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1、试卷讲评试卷讲评任务型阅读、书面表达任务型阅读、书面表达南京市文枢中学南京市文枢中学吴宁吴宁毅鄙任顷踪蘑陈垄小谭酱富最棠邻飘腮平搜唆杯渤否迹霉聂绒绒苗洛蔚九试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达1.Are immigrants (移民) good or bad for the economy? The American public strongly thinks theyre bad. Yet the opinion among most economists is that immigration provides a small net(净利)increase to the

2、 economy. Immigrants provide cheap labor, lower the prices of everything, and leave consumers with a little more money in their pockets. So why is there such a difference between the awareness of immigrants impact on the economy and the reality?2. There are a number of familiar theories. Some argue

3、that people are anxious and feel threatened by an inflow of new workers. Others highlight the pressure that illegal immigrants place on public services, like schools, hospitals, and jails. Still others emphasize the role of race, arguing that foreigners add to the nations fears and insecurities. The

4、res some truth to all these explanations, but they arent quite sufficient.3.To get a better understanding of the issue, consider the way immigrations impact is felt. Though its overall effect may be positive, its costs and benefits are distributed unevenly. David Card, an economist, notes that the o

5、nes who profit most directly from immigrants low-cost labor are businesses and employers meatpacking plants in Nebraska, for instance, or agricultural businesses in California. Indeed, these producers savings probably translate into lower prices at the grocery store, but how many consumers make that

6、 mental connection at the checkout counter? As for the drawbacks of illegal immigration, these, too, are concentrated. Native low-skilled workers suffer most from the competition of foreign labor. According to a study by George Borjas, a Harvard economist, immigration reduced the wages of American h

7、igh-school dropouts by 9% between 1980-2000.4. Among high-skilled, better-educated employees, however, opposition(敌对) is strongest in states with both high numbers of immigrants and relatively generous social services. What worries them most is the financial burden of immigration. Researchers have f

8、ound strong evidence that their opposition appeared to soften when that financial burden decreased, as occurred with welfare reform in the 1990s, which limited immigrants access to certain benefits.5.Overheated as the debate is, the net effect of immigration is minimal. Even for the low-skilled work

9、ers, or California residents, the impact isnt all that dramatic. The unpleasant voices have tended to control our assumptions, says Daniel Tichenor, a political science professor. But when all those factors are put together and the economists calculate the numbers, it ends up being a net positive, b

10、ut a small one. Too bad most people dont realize it. Opinions on the issueThe general public thinks (71) _ from most economists.(72) _ for the public belief The inflow of new workers result in (73) _ and fear among natives. Illegal immigrants bring great (74) _ to public services. People from other

11、nations cause the natives to feel fearful and less (75) _.How the impact is feltThe costs and benefits of it are distributed unevenly. Businesses and employers get the most (76) _, which may lead to lower prices of some goods, but customers dont (77) _ that way. Native low-skilled workers suffer mos

12、t from the competition of foreign labor. What the high-skilled, better educated employees concern most is the financial burden, which is strongly (78) _ by research findings.ConclusionThe overall impact of immigration turns out to be a net (79) _. Unfortunately, most people (80) _ to realize it.Impa

13、ct of immigration on economylocate(定位定位)toparagraph(s)The American public strongly thinks theyre bad. Yet the opinion among most economists is that immigration provides a small net(净利)increase to the economy.The general public thinks (71) _ from most economists.locate(定位定位)tosentence(s)compare&contr

14、ast(比对比对)towriteoutthewordTask-basedreading:3steps?凶锥姓始超袍厨啪枕题呼祈尼煌英摸痞拣弓胸涣刊笼血擦梆溯镍鞍态翰卡试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达1.Are immigrants (移民) good or bad for the economy? The American public strongly thinks theyre bad. Yet the opinion among most economists is that immigration provides a small net(净利)increase t

15、o the economy. Immigrants provide cheap labor, lower the prices of everything, and leave consumers with a little more money in their pockets. So why is there such a difference between the awareness of immigrants impact on the economy and the reality?2. There are a number of familiar theories. Some a

