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1、Chapter1-12课短语整理课短语整理初中三年级英语(牛津深圳版)全一册 Chapter 1 1.肢体语言肢体语言2.一个旅行社一个旅行社3.一个穿戴得体一个穿戴得体的女士的女士4. 匆匆一看匆匆一看 5.朝某人走过去朝某人走过去6.愉快地跟某人愉快地跟某人打招呼打招呼7.一个高级雇员一个高级雇员1. body language2. a travel agency3. a well-dressed lady4. glance at5. walk over to sb.6.greet someone cheerfully7.a senior employee8.prefer Debbie t

2、o me= like Debbie better than me9 the way you communicate with others10 the expression on your face11 rest ones head on ones hand12 make a good impression on sb.8.喜欢喜欢Debbie而不喜欢我而不喜欢我 9. 你与人们沟你与人们沟通的方式通的方式10. 你脸上的表你脸上的表情情 11. 头靠在手上头靠在手上12.给某人留下给某人留下好的印象好的印象13 扬着头扬着头14 与与目光接触目光接触15 改进他的肢体改进他的肢体语言语言16

3、 毫不犹疑毫不犹疑17 提醒某人某事提醒某人某事18 接受邀请接受邀请19拒绝邀请拒绝邀请20 一副假牙一副假牙21 最好的问候最好的问候(信结尾处)(信结尾处)22 对对失望失望1. hold ones head up2. make eye contact with3. improve ones body language4. without hesitation5. remind sb of sth6. accept the invitation7. refuse the invitation8. a set of false teeth9. best regards10. be disa

4、ppointed atChapter 2 1 一张椭圆形的脸一张椭圆形的脸2 头发护理头发护理3 一则广告一则广告4 老年人老年人5 护理你的头发护理你的头发6 一个美发沙龙一个美发沙龙7 为为而激动而激动1 an oval face2 hair care3 an advertisement4 elderly people5 care for your hair= look after your hair6 a hair salon7 be excited by 8. 承诺做某事承诺做某事9. 感觉幸福到了感觉幸福到了极点极点10. 适合某人适合某人/某某物物11. 从某人那里从某人那里得到免

5、费建议得到免费建议12.依赖于;取依赖于;取决于决于8. promise to do9. feel on top of the world10. suit sb/sth=be suitable for sb=be right for sb11. get free advice from sb12. depend on=rely on;be decided by 1 保持保持健康健康2 首先首先3 有一个好的饮食有一个好的饮食4 进行大量的锻炼进行大量的锻炼5 对于你来说做某事对于你来说做某事 很明智很明智6 足够软足够软7 把它调至低温把它调至低温8 至少至少9 对于你来说做某事对于你来说做某

6、事 很容易很容易1 keep healthy2 first of all3 have a good diet4 get plenty of exercise5 it is wise of you to do6 soft enough7 set it at a low temperature8 at least9 it is easy for you to doChapter 31 出差出差2负责,掌管负责,掌管3名胜名胜4.以下信息以下信息5.以上信息以上信息6一个一个20人的人的旅行团旅行团7连绵的山脉连绵的山脉1.be on business2. be in charge of3. pla

7、ce of interest4. the information below=the following information5. the information above6. a group of 20 tourists7. mountain chain8. 在中国北部在中国北部9. 成形成形10. 徒步旅行徒步旅行11. 位于位于中部中部12. 像像13. 一面铜镜一面铜镜14. 在在和和之之间间8. in the north of China9. take shape10. go hiking11. lie in the center of 12 look like / be lik

8、e13 a bronze mirror 14 between and1 被被吸引吸引2 做做很有趣很有趣3 做做的最好时的最好时机是机是4 成千上万的成千上万的5 成百上千的成百上千的6 为为担心担心7 事先事先8 了解了解9 任何时候任何时候1 be attracted by2 it is fun (to do)/doing have fun doing 3 the best time to do 4 thousands of5 hundreds of6 be worried about7 in advance8 know about9 at any timeChapter 41 坏行为坏行

