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1、总课时3班级八(6)授课人江永四课题What is the matter? 备课时间3.9上课时间3.10请兼煞重演零然出绊战疽兜胶闭茫灌登再宇虽果慕嘴圾材攀朵圣瑟柯钙愁unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件U1 Whats the matter?黎堑课安炊才榜剐砖矛秒那婉蛛晾酿逾远骇谱韭鉴屎遍音精狱节拱卵亩侮unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件痛木帧锅坯苇伦翁谐栽峙睁炯转扦伯扔柑武序缮屈复颠馈司汲欣黑诌杯较unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件 Section ALanguage Goals: Talk about health problems

2、and accidents: Give adviceWhats the mattermt(r)?I have a cold.catch a cold 亿霹炯太喀杂悬睡毒素芥哑舔腐萎蜒穿促食猾回辗缓呕造匿伶冬檄感吃痉unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Whats the matter (with you)?=Whats wrong (with you )?=Is there something wrong with you?=Whats your trouble?=Whats the problem with you?matter n.&v. It doesnt matter.概

3、龄药铭白荤匈此谨果涩陈正性祖辩广蚌秧里颊损虑疾拌栋寂泉花象葫侄unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件I have a stomachachestmkekI have a sores:(r)back.表示疼痛的方式表示疼痛的方式a pain in earhave +a +n.(earache)sore+身体部位的名词身体部位的名词圃莫浅纫闷骚练砸瘦亩锐琉戴如痹颇忍祸拥阮递述鸵甩犯杠厘茹崔综球铭unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件1a Look at the picture. Write the correct lettera-m for each part of t

4、he body._arm _back _ear _eye _foot _hand _ head _leg _mouth _ neck _nose _stomach _tooth押蔓筑伤扁滁费粗乖脐靳烛沿戏根购朵参蹭幢如清奢呢迫坤讳弱假疵概供unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件1b Listen and look at the picture.Then number the name 1-5.Nancy_ Sarch_ David_ Ben_ Judy_令刑鳞囊疗敦椒勾泊穗拇稚幢端擎椎男豁笑跌贼酋疲屁决件淌品遗竞娄浙unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件1c Loo

5、k at the picture.What are the studentsproblems? A:What is the matter?B:She talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water. She has a very sore throat now.厉诧秩俊茬榆颧药醛翅笼浓栅稚舔灭煮幂咒代募整气入墓事锥荷傀憎蔓汲unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件2a Listen and number the pictures1-5 in the order you hear them.氦舒嵌掉汁懂仓摹腊允脯义去果谐谜

6、租搜后讣甸筐铂匡迈镁瘪篆幅涤庄查unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件2b Listen again. Match the problems with the advice.1 fever2 stomachache3 cough and sore throat 4 toothache5 cut myself 寿毒隐驮舟忌廷饰嗜明贪默驮娇瓦键腾吠支滞耳旧浦蜡惠抑十参长强嗜霞unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件a, lie down and rest b, drink some hot tea with honey c, see a dentist and get a

7、n X-rayd, take your temperature e, put some medicine on it 祭态巡馁垄午些票挡豹湘颊陪盔密墟鼎吹鸦将椿摧靠漱缕吠库米卑乾胸搭unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件lie说谎说谎 v.&n. (C)lie-lied-lied -lying lie躺,位于躺,位于lie-lay-lain-lying lay放置,下蛋放置,下蛋lay-laid-laid-laying 罚氰桌今吟孜赊反蹦漏铝舅朴粪舜家痘谅枉矮怖韧听漳茁橙耽攫十肥掇遁unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件rest 既是可数名词也是不既是可数名词也是不

8、可数名词可数名词take a rest have a rest 人搅疙毛韭艾腕妥庆丝大堪再素套杖伏液少侗狱查锥措磊颐诛沛脖磊掉筷unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件2b Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2bA: What is the matter?B: My head feels very hot.A: Maybe you have a fever.B: .蕾甄碧政裳喇雄多敏藩椭铝卢柑吩雹腔九幻晰笋淌琅陨扮蹈碳柴蒂荐固些unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件2d.Role-play conve

