上海版牛津初中英语课件8A Chapter 4

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1、OXFORD ENGLISH 8AOXFORD ENGLISH 8AChapter 4Pre-reading 1课时课时Reading 3课时课时Listening & language 2课时课时Speaking 2课时课时Writing & more practice 1课时课时5%0.82odd numberseven numbersa percentagea decimal numbera number showing degreesa fractionzeroadd (v.), plus ( prep.)subtract (v.), minus ( prep.)multiply (v

2、.)divide (v.)equal(n. v. adj.)8 2100.539013 4545%04/71.a decimal number2.a pair of odd numbers3.zero4.a number showing degrees5.a percentage6.a pair of even numbers7.a fraction26%2.66138418%5 2190o075%14.57730o661/845.52/3012o39%320 718/910.1Practising these numbersadd; plusdividea pair of even numb

3、ersa decimal numberzeroequalsa number showing degreesa percentagea fractiona pair of odd numbersmultiplysubtract; minusa protractor (for measuring angles)compasses (for drawing circles)Chinese Greek Roman Egyptian 1.What number do the pictures show?2.Were they written in the same way ?ancient number

4、s2.Who invented “zero”?3.Why was it a very important invention?1.What does the system of numbers consist of ?Calculating machinesan abacusa computeran electronic calculatorHow many calculating machines does the paragraph mention?an abacusbeadonesonestenstenshundredshundredsthousandsthousands1.What d

5、oes an abacus consist of ?2.What do the beads on the abacus represent?3. Are the top beads the biggest number or the smallest number?electronic calculatorWhat can it do?,calculate percentages and square rootscomputerbrainliving computerWhy do we say computers are powerful ?91674867692003915809866092

6、7585380162483106680144308622407126516427934657040867096593279205767480806790022783016354924852380335745316935111903596577547340075681688305620821016129132845546805780158806771a = 23a = ? 546,372,8911.In what aspect is Shakuntala Devi special?2.How long did it take Shakuntala to find the answer, what

7、 about the computer?Which do you think is more powerful,our brain or a computer?Check the following sentences.1.In ancient times, people wrote numbers in the same way.2. The system of numbers we use today consists of the numbers from 1 to 9 and 0.3. Abacuses are not so fast and accurate that people

8、dont use them today.4. The story between Shakuntala Devi and a computer tells us that a human brain is a more powerful calculator than a compute.TTFFRead carefully and complete the summary.Ancient numbers In ancient times, people wrote numbers _ _, but they are nearly counted _.Zero Everyone uses th

9、e _ 1 to 9 plus 0 (zero). The _ invented them. _ makes it _ to write big numbers and to calculate.Calculating machines The three calculating machines: the _, the _ and the _ make our life easier.Brain against computer There was once a competition between an Indian _ and a _ in which the _ won. Compu

10、ters cannot do anything by themselves. _ must program them first.indifferent waysin tensnumber systemIndians Zeroeasierabacusescalculatorscomputersladycomputerladyhuman beingsin the way 用 方式in different ways in the same wayon the way by the way in the way挡路Language points The system of numbers that

11、nearly everyone uses today consists of the numbers from 1 to 9 and 0 (zero). consist of = be made up of The book consists of six chapters. 这本书由六章构成。这本书由六章构成。 The machine is made up of 10 big parts. 这台机械由这台机械由10个大部件组成。个大部件组成。 Abacuses are so fast and accurate that people still use them today.so . tha

12、t . “如此如此以至于以至于”,引导结果状语,引导结果状语从句。从句。She danced so beautifully that we all gave her full marks. 她的舞跳得如此好她的舞跳得如此好,我们都给了她满分。我们都给了她满分。若若so . that .引导的结果状语从句含有否定意义引导的结果状语从句含有否定意义,且且主从句主语一致时主从句主语一致时,可以与可以与too . to do sth. 结构互换;结构互换;I am so tired that I couldnt go to your party. = Im too tired to go to you

13、r party. 若主从句主语不一致若主从句主语不一致,可以用可以用too . for sb. to do sth.结结构和构和not adj./adv.+ enough for sb. to do sth. (adj./adv.为原句中的反义词为原句中的反义词)互换。互换。The box is so heavy that I cant carry it.= The box is too heavy for me to carry. = The box is not light enough for me to carry. 若若so . that .引导的结果状语从句含有肯定意义引导的结果状