16、rgue that people are anxious and feel threatened by an inflow of new workers. Others highlight the pressure that illegal immigrants place on public services, like schools, hospitals, and jails. Still others emphasize the role of race, arguing that foreigners add to the nations fears and insecurities

17、. Theres some truth to all these explanations, but they arent quite sufficient.3.To get a better understanding of the issue, consider the way immigrations impact is felt. Though its overall effect may be positive, its costs and benefits are distributed unevenly. David Card, an economist, notes that

18、the ones who profit most directly from immigrants low-cost labor are businesses and employers meatpacking plants in Nebraska, for instance, or agricultural businesses in California. Indeed, these producers savings probably translate into lower prices at the grocery store, but how many consumers make

19、 that mental connection at the checkout counter? As for the drawbacks of illegal immigration, these, too, are concentrated. Native low-skilled workers suffer most from the competition of foreign labor. According to a study by George Borjas, a Harvard economist, immigration reduced the wages of Ameri

20、can high-school dropouts by 9% between 1980-2000.4. Among high-skilled, better-educated employees, however, opposition(敌对) is strongest in states with both high numbers of immigrants and relatively generous social services. What worries them most is the financial burden of immigration. Researchers h

21、ave found strong evidence that their opposition appeared to soften when that financial burden decreased, as occurred with welfare reform in the 1990s, which limited immigrants access to certain benefits.5.Overheated as the debate is, the net effect of immigration is minimal. Even for the low-skilled

22、 workers, or California residents, the impact isnt all that dramatic. The unpleasant voices have tended to control our assumptions, says Daniel Tichenor, a political science professor. But when all those factors are put together and the economists calculate the numbers, it ends up being a net positi

23、ve, but a small one. Too bad most people dont realize it. Impact of immigration on economyOpinions on the issueThe general public thinks (71) _ from most economists.(72) _ for the public belief The inflow of new workers result in (73) _ and fear among natives. Illegal immigrants bring great (74) _ t

24、o public services. People from other nations cause the natives to feel fearful and less (75) _.How the impact is feltThe costs and benefits of it are distributed unevenly. Businesses and employers get the most (76) _, which may lead to lower prices of some goods, but customers dont (77) _ that way.

25、Native low-skilled workers suffer most from the competition of foreign labor. What the high-skilled, better educated employees concern most is the financial burden, which is strongly (78) _ by research findings.ConclusionThe overall impact of immigration turns out to be a net (79) _. Unfortunately,

26、most people (80) _ to realize it.四撂咏伺掠辊虫涅懒讳夕米犁贮矫滓锥厂证屏孰入置华拄隆承戚择伯姐豹试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达Answers:71.72.Explanations/Reasons/Theories73.anxiety74.pressure/strain75.76.profit(s)/benefit(s)77.78.79.positive80.Scoringrate71.0%72.53%73.79%74.89%75.11%76.82%77.7%78.14%79.53%80.7%原词原词原词原词词形变化词形变化原词原词词形变化

27、词形变化单词设空类型:原词;词形变化;慨括单词设空类型:原词;词形变化;慨括/同义转换同义转换6,2,2(11)4,4,2(12)概括概括同义转换同义转换词形变化词形变化同义转换同义转换同义转换同义转换镊棵淆促统罗端染罐缆盾爪哦砾蝎硕庭很会殊普需框抠毖哇眨皿粤言票馅试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达 Are immigrants (移民) good or bad for the economy? The American public strongly thinks theyre bad. Yet the opinion among most economists is th

28、at immigration provides a small net(净利)increase to the economy. Immigrants provide cheap labor, lower the prices of everything, and leave consumers with a little more money in their pockets. So why is there such a difference between the awareness of immigrants impact on the economy and the reality?O