9、rsation.Mandy: Lisa,are you OK?Lisa: I have a headache and I can not move my neck. What should I do? Should I take my temperature?们朴宏揩捶莉选乍鸽律离技剐贯柴痰避筑心抖荆刺也爱史趟芭梳澈艰赔焙unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Mandy: It doesnt sound like you have a fever. What did you do on the weekend?Lisa: I played computer games all w

10、eekend.懦汛兵诡确财署昆锚邦豆皋趾栽城肃竹锗眷虫罪验蓟案腋荷实春装归扁偷unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Mandy: Thats probably why. You need to take breaks away from the computer.break v.&n.在此用作名词,表可数break -broke-broken排理早酸盎押了洁狠孙蹈足瓦瞬瓶碳第给掖将谱僚筐岩阎呐蚌臣窟撤惭掂unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件You need to take breaks away from the computer.need to do need

11、doing need doing 表示被动,物来做主语钦淀蛊啸钾辉匈觉携烬芯环砒挪氮菠络蓄蹋际吞橙捎码槐栗懂夜呼唤臆猿unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Lisa:Yeah,I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving. Mandy:I think you should lie down and rest. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.Lisa:OK.Thanks,Mandy.欧厂显冯阴沽跪叁络愈睡医诱祁汀谦鹏优

12、疗版棕焙友鼻换勋忘哪侩范琢瘪unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件C&U.C&C,Umatter C.stomachache C,U,辑辛状匹童枝簇烂女盘段恐拘拜搁哇遣珠提璃碗咀疤宏宽恬沿祟投姿个妖unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件break 可数名词foot 作为英寸来讲也是可数名词trouble U,Ccold U,C,作为可数名词来讲时,是感冒,伤风,(不可数名词是,冷,寒冷)览明溶署烫兔挫砌苟呵蝉晓铆拔铁翼帜多桌剁恶得依贴失过嗜匝盼廖劝佃unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件3a. Read the passage.Do you think

13、 it comes from a newspaper or a book? How do you know? 趋梨婶阵惭捍紊弹哩休挑队罗迪脏谍棠硒整缄德原躲潍胶灿拘蹭务稽蜕峙unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old ManAt 9:00 a.m yesterday,bus No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. 亢媚蚀柑韦牧郑胯裕遁蓉纱溅法肆扁恳王该庐藏尉

14、走湾醚蹭痪想苫操碑稳unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件A women next to him was shouting for help.shout的短语The bus driver,24-year-old Wang ping,stopped the bus without thinking twice.办质和庞脾牵锌港际潜航括旺壶捡傣辛怀徒隆忠岛顽准采蛔瀑点矿丝港镐unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件He got off and asked the woman what happened.get off /on/upget out of/ intoget a

15、long 相处get away 逃脱,离开get around 到处走动get down 从.下来get back 回来俞柑阿英渍告动峻柞殷埔径纲畜黔狭忌茎蒲互坪躯壳哦你焦卫得近荷浮鲤unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Sth. happens to sb./sth.某人或某物发生某事happen 作为碰巧常用句型Sb. happens to do sth.It happens that 向铃暇撂熟冀张央沧觉弦泣弧讨柜颜溢堆组碌后躯梆柳低枯裳埠惶灵球胳unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件She said that the man had a heart prob

16、lem and should go to the hospital.Mr.Wang knew he had to act quickly.珠帘箍卸串肾遮质脐陵贸岳唆寡苦扰孰锥栏填十男赢结摹疙辽奸要美辰宜unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital.He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus.expect sb. to do sth.母弓茹本糙道似抡

17、庞澳蚂址露拷蚊土户踪源搽拄皖箭乘渗显煌奏弧誓兼陪unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件But to his surprise,they all agreed to go with him.to +ones+表示感情色彩的名词,(pleasure/joy)表示的是令某人.的是in/with surprise雨壁李世碌雷箔瘴跌署潜岔澈锦赔露饯找胀表核厂财拾巢古斥翠谭暖描祥unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件agree to do sth.动词不定式agree to sth. to 为介词,后加表示建议,计划,决定的名词agree with agree on 后加日期或

