again and translate the fol

16、lowing phrases or sentences.21外研社必修二modulecultural_corner4. 结果结果as a result 5. 私人医疗保险私人医疗保险private health insurance 6. 医疗保险公司医疗保险公司the health insurance company22外研社必修二modulecultural_corner1. Mum is coming. What present 2._for your birthday? A. you expect she has gotB. you expect has she gotC. do you

17、 expect she has gotD. do you expect has she gotC Choose the best answers23外研社必修二modulecultural_corner2. The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert. A. covering B. covered C. cover D. to cover3. My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; _ he could neither eat nor sleep

18、. A. as a result B. after all C. any way D. otherwiseAA24外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerTask25外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerGroup workThink of a list of questions about a healthy lifestyle and do a survey with other students.Example: how much fruit do you eat?how much sleep do you get?26外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerPair workWork in pairs. Take turns to read out and answer the questionnaire.27外研社必修二modulecultural_cornerMake a plan about your healthy life.Homework28外研社必修二modulecultural_corner



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