29、pinions on the issueThe general public thinks (71) _ from most economists. The American public strongly thinks theyre bad. Yet the opinion among most economists is that immigration provides a small net(净利)increase to the economy. differentlydifferent?differ?71.概括概括七择缮置销猖玲去埋八育猛怂东灼谤脱辜寥乱冤腑琳返耿送素分匪烦厚磕试卷讲

30、评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达Still others emphasize the role of race, arguing that foreigners add to the nations fears and insecurities. People from other nations cause the natives to feel fearful and less (75) _.securesafesecurity?securities?insecurities?insecure?75.词性变化词性变化+反义反义篮蓄好虑锗揖乐零鬼鼎物腐谆唱本耳豫咸禽滁乾疏裴采肃

31、兑竹恼厕悬幻寇试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达 To get a better understanding of the issue, consider the way immigrations impact is felt. Though its overall effect may be positive, its costs and benefits are distributed unevenly. David Card, an economist, notes that the ones who profit most directly from immigran

32、ts low-cost labor are businesses and employers meatpacking plants in Nebraska, for instance, or agricultural businesses in California. Indeed, these producers savings probably translate into lower prices at the grocery store, but how many consumers make that mental connection at the checkout counter

33、? Businesses and employers get the most (76) profits, which may lead to lower prices of some goods, but customers dont (77) _ that way .think Indeed, these producers savings probably translate into lower prices at the grocery store, but how many consumers make that mental connection at the checkout

34、counter ? 77.同义转换同义转换汇障喝托畜峭乞磨给恕宏啪腕卷瘴脖蓝蜡汇渴组供拷筑勇苇勘眯盾湍谗强试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达 Among high-skilled,better-educatedemployees, however, opposition(敌对) is strongest in states with both high numbers of immigrants and relatively generous social services. What worries them most is thefinancialburden of im

35、migration. Researchers have found strong evidence that their opposition appeared to soften when that financial burden decreased, as occurred with welfare reform in the 1990s, which limited immigrants access to certain benefits. What the high-skilled, better educated employees concern most is the fin

36、ancial burden, which is strongly (78) _ by research findings. Researchers have found strong evidence that their opposition appeared to soften when that financial burden decreased, as occurred with welfare reform in the 1990s, which limited immigrants access to certain benefits. which is strongly (78

37、) _ by research findings.proved78.同义转换同义转换瞧休忠陶里卸力箩饥哼棵唇诸锋讨吓凌绅睬摊炉舅省磅万墓笑玫谎水近扬试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达80. Too bad most people dont realize it. . Unfortunately, most people (80) _ to realize it.failhardly?not?hard?unable?difficult?never?havent?cant?intend?同义转换同义转换定位要准确定位要准确比对要仔细比对要仔细单词单词=意思意思+词性词性样忿而讣衅

38、咨拒斥指者赔撤慌绞雹迪挞即鸭脐潮迂隘宁条骗鄂隘饮鹃氰红试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达 There are a number of familiar theories. Some argue that people are anxious and feel threatened by an inflow of new workers. Others highlight the pressure that illegal immigrants place on public services, like schools, hospitals, and jails. Still

39、 others emphasize the role of race, arguing that foreigners add to the nations fears and insecurities. Theres some truth to all these explanations, but they arent quite sufficient.(72) _ for the public belief The inflow of new workers result in (73) _ and fear among natives. Illegal immigrants bring

40、 great (74) _ to public services. People from other nations cause the natives to feel fearful and less (75) _. There are a number of familiar theories. Theres some truth to all these explanations, but they arent quite sufficient.TheoriesExplanationsReasons72.原词原词宅壶辆钎老澎下鲍胡狱陀寒监逮构害田肪脊削累吵才巷困站着汕耀辱岗挟试卷讲评任

41、务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达Some argue that people are anxious and feel threatened by an inflow of new workers. The inflow of new workers result in (73) _ and fear among natives.anxiety73.词形变化词形变化刮躇躲玄耳偏娄橱雍瓢晋步鸽鲁桑天轩肿获算壶担蜒侦扳淫陛泻离湍黑井试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达Others highlight the pressure that illegalimmigrants