14、语从句含有肯定意义,且主从句主语一致时且主从句主语一致时,可以与可以与“adj./adv.+ enough to do sth.”结构互换;结构互换;The room is so big that it can hold 500 people. = The room is big enough to hold 500 people.如果主从句主语不一致如果主从句主语不一致,可以用可以用“adj./adv.+ enough for sb. to do sth.”结构互换。结构互换。The box is so light that I can carry it.= The box is light

15、 enough for me to carry.It can add, subtract, multiply and divide. divide v. “分开;除分开;除”, 常与介词连用。常与介词连用。1. divide . by . 用用除除(尽尽) 9 divided by 3 equals / is 3. 9除以除以3等于等于3。2. divide . into . 把把分成若干部分;划分分成若干部分;划分 Lets divide the students into two groups. 让我们把这些学生分成两组。让我们把这些学生分成两组。Indians first invente

16、d and developed the 1 to 9 system of numbers. invent v. “发明、创造发明、创造(不曾存在的东西不曾存在的东西)”,尤尤指科技上的发明创造。指科技上的发明创造。James Watt invented the first steam engine in the world. 詹姆斯詹姆斯瓦特发明了世界上第一台蒸汽机。瓦特发明了世界上第一台蒸汽机。invent的名词形式的名词形式:invention (发明发明); inventor (发明家发明家)。develop (使使)发展;成长;发育发展;成长;发育1. develop 可作及物动词可作

17、及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语后接名词或代词作宾语 The indians invented and developed the 1to 9 system of numbers.Swimming develops the muscles. 游泳能使肌肉发达。游泳能使肌肉发达。developed 发达的发达的 developing 发展中的发展中的 adjdeveloped countries developing countriesShakuntala Devi is a lady from India with an amazing brain. amazing “令人惊异的;令人惊奇的令人

18、惊异的;令人惊奇的”, 通常用来修饰通常用来修饰事物事物 There are a lot of amazing adventures in the world. 世界上有很多令人惊异的冒险活动。世界上有很多令人惊异的冒险活动。amazed “感到惊奇的感到惊奇的”, 通常用来修饰通常用来修饰人人,后常接后常接at / by / 动词不定式动词不定式/从句等。从句等。 I was amazed to find that he had got 100 marks. 我感到很吃惊我感到很吃惊,他竟得了他竟得了100分。分。 I am amazed by what you have said. 听了你

19、说的话听了你说的话,我感到惊愕。我感到惊愕。A:祈使句是用来表示请求、命令、劝告或建议等语气的句子。它的主语多是You(通常不说出)祈使句的构成:祈使句可分为肯定、否定两种形式。肯定形式的祈使句由动词原形开头,分两类; 1连系动词 + 表语(如:形容词、名词等)引起。例如: Keep quiet!保持安静! Be a good student! 要做一名好学生2行为动词开头。例如: Open the door! 打开门吧! Come here!到这儿来! 否定形式的构成是一律在肯定形式的祈使句之前加上Dont。3.由let构成的肯定式的祈使句句型为: Let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它。

20、例如: Let me have a good rest让我好好休息一下。 以let引起的祈使句的否定形式,要视其在意思上否定了什么来决定。如否定let,则用Dont let向式;如否定let后面的不定式,则在不定式前加not,即用“Let + 宾语 + not+ 动词原形 + 其它。”句式。例如: Dont let the children play football on the road不要让孩子们在马路上踢球。 Lets not wait outside to gate 咱们别在门外等。 I. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Its an important meeting. _

21、(not, be )late.2. _ (not,make) any nise! Your mother is sleeping.3. _ (not, speak) with your mouth full of food and _ (be) polite.4. _ ( not, talk) and _ (read) aloud.5. _ (not,leave) your homework for tomorrow, Larry.6. _ (look) out! A car is coming.7. _ (give) us ten years and just see what our co

22、untry will be like.8. _ (not, let) the baby cry.9. Wear more clothes or you _ (catch) a cold.10. Lets _ (not, say) anything about itB:+add ; plus-3 + 9 = 44subtract , minus9 - 3 = 6=equalsA: Add 3 and 9B:3plus 9 is/equals 12A: Subtract 3 from 9B: 9minus 3 is/equals 616 + 34 = 5035 12 = 23xmultiply,

