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1、 When did you start learning English?I started learning English in . Are you learning English now?Yes. So how long have you been learning English?I have been learning English for years. I started teaching English in 2004. Im still teaching English now. How long have I been teaching English?You have

2、been teaching Englishfor 3 years.since 2004.sins自从He started teaching math in 1980 when he was 20 years old and he is still teaching math now.He has been teaching math 1980for 27 years.since he was 20 years old.How long has he been teaching math?She started reading at 7:00. Now it is 9:00. How long

3、has she been reading? She has been reading for 2 hours. She has been reading since 7:00.two hours ago half an hourHow long has he been playing computer games? He has been playing computer gamesforfor half an hour.half an hour.sincesince half an hour half an hour agoago. .45 minutesHow longHow long h

4、avehave theythey been playingbeen playing soccer?soccer?They have been playing soccerThey have been playing soccerforfor 45 minutes. 45 minutes.sincesince 45 minutes ago. 45 minutes ago.started at 4:00, now its 5:00 How long have they been swimming?They have been swimmingfor an hour.since 4:00 / an

5、hour ago.Whats happening in Alisons school?They are having a skating marathon.Every student wears a pair of skates. Ive been skating for five hours.I skated for two hours.参加者Ive been skating for five hours.I skated for two hours.Pairwork 1c Ask and answerIve been skating for five hours.I skated for

6、four hours.Reporter: Alison, congratulations on winning the skating marathon!Alison: Thank you.Reporter: So, how long did you skate today?Alison: For six hours!Reporter: Was this your first skating marathon?Alison: No, I skated in a marathon last year.Reporter: Youre an excellent skater, Alison. Do

7、you skate every day?Alison: Yes, I do.Reporter: How long have you been skating?Alison: Since I was seven years old. I got my first pair of skates on my birthday from my grandmother.Ask and answer about Alison according to the dialogue.A: When was Alisons first skating A: When was Alisons first skati

8、ng marathon?marathon?B: B: A: Did he skate every day?A: Did he skate every day?B: B: A: How long did he skate this time?A: How long did he skate this time?B: B: A: How long has he been skating?A: How long has he been skating?B: B: Grammar FocusNew Words1.collect 2.collector3.shell 4.marathon5.skate6

9、.skate7.skater 8.pair9.since10.Hilltop SchoolP44-45v. 收集收集; 搜集搜集 n. 收藏家收藏家n. 贝壳贝壳; 壳壳n. ( (体育比赛中体育比赛中体育比赛中体育比赛中) ) 马拉松赛跑马拉松赛跑马拉松赛跑马拉松赛跑v. 滑冰滑冰n. 溜冰鞋溜冰鞋n. 溜冰者溜冰者n. 一对一对; 一双一双prep. 自从自从; 自自以来以来顶山学校顶山学校(校名校名)started 15 minutes ago How long has he been drawing the picture?He has been drawing the picture

10、 for 15 minutes. since 15 minutes ago. Whats he doing now?He is drawing a picture. How long have you been studying English? How long have you been riding your bike? How long have you been wearing the glasses? How long have you been in this English class?(Chinese/science)Sam 4 hours Lu Ning 4 hours L

11、i Chen1 hour Alison SamLu Ning Li Chen 表示目的: 为了整整五小时为慈善筹款第一个出发的start doing sth.1.1.raise raise reizreizreizreiz 2.2.several several 5sevErEl5sevErEl5sevErEl5sevErEl 3.3.skater skater v. v. 筹集筹集筹集筹集adj. adj. 几个的几个的几个的几个的; ; 数个的数个的数个的数个的n. n. 溜冰者溜冰者溜冰者溜冰者= three years and a half 三年半 stampskitescoinsdo

12、llsTell your partner what you collect and how long you have been collecting them. And what you would like to collect. Say why.A: I collect shells because they are beautiful. I have been collecting them for three months. Id like to collect stamps because they are interesting. What is the most common

13、hobby? What is the most unusual hobby? What is the most interesting hobby? What hobby would you like to have?5kCmEn5kCmEn 共同的共同的stuffed animals theater and movie tickets 22 for five years 35 since last year 20 stQftstQft填充填充的的1.1.Where does Bob usually fly the Where does Bob usually fly the kites?ki

14、tes?2.2.Which stuffed animals does Marcia Which stuffed animals does Marcia like best and why?like best and why?3.3.What does Liam usually do with the What does Liam usually do with the theater and movie tickets?theater and movie tickets?In the park when its windy.In the park when its windy.The pand

15、a, because he is The panda, because he is cute.cute.He put them in a book and write if he He put them in a book and write if he liked the show or movie.liked the show or movie.1.What did Jack send Ellen?2.How long has Ellen been collecting snow globes?3.How many does she have now?4.Does her mother l