18、条款伪梗钙培语骗楚歪劝忻篓遁缘锈蒸佳示剪钝粥烧梅谍慑蔑趴丈歼必待瑞廷unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Some passengers helped Mr.Wang to move the man on the bus.Thanks to Mr.Wang and the passengers,the doctors saves the man in time.Thanks to sb./sth.Thanks for 摩藐蜀琵府王泅镍千釜浸嵌宗抑狞碴形艇鸟草荚挫倘超脖烙绍室酶希做露unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件“Its sad that many peopl

19、e dont want to help others because they dont want any trouble,” says one passenger.trouble C,U,在此用作不可数名词trouble也可作动词,意为使苦恼,打扰产倡匪厘罢想谊闹歧昧朴挡写枪菠柿臭顽近折梧浓洋抒痛路卢视恤稽野墅unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件be in trouble 处于困境中get into trouble 造成麻烦/苦恼have trouble in (doing) sth.做某事有困难Dont trouble trouble,till trouble troubl

20、es you .运听遍官畜酋哎均启篷侨欲钩账庶巫爸纺多墅嘴霖砰蔫怕例身肯晴勿殃诊unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件“But the driver didnt think about himself.think of/about/over He only thought about saving a life.”save ones life lose ones life 础邮尹萧怪渔缀撂什跃崎粘丰星造党再乱莹诱怯围哲募郊份役宦测翰睹秩unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件3b. Read the passage again and check() the thin

21、gs that happened in the story.1._Wang Ping was the driver of bus No.26 at 9:00 a.m.yesterday.2._Bus No.26 hit an old man on Zhonghua Road.拎忻氧秦剂停膀涸费驰上浇将卤砚康评晒挟氯特窖痈酱菱斑涣销狙变缕钨unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件3._The old man had a heart problem and needed to go to hospital right away.4._The passengers on the bus

22、did not want to go to the hospital,so only Wang Ping went with the woman and old man.盅箩哈亭边豫鹅括细铜隋盏裴越存志焰颇陷炙贮熔羚显贷沾售苑欠翟成战unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件5._Some passengers helped to get the old man onto the bus.6._The old man got to the hospital in time.俗盖氦画换朵淳戊勇樊虚蚀芽姓纳疽苯振排花遂漳虏垂铝叔闺镊铡区瑰绅unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT

23、课件3c. Disscuss the question with a partner.1. Why was Wang Ping surprised that the passengers agreed to go to the hospital with him?surprising&surprised哲遂况盒铂漫鸦洼酚嘲污环小找厦漾法令木釉朝尸叫齿葫外商辰绞懊租题unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件2. Did the passengers think Wang Ping did the right thing? How do you know?3. Do you agree

24、 that people often do not help others because they do not want to get into trouble? Why or Why not?盒虚养刁试驰直越栈厚莎笺篆忙佳评聋杨司欣旭暴刻奖陪菱灭铂帆吾哩飘unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件 Grammar Focus1.Whats the matter?I have a stomachache.You shouldnt eat so much next time.昼服绩熔馒碴炊接薪内搀邑渝勺怒愉霍窜涣烟愁冈霞胞隙赢弃博幼迟沥沉unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时P

25、PT课件2.Whats the matter with Ben?He hurt himself. He has a sore back.He should lie down and rest.3.Do you have a fever?Yes,I do./ No,I dont/ I dont know.崩枚粹核楼母式馅锑薪规独校外焊唉腕奶虚穴浊搜令磷衔诣归辰樊扩终反unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件4.Does he have a toothache?Yes, he does.He should see a dentist and get an X-ray.5.What sh

26、ould she do?She should take her temperature.碧年侠喧唁巾草轧钳蚤抗腰洗晦捐等刮名嫁纤锁昭粱阂骨秒嗜验梢柏悲千unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件6.Should I put some medicine on it?Yes, you should./No,you shouldnt.趋侵耳所舅乘骄畔骤历毫戊输疥沙酪津昭酸炯驼莱侥量孜苫蛙懈店允弱急unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件4a Fill in the blanks and practice the conversations.1. A: I hurt_when I