42、place on publicservices, like schools, hospitals, and jails.Illegal immigrants bring great (74) _ to public services.pressure74. illegal immigrants place the pressure on public services, 原词原词硅谎逞嗓邱云啸箩演幅甸伪碘缎唇螺渠烯干绦诧匠腿侣渐炮寥姿艾科浆约试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达 To get a better understanding of the issue, consid

43、er the way immigrations impact is felt. Though its overall effect may be positive, its costs and benefits are distributed unevenly. David Card, an economist, notes that the ones who profit most directly from immigrants low-cost labor are businessesandemployers meatpacking plants in Nebraska, for ins

44、tance, or agricultural businesses in California. Indeed, these producers savings probably translate into lowerprices at the grocery store, but how many consumers make that mental connection at the checkout counter? Businesses and employers get the most (76) _, which may lead to lower prices of some

45、goods, but customers dont (77) _ that way. David Card, an economist, notes that the ones who profit most directly from immigrants low-cost labor are businesses and employers meatpacking plants in Nebraska, for instance, or agricultural businesses in California. Indeed, these producers savings probab

46、ly translate into lower prices at the grocery store, but how many consumers make that mental connection at the checkout counter? businesses and employers profit most directly from immigrants low-cost laborprofit(s)benefit(s)76.词形变化词形变化腥怖谅窝品笆剖运悦兆跳细亡综筑咖辊狐观埔枪漂顶真碳骡座润伸怯开普试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达 Overhe

47、ated as the debate is, the net effect of immigration is minimal. Even for the low-skilled workers, or California residents, the impact isnt all that dramatic. The unpleasant voices have tended to control our assumptions, says Daniel Tichenor, a political science professor. But when all those factors

48、 are put together and the economists calculate the numbers, it endsupbeing a net positive, but a small one. Too bad most people dont realize it. The overall impact of immigration turns out to be a net (79) _. Unfortunately, most people (80) _ to realize it.positive79.原词原词鄙相累撒极犯稗生鸭梆惨颇蝗圃椭邢佳赖缚矛官帚叶杠义激筑我

49、仪傀钵峰试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达近期,几起校园事件引起了广泛的关注。请阅读下面背景资料,并根据问题,用英文写一篇短文向学校英文报投稿。 A student Huang, at Fudan University, died on April 16 after drinking the poisoned water in his dorm. His classmate committed the crime for having quarreled with Huang over “trivial matters(琐事).” Both were said to be e

50、xcellent students. Another death happened on the same day in Nanhang Jincheng College. A student Yuan, absorbed in computer games, didnt open the door for his roommate Jiang. Later, they had a fierce argument, in which Jiang was stabbed(刺) to death. Both had a good academic record. How did you feel

51、when you learnt the news? What might be the causes of the school violence? In your opinion, what should be done to prevent similar incidents from the perspectives(角度) of schools, parents and the students themselves?注意:词数150左右。开头已写好,不计入总次数。参考词汇:awareness of the law 法律意识 psychological心理的 campus校园的 Rec

52、ently, two campus deaths have aroused wide public concern._ExaminetherequirementsP1.Your feelingP2. Causes of the campus violenceP3. Measures: schools parents studentsWriting梅袁庚敝奏县逊蔬秧咏咖汇泼贴勋蹬喜寒趾捆冒啥贵册时惕煌股执祁哗腆试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达Problems:1.Writingsomethingnotrequired.2.Notwritingaboutthepointsuff

53、iciently. A student Huang was poisoned to death by his classmates at Fudan University because of “trivial matters”, both of whom were said to be excellent students. Another student Yuan was stabbed to death by his roommate Jiang in Nahang College, both of whom had a good academic record. I felt shoc

54、ked when I heard the news. P1. Your feelingHow to write more?Why did you feel shocked?How did you feel about the victims parents or the criminals? Why?Didnt you feel frightened and worried? AskyourselfWHquestionsfromvariousangles!刮瘟襟疫睡泼形府伊汰立巾桩紧针防渊揭堪署宾立睫脚偷愿杯径儿颈劈汪试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达Problem:Noob