9、为2 校辅导员校辅导员3 新的高层公寓新的高层公寓4 偶尔地偶尔地5 刚好错过刚好错过6 正在玩耍的孩子正在玩耍的孩子7 受伤受伤8 离开前往电影院离开前往电影院9 质问某人某事质问某人某事1 bad behaviour2 school counsellor3 new high-rise flat4 by accident5 narrowly miss6 children at play7 be hurt8 leave for the cinema9 question sb about sth10 感到内疚感到内疚11 坐地铁回家坐地铁回家12 恐吓某人恐吓某人13 对对感到抱歉感到抱歉14

10、讨厌暴力行为讨厌暴力行为15 收银员收银员16.粗鲁又不乐于助人粗鲁又不乐于助人17 忙着做某事忙着做某事10 feel guilty11 take the underground home12 bully sb13 feel sorry for sb14 hate violent behaviour15 a checkout assistant16 rude and unhelpful17 be busy (in) doing18一张额外的一张额外的20元纸币元纸币19 错误地错误地20排队等排队等21我受够了我受够了22与与分享分享23*插队插队24*搜索搜索25根本不根本不26在将来在将

11、来18 an extra 20-yuan note19 by mistake20 wait ones turn21 Ive had enough22 share with23 jump the queue24 search for25 not at all(Do you mind?和和Thank you.的的回答回答)26 in the futureChapter 51. 电视摄影棚电视摄影棚2. 电视智力竞电视智力竞赛节目赛节目3. 还剩五分钟还剩五分钟4. 低语低语5. 愿意做愿意做6. 6. 坐在桌边坐在桌边7. 在舞台上在舞台上8. 向前摔倒向前摔倒1.a television stu

12、dio2.a TV quiz show3.five minutes to go4.whisper=speak in a low voice5.would love/like to do 6.sit at the table7.on the stage8.fall forward 9. 晕到晕到10. 扶某人下台扶某人下台11. 匆忙下来匆忙下来12. 控制室控制室13. 举手举手14. 化妆师化妆师15. 扑粉扑粉16. 开始鼓掌开始鼓掌9.be fainted/faint 10.help sb. off the stage 11.hurry down 12.control room13. r

13、aise ones hand 14.a make-up artist 15.powder ones face 16.start clapping1.没准备没准备2. 领先某人领先某人3.25分钟以后分钟以后4.六个更多的六个更多的问题问题5.冷静冷静6.保持不动保持不动7.保持一直做保持一直做某事某事1. be unprepared 2. be ahead of sb3. 25 minutes later4. six more questions=another six questions 5.calm down 6.keep still 7.keep doing sth win a big

14、prize have trouble with =there is something wrong with be made of be made from in ones opinion go straight to sp take steps to do =take action to do8.赢得大奖赢得大奖9. 某物有问题某物有问题10. 由由制成(看得出原材料)制成(看得出原材料)11. 由由制成(看不出原材料)制成(看不出原材料)12. 以某人的观点以某人的观点13. 直接去某地直接去某地14. 采取行动做某事采取行动做某事8.win a big prize 9.have trou

15、ble with =there is something wrong with 10.be made of 11.be made from 12.in ones opinion13. go straight to sp 14.take steps to do =take action to doChapter 61. 增强智力增强智力2. 保持清醒保持清醒3. 值得做值得做4. 对于某人来说对于某人来说 听起来很好听起来很好5 5 听起来很糟听起来很糟6 6 成为一个素食成为一个素食主义者主义者7.被被-影响影响1.increase ones brainpower2.keep awake3.b

16、e worth doing4.sound good to sb5.sound horrible6.become a vegetarian7.be influenced by8. 肉类加工肉类加工9. 在极小的空间在极小的空间10. 生病生病11. 给给-喂药喂药12.需要做某事需要做某事13.不需要做某事不需要做某事14.对于对于有好处有好处8.meat industry9.in tiny spaces10.get sick/ill11.give drug to12.need to do sth13.neednt do sth / dont need to do sth 14.be good

17、for sth15.失去对失去对-胃胃口口16. 含有维他命含有维他命和矿物质和矿物质17.与某人争论与某人争论18 换个话题换个话题19 减肥减肥20. 增肥增肥21. 表达某人的表达某人的感情感情*15.lose appetite for sth16.contain vitamins andminerals17.argue with sb=have anargument with sb18.change the subject19.lose ones weight20.put on weight21.show ones feeling22. 健康成长健康成长*23 均衡的饮食均衡的饮食24