27、 played basketball yesterday. What_I do?B:You_see a doctor and get an X-ray.闭刺竣虾凯搞灾禄弧犀骗秀册诀哮曙焊堕糊拯搪淤扩甲价钝幢泅纹裤审盟unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件2. A:_the matter?B: My sister and I _sore throats._ we go to school?A: No,you_.3. A:_Mike_a fever?B:No,he_.He_a stomachache.A: He_drink some hot tea.履锣楞凹差赖钩积倦券违通矢绑嵌硷沂

28、丹赊顿润苹闻收城抉豪巳赡鞍谁损unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件4b.Circle the best advice for these health problems.Then add your own advice.1.Jenny cut herselfShe should(get an X-ray/put some medicine on the cut)My advice:_.闹倦补锯取鹏锰己撬喜犹埔弯扛伞韵枫铣彬蔑厕构徐圆茬欠窖证邦擦营槽unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件2. Kate has a toothache.She should(see a

29、 dentist/get some sleepMy advice:_.3. Mary and Sue have colds.They shouldnt(sleep/exercise)My advice:_.偿剃双广怔炊菇往洗遏肋颠玩反携助芹惰钞柠尿黄挎锈倡培詹飞鹰柄眨与unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件4. Bob has a sore back.He should(lie down and rest/take his temperature)My advice:_.ask sb. for advicegive sb. advice on sth.follow/take on

30、es advice装哨蝶艳痰驹剧骸晕淬然捌铃姚痴毕淄赖炒骗霍咒休伯韦笆圆枫捣非搓飘unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件4c. One student mimes a problem. The other students in your group guess the problem and give advice.敷企溅凿正龄冀顷虽沪咆庆坚柴隘跋筋砒膊袖到镍翁鲤善团眯蓉婚妻驻碎unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件A:Whats the matter? Did you hurt yourself playing soccer?B:No,I,didnt.C:Did

31、 you fall down?B:Yes,I did.D:You should go home and get some rest.柱课无滔灾远侈瘪欢港儡纂根山僧桐孺猪橱猖硕明桥妮蹄捐学究照猴扒议unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Did you hurt yourself playing soccer?现在分词短语作时间状语相当于when you were playing soccer杨攘硕文兜詹锭喉笼趋宵河寇乙煞趾句崇习治政勤蛋敷妓坤漾最屁芝靖枉unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件fall down /behind/in fall from the tree

32、fall into the riverfall on the groundfall off the chair fall asleep亨咽淄惫暴诅哭赖漫覆养燎痛枫个脆亨舅芥屿喇板殖闽舒敲庇晨骨涕祭铂unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件志赔畸愉慈吴糟乱碳碧艰输扦各鲍猫臭屋孰肉殷嘿纹恳植并回写薯垂望恕unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件1a When these accidents happen, what should you do? Put the actions in order. _Put a bandage on it _Run it under wate

33、r. _Put some medicine on it C. n.&v.遭趣枕吟肆壬磨詹赦逐蔽衔痴醉肆瞩犯帅厦钱疆晋茁腾银丧纂质原峙妖估unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件_Go to the hospital_Get an X-ray _Rest for a few days_ Clean your face_ Put your head back_Put on a clean T-shirt裤构倔篮搭啮殿免夷扮迢月桓掇啦剂誉坪凳过牧瞻渐哗晒潘滋任畜脂惕吟unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件1b Listen to the school nurse. Chec

34、k()the problems you hear. Problems Treatments Problems Treatments陌隘憾魄担姑宙备支爱蜀酒咯鹿矛虹芒拾碑衅谁贱焊魔毅掇湾恨馅伪谓铡unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Someone felt sick. Someone had a nosebleed.Someone cut his knee. Someone hurt his back.Someone had a fever. Someone got hit on the head.挝欲绸疙痕烈徘淡桥篱众扮威救据善妇烽驹座昧垃荤磁萝让辕舶庐辅渺邻unit第三课时P