23、times40 x 5 =200 divide90 30 = 3A: Multiply 40 by 5 B: 40 multiplied by 5 is 200A: Divide 90 by 30 .B: 90 divided by 30 equals 320 x 5 = 10080 16 = 5祈使句祈使句+ +陈述句陈述句Orand3+9=12祈使句祈使句:陈述句陈述句:Add 3 and 9, and we will get 12.3 plus 9 is / equals 12.9-3=6祈使句祈使句:陈述句陈述句:Subtract 3 from 9, and we will get 6

24、.9 minus 3 equals 6.37=2137=21祈使句祈使句:陈述句陈述句:Multiply 3 by 7 ,and well get 21.3 multiplies by 7 equals/is 21.364=9祈使句祈使句: :陈述句陈述句:Divide 36 by 4 and the answer is 936 divided by 4 equals/is 9.15+16=31陈述句陈述句:祈使句祈使句:4.5115=67.65祈使句祈使句:陈述句陈述句:376=31祈使句祈使句:陈述句陈述句:273=9祈使句祈使句:陈述句陈述句:2abciiiiii 45893 16 7A

25、:基数词基数词一一.基数词基数词1)从112分别由从one到twelve12个各不相同的词表示。2)从1319均以后缀-teen结尾。3)从2090的整十数词均以后缀-ty结尾。 表示“几十几”时,个位和十位之间需加连字符连字符,如twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three等。4)百位和十位之间要加and5) 千和百之间不加词三位数以上的数,从个位往前数,每三位数加一个逗号“,”,从后往前数的第一个逗号代表thousand,第二个逗号代表million,第三个逗号是billion,注意这几个词不能用复数形式,后也不能加and。 6)表示具体、准确的数目时,hundr

26、ed, thousand, million等数词后不能加-s, 如five hundred, six thousand, seven million等。7)当hundred, thousand等数词与of连用,表示不具体、不准确的数目时,词尾须加-s。如: thousands of students, millions of trees.four thousand three hundred and twenty-oneseven million,six hundred and fifty four thousand three hundred and twenty-one7,654,3211

27、,987,654,3214,321one billion nine hundred and eighty-seven million,six hundred and fifty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-one1. hundred thousand (表示具体数字表示具体数字) million billion2. hundreds thousands (表示概数表示概数) millions billions数字+ ofsome / many hundreds of+A2:序数词序数词1)1st,2nd,3rd2) 4-19th3)以-ty结尾

28、的表示“几十”的基数词,先把y变为i,再加-eth 4)表示“第几十几”时,十位数的“几十”仍用基数词,只把个位部分变成序数词就行了。 基数词基数词序数词序数词基数词基数词序数词序数词onetwelvetwotwentythreetwenty-onefourfortyfiveone hundredsixone hundred and fiveeightone hundred and twenty-nineninenineteen一一. .基数词、序数词基数词、序数词firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixtheighthninthtwelfthtwentiethtwenty

29、-firstfortiethone hundredthone hundred and fifthone hundred and twenty-ninthnineteenthA3:小数小数点前按整数读,小数点后分别读.3 point three0.3 zero point three36.36 thirty-six point three sixWork in pairs S1:_(Telephone number)S2:Hello,_ This is_S1:What _ for you?S2:I _ I copied down a homework wrongly. Can I check i

30、t with you?S1: Sure, Which one?S2 Number_. _S1: _S2:Thanks,_ See you_.S1:Good bye!Fellow students Mr Tang has given our school a gift of ¥35,000. Our group thinks we should buy these three things. First _. This will cost about ¥ _ Second, _. This will cost about ¥ _. Third ,_ This will cost about ¥

31、_. Have you got any questions?We should buy new equipment for gym5,000We would like to buy some more books for the library. 10,000We should buy some computers 20,000 1949 nineteen forty-nine1997nineteen ninety-seventwenty oh eighttwo thousand and eight Express them in three waysa.Date b.cardinal num

32、ber c.c. telephone numberd. 2413 1977 1287 2.26m1453,7483,6443,7293,639The figures about traffic accidentswere 3691 traffic accidents1997rose3,748fell364419981999rose3729fell36392000沈阳七中沈阳七中33043304190719073603607878208208:What s the tallest building in China?Jin Mao Tower金茂大厦金茂大厦420.5m388 Qingnian AvenueWhats the address of it?How long is the Yellow River?5464km5464km1.the area code of shenyang.2.the length of ChangJiang.3.the height of Himalaya.4.the population of China.5.the number of peoples in China.6.the number of states of America.0246378 km8844m1.3billion5650146



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