55、viouskeysentence.P2. Causes of the campus violence This is the first main reason. The second reason is . Severalfactorscontributetothedeaths. The first main reason is that Secondly, In addition, How do you get the main idea when fast reading a text? Where do you want it to appear?Writeakeysentenceat

56、thebeginningofaparagraph.Dousetransitionwords.囚喂酷宛芬庇肇藻雷窖步膘颧亿架咱缚溯颜疽旷睫物疯密纳唯臣尹煽鞋旁试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达Problem:Mentioningonlyoneaspect(students). Faced with these problems, we should take some measures to solve them. To begin with, we should choose those as our friends who have good character and k

57、ind heart. We should treat our friends politely and help them as much as possible. Second, we can have a talk with your classmate who have misunderstood you. Whats more, I believe that you can give your friends some advice, and it will be a success. P3. Measures to prevent similar incidents from the

58、 perspectives of schools, parents and the students 拇唁犊雀智茨褐枣逆妈酒沂蕉家伸卸叁范班器添潞炮墟脯托缝楷狡绝癌犬试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达WritingFormat 1. Your feeling 2. Causes of the campus violence3. Measures to prevent similar incidents When I heard the news, I felt . Several factors might contribute to the campus violence.

59、 First of all, Second, . In addition, . In my opinion, it is time that measures should be taken. One the one hand, . On the other hand, . Moreover, .热劫怨羽胳蛋酌标耀脆聪椰古象裕毯娟擦呢逊梧耕嘱纪振骡榜莲拼疽隆猿试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达Learnandimproveuseclauses Students should take control of their moods, which is the key to av

60、oiding such conflicts. (Wang Manqing) Students who are cared too much by their parents often have bad temper. (Miao Lianxiang) If we have a healthy psychological state, we can handle problems better. (Pan Min) Hearing this, I cant help wondering what might be the causes of the school violence. (Wang

61、 Qian ) Schools should also contribute to students relationship, teaching them measures to handle conflicts. (Ying Qian) Faced with these problems, we should take measures to solve them. (Tao Ran)useparticiplephrases侄骆滇豌鼠秤凭美喧典御婚态舅邢姬氛博纲亥鲁钳鳖署拢咀孝阿锗阿技颖试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达Jointhefollowingsentences.

62、 1. Many parents have only one child. They love their children too much. It may make their children selfish.2. Some university students lack awareness of law. They dont realize the consequences of their behaviors.Many parents _ love their children too much, _ them selfish.Some university students la

63、ck awareness of law,not _ the consequences of their behaviors.PracticeSome university students lack awareness of law,_ they dont realize the consequences of their behaviors.whohaveonlyonechildwhichmakesmakingsorealizing脾劲号荡酞衡井汪卵祖村拱皮兑嵌捅黄牵螺千盈义谓孰窄旗极拆纬碌官赏试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达 Not only was I sad for

64、 the victims parents, but I also felt ashamed for the students who committed the crime. (Wang Manqing) Only in this way can we have a peaceful school life. (Ying Qian) I felt shocked when I learnt the excellent students had been killed because of trivial matters. What a pity! (Zhang Lili) Schools ar

65、e supposed to focus on improving students awareness of law while parents need to know their children better. As students, we should take control of our moods. (Wang Yujia)varietyinsentencepatternsandexpressions藏撂跺竭悼矽参止微谬琵豪泅骡辞杏忱架裳钵野题榴垮沽踩宿专极夜狠棋试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达Practice1.Fill in the blank with

66、 proper adjectives as many as possible. To our friends, we should be _ (adj).2. Write various expressions with similar meaning of “同学同学;朋友朋友;伙伴伙伴”friendly / kind / polite / considerate / tolerant / patient / caring / gentle / helpful classmate /deskmate / roommate / dormmate / peer / friend /compani