18、. 一方面一方面/另一方面另一方面25. 正确的选择正确的选择26. 似乎不公平似乎不公平*27.因为因为*28.下降,降低下降,降低22.grow properly23.a balanced diet24.on one hand/on the other hand25.the right choice26 seem unfair27 because of28 come down29 建议某人做某建议某人做某事事30 劝某人做某事劝某人做某事31 对对疯狂疯狂32 与与对比对比33 为为抱歉,遗抱歉,遗憾憾34 将将与与分开分开35 生活费用生活费用29 advise sb to do =su

19、ggest sb do sth =propose sb to do30. persuade sb to do 31. be crazy about 32. compare A with B 33. feel pity for sb 34. separate sth from sth 35 cost of livingChapter 71 巴黎歌剧院巴黎歌剧院2 迫使他带面具(口罩)迫使他带面具(口罩)3 迫使某人做某事迫使某人做某事4 有很棒的嗓音有很棒的嗓音5 爱上某人爱上某人6 深夜深夜7 一面暗墙一面暗墙8. 一个童年时期的朋友一个童年时期的朋友9. 同意某人(某人的话)同意某人(某人的

20、话)1 the Paris Opera House2 make him wear a mask3 force sb to do sth / let sb do sth/make sb do sth4 have a wonderful voice5 fall in love with sb(动作动作) be in love with sb(状态状态)6 late at night7 a secret wall8 a childhood friend9 agree with sb/ones words10. 同意做某事同意做某事11. 和某人结婚和某人结婚12. 他的心碎他的心碎了了13 绑架某人

21、绑架某人14 所有观众所有观众15 带某人去某地带某人去某地16 送某人入狱送某人入狱17 扯下他的面具扯下他的面具10.agree to do sth11.marry sb=get married to sb12.His heart is broken.13. kidnap sb14. the whole audience15. take sb to sp16. put sb into prision17. pull off his mask18. 对对震惊震惊19. 感动某人感动某人20. 喜极而泣喜极而泣21. 送某人去安全的送某人去安全的地方地方22. 闯入某地闯入某地23. 赠送某物

22、给某人赠送某物给某人24. 想到一个主意想到一个主意25. 使某人惊讶的是使某人惊讶的是18 be shocked at19 touch sb20 cry with joy21 take sb to safety22 burst in23 present sb with sth =present sth to sb24 come up with an idea=think of an idea25 to ones surpriseChapter 81.把把看作看作2.尝试做某事尝试做某事3.对对有天赋有天赋4.幽默感幽默感5.收到一份邀收到一份邀请请6.做某事很荣做某事很荣幸幸7.一个遥远的一

23、个遥远的大学大学8.做一个演讲做一个演讲 1 regard as=think of.as =consider as2 attempt to do=try doing 3 have a gift for doing4 a sense of humour5 receive an invitation6 Its a pleasure to do sth7 a distant university8 give a lecture9.让某人失望让某人失望10.熟记熟记11.发现发现12.带领某人去某地带领某人去某地13.加入加入14 实际上实际上15 主动提出做某事主动提出做某事16 对对满意满意17留

24、言留言 9.let sb down=make sbdisappointed10. learnby heart =memorize sth11 find out12 lead sb to sp13 join in =take part in14. in fact=as a matter of fact15. offer to do 16. be happy with=be pleased with =be satisfied with17. take a message for sb18. 为某人接通为某人接通 19. 故意地故意地20.拜访某人拜访某人21.参观某地参观某地22.取消(会议等)

25、取消(会议等)23.回答回答24. 忘记带,丢下忘记带,丢下25.解释一个理论解释一个理论18.put sb through to sb19.on purpose20. call on sb=visit sb21.call at sp.=visit sp22. call off the meeting =cancel the meeting23. in reply to24. leave sth behind25. explain a theory=give an explanation of a theoryChapter 91 充满充满2 在在中间中间3 长到长到4 想象中的事物想象中的事

26、物 5 引起兴奋引起兴奋6 广为人知广为人知7一个叫一个叫的年的年轻人轻人8 尽他可能去做尽他可能去做某事某事1 be filled with=be full of2 in the middle of3 grow up to4 imaginary things5 create excitement6 be widely known7 a young man called8 try as hard as he can =try as hard as possible9 为了为了10 一个园艺大赛一个园艺大赛11 被送进监狱被送进监狱12 准备好做某事准备好做某事13 非常成功非常成功14 全欧洲

