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1、六级作文看图作文看图作文Para 1. Para 1. 描述图片,引出内涵意义(主题)描述图片,引出内涵意义(主题)Para 2. Para 2. 分析证明主题分析证明主题(就主题展开论述,回答(就主题展开论述,回答WhyWhy?)?)Para 3. Para 3. 再次点明强调主题或表达个人看法。再次点明强调主题或表达个人看法。 Para1.描述图片,引出内涵意义(主题)From From the the picture, picture, we we can can observe observe that that an an employer employer rejects reje

2、cts a a job job applicant applicant just just because he doesnt have a Ph. D.because he doesnt have a Ph. D.According According to to the the picture, picture, an an employer employer turns turns down down a a job job applicant applicant because because his his degree degree is is less less advanced

3、 advanced that that that that of of others, others, even even though though he he has has a a good good resume.resume.The The cartoon, cartoon, apparently apparently and and obviously, obviously, portrays portrays that that in in a a young young mans mans hunting hunting for for a a job, job, he he

4、is is declined declined as as his his diploma diploma is is lower lower than than what what the the corporation corporation has has received from other graduates.received from other graduates.para1.描述图片,引出内涵意义(主题)The picture reveals that The picture reveals that nowadays employers place a nowadays e

5、mployers place a higher value on job higher value on job candidatesacademic performance.candidatesacademic performance. Actually, whats behind the Actually, whats behind the cartoon is the tendency that cartoon is the tendency that employers focus on academic employers focus on academic performance

6、when hiring.performance when hiring.Para2.分析证明主题No one disputes that a college or higher No one disputes that a college or higher degree opens doors. Despite that, as far as degree opens doors. Despite that, as far as Im concerned, academic degree should not be Im concerned, academic degree should n

7、ot be the primary criteria in selecting talents. the primary criteria in selecting talents. Many other necessary qualifications should be Many other necessary qualifications should be taken into consideration.taken into consideration.However, it is not advisable that employers However, it is not adv

8、isable that employers judge job candidates only by their educational judge job candidates only by their educational background or certificates gotten in colleges. background or certificates gotten in colleges. Insteads, they should also take job Insteads, they should also take job applicants other q

9、ualities into account, such applicants other qualities into account, such as their social experience, operational as their social experience, operational capability, spirit of team work, attitudes to capability, spirit of team work, attitudes to work, etc. work, etc. Firstly, ones working experience

10、 is of great Firstly, ones working experience is of great importance in doing work well. Compared with importance in doing work well. Compared with certificates which may not be useful in real work, certificates which may not be useful in real work, experience an applicant has will help him work wel

11、l.experience an applicant has will help him work well.Secondly, ones attitude towards his work also plays Secondly, ones attitude towards his work also plays a vital role. A graduate with a doctors degree who a vital role. A graduate with a doctors degree who are not be committed to his work wont ge

12、t things are not be committed to his work wont get things done well, while a graduate having stronger passion done well, while a graduate having stronger passion and devotion, although with a lower degree, can and devotion, although with a lower degree, can still achieve great success in work.still

13、achieve great success in work.Thirdly, operating capability is far more important Thirdly, operating capability is far more important than the ability to pass an exam and gain a than the ability to pass an exam and gain a certificate. Nowadays, it has become more and more certificate. Nowadays, it h

14、as become more and more acknowledged that ones ability to pass an exam acknowledged that ones ability to pass an exam doesnt necessarily equal his operating capability.doesnt necessarily equal his operating capability. Para3.再次点明强调主题或表达个人看法。To sum up, employers ought to change To sum up, employers o

15、ught to change their attitudes towards job applicants their attitudes towards job applicants academic performance and become more academic performance and become more concerned about their comprehensive concerned about their comprehensive abilities. If corporations care about abilities. If corporati

16、ons care about academic degrees only, they may lose academic degrees only, they may lose real talents who are qualified for the real talents who are qualified for the job, which may further harms their job, which may further harms their benefits. benefits. 作文题目-反映主题,贴近主题Qualities Needed in WorkQuali

17、ties Needed in WorkRight Attitudes to Academic DegreesRight Attitudes to Academic DegreesNever Judge by Academic Degrees OnlyNever Judge by Academic Degrees Only名词短语名词短语动词短语动词短语句子句子WhethertoRelyonTechnologyIsTechnologyIndispensableinEducation?DispensableTechinEducation.OnTechSupportinEducationPara1.

18、描述图片As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, a As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, a teacher asks a student to figure out a teacher asks a student to figure out a simple mathematical problem on the simple mathematical problem on the blackboardwhat the result of two plus blackboardwhat the result of

19、 two plus two is. surprisingly, the student cant two is. surprisingly, the student cant answer such an easy question and needs answer such an easy question and needs tech support to solve it.tech support to solve it.引出主题We can deduce from the picture We can deduce from the picture that nowadays stud

20、ents have that nowadays students have become increasingly dependent on become increasingly dependent on the help of technology with their the help of technology with their their study, which exerts their study, which exerts negative impacts on education.negative impacts on education.Para2.中心句-消极影响We

21、 couldnt deny that many We couldnt deny that many technology products, such as technology products, such as laptops,cellphones, etc. have laptops,cellphones, etc. have brought great convenience, but brought great convenience, but these products also bring negative these products also bring negative

22、influence on education. influence on education. 分条理论证For one thing, students with those For one thing, students with those products become unwilling to deal products become unwilling to deal with academic problems on their ownwith academic problems on their ownFor another, it plays down the For anot

23、her, it plays down the importance of the transitional way importance of the transitional way of teaching as many problems can be of teaching as many problems can be solved by means of technology solved by means of technology products.products.In addition, students are more In addition, students are

24、more likely to be deprived of their likely to be deprived of their creativeness and ability to use creativeness and ability to use their heads if they totally rely on their heads if they totally rely on tech support in their study.tech support in their study. 谢谢 谢!谢!放映结束 感谢各位批评指导!让我们共同进步本内容仅供参考,如需使用,请根据自己实际情况更改后使用!



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