67、on / buddy绸喜结患后允货读晨乍牵盒均辖箍湘巍要船蹈前拉正修雹镰柴颧羌哑育铲试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达There are some factors lead to this event.Getthemright!There are some factors leading to this eventStrengthen their awareness of the law is important.It is important to strengthen their awareness of the law. Some factors lead to thi

68、s event.Strengthening their awareness of the law is important.Payattention:“有人做某事。有人做某事。”;“做某事是重要。做某事是重要。”鲸窥柒令憎狱乙栏棵撬锁也芥汉放鸭钠距糟垢随优供锥洗疡安鲜复阮怜捎试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达Vocabularysupport法律意识法律意识awarenessofthelaw团队意识团队意识senseofteamwork心理健康心理健康psychological/mentalhealth人际关系人际关系interpersonalrelationship事件事件

69、incident;event;case;tragedy控制情绪控制情绪controlonesmoods合作分享合作分享v.cooperateandshare处理处理v.handle;dealwith加强加强v.strengthen促进促进v.promote;boost提高改善提高改善v.improve;better潮嘶宝果丰们黔泼串旱虞术快念绘矩次辫加三衔漳敬绿烫荤惋彩年佣魄适试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达 Part 1当当我我得得知知这这个个消消息息的的时时候候,我我感感到到震震惊惊。我我从从未未想想过过这这样样的的悲悲剧剧会会发发生生在在大大学学里里。同同时时我我也也

70、为为受受害害者者的的父父母母感感到到难难过过。他他们们一一定定很很难难接接受受这这样样的的现现实实。我我想知道,有这么好的学习成绩的学生怎会杀害室友。想知道,有这么好的学习成绩的学生怎会杀害室友。Part 2有有几几个个方方面面的的因因素素导导致致了了校校园园暴暴力力。首首先先,有有些些学学生生尽尽管管成成绩绩好好,但但缺缺乏乏足足够够的的法法律律意意识识,对对生生命命没没有有足足够够的的尊尊重重。其其次次,多多数数学学生生是是家家里里的的独独生生子子女女,他他们们关关心心自自己己多多于于他他人人,有有些些人人变变得得自自私私、以以自自我我为为中中心心。而而且且,有有不不少少学学生生缺乏团队意

71、识,不懂得合作和分享。缺乏团队意识,不懂得合作和分享。Part 3依依我我看看,该该是是采采取取措措施施防防止止此此类类事事件件发发生生的的时时间间了了。一一方方面面,学学校校应应该该加加强强法法制制教教育育并并关关注注学学生生的的心心理理健健康康。另另一一方方面面,家家长长要要常常与与孩孩子子交交流流,更更好好地地了了解解孩孩子子。给给他他们们提提一一些些处处理理人人际际关关系系的的建建议议。另另外外,作作为为学学生生,我我们们要要关心他人,对同学友好、宽容。学会控制自己的情绪。关心他人,对同学友好、宽容。学会控制自己的情绪。Writingtask:each translates one p

72、art. 材蜡习技碱反担船柒影脆批谨轩阐错梧奠涟估沾请缕奶衫阀匠耗烟畜灸沽试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达Kindheartsarethegardens,Kindthoughtsaretheroots,Kindwordsaretheblossoms,Kinddeedsarethefruits. 19th century rhyme used in primary schoolsGratitudeisthebestattitude.Whatcontributetogoodinterpersonalrelationship?gratitude,generosity,appreciation,tolerance,friendliness,kindness,respect,care,support穴浅供箕什凌救隅姚胡镊阐啪硫婶攫犀瓤痴织栗熏赖沮耳晌畸洒摆戍嗜疥试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达HomeworkCompletetheassignmentsonthesheet.(useyourownideasinyourwritingifyoulike)锦棘踌仓暮疗思挪渐搭沦液蕾貉势撩行彼粤况裤顾窟痛光有拣租保宋旁垣试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达试卷讲评任务型阅读书面表达



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