16、ike her collections? What did she say? Why?5.What was the first snow globe she got? When did she get it?6.What does Ellen particularly like?7.What would she like to do?particularly pE5tIkjJlElIpE5tIkjJlElI 特别;尤其特别;尤其Dear John, I want to tell you about my hobby. I collect stuffed animals. Ive been co

17、llecting them for five years and I have 35 of them. Theyre all around our apartment. And of all the stuffed animals, I like the panda best because hes so cute. And I also like the tiger, my mother gave it to me. love, MarciaRead your letter!Dear , I want to tell you about my hobby. I collect . Ive b

18、een collecting themLindakitessince I was ten years old, and I have 22 of them now. I collect them because they are beautiful and interesting. I have a kite with the face of Monkey King, which is a present from China. And I have some kites like butterflies. They are just like real animals in the sky.

19、 Every sunny Saturday Ill go and fly one of them. They bring me so much fun. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me. Id like to make friends with them. Yours,BobDear , I want to tell you about my hobby. I collect _. Ive been collecting themLucytheater and movie tickets since last

20、year, and I have 20 of them now. I collect them because its interesting. I put them in a book. If I liked the show or movie, I always write about it. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me. Id like to start a ticket collectors club. Yours,LiamWho has been collecting things for the

21、 longest time?The school newspaper needs a writer. We will give you different topics to choose from. To get the job, please answer these four questions:1.How long have you been listening to music videos?2.How long have you been watching English movies?3.How long have you been watching sports?4.How l

22、ong have you been writing in English?Dear Editor, I am interested in the writer job. I have been listening to music videos since I was seven years old. I have Yours sincerely, Bob been watching English movies since two years ago. I have been watching sports for about five years. And I have been writ

23、ing in English since 2001. I love writing. And I hope I can be a writer for our school newspaper.Translate:他收集风筝多久了他收集风筝多久了? How long has he been collecting kites?他收集风筝十年了他收集风筝十年了.He has been collecting kites for ten years.2.他从十年前已经收集他从十年前已经收集.He has been collecting kites since ten years ago.3.自从他十岁

24、时就收集了自从他十岁时就收集了.He has been collecting kites since he was ten years old.raiseknowcollectingran out ofstore1.I _ (listen) to the radio now.2.She _ (draw) a picture this time yesterday.3.He _(leave) an hour ago.4.Rose _ (write) all morning.5.My hobby is _ (collect) old coins.exerciseam listeningwas dr

25、awinglefthas been writing collecting6. He _(not go) to school yesterday.7. Look! The monkey _ (climb) the trees.8. My uncle _(smoke) a lot when he was young.9. I _ (play) football for 3 years.10.she _(review) her lessons these days.didnt gois climbingsmokedhave been playingis reviewing巩固练习巩固练习1I my

26、home work this time yesterday evening. A. were doing B. was to do C. am doing D. was doing2My mother some washing when I _ home this evening. A. does, got B. was doing, got C. did, got D. were doing, was doing3I _ English for 2 years. I like English. A. studied B. have been studying C. study D. am s

27、tudyingDBB巩固练习巩固练习4Where is Mike ?I couldnt find him _. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. everywhere D. anybody5 I _ here all afternoon. A. have been sitting B. sat C. was sitting D. have sat6Dont worry. Your children with snow now. A. play B. will play C. was playing D. are playingAADLet your eyes “scan

28、(浏览浏览)” the text quickly to find details(细节细节) that you are looking for (key words). You can find information (around it) quickly without reading the whole text.1.1.Where is Leo from and what Where is Leo from and what about his family?about his family?2.2.When did Leo start to study When did Leo st

29、art to study Chinese history? How long has Chinese history? How long has he been studying?he been studying?two yearsin Russian styleSong EmperorAustralian westernChinese historyliving1.What does Leo think of Harbin?2.When did the first Jews come to Kaifeng and who welcomed them?3.What history did Le

30、o study at school when he lived in Australia?4.Does Leo think Chinese history was hard to understand? What does he think?The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. 中国历史了解得越多中国历史了解得越多,我就越喜欢住在中国我就越喜欢住在中国.The sooner,the better.越快越好越快越好.The more you read, the more knowledg

31、e you will get.The busier she is,the happier she feels.the+比较级比较级, the+比较级比较级 (越越越越.)她越忙她越忙,就感到越高兴就感到越高兴.far from 表示“离某地远”,通常用作表语,from后必须加地点名词或here,there等.Her home is far from the school.The hill is far from here.far away表示“远离”,后面不可再加名词The factory is far away.He lives far away.far away from表示“离某地很远”

32、, from后必须加地点名词或here,there等.America is far (away) from China.距离+away表示“在多少里或公里之外”The factory is 30 miles away.距离+(away) from+地点名词或here/thereThe school is two miles (away) from my home.Ill miss Chinese food.Ill miss my parents.Ill have problems with the weather.Theyll have problems with the food.Theyll feel lonely.



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