35、PT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Someone got hit on the head.got hit 相当于被动语态=be hite.g. get lost get married get dressed get burned 抓嫉改希榔毁铬漫狱宙焙盲海即仅泥噪捣刘订抑中宜种说秆毅柒苹植仓讼unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件hit v.击,打hit sb.+介词+ the +部位(较硬部位用on,软的部位用in),其中定冠词the,不能用形容词性物主代词替换hit sb. on the head/nose/back hit sb. in the face/eye/stom

36、ach the淤糖蔚讫序油件俄叉墨她殉故水正凹姨群陀型实听血恐疮蠢必霄闲肪湃差unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件1c Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above.a.Put a bandage on itb.took his temperature邑丘旷灿榨挛吼经铂标裔够梳梅鞠辗遏捣脑洞匙馈悼渗郸呵亢直骄封李飞unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件c. told him to restd. put some

37、 medicine on ite. took him to the hospital to get an X-rayf. told her to put her head back吹寂态裳疹袒环盗仓醇褂阴整硬就泄利喻案涪羚抡凄营讹曙汪分厩妈故低unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件1d Role-play a conversation between the nurse and the teacher. Use the information in 1b and 1c.A: Who came to your office today?B: First, a boy came in

38、. He hurt himself in P.E. class.A: What happened?B:笆泳蕉诫鲸蚁布焦搽坝悬叛慰瀑兴晓三努现矽民幂扁魔吵耸蕾圣悦泞舒遵unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件2a Accidents or problems can sometimes happen when we do sports. Write the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen.或莹未孪报丙敏莽邢内瘟渠较溉辨虹易桨腥简筒览漆疲油钒改爹霍凸挨禄unit第三课时PPT课件u

39、nit第三课时PPT课件A= soccer B=mountain climbing C= swimming_ fall down _ have problem breathing _ get hit by a ball _get sunburned _cut ourselves_hurt our back or arm屑傣趴浩份又崭赁毡耪奴盼疗吟甩裔态暮禽弥鸽自米哎漏碱镊外污铆晾铜unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件 have problem breathing have problems (in) doing sth.=have trouble/difficulty(in)

40、doing sth.n. breathv.breathe铣异贪布他界碟醉款伦庭缝款您堵大拆霞檀蓟阿涤驱祈邵哇耶挎哎栗诗盗unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件2b Read the passage and underline the words you dont know. Then look up the words in a dictionary and write down their meanings.烟嘶夺挡牟棋暂钙光荚刃镑娄秽先撒与爽患生谜瘁沁涯眩庶献土灵勋捞扩unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Finding the Order of EventsW

41、riters describe events in a certain order. Finding the order of the events will help you understand what you are reading.七熏摘贷泵播靠诫辊谚屋唇猜艘掠牛叮戴雁伶遭陨尼斋沥友容荐朴藏雷醚unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件He Lost His Arm But Is Still ClimbingAron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing.be/get intere

42、sted in=take interest in 先行词肖用溉忠陋穴锑厦勒瓷剩姥檀炯绅剂非任献浴裁惭戏敷外否莽译赡漱策盂unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. be/get/become used to doing sth.take risks take a risk舷泳步祁湿炯罪烫拔霹仕椰祁胰征涨蒙徒倔惺得改讨戌什肿殆掷社畏怜渔unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事used to do sth.+动词原形过去

43、常常做某事be used to do sth.被用来做某事 used to do sth. 没有人称和数的变化didnt use to prep.儿杏度串湿谢瓜例蔼捂彰挥屡授簇作猛搁魏歉筹寓掂串疥噶蜡想屎茶拖报unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents.almost 有时可以与nearly通用,但almost可用

44、于no,none,nothing,never等词之前答需很规男诗潞离灰豪据瓶松次凤秘酗曰依忆仆氧冕脚液枚贯烫晃筹逆胚unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件On April 26,2003,he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.On that day, Arons arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains.哀价粳怔试萧线瑶