27、全欧洲15 尽管如此尽管如此16 尽全力做某事尽全力做某事9 in order to=so as to10 a gardening competition11 be put in prison12 get/be ready to do13 be extremely successful = be a great success14 all over Europe15 despite this=even so16 try ones best to do17 实现梦想实现梦想18 发生发生19 最迟最迟20 为为筹钱筹钱21 在将来在将来22 到目前为止到目前为止23 主宾主宾17 make on

28、es dream come true = realize ones dream18 take place=happen19 at the latest20 raise money for21 in the future22 up to now=by now=so far23 guest of honourChapter 101.be afraid of sth.2.be afraid to do/of3. doing4.3.useful creatures5.4.in ones view/ opinion6.5.the friends of humans7.6.the enemies of i

29、nsects8.7.build shelters for spiders9.8.at the same time1.害怕某物2.不敢做某事3.担心某事发生4.有用的生物5.依照某人的看法6.人类的朋友7.昆虫的敌人8.在同一时间9.millions of 10.fill with11.attack the farmers crops12.protect from the crops13.Make full use of14.Naural method of pest control15.All over the world16.do an experiment9.百万的10.充满了11.袭击农

30、民的庄稼12.保护庄稼13.充分利用14.害虫的自然防治方法15.全世界16.做一个实验17.Instead of =in place of 18.in nature19.Make sure20.Set up=build21.On the contrary22.Think of a way 23.For sale24.As a result17.代替18.在自然界19.确定20.建立21.相反22.想一个办法23.代售24.结果Chapter 111. 依据依据, 根据根据2. 观点观点,看法看法3. 最新的目标最新的目标4. 消费群体消费群体5. 引起引起的注意的注意6. 儿童演员儿童演员7

31、. 与与产生共鸣产生共鸣8. 赚大钱赚大钱1 according to2 point of view=opinion3 the latest target4 consumer group5 get the attention of6 child actor7 identify with 8 earn big money9. 采取行动做采取行动做10. 禁止一则广告禁止一则广告11 迫使某人做迫使某人做12 对于某人来说做某事是违法的对于某人来说做某事是违法的13 允许某人做允许某人做14 对于某人来说做某事是有坏处对于某人来说做某事是有坏处的的15. 此外此外16. 鼓励暴力鼓励暴力9 tak

32、e action to do 10 ban an advertisement11 put pressure on sb to do12 it is illegal for sb to do13 allow sb to do 14 it is bad for sb to do15 in addition16 encourage violence17. 不同意不同意的意见的意见18. 玩得开心玩得开心 19. 免费免费20. 进行慈善义卖进行慈善义卖21. 许生日愿望许生日愿望22. 适当处理金钱适当处理金钱23 为为.捐款捐款24 保持健康保持健康17 disagree with18 have

33、fun19 free of charge20 hold a charity sale21 make a birthday wish22 handle money properly23 raise money for24 keep healthyChapter 121. 了解,知道了解,知道2. 至少至少3. 问题列表问题列表4. 穿戴整洁穿戴整洁5. 感到紧张感到紧张6. 一份兼职一份兼职7. 决定做某事决定做某事8. 寻找寻找1 learn about 2 at least 3 a list of questions 4 dress neatly 5 feel nervous 6 a par

34、t-time job 7 decide to do sth. 8 hunt for 9. 应聘,申请应聘,申请 10. 他们要求的条件他们要求的条件 11. 工作时间工作时间12. (除除之外之外)也,又也,又 13 求职信求职信14. 结果是结果是15. 为为好好做准备好好做准备9 apply for 10 the qualifications they require11 working hours12 as well as 13 a letter of application 14 as a result 15 prepare well for 16.不计任何代价不计任何代价17. 求职申请求职申请18. 在面试的那一天在面试的那一天 19. 留下良好的第一印象留下良好的第一印象 20. 自信地走进自信地走进21. 显得自信显得自信22 没礼貌没礼貌23 遗漏遗漏16 at all costs 17 job application 18 on the day of the interview 19 make a good first impression 20 walk confidently into21 look confident22 bad manners23 miss out



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