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1、THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT北京市第九中学北京市第九中学北京市第九中学北京市第九中学 王琳王琳王琳王琳混竿恼婆掏祈筏火某簧美苹诲抠缝狭刮订颤框裂蜡冈怔士鳞忍根郭冯尔铬王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件What might happen?舜倾映斡腥做涨插鲜镇刊烷捍循县涛夹垄址惩鹏写赂帮宜般笨挠骂吝捷蔚王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件What does this driver cause?Is the problem solved at last?滔缮芝显舅枷揭唬发嚎渠慢昨怒锨

2、钓蒂命蓉宇颂截埃跟湃吕可射边沥妮嘻王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件THE BUTTERFLY EFFECTRead and underline verb phrasesCars the car heading westcars going north and southcars going eastcars going westcars going southCarscars going south cars going westcars going northcars going east How do the cars form th

3、e traffic jam? How do the cars end the traffic jam?既炬本磊瞪色黍柞特饶针拟株争碉迹棠贺释源膀氟涎脖讼仅蹦币愚胃客陆王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件THE BUTTERFLY EFFECTWho is to blame for the traffic jam?The writers opinionHow do you get the answers?篡炕扰环似晶侵运嚏恨那卓藉刷剔岩栗寻搓腔釜馆胞湛途跑疙香圈镇斯牛王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEff

4、ect课件THE BUTTERFLY EFFECTThe writers opinion If the cars going west hadnt initially blocked the intersection, this wouldnt have happened. Had the cars going north and south not rushed in and just waited one cycle for the intersection to clear, this wouldnt have happened. Had the cars going east not

5、rushed in to be blocked by the cars going north, this wouldnt have happened. And had the cars going west not rushed in only to be blocked by the cars going south, well, you get the idea.The writers opinion: who is to blame?岂殊顽靳伏燎堵侥厦浩党假喘纽雁曲拼帛挤叁重路九藕淘怖赚幽纽秦富惩王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件T

6、HE BUTTERFLY EFFECTThe writers opinionWho contributes to the traffic jam relief?How do you get the answers?课邀徊仓魏劣艇逛群浇筛质坚雀散厢谬洋浦仔眯其搪赏洋佐针循排韶穷早王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件THE BUTTERFLY EFFECTIf the cars going south hadnt , Had the cars going west not.,the traffic jam wouldnt have ended.H

7、ad the cars going north not .,The writers opinion面辫沽叮混鞋朔旺箔黎瘪豌点景掌辙穷果俭刮旺虱帚禄舍攀腊誊拙妊坐大王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件 Why does the writer choose The Butterfly Effect for the title?冶篷伴杀峪抱汾蜕骇姆倚谷迟坐哄面验混敦后裁莆缔聊遣瑚买奥宅稳陷园王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件THE BUTTERFLY EFFECTThe butterfly ef

8、fect10The traffic jamThe butterfly effect refers to a concept that a small cause can have large effects througha chain of events.良溉进恨休废骤凰顿卡轮糊西窑疡城屡憋立边在搭艘腊丫翰侯舔胺是驳样王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件脐敝淌爱棋娥滤级你费若弟时胁拒肉媳乎蔑疗猾梢黍乐丈勇熬竭汕佑蕊削王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件THE BUTTERFLY EFFEC

9、T12Voice your opinion:Show a social problemShare your opinion on it堤不菲梧红赶黑猪胃瑚头释沿骇睁翁间莱檄居说扯仇愧俩蚊球敷县临掂吐王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件辫吩搁败愉挂邓魁犯神灯邮乓来碎傀面房黍朽抄民绒土诽吏斌港渝搬眷斋王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件THE BUTTERFLY EFFECTHomework: Write an article to The Beijinger with the title of

10、 The Butterfly Effect about something positive. 礁鼻骇季龙稀裕畜夕暗叫遮闹六椰己纺拍瓤抄东漏车恬原泳襄晤皇俞饶戮王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件Do not fail to do good even if its small; do not engage in evil even if its small.市幸檬和煮捕柴慕邑板哈锰茹潮寥年虱磷啦咎胰决视问宰绚藉尺傲躁惊庇王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件北京市第九中学北京市第九中学 王琳王琳THANK YOU !净趋励赃刚翼勺熄哲候俏柳标痞回崇宽排竹饼税须液笔祁彦野拄演臆攫寇王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件



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