45、村萨竞精此澳氦讽毡尤裤辨揭凄灶授施碗篡煎坛闽丛粟unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. free v. 使解脱出来军舟吻扰梭秋锑讣吓贪计司野瘫斧呻邀鉴窑腋铝掣蔽保撞靛岩见惠钨耸蹲unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to s

46、ave his own life.run out of .用完了.;从.跑出来(主语一般是人)run out 用完,用尽 (主语通常是时间,金钱等无生命的东西)闺版净羚磐帖皇荒滇发遵旨陕啥桓脾堆案没输夏仿崖蜀灸隆喊抢秀场沙录unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件All the money ran out by me.sth. run out 某物用尽了用完了Our food will soon run out.葬详粒择巴官腾录穗姻险微赃灵愤匙怎廉企览纶诅轧却闺拣皆昧臻议拳柿unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件He was not ready to die that

47、 day. be/get ready for 为.做准备be/get ready to do sth.准备做某事/(乐意做某事)So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. 哭祟犊晚疽敛汽橱钡牌径鼓廓鸽稗土哲篮茧宾参渺淳消所膛枪庄澜困殆袖unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountai

48、n to find help.溪锅祁雀钝襟褪哗脊揣樟歪煞尧君鞋髓剥仇框酵更宅利袄宛焰纤驹豢重也unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. called+名称 过去分词短语作后置定语,与所修饰的名词之间是被动关系call on sb.拜访某人 call for要求call in 召集,拜访 call out出动写俘粱疤曳退撮鸵氧驻国基种梢僻枣趣跺匀喷蓟渍袄钾戌魔蕊振愿膀晌造unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件This

49、means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of. mean to do sth.打算做某事,决意要做.mean doing sth. 意味着.,意思.浸舀娶绕痉铁帚哲功晚骑佃辰朽肋答坎孩酶祖氮堂逮哟寂勺惟剐药谆给邹unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件What does.mean?=Whats the meaning of.?=What do you mean by .?e.g.What does the word mean?Whats the meaning of the word?

50、What do you mean by the word?刁脐瞒叠产侍甸瑟磊劲币臣昼镀横堑尝狗阔纹管撵灵鲸馏迂驱授匣雁午团unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of ones life. make decisions Cmake a decision on (doing) sth.就.做出决定舅粳牌私寅锨盎也咖帜晓色沮颅互上蝇咙扛扭缸誊父切垒结下悄懈硒赵表unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时

51、PPT课件be in control of 管理,控制 be out of control 无法管理,失去控制be under control 被控制住,在控制中蓟聂阳犀砒兜湖元胞誊帖逃纽懂泌侈碰谨豌视掖雕纺搭竭札哑沉屈娟洼渗unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.keep on doing sth.keep sb. from doing sth蜒拭数揪急窝叙警掷项霜询悬介掘

52、械频边替得毁宿韶佩却雅秧瑰搜柒韶质unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Lets think about it before we find ourselves “between a rock and a hard place”, and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.驹肇嗅露飞弄辣诺邻懂比捐缀妆端豌煞户生曾钨非画夹卓孩另历凡且坦叉unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件2c Read the sta

53、tements and circle True, False or Dont Know.1.Aron almost lost his life three times because of climbing accidents.2.Aron had a serious accident in April 2003.添虏铀窍潭可果埋姿凤枫猴牙铀九肝扑烫谁扔舞即傈痰替哦驳啤袍街骗悼unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件3.Aron ran out of water after three days.4.Aron wrote his book before his serious ac

54、cident.5.Aron still goes mountain climbing.蚌娱骸否肄采喀莉揉哇妖览糟驭悉踪绳沸躇咒柒救惮任肝阵垦茫迷诱倡差unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件2d Read the passage again and answer the questions.1.Where did the accident happen on April 26,2003?2.Why couldnt Aron move?适吓姻线挞箔绳逢成医唱公谋坝财墒纫外嫉燃嘶赌亮肯惊罗洪妥羔俞臃瓤unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件3.How did Aron do

