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1、 Using LanguageUnit 5 First Aid Heroic Teenager Receives Awards Complete the following sentences choosing the best answers. 1. _, I will help you with your work.A.If I am possible B. If it possible C. If possible D. Possible2. How are you getting on with your work?-Oh, Im sorry. Things arent going s

2、o well as _. A.plans B. planning C. planned D. to plan 3. Are you a teacher?-No, but I _. I worked in a middle school for three years. A. am B. will C. do D. was Task1 Grammar Revision 4. How many poor counties will there be in our province by 2010?-There will be only a few, if _. A.much B. some C.

3、any D. many 5. Doctors have said that as many as 50% of patients dont take medicine _. directed B. to be directed C. as directed D. so that directed Keys: CCDCCTask2 Fast Reading Please glance quickly at the passage on Page 38, and answer the following questions.1.What do you think the articl

4、e is about by reading the headline and the first paragraph?2.Where can you most probably read the passage?A.In a novel B. In a guide book C. In a newspaper3. Put the events in the right order. _ The attacker ran away._ Anne was attacked and started to scream._ John performed first aid on Anne._ John

5、 was studying in his house._ The ambulance arrived._ John ran outside with his father._ John found Anne in her garden with terrible knife wounds.4261735Task3 New words and phrases1. I cant wait for the graduation _(典礼;仪式).2. His b_ was seen by everyone when he saved the child from the burning house.

6、 3. In this way they can better _(运用;应用) theory to practice. 4. My mother always t_ us like children. 5. Does his absence will _(有影响) to your work?ceremony; bravery; apply; treats ; make a differenceTask4 Detailed Reading Please read this passage again carefully and then try your best to finish the

7、exercise. 1.John and his father discovered that Ms. Slade had been shot repeatedly with a gun. (True/False)2.The Prime Minister presented John his award at a special reception last night. (True/False)3.It was Johns quick thinking and knowledge of the first aid that saved Ms. Slades life. (True/False

8、)FFTTask5 Reading Task From the text, it is obvious that knowledge of first aid can make a real difference at critical moments in our daily life. Now please read Passage C of Unit 5 in your Student Times and finish the exercises to review what we have learnt in this unit. Task6 Homework假设你是李明,你班同学在观

9、看广东电视台新闻频道的一期专题节目“聚焦119”之后深受教育。请你根据下面的中文提示,用英语写一篇介绍消防知识的短文。写作内容写作内容:1.回顾:近年国内外许多校园曾发生多起严重火灾事故,造成生命、财产的重大损失;2. 应对措施:学校应加强消防安全教育,让火灾远离校园;3.具体办法:严禁在室内使用电器、点蜡烛、烧废纸等;4.逃生步骤:不惊慌,及时拨打119报警,有序逃离,用湿布捂住口鼻,弯腰前行,尽快离开火灾现场。写作要求写作要求:只能用5个句子表达全部内容。In the past few years, several serious cases of accidental fires hav

10、e taken place in schools at home and abroad, which have killed many people and caused great property loss. Measures should be taken by schools to educate students about fire protection so as to prevent fires in schools. It is necessary to forbid students to use electrical equipment, light candles or bur waste paper in the room. In case of fire, dont panic, dial 119 and then escape from the fire in an orderly manner. You should use wet cloth to cover your nose and mouth, bend down and get out as quickly as possible.



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