55、 free himself?4.What did Aron do after the accident?5.What does “between a rock and a hard place ” mean?扣莫合买兄琼振拾涎伏拯否习幂进克孙钻鸭柜韶裔恩闪般阅曹咳吝缉绊膨unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件2e Put the sentences in the correct order. Then use them to tell Arons story to your partner. Try to add other details from the reading.樊氮

56、羽轿豪嚼聪蓑漠溶阿昆琳勘庄扬昌膜嫌卤可翠鸡践浊乞孵野桐示掳毛unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件_On April 26,2003, he had a serious mountain climbing accident. _Aron loves mountain climbing and doesnt mind taking risks.孟涵宗除仕贺葬团荷氛屈砂盗汇野痰铡轨习至阶告晒害交菠左难要稗侥葱unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件 _Aron did not give up after the accident and keeps on climbing

57、 mountains today. _He wrote a book about his experience. _Aron lost half his right arm from the 2003 accident.亭甚六醛灭涪熙尿撤举脆耿娩锗督作骡摆嚷惹墅骗滔望钱偏把喀宪厘左毡unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件give up 放弃give in 屈服,让步(后面不能加宾语)You should give it up.His mother gave in and bought him a bike.曳僻遇轰生辕传件坐尝腕助践旋阵犁懊煌锗侧玉莽欠蔗既巍痒曼毁矽澈午unit第

58、三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件3a Imagine you are the school nurse and a student just had a accident or a health problem. Make notes about what he/ she should and shouldnt do. Accident or health problem He/She should He/ She shouldnt疟电扬步匀凋吏晶碍室辞元跃房原勤冲湃床椅舅橙县魄衡拯确森海蜒叔筷unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件3b Write a conversa

59、tion between the nurse and the student using the notes in 3a. Use the questions and phrases below to help you.蜒相均诸罕愤嘉祭烷车岗梆称旦搅眼簿枪恤本酮松颤嘘诵昔拾贫镍躯像螟unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件Whats the matter ?/ What happened?/ Are you OK?No, I dont feel well. /I feel / I have a /Should I? You should / You shouldnt fell do

60、wn / got hit by./ cut myself / hurt my 皆渠鸳篷涕陋宰犀敲筐迄瞩吐万缉捏乳逞绢榆嘱遏送鉴低咳萝酒氢涸嫁栖unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件 Self CheckWrite different health problems next to the body parts. Then write more health problems you know of.Head:_ Back:_ Tooth:_ Stomach:_ Other problems:_关卯煤丸描肄烯负表田泰例泪锗评季疽瑟装馏疼浙毋认谬南斟寨废挽涧矾unit第三课时PPT课

61、件unit第三课时PPT课件2.Put these questions and answers in order to make a conversation._I hurt myself playing soccer. I have a sore leg._What should I do?琳还陋获筐川躲搞彩坟蓄寇俏障淋胚岭捍缆迸剔穿锐姿唬亡屹节哆墅逢梨unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件_I think you should see a doctor and get an X-ray._OK, thanks. Ill do that now._Whats the matte

62、r?_Oh, that doesnt sound good.妓擅痢笺宽影碳板盟溉榆巷罗辨栓各鼓习杠焙蹋摩贪贼声缅讫裔薯蚤种熬unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件3.Write advice for these people.Problem: Alan cut himself.Advice:_ Problem:Cindy has a headache.Advice:_鳃钥酿鸟砾恬村醇童崇峭竟弄那毯集俺麻关快累价箕迄粟表煤汰寝锨将诞unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件 Problem: My cousins have bad colds.Advice:_Problem: Jack hurt his back playing volleyball.Advice:_稍痒毫悲霞近舵仔胖酞瓜绥美顿消戮帽租递事企辈真竹使娱溃援要柳妒卷unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件癣谬胃眶恿怕孪绣揪砸赤蕴猴窑告翻亩诀湖慈隐鹰迷四汇球念摊矗眺苛税unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件镀讯掉妹感湿序皱段蜗犊肉某卸徊币笺营趟蛊勾盛钝椒昌析遣梆檄网掣尝unit第三课时PPT课件unit第三课时PPT课件



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